From a long distance, we can see three people looking for something on the top of a mountain.

Huang Yujie's breath was obviously not right. He was pale, as if he had just recovered from a serious illness.

Seeing Jiang Fan's appearance, the three men flew directly to Yukong.

Huang Yujie looked depressed: "I didn't expect that the young people in Ziwei mainland are so powerful now. I thought they could kill all sides. I didn't expect that Wu Xin would defeat me in one move after only one day. If he didn't deliberately avoid the key, I'm afraid I would not be seriously injured."

He went forward to find a pill and put it into Huang Yujie's body. He just repaired his physical injury.

His face was not angry. For the friar, injury was just a common thing. It was better than him, and injury was also a common thing.

Huang Yujie had obviously taken his elixir before, and his body recovered well.

"It's good that Wu Xin didn't kill. Otherwise, I'll have to kill one talent. Jiuhuang is equal to losing two talents. That's a pity."

Although his tone is calm, and the meaning of the words let the three people show different expressions.

Cold night with a faint smile, he knows Jiang Fan should be so, so not surprised.

Huang Yujie can feel the meaning of Jiang Fan's words, a little excited.

Jiang Yueyao was a little surprised, she said: "that Wuxin is not weak, can you do it?"

"Cousin, men can't say no."

Cold night in a side way: "do you think I'm scaring Wu Xin?"? He can't beat the boss even if there are 100. Some gaps can't be made up. As for Huang Yujie, it's not so big that he lost so easily. He just underestimated the power of his sword and avoided it. "

Jiang Yueyao some doubt: "Jiang Fan has been so strong?"

The cold night said with a smile, "is there anything to doubt? I didn't expect that the friars in Jiuhuang could not see clearly. A long time ago, the boss was able to defeat the Royal genius of the fifth Shentai. After that, he still has a breakthrough in combat power. I can't guess what his strength is now. However, I'm afraid that no one can compete with the boss for the supremacy of this young man in the current Jiuhuang. It depends on whether the boss wants to sit on it or not. "

Jiang Fan said with a smile, "if you don't mention that, you are here at the right time. You are blessed. I have found a good place, which will definitely have a huge impact on you."

Hearing this, everyone was also in front of him. Huang Yulian said, "really? Can I step into the extreme? "

"Very likely! It's up to you. "

"What are you waiting for! Take me quickly. When I step into the extreme situation, I have to fight with Wu Xin. "

Jiang Fan said with a smile, "you can't lose next time."

Huang Yujie nodded repeatedly: "will not lose."

Jiang Fan no longer said much, turned around and took them to the hidden array. Although he still didn't know what was going on with the spirit of the statues in the hall, it was the so-called pursuit of wealth in danger that there were too few opportunities for them to understand Taoism, especially for the monks who were trapped in the bottleneck, this opportunity was several times better than many higher inheritance.

Soon the three entered the hidden array, and they were surprised to see the magnificent beilingzong, because they could not see the magnificent sect before they entered the array.

"It's amazing that you can find such a place." Jiang Yueyao praised.

"Come with me"

after that, Jiang Fan takes them to the direction of wanshulou.

Xiaoyueer has been waiting there.

Before doing it, Jiang Fan will let them go to the place where they have experience first, and get the benefits in wanshulou.

But now Jiang fan can't wait to let them go to the main hall to realize. After they have realized, Jiang Fan will try it himself. At that time, they will have time to try again.

Jiang Fan and others just arrived, a figure appeared in front of Wanshu building, tall and tall, it is Bai Wuji.

Huang Yujie saw that Bai Wuji was also in a daze. His breath broke out and he pressed on the other side.

Next to the cold night even busy way: "don't make trouble, it's their own people."

Huang Yujie quickly dispersed his momentum and cast a kind look at Bai Wuji.

Bai Wuji looks at Huang Yujie with a puzzled look on his face. This guy's state is not high and his temper is not small.

But all the people who can come here are his own. He has nothing to say. He takes a piece of jade in his hand and throws it to Jiang Fan.

"Boss, it's a skill. It's not so profound. It seems that I'm a bit out of luck."

After Jiang Fan took it, he explored the skills recorded in the jade and said, "it's really not very strong. Do you want it? If not, I'll take it back and throw it to Tiange. "

Bai Wuji nodded: "it's no use to me. My practice is much better than this."

Jiang fan is also impolite to take it away directly. Huang Yujie is rubbing his hands. Obviously, he can't wait for Jiang Fan's inheritance.

Gu ling'er was the second one to come out of wanshulou. She was very happy. She seemed to have got something good. Jiang Fan didn't ask much, but just asked if the trial was smooth.

Shen Meng and Yu Xiao also appeared one after another, and they all got satisfactory skills. The trial was not in vain.Xiao yue'er said, "brother! We can go over there. Do you want to wait for Wang Xian? "

Jiang Fan shook his head: "I can't get in touch with her, and the number of futons is not enough. I'll protect the Dharma for you first. Come with me. "

With that, Jiang Fan directly led the crowd to the direction of the main hall.

In the past, Jiang Fan might fly directly to the other side, but after seeing the rules on the stone tablet, Jiang Fan also seriously considered that there are obviously rules belonging to beilingzong. Since he wants to take advantage of it here, it's not wrong to keep a low profile.

Soon they came to the hall.

But Jiang Fan was surprised to find that the door of the hall had been closed.

You know, when they left before, they didn't close the door. Jiang Fan didn't understand the change. However, he didn't have any hesitation.

"You wait here now. I'll go in and have a look myself."

For safety, Jiang Fan didn't bring them directly into the room. He scattered his breath and pushed the door open.

And before the feeling is exactly the same, the lights here have not gone out, everything seems to have not changed.

Jiang Fan walked towards the depth of the main hall. He was relieved when he found that there was no influence.

"Come in!"

Hearing this, Huang Yujie can't wait to run into the hall, but as soon as he enters, the whole person is pushed out of the hall by a force, which makes him stunned for a moment.

"What's the matter?"

Xiao yue'er said: "scatter the spirit power, put away the blade and enter again, otherwise it is impossible to enter."

Huang Yujie listened to Xiao Yueer's suggestion and tried it for the second time. This time, the force did not reappear. The group followed suit one after another and entered it one by one.

Because of the strangeness of the house before, people did not dare to make too much publicity. They were also careful after entering the hall.

Jiang Fan walked towards the deep of the hall. Even if there was any trouble, he could react to it at the first time, so that others would not be involved.

Fortunately, there was no other change here. Everything was as usual. The statue was still standing there alone. Jiang Fan walked directly towards him.

Jiang Fan looked at the statue with some respect in his eyes and said: "today, I'm here with my friends to listen to the elder's teachings. Thank you for your preaching."

Cold night and others don't understand Jiang Fan's meaning, but Xiao yue'er can think of Jiang Fan's idea. Although it's not necessarily useful, it's only good but no harm if you don't know.

From their expressions, Shen Meng and Bai Wuji should not be able to feel the breath of the statue, otherwise they would not be so relaxed.

When they came here, they were surprised to see the statue. They didn't understand why it was this expression.

Jiang Fan said: "don't waste your time. Each of you has a futon. You can feel it carefully and concentrate on your mind. This kind of opportunity can be met or not. Don't waste it."

When they saw that Jiang Fan was so serious, they didn't talk about it any more. They walked towards the futon. They sat on the futon and began to settle down.

When I close my eyes, everyone's reaction is the same. I'm a little surprised, but I immediately calm down, concentrate my breath, and slowly enter the enlightenment, even xiaoyueer.

Jiang Fan saw their changes at this time, he also sat in a group, closed his eyes to protect the Dharma.

He also tried to practice here, but he didn't sit on the futon and didn't react at all. The hall was very quiet, even if a needle fell on the ground, it would be clear.

From time to time, Jiang Fan would open his eyes and look at the situation of the people.

Understanding is bound to be a long process, and Jiang fan is not in a hurry.


Another place in the secret world.

Xia Chen and Bai Ling are being chased by a giant beast, which is more than ten meters and has infinite power.

Xia Chen several times concentration he didn't hurt him how much, can only take Bai Ling to escape continuously.

Bai Ling was angry: "Jiang Fan cheated us into a trap. What's the inheritance? How many puppets have we been attacked by since we came in? "

Xia Chen said: "don't be angry. This is obviously the test of inheritance. The inheritance here will not be weak. But the boy didn't tell me that there was such a troublesome test. I'll lead him away. You go to the position just now to see if there is any mechanism. It's not something we can defeat at all. "

"Be careful!"

Two people separate, the summer Chen leads that huge beast to go, white work properly the original road returns, looking for the method of cracking.

Sure enough, just as Xia Chen thought, there was an array running here, and the breath of the array was exactly the same as that of the giant beast.

She stood in the middle of the array, gathered spiritual power and forced to break the operation mode of the array.

Then he heard a roar from the distance, and then the beast stopped.

Xia Chen then flew over, with a smile on his face. He looked at Bai Ling and said with a smile: "how about it? Am I smart? "

Bai Ling nodded, obviously in a good mood.

Soon, a passage appeared on the far wall, leading to the next place.On the other hand, a friar in rags broke into a heritage site, where two ancient tribes were under test. He suddenly forced them to fight.

They were furious, but they were not rivals.

The man went straight to the inheritance, accepted the test, and didn't care what the two said.

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