There are several geniuses hidden in these nine ancient people. They all have super talent, and each one is proud.

Wu Tianxing of Wu family is one of them. This time, he also came for Jiang Fan, but Jiang Fan's strength convinced him.

However, it was doomed that no one would talk about their fight, so the other geniuses still don't know Jiang Fan's specific strength. Just because of this, Jiang Zhan came here to fight Jiang Fan.

Jiang Zhan said calmly, "you don't have to worry about experience. I will try to compensate you for the delay."

On the other side, Jiang Tianfeng said: "there's no need for us to talk about this. The main reason is that Jiang fan is too arrogant and has not changed at all. We've been in the middle of the war, but he didn't even have the idea to respond, which forced us to come here. Fortunately, someone has seen his whereabouts, otherwise we don't know how long we will wait for him on that mountain. "

Jiang Zhan said: "well, the patriarch took us here to acquiesce that I could fight with Jiang Fan. I also want to let the patriarch know that I, Jiang Zhan, was the first genius of the Jiang family. You don't have to worry. According to the rumored character of Jiang Fan, he won't do useless things, so there is no accident here, and there will be inheritance. "

Jiang Tianshi looked back at some of the monks who were following him. Some of them were pretty good. They followed Jiang Zhan all the time, waiting to see the excitement.

They also know that as long as they follow him, they can find Jiang Fan, and maybe it will be good for them.

"What do they do? Shall we get rid of them all? "

Jiang Zhan shook his head: "if they want to follow, I just need some audience to spread the news that I defeated Jiang Fan. What's more, they are all ancient disciples. They will not have any malice to us. "


When Jiang Fan came to the ancestral temple, he found that Xiang Wenzheng asked some disciples to take away all the memorial tablets.

With a smile on his face, he was obviously in a good mood.

"Master! Are you going to leave at once? "

He nodded to Wen: "even if the stinky bug doesn't show up, I plan to leave these two days. But you really surprised me a little bit. Monks can only master one subject. You are not only proficient in Dan Dao, but also proficient in tactics. I didn't expect that. Most of all, you are still so young. I am looking forward to how much you will grow up when I meet you next time. "

"Master, there are several heritages in this treasure land, you should know?"

He nodded to Wen, then looked at Jiang Fan with a smile: "I know you guys are here for inheritance. In fact, this is the seclusion place of our ancestors at that time, so there are several special spaces specially used to feel different directions, some specially used to feel Dan Dao, and others to feel Wu Dao alone. In each space, there is a kind of inheritance, a kind of special skill, which are left by our ancestors. Unfortunately, our disciples can't enter it. You can go directly to those inheritance places That's all

This is basically the same as Jiang Fan. He thought Xiang Wen could know more, but it seems that there are no other special benefits to take.

But for Jiang Fan, he has gained a lot this time. If he can let the purple jade eagle enter the divine realm, his ability to protect himself can be greatly increased.

No longer hesitating, after a few words of greeting, he left first and went to find Gu ling'er, intending to take them to find the inheritors.

He had planned to let Xiang Wen and others settle in Li Huocheng, but he gave up the idea after thinking about it. After all, he didn't have much contact with Xiang Jia. When he did something in Li Huocheng, Jiang Fan couldn't bear the responsibility.

In the morning, Gu ling'er and Jiang Fan leave the barrier. Jiang fan is familiar with the road and clearly remembers the location of the three spaces. He thinks very simply that there are three heritages in total. Of course, Gu ling'er should inherit Dan Dao, Shen Meng should inherit Qi, and Yu Xiao should inherit physical training. As for him, these three heritages are hard to bring him substantial benefits, so even if he doesn't accept them It's not a big loss.

Send three people into the heritage site. Jiang fan doesn't stay here too much. He plans to leave the treasure land and have a look nearby. It's also the northern spiritual realm. The last time they came, his vision was not as good as it is now. Maybe he missed something good.

Xiang also left Baodi on the same day.

They and Jiang Fan go to an exit, but Jiang Fan will return to the cliff after leaving, but Xiangjia friar will disappear completely and arrive at the access outside Beiling.

The birth of the ancient people is not a small matter for all ethnic groups. It is doomed to get a lot of support very soon with the strength of the enlightenment.

Feeling the change of the outside world, asking questions is also full of expectation.

Looking at so many ancient people outside, he quickly asked, "ladies and gentlemen, who knows if the Tiange treaty is true?"

The experts outside didn't expect that a newly born ancient clan would ask such a question. After all, the alliance didn't start long ago, and many forces and ancient clans on the mainland haven't joined it.

But how did the owner know?

But soon someone who knew about Xiangjia came forward and told him about the covenant.When Xiang Wen heard Jiang Fan's name, his eyes jumped and he suddenly realized.

He didn't expect that the boy Jiang Fan had such a history. What's more, he didn't expect that Master Wang Xi was brought back by Jiang Fan from all over the world, and that day pavilion was created by him.

He looked back at the entrance of the North spirit realm, with a smile in his eyes.

"I didn't expect that kid to have such an identity. It's really unexpected. Now I'm looking forward to seeing you next time, Jiang Fan. "

The entrance is very busy now. Xiangwen and his disciples didn't stay here too long. Because of the cold weather, Xiangwen took out the Lingbao, let the people go up, and then went to the sky together.

Compared with most of the ancient ethnic groups, the number of Xiangjia is very small, but it is also a little more than some of the ancient ethnic groups. But absolutely no one will ignore Xiangjia because of its small number. There are reasons why the ancient ethnic groups can survive. At least the ethnic groups need to have enough strength to avoid the great destruction.

On the other hand, Jiang Fan returned to Beiling's secret place, but he was in a bad mood.

He carefully perceives everything around him, and when he meets the elixir, he will collect it directly. He has the chapter of array and the chapter of treasure. The combination of the two is very good for treasure hunting.

But he has not gone far, three figures come from the former forest.

It actually affected the strength of Jiang Fan and Xu Mai. It was the breath of the same race.

He looked up in that direction. Two of the three had some impression on him.

And their dress Jiang Fan still remember clearly, from the Jiang family.

"Jiang Fan! You're willing to show up. " Jiang Tianshi frowned at Jiang Fan, obviously not in a good mood.

Jiang Fan glanced at them, and finally his eyes fell on the man in the middle, who exuded a strange smell, which could suppress his realm. Obviously, he didn't want to let people know his strength.

Several ancient disciples in the distance looked excited.

"There it is! There it is

"There's a good play! I didn't expect that the Jiang family started fighting with each other. "

Another ancient disciple didn't have a good way: "what kind of internal struggle is this, but I've heard that the Jiang family doesn't admit that the Jiang family has something to do with the Jiang family. After all, the strength of the disciples of the Jiang family is quite different from that of the Jiang family. Now Jiang fan is like the sun in the sky. The geniuses of the Jiang family will certainly be unconvinced. I'm afraid that's why they came here this time. I wonder if Jiang fan is really as strong as simultaneous interpreting. Only in this way can he truly stabilize his position in the Jiang nationality.

Jiang Zhan looks at Jiang Fan. Although there is no hostility in his eyes, his fighting spirit is like a flame. Jiang fan can clearly feel his eyes.

Jiang Fan knew that Jiang Zhan and Na Wu Tianxing had the same idea. They were full of confidence in their own fighting power.

But Wu Tianxing came alone, he was more low-key, and even if he lost, there was no shame.

But Jiang Zhan's way of doing things is totally different. He not only brought two Jiang people's talents, but also a group of ancient people's disciples. When they help him publicize, he can also become famous.

"Jiang Fan! I've been waiting for a long time. Since you've been avoiding war, you know I've come here to find you myself. I hope your strength doesn't disappoint me. "

His breath is gradually rising. No matter how confident he is, he will never ignore Jiang Fan. If he can be passed on by so many people, Jiang fan is definitely not a vegetarian.

Jiang Tianshi said: "Jiang Fan, let me introduce you first. You don't know who you lose to at that time. This is Jiang Zhan. He is the most brilliant one in our generation. He is more brilliant than you. When you come here today, you two will have a showdown to know who is better. My brother and I can just witness for you... "

Jiang Fan raised his hand and interrupted him.

"No need to witness. I don't want to waste time. Let's go together. If it doesn't work, the other monks can join hands with them. I'll take over Jiang fanquan. You don't want to trouble me one by one, so I'll solve you this time. Jiang Zhan, right? I've heard about you from a population, but I'm a little disappointed after meeting you. You have to suppress your breath with your realm. I also know that you haven't been on the altar yet, but you're just a life changing monk. Although you've been in the extreme realm for a while, and your combat power is good, but you're far from me. "

Jiang Zhan doesn't understand Jiang Fan's meaning, but it's already a provocation. In front of so many people, he really can't get off the stage.

What else did he want to say? He heard Jiang Fan's impatient tone.

"What a trouble! No time to chat with you, since you don't start first, don't blame me for bullying people. Medicine King domain

With a low drink from Jiang Fan, the mist suddenly broke out from Jiang Fan's body and spread towards the front.

The ancient disciples obviously heard about the magic of Jiang Fan's medicine method, and turned around and left without saying a word. Obviously, they didn't want to be trapped in it.

But Jiang Fan's breath burst out and suppressed the three people with absolute breath.

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