Little moon at this time where there is momentum before.

walked to ginger as like as two peas and spit her tongue out. It was obviously embarrassing. It was exactly the same as she had done before. But Jiang didn't care. The baby moon was still very careful. It only sealed the air of these people, and did not want them to die.

He looked at Dugu Yan in the distance and walked over, totally ignoring the ancient disciples on the ground.

"I don't have to think about it today. I know what's going on? I, Jiang Fan, have always been reasonable. How does brother Dugu think we should deal with this? "

Dugu Yan stares at Jiang Fan and returns to his senses.

"Today, I have some problems to deal with. I'll take the responsibility. I'm honored to have brother Jiang here in person. "

Dugu Yan is very good at speaking. From his appearance until now, he has kept his identity low, which makes people feel no airs.

But Jiang Fan's brow was slightly wrinkled at this time, and finally his eyes fell on Dugu Yan's legs, a little distracted, thinking about something.

Seeing Jiang Fan's eyes, Dugu Yan was embarrassed.

Jiang Fan recovered, just saw his expression, said: "sorry! I felt something interesting, so I was a little distracted. "

But after Jiang Fan finished, he obviously looked at Dugu Yan's legs again, which immediately aroused the dissatisfaction of several monks around him.

"Jiang Fan! You dare to laugh at us, young Lord

As soon as these words came out, the ancient people became lively.

They don't like Jiang Fan at all. If it wasn't for Jiang Fan's strength, they would have suppressed him long ago.

But now it gives them a reason to suppress. With the support of Qinglong Pavilion, they don't need any scruples at all.

Someone said directly, "Jiang Fan, I think you're just looking for trouble today. You see, these people make the northern spiritual realm a mess. They often rob others of their inheritance and make all the disciples complain. Today, can you let your people hurt others at the exchange meeting held by Qinglong Pavilion and seal others' anger? I think you are too arrogant. Do you really regard yourself as supreme? "

"These are trivial things. Brother Dugu's legs are defective. You should laugh at him. I don't think you pay attention to Qinglong Pavilion at all. We know that you are dissatisfied with the fact that Qinglong Pavilion is called the first Pavilion in the world. That's why you have done such a bad thing. It's really shameful. I don't know what kind of rhetoric you used to deceive Master Wang Xi into setting up an alliance with Tiange. Master Wang Xi certainly doesn't know that you are a mean person! "

As soon as these remarks came out, a big hat was directly attached to Jiang Fan's head, and he was said to be a defiant villain. What he said was reasonable and well founded. If he didn't know, I'm afraid he might really believe it.

The boy beside Dugu Yan frowned at Jiang Fan: "Jiang Fan, you are not welcome here. Our young master has always been very good at leading people. I don't care if your people do it in this exchange meeting, but your practice is really disappointing. "

Listening to these words, Jiang fan is very calm and unmoved.

"There's something I want to explain," he said! My people are fighting here because you indulge those guys to make noise and make people upset. My people teach them a lesson to keep their memory long. I, Jiang Fan, will not laugh at other friars even if I have no taste. However, you should have heard of my identity. I am also a pharmacist, regardless of my status as a monk. When I see strange diseases, I will be interested. Brother Dugu's legs are blocked by a special spiritual force, and he loses consciousness. Although it seems to be useless, the strength of these legs is far greater than that of other areas of his body. Am I right? "

As soon as he said this, Dugu Yan's eyes jumped. Obviously, he didn't expect that Jiang Fan could see the difference between his legs without touching and asking. It's not simple. At least no one knows except the master.

Just when he was surprised, Jiang Fan said again: "in addition, some pharmacists use Dan medicine to treat injuries, seal meridians with medicine method, so as not to let this breath spread to the whole body. They also take special Dan medicine, which has been suppressing the upward movement of this breath, reducing the strength of your legs a lot."

Dugu Yan couldn't calm down at this time. Jiang Fan was right, as if he had seen through his body.

He also clearly remembers that the pharmacist reminded him that he must not use his legs and try not to feel it. Otherwise, if the breath breaks through the blockade and spreads to his whole body, he will be in trouble.

He clapped slowly, his eyes full of respect.

"How powerful! I didn't expect that brother Jiang really has the same eyesight as the rumor. I'm afraid he also has good attainments in medicine and Dan Dao. What you said is right. It's completely in line with my situation. "

Jiang Fan said: "however, it's only in the early stage. It's only a few years since you were injured. This special spiritual power should come from some kind of toxin or skill. However, as long as you disperse this spiritual power and reshape the meridians, you can recover. But I'm afraid I can't keep the strength of these legs. "

Jiang Fan's words stunned Dugu Yan.

The young man next to him quickly asked, "can you cure my young master?"

But Jiang Fan didn't even look at him. Jiang Fan was very vindictive. This guy was not friendly just now, and Jiang Fan wouldn't put him in his eyes.Everybody's looking over here, wondering what's going on.

Dugu Yan suppressed his inner joy and asked, "brother Jiang, is it possible for my legs to recover? Can you do that? "

Jiang Fan nodded: "it's not difficult! No matter how high you are, I can solve it. But now is not the opportunity to give you a diagnosis. This exchange meeting can continue, but there are a few people I need to deal with. "

When he finished, he turned his head and looked at those ancient disciples. As he walked there, he said calmly: "the covenant has been signed, and there was no much hatred between all ethnic groups. I have personally experienced in the world. I know very well about the environment and the status of the human race there. I allow you to fight to improve your realm as soon as possible, so that you can respond Pay for the foreign invasion in the future, it's not for you to label here. "

With that, several figures in the crowd felt as if they had been watched by something, and the strong breath instantly suppressed them.

There is a pill in Jiang Fan's hand. Although the pill is decomposed, it turns into pure medicine power and integrates into the medicine method.

The next moment, one after another figure fell in the crowd, not others, are just the guy who opened his mouth, Jiang Fan will not let go of each one, people who did not speak will not have any influence.

That Shen Bai Yan sees this one eye, just want to say what, but hear the voice of Xia Chen: "you are absolutely not an opponent, don't provoke, he this person is still very easy to get along with."

Jiang Zhan continued to drink and eat meat, as if everything here had nothing to do with him.

Wu Tianxing is the same. They have a certain understanding of Jiang Fan's power. They also know that as long as Jiang Fan wants to solve all the people present, it's not difficult.

Like Xiao yue'er, Jiang Fan directly used his means to seal the air sea of these people.

Then he said, "the exchange will continue."

With that, he walked directly to Chu Zhan and others, sat directly next to Chu Zhan, and said with a smile, "brother Chu, your injury has recovered. Why did you come here? It's not a few months since the secret place is closed. There are almost people going to good places. You'd better leave as soon as possible and go to other secret places. "

Hearing this, Chu Zhan said with a smile: "I want to walk with you again. You may have to walk after a while. I have to rub your luck. I can get more inheritance with you, but I remember clearly."

Jiang Fan knew that he was joking, and Zhou Tong on one side was more direct: "let's just follow, and we don't have to tell him the reason."

Those ancient geniuses who were sealed were carried together and sat in a small area.

Including the four that xiaoyueer dealt with, there was one person in all.

Among these people, there are four masters in Shentai realm, but even the monks in this realm still can't carry Jiang Fan's medicine, which is enough to show Jiang Fan's strength.

At this time, Jiang Fan suddenly heard the sound of Dugu's words, and his voice trembled.

"Brother Jiang, can you talk to me alone?"

"If it's about diagnosis, just wait and see. It takes a few days to complete the treatment. It's hard for me to get together with them. Please don't embarrass me."

Hearing this, Dugu Yan said, "brother Jiang, you're worried. Just go on."

Here, nameless looks at Jiang Fan, only to find that Jiang Fan at this time has made him completely unable to see through.

Li Changsheng obviously saw his eyes, so he said with a smile: "how do you feel? You are not slow to improve. But it also depends on who to compare with. This guy is not on the same level as you. Look at the monks of the ancient clan. They are all real masters. Bai Wuji and Huang Yujie are defeated by each other. The martial arts disciple is over there, but he can see that Jiang fan doesn't dare to act. He can imagine what his strength is now. With his appearance, there is no suspense about the supremacy of youth. "

Nameless way: "I hand in hand with that Xia Chen, I am not his match."

"Is there a big gap?" Li Changsheng asked.

Nameless nodded: "although he and I were both second-order Shentai at that time, my fighting power was completely crushed by him, which was not the same level at all. However, if even he is not Jiang Fan's opponent, then Jiang Fan's strength is too terrible. Has he surpassed all the monks present? "

Li Changsheng said with a smile: "more than that, his Dan Dao has become stronger now. He saved them from hiding sword."

Nameless heard this is also a surprise, because it is years of opponent, nameless to Li Changsheng things more or less also have some attention.

Although the story of that year didn't spread too widely, he knew it very clearly and regretted the ending of the two.

But who would have thought that Jiang Fan could even cure such a seriously injured monk, which was not much different from resurrection.

"Awake? How did he do it? "

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