Ziyuying's proposal makes Jiang Fan curious.

What kind of skill can ziyuying give him?

So he said with a smile, "I don't want useless skills."

"Of course, it's useful. It's a combination of real and spiritual. You have two powerful lives, I and the gods. It's too wasteful not to practice this skill. "

Hearing the four words of true spirit fusion, Xiaobu eyebrows slightly pick, obviously know what it is.

"Teach him what to do with it? He should pay more attention to cultivation. It's better not to teach him this fighting method. "

As he said this, he winked at ziyuying. Obviously, he wanted to change his words. He was very dissatisfied.

Ziyuying did not have a good way: "to give him is not to let him rely on my strength, but to give him more self-protection skills. Take the northern spirit realm as an example. If he knew this skill, he would never be suppressed by the Zerg. "

"If he doesn't get caught in the insect kingdom, he won't get so many benefits," she said

Jiang Fan was confused and didn't understand what they were saying.

One side of the bone evil youyou said: "true spirit fusion is a magic of controlling animals. You can add the pet characteristics to yourself, but after you use it, pets can't fight. It's a very old method."

Hearing this, Jiang Fan suddenly realized. He has heard of similar methods, but ziyuying is obviously more advanced.

Xiaobutian obviously doesn't want Jiang Fan to use this skill. Maybe it will affect them.

Ziyuying said: "this skill has little influence on us. At most, it only limits our freedom. With your current power, it's better to directly use us to help you fight. However, if you can't summon our plane, the effect of this skill will be fully displayed, and your combat power will be improved to a higher level. "

Little Bu Dian said: "even if you learn this skill, you must remember not to use it indiscriminately, because you are quite different from us. If you use it often, it may affect your mind. After all, his blood and I are different, and they are not ordinary spirit beasts."

Jiang Fan certainly won't let go of such ability. He will accept all the abilities that can let him protect himself and improve his fighting power with an open mind.

The purple jade eagle became huge and finally turned into an eagle, holding Jiang Fan on his back and flying away.

Bone evil is taken back to the cave by Jiang Fan, and xiaobutian stays beside Jiang Fan.

It doesn't need ziyuying to teach it at all. Xiaobutian obviously knew the existence of this skill for a long time, but he didn't want to teach it to Jiang Fan.

Jiang Fan didn't say much. He practiced this skill carefully. For him, the most urgent task is to get started as soon as possible and make it a success.

But Jiang Fan was not idle all the way, and he still collected Linggen. Before he left, he had to get a handful before he left.

The people in the insect temple did not appear again. They obviously knew that Jiang Fan and others were leaving in the direction of returning.

The insect Temple doesn't want to have too much contact with ziyuying. They don't want the insect kingdom to be in chaos because of this. It's not worth the loss.

Because ziyuying had been flying all the way, it took more than a month to reach the area where Yingling was. There was no waste of time on the way.

At this time, Jiang Fan's breath is much stronger than before.

Because he mobilized a little bit of breath to himself, he could feel that the speed of his spirit map was much faster than usual.

More than that, his perception has improved a lot.

After arriving at this area, you will feel towards the ground and find that the purple jade eagle flies over the place. All the Zerg are crawling on the ground, shaking all over, obviously very afraid.

That's the pressure at the top of the food chain.

Jiang Fan dispels the spirit of the combination, and then a small figure appears beside Jiang Fan, as if thinking about something. He says to Jiang Fan, obviously explaining to Jiang Fan what else to pay attention to.

Jiang Fan was very serious and nodded from time to time.

Although the entomologist and his party have not been here for half a year, the harvest is huge.


Ziwei continent.

The northern spiritual realm was closed and a large number of young monks left.

But the news of Jiang Fan's disappearance gradually spread. On that day, Jiang Fan broke the Zerg's spiritual power with his strong strength, allowing many geniuses to escape as quickly as possible without causing too much loss.

But later Jiang Fan disappeared, and even the monks around him left the northern spirit realm ahead of time, making people not know what happened.

Wang Xian immediately returned to Tiange to ask where Jiang Fan had gone, but she didn't expect the news.

Meiniang told her all about that day.

Wang Xian was a little depressed when she learned about it. She left some resources and then left to return to Baizhan holy land. Now that Wang Xi, the God of war, is back, she will be instructed when she follows Wang Xi, which is more difficult than training outside.

If it wasn't for Jiang Fan's company, she wouldn't go to beilingjing.

Wanbaoshan and Tiange officially began to cooperate. One after another, there were ancient people who joined the WTO. When they learned about the alliance, these ancient people would send high-level officials to Tiange to sign the alliance. Wang Xi's reputation was really great. Qinglong Pavilion also sent people to come here, which was enough to prove Wang Xi's position in Tiangong.The young generation are not fighting as fiercely as before, but they are still colliding.

Chu Zhan and others rose one after another, and the speed of realm improvement increased instead of decreasing. Sanjie monks and Kunlun Sanjie also stayed outside to experience and compete with various talents.

Everything on crape myrtle mainland seems to be developing towards a very good side.

Jiang Fan came to a valley at this time. The valley was full of Zerg. But after entering the valley, he was very clean and beautiful, just like a paradise in the world.

Here, the spirit power is lush, and a quite strong spirit root breath surrounds here.

This is obviously a spirit root guarded by an eagle leader. Jiang Fan must take it away at ordinary times.

But this time, Jiang Fan reluctantly held back. This time, because of these Eagle collars, he didn't waste much energy to get so many roots. It's nothing less than this one.

The eagle leader obviously knew Jiang Fan's temperament, so he used the array to protect that Linggen for a long time, making him look like a grass, but it couldn't resist the perception of Dan daopian.

But Jiang Fan did not expose it.

There are a lot of people here. It's Wei Zheng who is full of energy. Some young people are very curious about everything around them. Some of them have very white skin. They have never left the underground world. They feel very fresh about everything outside.

Seeing the purple Eagle coming down from the sky, many people gathered here.

The eagle collar appeared to welcome the purple jade eagle.

"See you, my Lord!"

The purple jade eagle falls on the ground. Jiang Fan jumps down from him, finds Wei Zheng from the crowd, and walks directly over.

Ziyuying looked at the surrounding environment and praised: "your valley is really good. It's a perfect training ground for you to arrange a large array and absorb the supernatural power. It seems that you are beginning to enjoy life."

The eagle leader was a little embarrassed: "after years of fighting, these things have been won. It's just that I didn't expect the adults to come back so soon, and I'm sorry I didn't prepare anything. "

"It's nothing. We didn't expect to come back so early, but the insect Temple sent someone to find us. They still need to give us some face. I don't want to involve you all."

Yingling heard the word "insect Temple" and frowned: "those guys didn't offend you, did they?"

Ziyuying sneered: "offend me? They dare not do anything to me. Just to remind me not to go too far. "

"Linggen has grown up one plant. I don't know how many years it has taken for adults to make a great loss to the insect kingdom. However, if Linggen is predestined to get it, adults will have no problem."

Ziyuying nodded: "of course I understand that. OK, let's not talk about that. What's your situation now? Can you still use the big array? "

"Of course, it can be used. Before you came back, I tried to start it once, and there was no problem. You can open it whenever you want. "

"Good! Then you are going to come out with some spirit stones. I'm going to return to the world these days. Don't those Terrans cause you any trouble? "

The eagle leader said: "these Terrans are quite regular. We've been escorting them all the way, and no other Zerg dares to make trouble. It's just that they are really noisy here. If adults don't have a good rest, I can arrange a cleaner place. "

"I don't need this! You just go and fix what I've arranged for you. "

"Yes, sir

The eagle collar didn't say much and turned to leave.

On the other side, Jiang Fan and Wei Zheng are talking.

Wei Zheng looks much happier than before with a smile on his face at this time. Obviously, he is full of expectation for the future.

"What did the Zerg do to you?"

"Very polite. It seems that they are obedient to the Hawks. Thank you so much this time. I don't know when they can go to the world? Look at these children. After they leave the ground, they are quite energetic. "

"Don't be too optimistic. The pressure of the world is not weaker than that of the insect world. Although it can make people grow up as soon as possible, the pressure on the Terran is also obvious. The nihilistic land is even more dangerous. I don't know how many people can survive."

Speaking of this, Jiang Fan seemed to think of something, and then said: "if you want to survive in a secret place, I can send you to a secret place. It's all Terrans. It's a force handed down from the heavenly palace. Although the world level there is not high, it's very safe for Terrans. Sooner or later, they will return to Jiuhuang. It's also good for you to rest there It's a good choice. "

Wei Zheng said: "I don't know how to return the favor I owe you now. I'm not conscious. It's more troublesome for you. Although I'm not the most powerful monk, I've stepped into the realm of enlightenment. I can still protect these people. If one day I'm desperate, I'll take my family to you. Don't give up."

Jiang Fan said with a smile: "I'm laughing, but you can rest assured that you need my help in the future. I will try my best to help you through the difficulties."

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