"You just change your life. Don't be too confident. We two old guys are not easy to be provoked. Please respect yourself."

Jiang fan is too lazy to talk to them.

He went straight to the dungeon, intending to pass between them.

See two people at the same time grasp to Jiang Fan's shoulder, want to stop him.

From the way and strength of the shot, we can conclude that the two men had no malice.

But Jiang Fan couldn't let them limit him. His whole body was full of a strong breath, and his spirit power was released.

Before the two men touched Jiang Fan, the whole person flew out by Jiang Fan's magic bullet. They even stepped back to stand firm, and their faces were startled.

They didn't expect that Jiang Fan's explosive power was so strong in a moment. Judging from the strength, it was enough to prove that Jiang Fan's strength was definitely more than what it looked like.

Many disciples had gathered in the distance at this time, and they just saw this scene.

"Jiang fan is so powerful. Can't the experts in Shentai stop him?"

"It's not only fierce, but they are two masters. I don't know who's in the dungeon. However, Jiang fan is always defending Jiang's house. What do you want to do this time? "

When the two men wanted to stop them, they heard ye Shaocheng's words: "you two, my master has been tolerant enough. In the vast world, foreigners dare to treat my master with courtesy. My master has already killed them. As far as you are concerned, my master was able to kill you a few years ago. Compared with the flesh of the royal family, you two are weaker by more than three grades. "

Jiang Fan didn't stop and went directly into the dungeon. The two men couldn't be calm and wanted to chase them, but reason told them that Jiang fan can't offend now, and he was not the teenager that year.

If Jiang Tianwang is here, who dares to stop Jiang Fan?

In the dungeon, Jiang Fan's divine consciousness was released, and he soon found the location of the cold night.

There are few prisoners in the dungeon of Jiang's mansion. The breath of the cold night is soon perceived by Jiang Fan. Jiang fan is not in a hurry and walks slowly in that direction.

The dungeon is not very big. Soon Jiang Fan sees a disheveled face. Some cold nights are tied to an iron pillar by a chain, and the sea of Qi is sealed.

As soon as Jiang Fan wanted to get close to him, he felt that the surrounding array was working. It was a protective array, which was obviously just opened.

From the rear came the voice of the high-level of Jiang's house: "Jiang Fan, this is the forbidden area of Jiang's house. It's not allowed to be wild here."

Jiang Fan sneered: "it's a joke. Is Jiang's family going to use big battle now? Let's not say whether this array can stop me and offend me. How do you want to explain to King Jiang? "

"Jiang Tianwang is closed and the date of his return has not been decided. Everything in Jiang's house is up to me. The rules are the rules. Don't make mistakes!"

Hearing this, Jiang Fan began to laugh.

The power of breaking the array broke out in an instant and went directly towards the array.

Then he heard a bang, and the whole dungeon began to vibrate. The barrier was made a hole in an instant. Jiang Fan crushed the key of the cell with his super physical strength.

Regardless of what the rear of the high-level said, directly to cut the chain, the cold night to save down, a pill into his mouth.

Ye Shaocheng rushed forward, put him on his shoulder and patted him on the face: "Hello, cold night, wake up!"

Unfortunately, the cold night is still coma, did not wake up.

Jiang Fan looked at the top of Jiang's Mansion: "ha ha, the top of Jiang's mansion. It's also a tragedy that Jiang's mansion has such a short-sighted top like you. If I guess correctly, you should not be in charge arranged by Jiang Tianwang. I don't know what happened inside Jiang's house, but today you let me down. "

That Jiang mansion high level angrily way: "disappointed? No matter what you say, Jiang Yueyao's marriage can't be changed. "

"Can't change? I see who dares to stop me. "

Jiang Fan walked ahead with a sneer, but the two old men began to hesitate. Judging from Jiang Fan's previous performance, offending him is more terrible than offending an ancient people, with serious consequences, and the potential background shown by Jiang fan is also huge.

As for the senior, the strength is still under the second elder, Jiang Fan really doesn't care about his reaction.

Jiang Fan's strong also let him not think of, did not put him in the eye at all.

He wanted to do it, but he was directly held by the old man beside him. He gently shook his head and signaled him to give up.

"Forget it."

Jiang Fan didn't say anything more. He left the dungeon with three people, very calm.

Outside the dungeon, the young people of Jiang's mansion were not surprised to see Jiang Fan walk out of the dungeon safely, and no one stopped him. They knew better than the senior officials of Jiang's mansion. After all, they knew Jiang Fan's reputation very well.

Jiang Fan returns to the courtyard with the crowd, and Jiang Zhenglong takes a breath.

"Thanks to the elder, he didn't embarrass us, otherwise my father would have to be made difficult later."

Jiang Fan said in a cold voice, "is it difficult? Who dares to make trouble for my father? "

Ye Shaocheng was a little surprised. He didn't expect that the man with ordinary qualifications around Jiang Fan had such a close relationship with Jiang Fan.Lian said hastily, "it's really disrespectful to be a martial uncle."

After hearing this, Jiang Zhenglong was embarrassed. He also remembered clearly what happened in those years. He was very grateful that Jiang Fan didn't do anything to him later, but now he can't compare with Jiang Fan at all.

He said to Jiang Fan: "after the closure of the king of heaven, the ancestor of Jiang Yao also returned to the holy land of the Jiang family. Jiang Yueyao is the only one left in our family. Although her father has been promoted over the years, he is much weaker than the senior members of other branches. Because of the emergence of the ancient people, all the Jiang people in Lihuo recalled to Jiang's house. Some of them lived in the city, and some of the experts lived in Jiang's house. Their treatment was not as good as ours, but their strength was far above us. If our cousins didn't fight and maintain everywhere, we might not even have the present area. "

"Bullying me, is there no one in Longze county?" Jiang Fan sneered.

Speaking of this, Jiang Zhenglong's expression was a little cold: "if my news is right, this marriage is also one of the branches. If my cousin gets married, our branch will have no place for Jiang Fu."

Jiang Fan said with a smile: "OK, I know what happened. If there is any trouble, I will solve it. "

Just entering the courtyard, I saw Jiang Tianhai standing there anxiously.

It was a relief to see Jiang Fan and their safe return.

"Smelly boy, don't say it in advance when you come back!"

"Not long after I came back, I'll go back to Jiang's house to see you. I just didn't expect to encounter this kind of thing. I solved it briefly. The high-level of Jiang's mansion even dares to catch my people and force Jiang Yueyao to get married. This is bullying my branch of Longze county. Nobody can't help it? "

Jiang Fan's voice is not small, and the disciples of Jiang's family can hear it clearly.

Jiang Tianhai said, "let's talk about those things later. Take your friend to heal first."

Jiang Fan said: "he has nothing to do. He's just sealed. I'll untie him later and wake up."

Jiang Yueyao appears and is excited to see Jiang Fan rescued from the cold night.

"Send him to me!"

Jiang Fan nodded, then found a pill and gave it to Jiang Yueyao: "use the spirit power to catalyze the elixir, and then introduce it into his sea of Qi. Ye Shaocheng, you can send him there."

Ye Shaocheng nods, carries the cold night, and follows Jiang Yueyao away.

In the evening, Jiang Fan declined the invitation of the senior officials of Jiang's house and stayed in her mother's room to tell her about the current situation. She even wasted a lot of pills to help her refine her body and prolong her life.

Until Jiang Tianhai came back, Jiang Fan found his father's expression a little embarrassed.

"What's the matter?" Mo Rong asked

Jiang Fan pick eyebrow: "those a few guys embarrass you again?"

"Not this time, but I don't know if I should say something."

Jiang Fan asked, "it's about me?"

Jiang Tianhai nodded: "it really has something to do with you. It's about Jiang Fu."

Jiang Fan was very calm, and youyou said, "those old guys don't know how to explain to the ancient people, do they? That's why I was invited so warmly in the evening just to talk about it. Am I right? "

"It seems that you are really mature. You are right."

Jiang Fan's mouth Rose: "I knew they would be like this, but don't worry. How can they solve the problem easily? I'm waiting for tomorrow. "

Hearing this, Jiang Tianhai seemed a little displeased.

"Son, this matter is directly related to the interests of the Jiang family. We can't do this. Now the situation in lihuocheng is very bad. Almost every force is paving the way for the future, and the Jiang family has to take this road. When Jiang Tianwang left the closed door, he didn't leave us a way to contact the Jiang family. Obviously, he didn't intend to let us return to the protection of the Jiang family. Although the high-level people did a little too much, they didn't want to It's the situation. You have to help. "

Jiang Fan was helpless: "father, sometimes what you see is not as clear as Jiang Zhenglong, but I understand your feelings for Jiang Fu. However, this matter can not be finished so simply. We have to let those people lose face first, and then I will consider whether to help them or not. Of course, if you and my mother are willing to live in Tiange, I can help them unconditionally and protect Jiang's house from others. "

Jiang Tianhai was silent and didn't know what to say.

Mo Rong looks at Jiang Fan with a smile: "how can you bargain with your father? There are so many people in the branch of Longze county. It took a lot of energy to get a firm foothold in Jiang's mansion. Your father doesn't want all his efforts to be wasted. It's easy for us to leave. What can so many people do? We are here, and we are all oppressed by other branches. If we are not here, it will be difficult for these families to lift their heads up again. "

Jiang Fan said with a smile: "there are many things in Wanyun mountain. I opened up an open space in the back mountain of Tiange, which is enough for the branch of Longze county to live. As far as the cultivation environment is concerned, it's not a secret that Tiange was created by me. It's no problem to protect these people. "

Jiang Tianhai said, "go and have a rest early. Don't disturb me and your mother. Let me think about it one more night. "

Jiang Fan got up to leave, just walk not far to see the cold night standing not far away, a face of embarrassment."Boss, I didn't expect that you would have to save me as soon as you came back. I'm so ashamed."

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