No one knows what happened in Jiang's house.

People are very curious about why the Shen family didn't resist at all and left in such a hurry. It's really weird.

And Jiang Fu, at this time into quiet, people are looking at Jiang Fan, want to see what he will do next.

They have to admit that Jiang Fan perfectly solved Jiang Fu's troubles, so they don't have to worry too much.

But Jiang Fan's words made several people in Jiang's house stay in place for a long time.

"The branch of Longze county will be reorganized today. Three days later, I will leave Jiang's house and go to Tiange to settle down. I will explain to Jiang Tianwang in the future."

Jiang Fan said, turned to leave, leaving a group of stunned Jiang Fu friars, let them some at a loss.

Jiang Tianhai sighed and didn't say much. He didn't say much when he walked behind Jiang Fan in the cold night. No matter what decision Jiang fan made, he would support unconditionally.

However, after the news spread, the Jiang family became lively. The branch of Longze County wanted to leave the Jiang family. This is the first time that the Jiang family has left the Jiang family since the establishment of the Jiang family. Now there are many branches out there who have not lived in the Jiang family. They are trying every means to move into the Jiang family. It's like glory to them, but the branch of Longze county wants to leave 。

Jiang fan can be very clear that this branch will live in Tiange, the situation can be completely different.

Wanyun mountain is now a magical place for many monks, and Tiange is a very magical existence. From their point of view, the branch of Longze county is just stepping up to the sky.

That night, several senior officials of Jiang's mansion walked into the courtyard where the branch of Longze county was located, looking a little embarrassed.

Jiang fan is eating in the city with Han Ye and others at this time, not in the house.

Jiang Yueyao, Jiang Zhenglong and others are busy and in a good mood. Seeing a group of people in charge, they stop one after another.

"What's the matter, my lord? You're not going to rush us out like that, are you

"How could we want to get rid of you? We've come here specially this time to stay. It's been many years since the branch of Longze county came back to Jiang's house and made a lot of contributions to Jiang's house. Now the old people of Jiang Yao and the head of the house are not here. We don't want you to leave at this time. I don't know where elder Tianhai is? We want to have a good talk with him. "

Hearing this, Jiang Zhenglong opened his mouth.

"You'd better leave. There's no need to persuade them. Someone in the house has been trying to drive us away for a long time. We're just going to help them this time. People go up to the top, don't you want to hinder the opportunity of the rise of our branch of Longze county? "

Jiang Yueyao said: "wherever we go, we will always remember the rules of Jiang's house, and it will always be a branch of Jiang's house. This will not change, but persuasion is really unnecessary. You can leave first."

One of the senior officials said: "we are very happy for you to settle in holy land. But we Jiang Fu never wanted to drive away the branch of Longze County, but there was no need to move the whole branch, leaving some people to know Jiang Fu's next plan and other information, so there would be no trouble. "

Jiang Yueyao said, "I don't think it's necessary?"

Another high-level frowned and said, "does the branch of Longze County want to leave Jiang's house completely?"

At this time, Jiang Tianhai appeared: "you don't need to label us. Xiao Fan asked me to help Jiang Fu out of the siege. Our branch is going to move to Longze County, which can't be changed. If you can figure out something, you won't stop it too much. I, Jiang Tianhai, can swear that no matter when there is trouble in Jiang's house, our branch of Longze county will never ignore it. However, our branch, except Xiaofan, will not enter your eyes at all. Let's just say that. Goodbye in the Jianghu. "

When Jiang Yueyao and Jiang Zhenglong heard this, they turned to be busy and said nothing more.

Jiang Fu high-level standing in place, looking at the busy people, some helpless.

Among them, the two elders sighed and understood that their loss this time was huge. Let alone Jiang Yueyao, a genius, if Jiang Fan left Jiang's house, the influence of Jiang's house on other forces would be greatly reduced. They could see that the branch of Longze county was bound to rise. They could not imagine what would happen in the future.

In a famous tavern in the city, Qiqi looks very happy.

"Jiuhuang is really comfortable, and people are very kind. I really want to move the zongmen back here as soon as possible, so I can buy a lot of good clothes."

Cold night no good airway: "a few years no see, how have you changed? Fortunately, you have not fallen behind. "

Kiki turned her lips to him: "I heard you were put in a dungeon for a woman. What a shame. "

Cold night obviously didn't want to discuss this topic with her, looking at Jiang Fan: "boss, do you really want to let all the disciples of Longze County branch into Tiange? I heard that you don't have a good impression of many people in Longze county

Jiang Fan said with a smile: "I don't care about those people. I only care about my father and mother. As for those people, they can't stir up any trouble when they enter the Tiange. What's more, it's just a few. Don't ask me about my business in the future. You put all your energy on my cousin? Xiaoyueer, where are they now? Have you ever paid attention to it? ""She and Yu Xiao experience together. With her strength, I don't need to worry at all. Even if the so-called gifted friars appear recently, there is no threat to the two young ladies. The last time we appeared in the East, we only met twice after the boss left unexpectedly. Yuxiao and I were in danger, so we had to find the young lady to help us out. "

"What about the others? Do you have any news? "

"You mean two sisters in law? Gu ling'er is still training with Chu Zhan and Zhou Tong. Later, the poison King seems to have joined them. After all, it's not easy to mix outside. Another is Wang Xian. Wang Xian is more powerful, and the speed of improvement is also very fast. With the guidance of Wang Xi, every time she appears, her realm soars. Now I'm afraid she's on the fifth Shentai. It's very strong, and you don't have to worry about it. "

Speaking of this, Qiqi looks at Jiang Fan.

"Tut tut! I knew that there must be many women in this womanhood. Besides, there are three women in Yuxiao

Pang Hao showed his hand under his arm and extended his thumb to show his admiration. However, his face was inconvenient and he laughed with him.

"Are there many young experts in the next nine days?" Jiang fan then asked.

Speaking of this, the expression of cold night is much more positive: "a lot. Jiuhuang's geniuses are no match at all. We can only work together. We know that the strongest one has already boarded the ninth Shentai. He looks at everything and basically wants to seize everything. No one can defeat him. "

Hearing this, even Pang Hao and Qiqi's face changed.

They are all human geniuses, and their aptitude is no less than that of the royal family. But how much is their realm?

It's hard to imagine that some people of the same generation have reached such a state. It's terrible.

Ye Shaocheng quickly asked, "are you sure that man is of the same generation as us?"

The cold night nodded: "of course, Master Wang Xi and the next nine days should have an agreement. People above a certain realm can't step into Jiuhuang. Young people can enter here for training at will. However, this person appears alone without help. His realm is very high and powerful. When Jiuhuang monk sees him, he has no chance to win. Even the talents of the next nine days will give up when they see him, and they will not deal with him head-on, but I think how powerful he is

Qiqi didn't have a good way: "let's go back to the world! It's too dangerous. "

Pang Hao said, "don't worry. No matter what, I will protect you."

"Who wants you to protect?"

Jiang Fan ignored their words and then asked, "are the monks of the next nine days United?"

The cold night shook his head: "it's not united at all. It's OK to walk together, but the two groups have to fight when they meet. Sometimes they are more fierce than us. If they have a chance, they must go to the next nine days to have a look. I don't know what's going on there."

Jiang Fan said with a smile: "if you want to go to the next nine days, you have to work hard to practice. The nine wasters need a strong realm to step into it. There is no chance to understand the realm. You still have a long way to go."

After three rounds of wine, the party returned to Jiang's house together. The branch of Longze county was very busy. They wanted to take all the things that belonged to them.

Obviously, it's a good thing for most people to be able to go to Wanyun mountain. After all, the conditions for Tiange to recruit disciples are still very high.

The elder monks of the Jiang family are reluctant to give up to the Jiang family. The Jiang family is like a religion to them, so even if they are beaten down, this is still the place they want to stay.

However, for the benefit of Longze County branch, they will choose to leave together and go to Tiange for a new life.

Looking at Jiang Fu, Qiqi was not too surprised. After all, the comprehensive strength here is a little too weak. Renhuangzong's position in Jiuhuang is definitely a big gate.

Jiang fan doesn't want to take care of the affairs of Jiang's house, but he wants his parents to move to Tiange when he comes back this time.

Wanyun mountain has a large area. He doesn't care about many people like Jiang family. They want to join Tiange, and Jiang Fan won't object.

The great change of Jiuhuang, he wants to go around, and fight with the next nine days of genius, but it's too late to solve the problem first.

As for the destined person that the hell is looking for, Jiang fan doesn't care who he is or where he will appear. Then he is the enemy or friend. No matter what the future is, he just needs to take a good road.

Where are Yuxiao and xiaoyueer at this time? Jiang fan doesn't know, and Fu Lingyu can't feel their position at this time.

Almost all of the same generation friars are seizing every time to improve their realm, hoping to catch up with their predecessors as much as possible in the recovery period of the big world, so that they can connect with the next era.

Not only the young people, but also some big people have chosen to shut down. Many of them have been trapped in a bottleneck for a long time because of the suppression of the world class. Now, with the improvement of the rules and the promotion of the world class, their bottleneck has been loosened one after another, both ancient and indigenous.

This is also why Jiang Yao and Jiang Chao are closed.

It took only two days for the branch of Longze county to finish sorting out and get ready to go.

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