The crowd retreated slowly into the forest.

Just after they entered the forest, the blood in the blood pool rolled, as if something was about to come out of it.

However, it soon returned to the previous state, which was a bit strange.

In the forest, Jiang Fan and others return to the ground. Jiang Fan arranges an array in place just in case.

Jiang fan made some charms in front of the public. These charms are not difficult to refine. It is recorded in the chapter of array Tao, which is similar to the life saving talisman of Jiuhuang hall for young people after they enter the secret place.

He divided the magic talisman among the people.

"If you have trouble in this area, you can activate the spirit power on the spirit talisman, which will send you to this defensive array. Don't take risks."

The crowd nodded.

Zhou Tong looked at the defensive barrier of the array, with some doubt.

"I said, Jiang Fan, can you really block the attack of the blade? The previous array was like paper paste. "

Jiang Fan didn't have a good way: "if you're worried, give me the talisman back!"

Without saying a word, Zhou Tong quickly put away the talisman, and then he laughed and said no more.

Jiang fan doesn't hesitate to consume a lot of high-quality materials to arrange this array. These people are very important to him. He doesn't want them to make any mistakes here.

"Don't go near the blood pool. You can look around in other places. Maybe there will be some harvest. Pay attention to safety."

They all nodded, so they left the array in a team.

They knew that Jiang Fan must have other ideas, otherwise they would not have asked them so much.

Gu ling'er and Shen Meng didn't follow Jiang Fan. At this time, they were very sensible.

The underground world, the size of a football field, is big or small. People remember the location of the blood pool and listen to what Jiang Fan says. They don't want to get close to it.

Jiang Fan himself, on the other hand, walked towards the passage again. He needed to enter the passage to see if the feeling of calling would still appear.

He's alone. He's not slow.

Soon came to the vicinity of the passage, without saying a word, directly into one.

As expected, after entering the passage, the feeling reappeared. Jiang Fan stood still, closed his eyes and carefully perceived the direction of the strange smell.

A few minutes later, he slowly opened his eyes. He was almost sure that the direction of the breath was in the underground world, but he could not lock the location of the breath after leaving the passage, so he had to look for it bit by bit.

Leaving the passage, Jiang Fan first felt the position of the people at this time with his divine sense, and finally his eyes stayed on the light sources above the huge sword. It was a kind of spirit soldier, exuding a simple atmosphere.

When he tried earlier, he could be sure that the two spirit soldiers came from a sword array.

He didn't know what the friars who arrived in front of them touched, but one thing is for sure. Those weapons are not decorations. They are all sharp weapons to kill people. If they are all used, the destructive power is unimaginable.

Everyone is far away from the blood pool at this time. After Jiang Fan determines the direction, he chooses to go to the blood pool to find out. If he is the only one, he has nothing to fear.

Entering the forest, Jiang fan uses Dan daopian to perceive the existence of the surrounding elixir.

Although it's an underground world, it's full of spiritual power, which is no different from the blessed land. There are some strange miracles growing in the forest, which are very difficult to find outside.

Jiang Fan found a few particularly rare plants and collected them. Then he slowly approached the blood pool to suppress his breath and pace.

It's so quiet all day here. The huge stone sword gives people an invisible sense of oppression.

Jiang fan is looking for something to call for himself, and the most likely thing here is the huge stone sword in front of him.

Standing by the woods, Jiang Fan suddenly saw a red shadow flashing in front of him and went directly into the blood pool.

Silent, as if never appeared, very strange.

Even though Jiang Fan's five senses are far more than ordinary people's, he still can't feel any breath of the blood shadow.

Without saying a word, he displayed his magic formula and concentrated his mind.

He communicated with three people: "did you see that just now?"

"Xiaobutian replied:" yes, it should be a blood devil. It's just that Taoism is still very shallow and not powerful. But in this blood pool, it's very difficult for you to find him unless he is willing to show himself

Jiang Fan said, "what if I destroy this blood pool?"


Xiaobudian and ziyuying opened their mouths almost at the same time.

From their tone of voice, I'm afraid the blood pool has a bright future.

"Do you know the blood pool?"

Xiaobutian said: "this is a magic pool. It's very rare. It's not your human means. This means comes from other worlds. That world is too powerful and cruel. It invades many big worlds, including the bone world and the demon world. Those big worlds where the demons live have been invaded. They almost rule for a while. They don't regard life as life at all. They treat all life as blood at all Every big man builds his own blood pool. The blood pool in front of you is that kind of thing. "Jiang Fan was a little surprised. He didn't expect that there was something more difficult than the devil.

"Why haven't I heard of it?"

"That's a long time ago," she said. "Evil will be rewarded. The whole world will be destroyed. All the monks in the world will be killed. In that war, we don't know how many masters died or how many big worlds acted together. Even we just heard about it, because it's taboo. When we see the blood pool, there will be trouble."

Hearing this, Jiang Fan looked at the blood pool with twinkling eyes.

He didn't feel any strong breath. If the other party is really a little bit of blood devil in their mouth, there's no need to hide. Isn't it easier to kill him directly?

Just when Jiang Fan hesitated, his eyes suddenly jumped. He saw that the light above the huge stone sword in front of him was flashing, and the killing blade began to shake.

When the golden eye of fire opens, Jiang Fan sees that there is an array hidden in the stone sword. At this time, he runs and controls the upper blade.

Suddenly, a blade broke away from the body of the sword, turned into a white light, and flew directly to Jiang Fan's side, very fast.

Jiang Fan eyebrows slightly pick, finally know what those people in front of touched, obviously also to the blood pool nearby, but before they came, the blood pool did not respond, visible is not directly related to the blood pool, but just the blood shadow in the blood pool.

In a twinkling of an eye, the white light had already arrived in front of Jiang Fan. He saw that Jiang Fan's whole body was covered with golden awn. He had no double body. A golden tortoise shell big as a palm appeared in his hand.

Ding -

the white light hit the tortoise shell and was directly blown away, so it could not be broken down at all.

Jiang Fan suddenly used his power to break through the array, and the silver light burst out, instantly shrouded the flying blade.

I saw that the blade swayed in the air for a while. At last, it calmed down slowly. The light dispersed and floated in the air, as if it had lost its spirit.

Jiang fan knows that this thing is controlled by an array, and that array is not as powerful as he imagined. The super destructive power comes from the blade itself. Its quality is very high. It can be seen that it took a lot of effort to refine so much.

Just as he was observing, another light appeared, flying towards him in an instant, and another blade was activated.

It's a pity that this thing has no threat to Jiang Fan at all. No double body and tortoise shell can perfectly resist the sharpness of the blade.

The second blade is still floating in the air.

Huojinjing has been observing the array above the huge sword. When the second blade is subdued by Jiang Fan, the array obviously becomes blocked and runs very slowly. This kind of feeling makes Jiang Fan feel a little familiar.

Xiao AI's voice rang out in his mind: "young master, the person who runs this array is not the master of the array, but uses skillful force to run the array. Obviously, he can't completely control the blade above, and he can control one at most. It's already the limit."

A word awakened, Jiang Fan suddenly realized.

"I see. It's the guy in the blood pool."

He asked the little one and others again: "what if I have to let the blood devil show up? What's the trouble? I take the magic formula as the foundation, and his blood method should not have a great influence on me. "

Hearing this, they were silent for a moment.

"It's very possible to poke a hornet's nest, and we don't know what will happen, but for the elders, we always remember that in case there's an old guy hiding in the blood pool, it's troublesome."

Just then, the blood in the blood pool began to roll and boil, as if something was going to come out of it.

Jiang fan can clearly feel the smell of blood around him, but under the magic formula, he is extremely calm, and his face does not change at all. Looking at the blood pool, his eyes are immortal.

"Mole ant! get the hell out of here! Don't disturb my sleeping

An old voice appeared from the direction of the blood pool, and Jiang Fan heard it clearly.

The other side does not speak, Jiang Fan still some fear, but at this time, Jiang fan can not help but mouth up, with a bit of confidence.

"Mole ant? How dare a villain who dares not show up

The old man's voice sounded again: "mole ant like life, I'm afraid I've forgotten the miserable years, I'll give you the last chance to leave immediately. Otherwise, I will damage the magic yuan and kill you. Add another wisp of real blood to my magic pool! "

This time, Jiang Fan's response is to set fire to heaven.

The huge fireball appeared above Jiang Fan, emitting dazzling brilliance.

The hot breath swept around, and the old man's voice was gloomy.

"What are you doing?"

Jiang Fan's mouth went up, showing a trace of evil smile, and suddenly smashed the fireball toward the blood pool.

"Son of a bitch!"

The old man was very angry. Then he saw the red blood mist in the blood pool. Suddenly, it broke out and spread out towards the blood pool. Finally, it turned into a blood curtain and covered the blood pool completely.

The power of blood pool is constantly on the top, intending to resist the sky fire.

In the twinkling of an eye, the fire hit the upper part of the blood pool, exploded instantly, and the flame spread over the blood curtain.

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