Time passed quickly. Three days had passed since Jiang Fan was trapped.

On that day, the blood fog in the underground space disappeared, the huge sword sank, and Chu Zhan and others in the distance could see clearly.

Shen Meng removes the blood poison from them, and then they go to the location of the thunderstorm, only to find a barrier covering the area, including the huge sword.

They tried to enter, but they couldn't break through half a point, and even a strong attack couldn't shake the barrier.

Jiang Fan seemed to disappear, which made them not think of it.

However, when they come here, they will be satisfied. Jiang fan is trapped, and they don't plan to leave. They just look for inheritance here, hoping to seize the time to get some benefits and wait for Jiang Fan to break out.

The next day, several figures rushed into the space from the channel and looked around.

These people are not the friars of Jiuhuang.

The divine consciousness is constantly sweeping in the space, obviously exploring the situation here.

Chu Zhan and others had to get together to avoid accidents.

But not long after, a figure rushed out of the channel, momentum outside, let Chu Zhan and others on the spot.

Ye Shaocheng took a cold breath: "the ninth Shentai!"

This realm can be regarded as the absolute peak for the friars of Jiuhuang and even the young generation in the world.

They had seen one at the entrance before, which was Luo Jian. Luo Jian was defeated by Jiang Fan, but the momentum of Luo Jian was not equal to this man. It was obviously not a level of genius.

"It's worthy of the existence from the next nine days. There are so many experts, but it seems that they are not good at it."

Hearing this, Chu Zhan looked around and said in a low voice, "in my opinion, let's not wait here. Let's get close to the defensive array arranged by Jiang Fan, in case we need to use it from time to time."

Ye Shaocheng nodded repeatedly, reminding people of humanity: "I agree. If these guys don't have good intentions, we'll fight head-on, I'm afraid we won't be rivals."

No longer hesitated, they moved directly towards the array. Although they had not sent any talismans, their breath had been absorbed, allowing them to freely enter and leave the array. In case the monks of the next nine days really trouble them, they can also enter the array as soon as possible and seek refuge.

As expected, the friars of the next nine days soon realized their existence and came straight in this direction.

The guy with the strong breath of the ninth Shentai, followed closely.

But the next thing let Jiang Fan some did not expect, the next nine days of a few teenagers feel behind that strong man, also have color change.

This makes ye Shaocheng feel funny.

But the super divine sense was suppressed, and everyone fell into the cold pool. It was clear that this man was invincible. He was much stronger than naluo sword.

"Let's go!"

Chu Zhan a low drink, the public quickly move towards the array direction, the distance is not very far, should be able to arrive before the other party arrived.

A poison pill appears in Shen Meng's hand. Then the pill explodes and turns into a poison fog. It spreads out in that direction and wants to resist each other's steps with the poison fog.

The first group was obviously afraid of the fog and slowed down a little.

That is the moment of hesitation, the strong man directly caught up with them, and they had to make way for the man to pass. Obviously, they knew the man's character very well and didn't dare to stop him.

But the strong man had no scruples, did not stop at all, and plunged into the poisonous fog.

But after entering the poison fog, his whole body glowed with golden light, and kept the poison out.

Shen Meng's poison is very difficult to deal with. The monks on the scene all know that it's not ordinary to protect the body. Vigorous Qi can resist it. It's all pervasive and has strong penetration.

But at this time, they can't get close at all. It can be said that they are absolutely crushed in the realm, and the strength of the other side is absolutely amazing.

Sanjie monk's eyes twinkled: "it's a strong physical body. In terms of strength, I'm afraid it's still above me. Coupled with his realm, Jiang Fan may have an opponent."


This man is as loud as a bell and has great momentum.

The sound was as deafening as sound wave power, which made the pace of people's feet a little disordered and the speed dropped a lot.

Dang -

it seems that the bell rings, and a big bronze bell appears in the hands of monk Sanjie. The bell makes everyone calm down instantly, and no one will wait for the other to come.

The bronze bell appeared light and shadow, turned into a huge golden bell to cover the crowd, and the Scriptures appeared constantly, emitting a strong atmosphere.

The other side sees this kind of situation, hits one punch toward this direction suddenly.

The poison fog was broken almost instantly, and the boxing style seemed to turn into a lion that swallowed the world's Qi, and rushed towards Chu Zhan and others with extremely fast speed.

Ow -

the lion pours directly on the golden bell, and then the explosion starts.

The Golden Bell and the lion burst in an instant, but it did not affect Chu Zhan and others. The power of the broken Golden Bell all returned to the spiritual treasure of the three commandments monk.There was a small handprint on the palm sized Lingbao, which surprised monk Sanjie.

"Invincible, get into the battle."

The array is not far away. The strong man obviously has no time to intercept the crowd.

After the three commandments hall, others directly enter the array.

After Chu Zhan and others entered the array, they found that monk Sanjie didn't follow them. Instead, they stood outside the array and looked at the strong man who was not far away.

Physical training friars are not common. Among his peers, it's very rare to see someone who is stronger than his physical body. This is why every time he sees Jiang Fan, he has to fight with Jiang Fan.

At this time, he knew he was invincible, but he still wanted to try to see how far the physical gap was.

Chu Zhan called out: "monk, come in quickly!"

But monk Sanjie's reaction made them totally unexpected.


With a roar from monk Sanjie, the muscles of his whole body are getting bigger and bigger, and his whole body is growing higher and higher. His body is like gold, emitting a strong breath, and his physical strength reaches the peak he can reach.

At the foot of a point, the ground instantly exploded, his tall figure directly ejected out, straight to the other side rushed.

Although the strong man was tall and burly, he was much smaller in front of Sanjie monk.

But who dares to belittle the momentum of his body?

The distance is very close. The two of them have collided with each other. With a dull sound, a huge explosion broke out between them.

The ground collapses into a big pit, which shows how strong the impact is.

Almost everyone in the room looked at them.

The explosion didn't stop, but it spread to Sanjie monk.

Bang -

monk Sanjie's tall figure flew straight back out and smashed hard at the side of the array.

At the same time, Chu Zhan and others supported a wall of Qi to protect the flying monk Sanjie.

Sanjie monk directly hit the gas wall and flew into the array. Everyone could feel the impact of the strong man's strength. Unexpectedly, Sanjie monk could not resist it at all.

His breath almost dispersed, and the spiritual power of strengthening the physical body quickly dispersed, and the whole person recovered to his original appearance.

After Chu Zhan took him over, he found that he didn't react and even fainted. It was unexpected.

"How could that be?"

The monks on the scene all knew how strong the monk San Jie was. He was so powerful that he was defeated with only one move and even fainted.

There is only one possibility, and that is the absolute crushing of combat power.

Chu Zhan and others couldn't help looking out. The strong man, who had stopped, stood firm with a little surprise in his eyes.

I heard him mutter: "what a strong body!"

Let everyone be speechless.

The strong man didn't stop. He went out of the array and looked at the barrier carefully.

He knocked on the barrier with his hand, then touched his chin: "master! This array layout is very exquisite. I didn't expect that there are such talents among you guys. I don't want to embarrass you. As long as you cooperate with me, I promise you will all benefit. "

"How do you want to cooperate?" Chu Zhan took the lead.

In front of them, they may not be able to compete with each other. In the distance, there are other next nine days monks who are covetous and in a difficult situation.

Before the strong man spoke, the nine day friars in the rear had arrived.

One of them said directly: "Qin Wuliang, if you want to find someone to cooperate with, you can directly find us. Why cooperate with these lower bound monks and surrender your status?"

That strong man picked eyebrow to see them one eye, full face of disdain.

"What's the difference between working with them and working with you trash?"

A few people were very angry, but they didn't dare to talk to Qin Wuliang.

"Qin Wuliang, we came here first, but you are in front of us to interrogate these people. Are you a little overbearing when you refuse to cooperate with us?"

Qin Wuliang said with a smile: "Laozi has always been like this. If you are not convinced, you can fight together to see if I can beat you up and call you dad!"

Several people's faces are ugly, but Zhou Tong laughs happily in the array.

Chuzhan said with a smile: "this uncle is really interesting. Let's cooperate with him."

However, this sentence seems to infuriate Qin Wuliang.

He suddenly turned his head and looked at Zhou Tong: "you are the uncle. Your whole family is the uncle. I am only nineteen!"

Although the anger in his eyes could be seen clearly, Zhou Tong couldn't help laughing.

Qin Wuliang's view is that he is a middle-aged uncle. His face is full of vicissitudes, so is his speech. He is not a young man in any way.

Ye Shaocheng felt Qin Wuliang's strong sense of killing in his eyes and pulled next Zhou Tong: "Hey, this guy is pissed off, we all have to follow the bad luck."

Zhou Tong quickly covered his mouth, but he couldn't cover it up at all. Instead, he laughed louder.And the next nine days of a few people, even began to slowly retreat, eyes full of fear.

One of them reminded: "Qin Wuliang, you have to stay alive even if you are crazy. We still have something to ask."

As soon as his voice fell, Qin Wuliang had rushed to the side of the array. His speed was extremely fast. He immediately hit the barrier of the array and made a loud noise. His fist hit the barrier hard.

Boom -

the earth trembled, and the ground around the barrier cracked. However, the barrier glittered, defusing the aftereffects, and was not shaken.

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