Several people looked at the pills in their hands and were surprised.

"What's the origin of Jiang Fan? It's very generous. What did he do with Jin Dashao? You don't want revenge, do you? That's a bit too much of a stretch. "

Looking at Jiang Fan's back, the young man sighed: "I don't know why, I feel that this guy seems very strong and doesn't pay attention to Jin Dashao. What an interesting guy. "

"Don't worry about others. Let's think about ourselves first. The news of Jiang Fan's appearance is very valuable. Shall we... "

Before he finished speaking, the young man at the head interrupted directly: "no, we can't offend Jin Dashao or Jiang Fan. We should focus on finding inheritance and let you two break through to the realm of alchemy."

After Jiang Fan left, he recited the name of Jincheng.

Chu war is on the rise. If we make a good use of this year, the realm will change dramatically. He didn't expect that this kind of thing happened in the past few days.

"It's a heavenly level treasure, isn't it? Then let's tear our skin

Think of this, Jiang Fan took out a piece of Fu Ling jade, and then feel the position of each other, and then quickly toward that direction.

Ten days later, Jiang Fan came to a swamp and found that the other party's breath was in the swamp.

Although he didn't know what the monk was doing, he didn't disturb him and sat on the bank to practice.

Jiang fan is very low-key and doesn't make it public. He doesn't want to be too troublesome now. There are many people who make up his mind. He doesn't have time to deal with those people.

It took a whole day for the marshes to change and bubble.

Before long, a bald head rushed out of the water, quickly jumped out of the swamp and landed.

Seeing Jiang Fan, he smiles: "what's the matter with poor monk, benefactor?"

Jiang Fan woke up, took out a jar of good wine on the side: "to discuss something important with you."

Seeing the wine, monk Sanjie sat directly beside Jiang Fan. He was not polite to Jiang Fan at all. He picked up the wine jar and poured it fiercely.

"It's good, it's good wine!"

Jiang Fan said with a smile: "in this jar of wine, there are only three elixirs. Of course, they are good wine."

San Jie took another big drink: "you and I are friends. Don't beat around the bush. If you have anything to say, monk, I will help you."

"Did you hear about Chu war?"

Monk Sanjiao nodded: "I heard that a few days ago. I thought he could rise in Baizhan peak. It's a pity."

Jiang fan then said: "I'm going to pit him in Jincheng once, but I'm not so good with my own ability. Of course, I'm the first one to think of you. You have to help me."

San Jie didn't think too much about it. He calmly said, "if you have any ideas, just tell me directly. As long as I can do it, I will not be vague."

Jiang Fan's words surprised Sanjie.

"You catch me to see Jincheng and pit his Tianjie Lingbao."

"Are you sure? You know, that guy is not alone. The two shadow guard realms around him may still be above his golden city. Although he has no name, he is not afraid of life and death. It's hard to deal with him. I can only protect myself. I may not care about you when I fight. "

Of course, Jiang fan knows about this. It's a fact generally recognized on the mainland that Wanbaoshan's shadow guards are very powerful.

Of course, I'm confident to protect myself. I'll ask you if you dare to go.

Monk Sanjie touched his bald head: "monk, what do I dare not do? Even if you ask me to fight with them, I'm not afraid. Benefactor, I have to ask them if they are afraid. "

Jiang Fan still knows his strength very well, and naturally understands his strength.

"No problem! I got the news that they should be in the mountains beyond Beiling mountain. We should leave now. Maybe we can snatch their inheritance. "

Jiang Fan wants to see Jincheng and has another idea. He also wants to know what is the reason for Jin Dashao's trouble with him and whether it is the same as his guess.

Monk Sanjiao got up and said, "wait a minute. I've been catching that snake for a long time."

Jiang Fan looked at the swamp and found a snake with black pattern swimming over it. He frowned slightly: "that snake is not very poisonous. It's useless to soak wine. What do you want to do with it?"

San Jie licked his lips: "of course, I ate it. Monk, I like snake soup best. "

Jiang Fan didn't have a good way: "let your master know, don't pick your skin!"

"Who will know if you don't say?"

Jiang Fan took out a pill and another pill, each taking a little, and then pinched them together.

With that, Jiang Fan got up and went to the swamp, lit the pill with a flame, and the fragrance immediately spread out.

Sanjie looks at Jiang Fan, obviously not sure what he wants to do.

Jiang Fan explained: "this pill will emit dragon Qi after being ignited, which has great attraction for those snakes. It's said that these snakes often eat things with dragon Qi, and their advanced speed will be much faster. "

Three quit frown: "so good?"Gulu Gulu -

there are bubbles on the swamp, and then more than a dozen snakes float to the surface of the water and run towards Jiang Fan, greedily absorbing the Dragon Qi from the pills.

Jiang Fanchao's three commandments winked and made him act according to the situation.

Sanjie had been ready for a long time. Suddenly, he grabbed two of them and felt satisfied.

"You can take it orally this evening. Give me some pills of this pill."

Jiang Fan, of course, will not be stingy. He directly finds out two pills and hands them to him.

They set out all the way north. Jiang Fan finds the hat to hide his identity, but the deterrent power of Sanjie monk is quite strong, and almost no one wants to come near.

It has been rumored all the time that the three commandments monk has amazing strength but eccentric temper.

Because someone saw that after he just came into Baizhan peak, he chased and killed two monks for more than ten days, and finally he sent them out of Baizhan peak.

two of them as like as two peas in the dress, actually two people are two commanding brothers of the three precepts, and he is so personal.

After that, someone said, "don't provoke monk Sanjie. That guy is crazy, even his own people.".

However, with Jiang Fan's understanding of him, his friends are very loyal and never soft on the enemy. If the two monks didn't provoke him, they would never be cleared out by him.

With Sanjie monk by his side, Jiang fan is not afraid of being exposed.

Beiling mountain spreads thousands of miles. It is a deep mountain. There are many monsters in it. It is one of the dangerous places in Baizhan peak.

They went straight into the mountain without hesitation.

As soon as you meet people, Sanjie will catch them and ask them the location of Jincheng. Someone had seen it, and they didn't hide it. They kept on running towards the depth of Beiling mountain.

Monk Sanjiao has been discussing the problem of refining medicine with Jiang Fan all the way.

He knows pharmacology, can control fire, and has a good talent. Unfortunately, because of his cultivation talent, the master directly killed his idea of refining medicine, which has been suppressed until now.

Now that Jiang fan knows how to refine medicine, he naturally looks forward to it.

Jiang Fan once experienced this kind of situation, and so did Sanjie monk. He had a strong interest in refining medicine.

Jiang Fan didn't talk too much. He directly passed on a set of skills of refining divine knowledge, which would be of great benefit to his future cultivation.

Then there's fire control.

Sanjie monk's skill of controlling fire is not profound. It can be seen that his school deliberately does not teach him the skill of controlling fire.

Jiang Fan's fire control skill takes a long time to accumulate, which is not suitable for the use of the three commandments. Therefore, he is taught a simple fire control skill. This skill comes from the Tibetan Academy. Although it is not very profound, it is very ingenious, which is suitable for the use of the three commandments.

Sanjie is in a good mood. He threatens to refine a batch of pills for Jiang Fan before leaving the secret place.


Holding the map in his hand, Jincheng kept climbing over mountains, opening the map from time to time and observing it carefully.

At this time, a young man approached him. "Jin Dashao, monk Sanjie has entered Beiling mountain and is looking for you."

Jincheng frowned: "three commandments? What does he want from me? Doesn't he look down on me, who stinks of copper? "

"I don't know. Shall we send someone to inform him of our location?"

Jincheng thought about it, and finally nodded: "tell him, I also want to know what he wants to do, you are all ready, be careful that guy is angry at the scene, it will be very troublesome at that time."

Several young people nodded and said nothing else.

The two shadow guards are always behind Jincheng. No matter what danger they encounter, they will protect them for the first time, which has almost become instinct.

The team stopped and decided to wait for Sanjie monk.

At the other end, someone finds Jiang Fan and tells them their location.

When the man left, Sanjie said with a smile: "this guy really gives face. He'll send it to the door."

Jiang Fan sneered: "be careful, that guy has too much heart. I think he must be setting up a net now, waiting for us to jump in."

San Jie shook his head: "don't worry, he doesn't dare, otherwise, monk, I'm not used to his problems. The world is afraid of Wanbaoshan. I'm not afraid of the three commandments, and so is Xiaoxitian. "

Without hesitation, they opened the map and studied their direction carefully.

Three rings pointed to the depth of Beiling mountain: "you look here, it seems a little interesting."

Jiang Fan looked at the mountains on the map and was also stunned.

If you don't look carefully, you won't find any difference.

He exclaimed: "this should be the array arranged by a big man. It's really an uncanny skill. It's a mountain array."

Sanjie looked at Jiang Fan in surprise: "do you still know the array?"

Jiang Fan chuckled: "a little knowledge!"

Sanjie looked up and down at Jiang Fan: "I want to know, is there anything you don't understand?"Jiang Fan shrugged: "I contact more things, but in addition to refining medicine, other things are not exquisite."

Three quit shook his head: "cooking is also good."

They looked at each other and laughed. They knew that they did not eat less along the way.


They were not slow, and it took them a whole day to get to the appointed place.

Looking around, it's out of the valley, in the middle of the two mountains. Jincheng and his party had a rest there. There were nearly ten people, none of them weak.

Iron shadow guard, water helper, this is the true portrayal of Jincheng.

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