Lifting the danger, Jincheng and others were relieved.

However, Jincheng's eyes are gloomy, looking at the direction of Jiang Fan's leaving.

"What a Jiang Fan. You are the first one who doesn't pay attention to my golden city. I will let you know the consequences."

A young man nearby said, "Jin Dashao, do you want us to do something? Jiang Fan has gone too far. "

Jincheng calmed down and said, "you don't have to do anything. Continue to follow me. When the chance comes, I want Jiang Fan to be unable to turn over."


Jiang fan is in a good mood, and monk Sanjie follows him.

"You've completely offended Jin Dashao this time, but that guy has a lot of grudges. Your face-to-face confrontation will make him lose face, and he may be in a bit of trouble later."

After getting along for some time, the conversation between monk Sanjie and Jiang fan is not as polite as before.

Jiang Fan's face is indifferent: "if he wants to deal with me, he has to have that ability. How I deal with him is his fault."

"What's next?"

Jiang Fan said with a mysterious smile: "it depends on what Jin Dashao plans to do next."

San Jie reminded: "I remind you, if that guy is forced to be urgent, it will be very troublesome. He doesn't have any scruples. Who let him have such a son?"

"The skin has been torn, so I'm not afraid to go too far. I have to rise as soon as possible to seize the inheritance of his golden city, which is the most direct. "

Sanjie said with a smile: "it seems that you have already thought about how to plan. You can rest assured that before the end of Baizhan peak, I will guarantee your safety. I believe that with my strength, you can still be saved."

But Jiang Fan shakes his head decisively: "no, it will be very troublesome if you stay with me all the time. You have to do another thing."

Hearing this, San Jie was puzzled: "what's the meaning of this?"

"You will waste a lot of time with me, because when you accept the inheritance, you suffer a lot. This hundred battles peak is the place where you rise. You need to fight for your own chance and break through the realm of alchemy as soon as possible. "

Sanjie suddenly finds that he can't understand Jiang Fan. Why does this boy think about him everywhere?

"How can you resist the trouble of Jincheng?"

Jiang Fan looked at his palm and pinched his fist.

"Now he can't help me. Even if I have something to do, I will ask you for help."

San Jie didn't say much. He could see the firmness in Jiang Fan's eyes.

"Be careful!"

With that, he turned and left without saying goodbye, as he always did.

Jiang Fan turns around and returns to the original road, takes a hidden Qi pill, completely suppresses his breath, and displays his words. His figure quickly disappears in the direction of the forest.

His idea is very simple, follow Jincheng and others, snatch inheritance.

After the breakthrough, he had enough self-protection ability, and with the help of medicine, he was delusional to leave him.

As for the challenge of baizhanfeng, Jiang Fan has only one person to challenge him. If the other party has only one person, Jiang fan doesn't mind sending him away from baizhanfeng. Even the two powerful shadow guards, Jiang Fan has absolute confidence.

In xingzipian and yinqidan, Jiang Fan followed the crowd at a distance, very calm and smiling.

In the twinkling of an eye, after a month, demons broke out several times in the secret place of baizhanfeng. Some people didn't have time to escape and became the food of demons. Finally, one day, two demons appeared at the same time in the secret place.

Although Yang Zun's token appeared for the first time, it also successfully forced one of them back to the big array and repaired it.

But another demon's breath was hidden and disappeared in the secret place. The news spread that people were in danger, and this thing became an unknown number in Baizhan peak.

How powerful is the demon escaping from the seal? At least none of these young monks has the ability to resist.

Things into Jiang Fan's ears, he found that the speed of Jincheng's team has slowed down a lot, obviously very scared.

For a moment, all the proud people were hiding, without the fighting momentum before, for fear of being targeted by the demon.

However, there are exceptions, that is, Shijie of wanhushan.

Like when he first came in, Shijie seemed to be indefatigable. As long as he saw other friars, he would challenge and win with absolute strength. He had not met his opponent all the way.

Now more than four months later, he became the first monk to step into the Ninth level of alchemy.

The realm has exceeded the three commandments monk. I don't know how many monks were sent out of Baizhan peak by him.

Jiang Fan opens the map, carefully studies the route of Jincheng, and looks for the possible inheritance direction on it.

This guy is still the same as before. He is not a good inheritor.

Therefore, as long as Jiang Fan carefully observes, he can definitely see the clue, otherwise his name as the king of medicine will be really smashed.

Jiang Fan's eyes twinkled, and he could see the difference in the front area.He suppressed the breath, bypassed the team of Jincheng and others, and continued to go forward.

The map shows that there is a volcano ahead, which is the only strange place in this area.

Jiang Fan to speed up to the extreme, he must arrive one or two days earlier, otherwise Jincheng and others arrive, he wants to quietly accept the inheritance, but it is not so easy.

The surrounding temperature is getting hotter, and the volcano has been reached ahead.

This is an active volcano. Jiang Fan looked at it from a distance and didn't see the cave, but he felt the smell of the top of the mountain. It was very hot.

However, this temperature has little effect on Jiang Fan. His fire control skill is powerful. He can absolutely resist these temperatures by protecting himself with red fire.

Without hesitation, I climbed directly to the volcano. The crater is condensed magma, but I can clearly feel that there is unimaginable energy under it.

Looking forward, a pillar appears in Jiang Fan's eyes, which makes Jiang Fan feel stunned.

it's as like as two peas. It's not the same breath. It's just the same as that seen on the insect nest.

The chain goes down to the bottom of the earth and connects directly to the depths of the volcano.

Jiang Fan didn't dare to get close. If the demons here are just like the insect king, but they are trapped, and there is still room for activities, it must be a forbidden area.

But Jiang Fan didn't plan to stay here all the time. He walked around the crater to the other side.

He has gradually found out the strangeness of the secret place of Baizhan peak.

As long as it is a magic place, there will be inheritance.

Thinking of this, he decided to go back to the insect nest and oasis. There should be inheritance there, but he didn't find it before.

Around to the other end of the volcano, Jiang Fan slowly goes down the mountain, closes his eyes to communicate with Dan daopian, so that the circuit of the great array of spiritual power appears in his mind.

Soon, a clear running route appeared in Jiang Fan's mind.

As I guess, there is a big formation here, but it is not outside, but in the middle of the volcano.

Jiang Fan raised his eyebrow: "is the array inside the volcano? There should be access to the volcano. "

He walked around the volcano, and finally found a hole in the east of the volcano. The hot smell came from the cave.

Jiang Fanyi, an expert, was bold and went directly into it.

Soon Jiang Fan found out that the hole was made by man, and the walls were neat. He should have dug it out in one breath. He must be powerful.

The red fire envelops Jiang Fan's whole body and goes deep into it.

As he walked, he felt the breath of the array. When he came to the edge of the array, there was a cliff in front of him.

Looking around, there is the rolling magma below, emitting a pungent smell. There is a huge figure writhing in the magma, as if suffering a huge torture. It is huge and can't see the whole picture clearly.

The giant egg sent a message to Jiang Fan.

"The position of inheritance is on the opposite stone wall. You need to climb over the stone wall next to it."

It's very bright here. You can see the situation of the opposite stone wall.

As the giant egg said, a cave was opened up on the opposite stone wall, which exudes a clear atmosphere, in sharp contrast with the smell of volcano.

However, Jiang Fan also saw the iron chain of Zhenmo column hanging down above and connected to the magma. He didn't know what material it was made of.

With the goal, Jiang Fan no longer hesitated, climbed to the stone wall and slowly moved toward the opposite side.

Jiang fan is very curious about the dome: "can you feel the inheritance?"

"I'm very sensitive to special psychic power. I can feel it as long as I'm within a certain range and there's no prohibition or array blocking. However, it's also related to these trapped guys. I'm quite familiar with their psychic power."

Jiang Fan frowned: "familiar?"

Jiang Fan didn't expect the next response from dome.

"Of course, because these guys are my father's pets."

"These? What else

The giant said: "all the people trapped in zhenmozhu are my father's pets. Those who are sealed by the array are all under my father's hands. The secret place of baizhanfeng is sealed by the team headed by my father."

Jiang Fan's heart trembles. What's the origin of Qiu Tian? It's so powerful that he can't imagine. It's hard to imagine how powerful he is.

The dome then said, "within a thousand years, the Baizhan peak will be broken. At that time, my father will surely wake up and take these guys to revenge those bastards."

Hearing this, Jiang Fan's hair stood up. If these sealed demons appeared in the mainland together, it was hard to imagine what kind of disaster they would bring.

But it's hard to know for a thousand years. At least he had never heard of the collapse of Baizhan peak before he was killed.

Jiang Fan asked, "how strong is Qiu Tian?"

"Before the seal, my father was already entangled, otherwise how dare he call himself a demon?"

Jiang Fan's mind was shocked, and the road entanglement was not the realm he could imagine. How many such masters are there in the mainland? At least there are only one or two monks he knows. They are all old monsters in the world of seclusion. Monks in the realm of Dean are no different from mole ants in front of them.However, it also reminds Jiang Fan how powerful the Jiuhuang hall is, as strong as the devil Chou Tian, and it still ends up sealed. Who can think of it?

The stone wall is very hot, but it doesn't have a great influence on Jiang Fan.

To sweep away those shocks, he just needs to keep his heart and constantly improve his realm. In the last life, he was the king of medicine. In this life, his goal is to surpass the past. As long as he continues to surpass, he will be proud of the world one day.

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