Duan Tianyang is not happy to hear that.

No good way: "look at your proud appearance, one of your disciples may fall in the secret."

The Dean looked at the direction of Baizhan peak and said seriously, "don't underestimate that child. He is the one who makes me feel at ease most, because every time I see him again, I can feel his strange change."

Baizhan peak Gobi town magic land, running for several days, Jiang Fan reluctantly did not catch up with the demons relying on the words.

Fortunately, he still has some elixirs to keep him at the fastest speed.

Stick to it for a while and you'll be safe.

In recent days, he has dodged the attack of this demon several times. If there is a slight mistake, he may be killed directly, which is totally irresistible.

The demon flies in the air. If he finds the right chance, he will attack Jiang Fan.

Seeing the basin in front of you, the monster's huge body suddenly accelerated.

The demon is not human, but more like a big bird. It is blue in color, but it has a head and red eyes. It has an amazing breath.

Jiang Fan saw that his shadow was covered, the shadow became smaller and smaller, and the breath was completely suppressed.

At the moment when the other party met him, his figure suddenly became unreal for half a minute, then rolled forward and rolled into the basin.

The monster's huge figure skips over from above, and the attack fails again.

Jiang Fan quickly got up, but it was not the time to relax.

"Master, help me."

Far away, Jiang Fan began to shout, with a loud voice.

His speed is not slow, constantly close to the center area, the demon has been chasing behind, Jiang Fan dare not have the slightest relaxation.

A huge figure came out of the ground. It was the insect king.

Roar -

with a roar, the demon suddenly fell from the air and fell to the ground. Then he struggled to get up, crawled to the king of insects and calmed down.

Jiang Fan sits down on the ground. He is tired these days. Such a powerful demon is so honest when he comes to the insect king. We can see how terrible the insect King's strength is.

Jiang Fan gasped: "after me for a few days, I will die."

The insect king turned into a woman and looked at Jiang Fan doubtfully: "you have the smell of magic talisman. No wonder this little guy will chase you for so long."

Jiang Fan's teeth itched with hatred and said: "a bastard is biting me. Cover me with this thing."

Then he raised his arm and let the insect King see the charm printed on his arm.

The insect king came to Jiang Fan, grabbed his arm, smelled it, and frowned: "it's really the same taste."

However, after that, her breath was concentrated, and a breath gathered on Jiang Fan's arm, and then the charm disappeared little by little. Jiang Fan was at ease. It would be no fun if several more demons came to chase him after breaking the seal.

With the charm disappeared, the demon's red eyes also recovered a trace of clarity, still crawling in front of the insect king.

The insect King continued to look at Jiang Fan: "your son's cultivation has improved very fast. It seems that he has gained a lot of benefits in this hundred battles peak."

Jiang Fan said with a smile: "I forgot to ask when I left last time. There should be inheritance around here. I'm not as cheap as others."

Insect king said with a smile: "last time you left too fast, I forgot, and you get inheritance, you will draw some of my strength. But you're right. You're not as cheap as an outsider. The little master can also get some benefits. "

Then, the insect king gave Jiang Fan the location of the inheritance, which was not far from the insect nest.

Jiang Fan didn't say anything, so he went there decisively to accept the inheritance.

When he arrived, he found that there was also a pile of dead bones, which could not be distinguished from the previous appearance.

It's similar to the inheritance he got in the volcano, but this time he accepted the inheritance, which made Jiang Fan break through again and condensed into the seventh divine idea.

Jiang Fan feels that the body is full of treasure, and the breath is constantly improving. He can even feel that every inch of the body contains spiritual power.

He is confident that even in the face of two shadow guards, he can definitely fight against each other.

Jincheng's real strength is not his realm. Although he has good fighting power, he is much worse than Sanjie and Shijie.

What he is really powerful is his resources, pills, arrays, Lingbao and other auxiliary items.

The young master of Wanbaoshan can take out the heaven level Lingbao without frowning. There are few people in the mainland, and he is one of them.

Jiang Fan let go, let the giant egg also absorb some strength, hope to help in the future.

After the end of the inheritance, Jiang Fan put his goal on the oasis.

There is a seal of the demon God Qiu Tian. The inheritance must be amazing. If he can get it, he may have the chance to fight for the final inheritance.

Back to the insect nest, Jiang Fan directly inquired about the inheritance position of the insect King oasis.

However, the insect King frowned: "don't think about the inheritance. If you can climb to the top of Baizhan peak, you can naturally get the inheritance there."Hearing her words, Jiang Fan immediately understood what he meant. It turned out that the inheritance of oasis was the final inheritance of Baizhan peak.

If you think about it carefully, it really should be so. Qiu Tian doesn't know how terrible the realm is, and the quality of inheritance will be proportional to it.

"Thank you for your advice."

Insect King laughed: "you can bring this little guy here for me, which is a great help for me. With his help, maybe one day, you can break the magic pillar and regain your freedom."

Jiang Fan said with a smile, "I hope that day will come soon."

Although he said so, he didn't think so. You know, the insect king was an alien who followed Qiu Tian to invade the main road. Their freedom would be a huge blow to the mainland. Jiang Fan knew very well what the catastrophe had caused.

Jiang Fan asked the insect King whether there was a similar inheritance on the Gobi, but the insect king was not clear.

However, Jiang Fan also got a message from him. As he guessed, each heritage site represents a demon being sealed, and also represents the fall of an ancient master. These arrays were created by them after they were seriously injured and sacrificed their lives.

It is precisely because of this strength that the Baizhan peak has been built.

Jiang Fan decided to turn around the Gobi again, maybe he could find other inheritance. As long as he can condense another idea, he can finish the fight after that. That's the most important thing for him.

It's a pity that for half a month, I haven't met any place where I can inherit.

Jiang Fan finds out the water bag and pours it. He looks at the direction of the exit: "Jin Dashao, I'm coming."

Although he can't fight with Jincheng, it's enough to snatch his inheritance, but Jiang Fan will not be careless this time.

This time, Jiang Fan took the hat again, and he was ready to keep a low profile.

Jiang fan is chased by demons. Almost no one knows how powerful the demons are. Who will believe that Jiang fan can stay in the secret place?

Jincheng has been in a good mood these days. Without Jiang Fan's trouble, he has got a good inheritance, which makes him go further and condense the eighth divine idea.

Up to now, Baizhan peak has not appeared. Counting the time, the secret place of Baizhan peak has been opened for nearly half a year. According to previous records, eight months after the secret place is opened, Baizhan peak will appear. At this time, the arrogants of all walks of life need to climb mountains and fight for the last seat.

Jiang Fan spent a lot of effort to get Jincheng's current position.

However, he also got a message that there were more and more people around Jincheng. This guy was the same as before. No matter who he met, he would not do anything. This made many young friars feel grateful to him.

Jiang Fan catches up all the way and looks at the group from a distance with a slight frown.

"There are so many people willing to follow. The ability of Jincheng to win people's hearts is really innate."

Jiang Fan opens the map and observes carefully according to the moving direction of Jincheng and others.

Unfortunately, this time he didn't judge accurately, and didn't find any strange place. He watched Jincheng enter into an inherited array.

The two shadow guards were close to the teleport formation.

Jiang Fan's eyes twinkled and looked there, carefully observing the situation around him.

His mouth slightly raised: "it's too cheap for you to accept inheritance so easily."

Close your eyes and cover that area with divine consciousness. Dan daopian works, and the spiritual power of Da Zhen gradually appears in Jiang Fan's mind.

He knew the essence of Baizhan peak from the insect king. As long as he broke the battle, there would be demons. Does Jincheng want to inherit it? There's no door.

After so many years, these formations have almost collapsed, otherwise there would not be so many demons this time.

You know, in the past, there were no demons in Baizhan peak, and Jiang Fan only needed to find the place to crush the array and destroy it to achieve the effect he wanted.

After a few breaths, he suddenly opened his eyes with bright eyes.

He stares at a huge raised stone and stands up abruptly.

The wind was blowing on both legs, and the whole person rushed out of the woods.

All they saw was a shadow passing by, so fast that they couldn't react.

The two shadow guards are super powerful and almost rush to Jiang Fan for the first time.

Jiang Fan's breath condenses on his fist. He comes to the boulder and smashes it with one fist. Then he rushes to the woods not far away, and his figure disappears quickly.

Even Yingwei can't keep up with his speed.

Jiang Fan has xingzipian, otherwise, in the face of the demon chase, no one in this realm can survive, unless crushing lingfu and leaving Baizhan peak.

After the boulder was broken, the atmosphere around it was suddenly disordered, constantly pounding the ground.

Bombardment -

the ground vibrates continuously and cracks rapidly.

Jincheng frowned and was forced out of the transmission array by a force.

"What's the matter?"

Ying Wei didn't respond. He set up and ran to the distance. The others quickly followed.

These days, they have not experienced this kind of situation for the first time. It must be the birth of demons. If they don't run, they will die.Just ran not far, a big hairy hand rushed out from the ground.

Without waiting for the demon to come out, Yang Zun's token flew from the air to suppress the demon and return to the seal array, and then repair the array with spiritual power.

After everything calms down, Jincheng returns to the position of the teleportation array just now, but he finds that the teleportation array has disappeared.

"What's the matter?" he said? Who did it? "

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