But Jiang fan is very clear about the strength of this breath, which is not what he can resist now. Even with Qin Wuliang's help, or even the use of Lingbao, it has no effect.


The voices of xiaobudian and ziyuying almost sounded at the same time.

Where can Jiang Fan take care of so many things and directly send Qin Wuliang into his treasure bag.

He almost disappeared in the same place in an instant, and then his body appeared in the air. Just now, the situation was urgent, so he could only dodge.

The powerful spirit fell on the mountain without any damage. It was absorbed by the mountain and disappeared.

But Jiang Fan felt great pressure, and the magic formula was used almost instantaneously.

He felt several breath coming towards him from different directions.

It's all kinds of special psychic powers that he saw with his eyes.

Jiang Fan retreated, and the whole person approached the barrier of the secret place, and said in a low voice: "Xiao AI, Lin Zhan, take my breath to help me break the array, and I will deal with the rest!"

The next moment, Xiao AI and Lin Zhan enter the barrier.

Jiang fan uses his power to break through the array and directly injects the spiritual power into the barrier to feel the strangeness of the barrier breath as early as possible.

But the amount and scope of the surging spirit power that kept approaching made him a little surprised.

Little voice a little anxious: "go, or it's too late, surrounded!"

The monsters at the foot of the mountain also see everything in their eyes. They are surprised and some can't believe it.

They didn't expect that Jiang Fan would dare to fly into the air.

"It's amazing that the boy has reached that position and is still alive!"

"So what? I can't help but fly into the air. A few years ago, I saw with my own eyes a big demon of enlightenment exploding there. There was no resistance at all. "

"Strange to say, what on earth is there? From my memory of blood inheritance, it should be the adverse inheritance of Wuxiang peak. How could it become a place of great evil instead? "

At this time, there is an old tortoise in the monster group, and it appears. The monsters on the scene make way to both sides.

"My Lord!"

Even the blue rock beast bowed to it, showing great respect.

The old tortoise obviously heard what they said, and he said: "what the little guy said just now is right. The inheritance of Wuxiang peak is above Wuxiang peak, and there is no test at all. Almost anyone can get it. As long as you dare to go up, the inheritance will come automatically. But those are the special spiritual power of those five adults. Where can ordinary monks resist? It's just a kind of forced injection into the body. Ordinary monks will explode and die, but there are five kinds of spiritual power. In addition to these five kinds of special power, there are several different kinds of special spiritual power, which were used to assist the five adults in their cultivation at that time, and later became a part of inheritance. All these spiritual powers will be forcibly injected into the human body and passed on. Needless to say, no one can resist the consequences. That's why the five elephant peak is called the Jedi. "

The old tortoise didn't know what time he was. He obviously knew a lot of them.

The big mouse looked at Jiang Fan in the air with a sneer.

"So the Terran kid is dead? The experts around him don't have any chance to run away, do they? "

The old tortoise nodded: "all over the sky, there is no place to escape, the first time did not escape, there is no chance."

Jiang fan keeps his eyes open all the time, and it's too late for xiaobudian to remind him.

Except for the secret place behind him, he had no way to go, no gap left for him.

"Xiaofan, get into the Dongtian Lingbao quickly, you should be able to save your life!"

The voice of ziyuying rings in Jiang Fan's mind, but Jiang fan doesn't have such a choice, because his breath has been locked, and entering the Dongtian Lingbao is likely to cause other reactions. What's more, there are so many monsters looking at the situation here. He will never choose such a passive way unless he has to. What's more, he has sensed something and has other plans.

Seeing that he didn't respond, she called out, "are you crazy?"

But the next moment, xiaobutian and ziyuying suddenly can't feel Jiang Fan's situation, let alone the outside world.

Purple jade eagle way: "he unexpectedly cut off our five senses, what on earth does he want to do?"

Xiaobutian was a little angry: "this boy wants to work hard! It's a pity that we can't go against the power of the contract. Otherwise, I'll take him away from here. He deserves to be a Jedi. He's a dead man

Ziyu Eagle said: "it's not so easy to die. This boy is Jiang Fan. At least he has a way out of the cave. There must be no problem. Although the spirit power is strange, it's hard to break his cave spirit treasure. What's more, he has heaven and earth stove to protect himself. Can't Xianbao be broken?"

Xiaobudian was relieved. Just now, it was so urgent that he forgot the Qiankun stove.

"Look at my head. I should have reminded him of the universe just now!"At this time, the voice of heaven and earth furnace suddenly also sounded in this space.

"It's useless. Xiao Fan has blocked my perception. I don't know what he is going to do. I was ready to protect him at any time, but he obviously doesn't want to. I can't leave his air sea now. Do you have any way?"

Xiaobu calmed down: "what did the boy find?"

Qian Kun said: "no matter what he found, the destructive power of those spiritual powers just now is super strong. With his realm, there is no way to resist it."


Jiang Fan's eyes opened, and the surging spirit power was very close to him, like the vast sea towards him.

But his eyes were full of fanaticism, he sealed all the treasures and little people in his body, because he felt the extraordinary place of the breath here.

How could he not know the feeling that some of the spirit powers close to him had been close to his body for a long time, but they had no destructive power and were injected into his body instead? That's what it's like to pass on.

He did not dare to imagine that the vast spiritual power could be a heritage, which was really terrible.

But with his insight and his understanding of all kinds of spiritual power, he is very clear about the horror of this inheritance. Such disordered spiritual power, at the same time, the inheritance, not to mention that the physical body can't bear it, will collapse and die. If only such complex spiritual power is injected into the body, it will inevitably continue to collide, and finally it will be the result of body explosion and death.

This inheritance is too cruel to give people a chance to succeed.

But Jiang Fan wanted to have a try, because he knew that this might be a turning point of cultivation. With his ability, there might be a ray of life.

Even if he can't, he still has the furnace of heaven and earth and Dongtian Lingbao to save his life.

But if they don't seal them, they will never allow Jiang Fan to take risks.

He knows his abilities better than anyone else, and that's why he wants to try.

In a short time, such gifted friars as Qin Wuliang will step into the realm of divine law one after another. He can never stand still. No matter how hard the road ahead is, even if he bumps into it, he will have to find a way out.

The corners of his mouth rose and he was not afraid to smile.

"Come on!"

The surging spirit power instantly drowned him and injected into his body. His whole body was full of treasure and tenacity, but the whole person was getting fat, just like blowing a balloon. We can see how terrible the situation in his body is.

At the foot of the mountain, those monsters look indifferent.

The rat's eyes were cold: "are you dead? I really think I'm invincible. Just a little guy! Kill so many of my people and kill yourself

But the next moment, the monsters were shocked, some can't believe it.

Jiang Fan's spirit power is surging. All the lights are shining. Then he hears Jiang Fan's voice, which frightens his mind. The whole mountain can hear it clearly.

"Dan Dao chapter!"

"No twins!"

"The law of chaos!"

Every time Jiang Fan shouts out a sentence, the breath around him is changing.

He uses Dan daopian to refine those spiritual powers, speed up the absorption speed of physical spiritual power, improve the meridians of physical bones, and open them with all his strength. He is not afraid of wasting spiritual power.

Wushuang makes his physical body more tough, and forcibly suppresses the spiritual power in his body, so that his physical body will not be broken.

And the method of chaos is one of his confidence this time. The method of chaos can forcibly suppress the spiritual power of chaos and set things right. As long as it can forcibly suppress part of the spiritual power and transform it into complementary spiritual power, the threat of inheritance will be greatly reduced

it's incredible that those monsters see his body begin to recover.

"What's the matter? What happened? How did he get in the way? That's not what adults say! "

The old tortoise's eyes were twinkling at this time, and he couldn't believe it.

"Don't worry. It's just the beginning. The inheritance is to inject all the spiritual power into his body at one go. He's just a boy who has just entered the Shentai realm. He can't bear it at all."

Jiang Fan was in a state of high concentration because of the magic formula.

He can still feel the great threat after he uses the skill, because it's hard for him to absorb these spiritual powers. Five of them are very strange. He can't even tell what spiritual powers they are. He can only feel that the five elements of Qi are released in these five breath, representing different five elements of Qi.

But he didn't worry. He forcibly changed the position of the meridians after the spiritual power entered the body through the chapter of Dan Tao, and injected it into the congenital Tao for the first time.

Jiang Fan's absolute confidence lies in this congenital Tao fruit, which has helped him to keep his life for several times in his dying life. This congenital Tao fruit has given him many attacks that he can't cultivate at all, the magic formula and the spirit map of the gods. It seems that he contains the foundation of all things in the world, but it's a pity that he assimilates all things in the universe, which is very strange.

Sure enough, under the inner vision, Jiang Fan clearly felt that the breath of congenital Daoguo was changing, as if it had grown up again.

Five leaves of different colors are growing out gradually, but the speed is not very fast. Jiang Fan has to hold on for a while. He knows very well that as long as these five leaves grow out, these five special spiritual powers can be absorbed by force, and he will even comprehend new things in them, which will benefit him a lot.

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