But they who fully understand Jiang fan are very clear that Jiang Fan will never do those useless things, not to mention at this time is also about his own inheritance, he must do so for a reason.

At this time, Jiang Fan quietly injected his spiritual power into the ground, and Lin Zhan was still in the barrier array of the five elephant peak secret place at this time, ready to meet Jiang Fan and get them out of the secret place.

But he still has Xiao AI on him. Jiang Fan orders her directly.

"You go into the array and suppress the control of these people over the array. Seal the door of the hall completely for me. No matter who is outside, just use the breath of the whole array to suppress it and don't let outsiders break it."

Xiao AI said with a smile: "it's no problem, young master. Although this array is a little crude, the materials that win here are the best. In addition, the palace itself contains a lot of high-quality materials. As long as some spiritual power is mobilized, I can guarantee that even the monks of the Enlightenment realm will not be able to attack."

The corner of Jiang Fan's mouth rises, which is exactly what he wants.

At this time, Jiang Fan came to the second statue, and then said: "continue to pass on, as before, pass on the spiritual power to my partner directly."

Seeing that Jiang Fan didn't care, Wu Dao Shen Nian was relieved. As long as Jiang Fan continued to accept the inheritance, it would be a good thing for them. When so many monks arrived in the realm of enlightenment, these people were nothing at all.

Xiaopindian sends a message to Jiang Fan: "are you ok?"

"All the crazy lion masters come here. These five guys are obviously playing tricks, but it doesn't matter. It's not a big problem. They can deal with it. I've asked Xiao AI to seal the gate."

With that, he would ignore the little one.

After hearing this, xiaobutian took things seriously and told ziyuying directly. They left ziyuying to guard Jiang Fan, while xiaobutian walked directly towards the gate. Whether Xiaoai could stop him or not, he had to go there to watch just in case.

Soon after, more than a dozen figures gathered at the main hall door, all of them were masters of the mad lion clan.

When they got the call, they rushed here for the first time. But when they got here, they found that the gate of the hall was tightly closed, and they didn't release any breath.

One of them said, "what's going on? Doesn't it mean this place will never be closed? Why is it closed? "

The old patriarch didn't know what happened at this time, so he said, "OK, don't think so much. Let's figure out the situation here first. You wait here. I'll try to communicate with the five adults!"

The patriarch came to the door, closed his eyes, felt the hall with divine consciousness, and asked what had happened.

And the five gods in the hall felt the breath outside the hall and were in a good mood.

"They are coming. Open the door quickly and let them in!"

And the idea of controlling the gate surprised them.

"No, my perception of the array controlling the gate is completely blocked. What's the matter? Did the monk in the divine realm find out what we thought? "

"So what? The big array here can't resist the attack of the masters of the enlightenment realm. Otherwise, they won't be allowed to run wild here. I'll let them storm in, and all the losses will be counted on these people. "

Outside the main hall, the patriarch came directly to the front of the main hall without saying a word after he got the order. The whole person was not calm.

You know, this is the palace left by the five adults in those years. If you disrespect this place, you will be killed. I didn't expect to break it today. It was really frightening for him for a while.

However, the five inside had already given orders, and he had nothing to worry about. First, he opened the door of the hall, and then there was time for others.

He didn't choose to destroy it directly. Instead, he came to the gate and pressed his hands on the door. His breath burst and his muscles tightened.

What surprised him was that the gate of the hall didn't move. He was a master of the mad lion's realm of enlightenment. He was very confident in his physical strength, but he didn't expect this result. It was unexpected.

The elders behind him looked at him suspiciously, obviously didn't understand what he was doing. They could feel the patriarch's exertion, but the picture was really funny.

The elder said, "patriarch, can I help you?"

The patriarch looked at them and said, "come on, let's push the gate open together. It's better not to destroy anything here, otherwise we can't afford to blame it in the future."

Several elders with higher strength came out one after another and came to the door.

The gate of the hall is so big that six people stand in a row without crowding.

But at the same time, they tried to mobilize the whole body's spiritual power. Unfortunately, the gate was still motionless, which was very strange.

"Chieftain, no way. It can't be pushed away at all. If I guess correctly, this place should be sealed with array. If I want to open it, I'm afraid there's only one way to attack."

At this time, the five gods in the hall were more worried than them. They waited for a long time, but there was no movement outside, so they quickly sent a message to the crazy lion clan leader."Direct attack, do not have any pressure, all consequences have nothing to do with you."

Hearing this, the patriarch did not wait any longer. He asked the elders to step back. His breath broke out and ignited his spiritual power and attacked the main hall gate.

Bang -

a huge sound came from the outside of the hall. Xiaobudian stood inside the gate, looking at the shaking gate and the breath outside, feeling a lot of pressure.

It's a master of enlightenment. It's not a master that an ordinary monk can stop. Even he can't stop it unless he can step into the enlightenment.

However, he could feel a special array, which could completely disperse the attack of the master of enlightenment to the whole hall.

Feeling the change of the breath of this array, xiaobutian can't help feeling very much.

"Qiqi, you have always used this method to deal with him. With the quality of this hall, even if he is in a high level, it is difficult to break it."

Nevertheless, the huge explosion still made Qin Wuliang wake up from cultivation.

Before he could figure out what was going on, he saw that Jiang Fan didn't open his eyes and said calmly: "don't worry about other things. It's only one step away from breaking through your limit and stepping into the extreme. Just leave the rest to them. Spiritual inheritance is enough for you to spend

Qin Wuliang nodded and did not say much. He continued to accept the inheritance. He even used his fingers to urge the spiritual power to nod in his ear, which temporarily sealed his hearing. In this way, his spirit was highly concentrated.

At this time, Jiang Fan continued to accept the control of the special spirit power.

Because he had already obtained a method of control before, it was much easier for Jiang Fan to inherit this time based on the consideration that all laws are universal. Although the method of control and the way of spiritual power operation are different, for Jiang Fan, all changes are inseparable.

However, with his understanding, he found that the quality of this method of control was not high, and his practice was not smooth. He always felt that there was something missing.

However, he didn't say much. He soon completed the second inheritance, and then went directly to the third statue. As before, he began to accept the inheritance directly.

At this time, the five statues were silent. They were waiting for the master of enlightenment to break through the gate. But now, although they were powerful, they didn't even send a breath in. From the current level, it was very difficult for him to rush in.

The guy of wudaojing doesn't come in. They can only continue to pass on to Jiang Fan. They don't dare to mess around at this time. Ziyuying stares at them all the time, which makes them feel very uncomfortable.

Outside the gate, several elders have joined in. They are constantly attacking the strong gate. Unfortunately, they can't shake the gate by attacking.

After a few hundred moves, this group of crazy lions have a lot of consumption and stop one after another.

"What's the matter? They have opened such a strong defensive array that we can't get into it from this direction. Who knows if there are other entrances here? "

Five elders shook his head: "no, there is only one entrance and exit here. Other halls are connected to the mountain. There is also a big array and the control of the hall. If we can't break in from here, we can go to other places to find a way, and the end is the same."

"You can't give up so easily! Give me a few concentrated attacks, I don't believe that the hall is really so magical. "

Bang -

there was a series of explosions, but the door was still just shaking, there was no trace left.

Jiang Fan heard Xiao AI's words, can't help but mouth up.

"Don't worry, young master. They can't consume all the precious materials here without ten or eight years' experience. Young master can accept the inheritance with ease."

After hearing this, Jiang Fan slowly opened his eyes and glanced at the statues with a smile, and then continued to accept the inheritance.

After he was absorbed, he was surprised to see the inherited method of control, because he found that the method of control which he got this time could be vaguely connected with the former two methods of control after he mobilized his spiritual power.

He can't help but quickly remember this inheritance, and then go to the fourth statue.

The inheritance began very soon. This time, he realized it several times faster than before, because he had a feeling of suddenly enlightened.

Because he found that the quality of these methods to control the spiritual power is not very high, but if these methods are combined together, it is like a collection of fragments, it will be a powerful method.

He believes that the five heritages together are the real complete inheritance here.

At that time, many things came to Jiang Fan's mind. Maybe the great people who passed on the five magic statues had this kind of method, because they could not bear the five kinds of spiritual power alone, so they broke up the five kinds of spiritual power and that method and taught them to the magic elephants respectively. But even so, they created the five magic statues of an invincible era, which was hard to help It's hard to imagine what the great man really is.Soon, after accepting the fourth inheritance, Jiang Fan couldn't wait to move to the fifth statue.

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