"I've heard it all! This is the world. We can't go back for the time being. "

Hearing this, people's faces changed, obviously did not expect.

"What? Can't go back? Is there no way to connect Jiuhuang here? "

One of the men shook his head: "certainly not. I know something about Jiuhuang and the world. They are two completely opposite worlds. I don't know what Jiang fan is doing here!"

The man who inquired about the news said: "I also inquired about Jiang Fan. What I didn't expect was that Jiang Fan was a celebrity here. No one in the human race didn't know him. From their words and expressions, it seemed that they regarded him as an idol. And Jiang fan is in the middle of a Terran force called renhuangzong. We should be able to make everything clear when we get there. "

"Renhuangzong? The name is very grand. I don't know what scale it is. At this time, we have to unite to protect ourselves first, and then talk about other things. Anyway, our common goal is to catch Jiang Fan and return to the next nine days. I hope you will cooperate sincerely! "

The crowd nodded, apparently in agreement with his idea.

Soon, a group of people have come to the gate of renhuangzong mountain, feeling the majestic of renhuangzong. These people also sigh.

"It seems that this place is not very bad either. I don't know what's going on with Jiang Fan. He's still here."

"Go ahead and have a look. I don't think the people in charge here are so insightless!"

When they came to the gate of the mountain, several disciples were not surprised to see them, and then they spoke.

"Welcome to renhuangzong. The Lord has been waiting in the main hall for a long time. Can you follow me to the main hall and meet our Lord?"

Hearing this, the crowd raised eyebrows one after another, and the man at the head asked, "does the Lord know we are coming?"

"That's right. The patriarch has ordered that you will arrive in these two days. Please go to the main hall, and the patriarch will explain to you."

Several people looked at each other, and finally said: "you lead the way."

The disciple was very respectful to them, which surprised them.

The guy who inquired about the news also found this situation when he contacted the Terrans before. It seems that there is a kind of self familiarity between the Terrans here, and there is no mutual suspicion. It's really strange.

When they come to the hall, Baishan and Lingyun sit in high positions. They have been waiting here for some time. These Terran geniuses come later than expected.

However, when the teenagers entered the hall, they were shocked. Jiang Fan didn't cheat them. These teenagers were outstanding, highly qualified and powerful. They were not the human friars he knew.

These young people are quite polite. They can feel the cultivation of Baishan's enlightenment and embrace each other.

"Meet the Lord!"

Baishan said with a smile, "don't be so polite. You are here as expected. What's your impression of this place?"

The crowd looked at Baishan in a puzzled way, and obviously didn't understand his meaning.

Baishan said, "you are from Jiuhuang. You come all the way with Jiang Fan. Now you can't go back to Jiuhuang, right?"

The young man at the head said, "we were all ordered by our teacher to take Jiang Fan back, but unexpectedly Jiang Fan brought us here. Where is master Jiang Fan now? Can I wait to see him? "

Baishan said: "he has been out for training for a long time. He has only been in the door for half a day. If you are anxious to find him, you can wait here and come back after he travels. You can stay here to practice. I will prepare some training rooms for you."

Hearing this, the young man at the head said: "the patriarch may have misunderstood us. We won't stay here. Since Jiang Fan has left, we can't disturb here too much. I'll leave now."

Baishan didn't stop him. He nodded and then stood up and said, "this is a vast world, not nine wasteland, so you may encounter danger anytime and anywhere. Be especially careful of foreigners. They will attack you for no special reason. You are all the treasures of the human race. You must protect yourself if you need my help You can come to renhuangzong at any time

The young men nodded, but said nothing, turned and left the hall.

Seeing that Baishan let them go so easily, Ling Yun asked: "why did you let them go? Even if you can leave one of these Terran geniuses, it will be a great harvest. But you don't even have a word to detain me. I forced him to accept his apprentice. That's how Jiang Fan became my disciple in those years. "

Baishan didn't have a good way: "at the beginning, Jiang Fan's situation was different from theirs. These were all geniuses in the divine realm. Even if you were their teacher, what could you do for them? They don't know the world now, so it's not a bad thing for them to go out and experience together. "

Ling Yun yawned: "I don't care. Anyway, if these guys can help, it's best. If they can't, just think they haven't met them."On the other hand, a group of people left renhuangzong quickly. They always felt that the people here were strange.

"Feel it again and see if there is any smell left by Jiang Fan. We'll find him as soon as possible. Since he knows the way to come here, he should also know the way to go back. It's easier than us guessing here."

Several people close their eyes and feel it carefully, but they shake their heads one after another.

"Except for the breath we just felt, Jiang Fan didn't have any breath left."

The young man at the head frowned and smashed his hand with his fist.

Slightly angry way: "bad, we are cheated by Jiang Fan. This guy just deliberately left the breath, let us chase all the way, and led us into the world. "

All of them suddenly realized that there was only one way to explain what had happened before.

"What did he lead us here for? Do you want to be us? "

Another person didn't have a good way: "you think too much. I think he just wants us to have a look here. Jiang fan can't be a villain. Didn't you go to the Tiange of Wanyun mountain? He's the one chosen by Shenmu. If he's sinister, we don't need to do anything about him. Shenmu will be able to kill him! "

"What shall we do now? You can't sit here waiting to die! "

"Waiting to die? It doesn't exist. It's the same for us to work hard wherever we are. Since Jiang fan can experience here, what's the difference? "

"That's right. We are all first-class geniuses. It's no reason to lose to Jiang Fan. Since this is also a place of contention, we'll make a dash here, but don't underestimate the foreigners. There must be experts among the foreigners. If we are in trouble, it's also a good choice to support each other or go back to the emperor. After all, there are medicine houses here, at least there will be no shortage of pills 。”

They all hit it off and decided to stay first.

At least they have to wait until they find a way to return to Jiuhuang before they can find a way to catch Jiang Fan.

The young man at the head said, "well, I'll go to the leader of the emperor's clan and ask him where Jiang fan is. It should be good for him to go. We don't have to separate time."

Some people are willing to come forward, others certainly will not object.

And Baishan was very generous. He marked the map and the secret place of Jiangfan clearly and gave it to the young man.

"You may not know much about this place, but I believe you will understand it soon. Be careful all the way. I hope you can meet Jiang Fan earlier!"

After thanking him, the boy turned to leave and told others the good news as soon as possible.

A few days ago, they didn't feel that these young monks were friends or even competitive. But after a few days together, they found that these young monks were not difficult to get along with. Maybe they didn't want to get along with them at all before, and they always wanted to keep competitive.

The group set out to continue to pursue Jiang Fan's path, but it's hard to imagine how powerful these young masters will be when they get together.

Looking at their backs, Ling Yun said with a smile: "do these little guys look like us back then?"

Baishan didn't have a good way: "don't put gold on your face, OK? At their age, you and I dare not go out too far! "

Lingyun suddenly thought of something: "let's tell them the location of Xiaofan, really good?"

Bai Shan said with a smile: "you don't have to worry about Jiang Fan. It's not easy for him to introduce these talents into the world. There are three helpers around him. It's not easy to catch him. But if there are so many Terran geniuses in a secret place, what will be the sensation? Have you thought about it? "

Hearing this, Lingyun county was stunned, and then widened his eyes to understand the master's idea.

"You think too much!"


The secret place of the green bird realm.

Jiang Fan raised his head and looked up at the front, shocked in his heart.

The scenery here is really spectacular. Jiang fan doesn't know how big the secret place is, but the floating peaks are hundreds of different heights.

It's like a fairyland.

"It's really beautiful here." Liu Xiran sighed heartily.

Then she pointed to the highest mountain and said to Zhang Tianqi: "brother, I want to go there to have a look!"

Zhang Tianqi said with a smile: "no problem, I'll take you now!"

With that, Zhang Tianqi plans to fly there with Liu Xiran.

But as soon as they got up, they heard Jiang Fan's words: "come down, it's the forbidden air barrier. It can't keep the imperial air state because it cuts off all the spiritual power."

Hearing this, Zhang Tianqi frowned and said, "forbidden space? What about that? "

One side of Qin Wuliang sneered: "it's not totally impossible, you can fly up with the right wings! Ha ha

Jiang Fan looked into the air and found that some foreigners with wings could fly here freely and take advantage of them.Qin Wuliang is obviously observant.

At this time, ziyuying's voice rang out from his mind.

"Young master, you are so lucky. This is xianyunfeng, the holy land of qingluan! I didn't expect that this place has become a secret place! "

Hearing this, Jiang Fan was full of curiosity.

"Qingluan? Ancient bird of God

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