This time, the news of Jiang Fan's appearance didn't spread, because no one was faster than Jiang Fan.

Jiang fan can clearly feel that after entering the central area, the strength of the surrounding spiritual power doubled, but the pressure also doubled. No wonder many monks slowed down a lot when they arrived here.

However, Jiang Fan was not affected much. He continued to keep the speed before and made constant progress towards the top of the mountain. His idea was very simple. He had to catch up with the first echelon as soon as possible.

Outside, those who stare at Jiang fan are surprised again.

"The speed of Jiang Fan in the central area is higher than that of Shijie and others, and he is much faster. This method is a little strange."

"If we can maintain this speed, it should not be a big problem to catch up with the young people in front of us."

The Dean felt that his palms were sweating. He could not feel Jiang Fan's state, but he was sure that when Jiang Fan entered the secret realm, his speed was far less than now.

Jiang Fan also has a feeling of being peeped, but he clearly knows that there is nothing around him. This can only blame the dean of the day did not say everything clearly, otherwise Jiang Fan will certainly stay.

The central area is the most extensive, and most monks can reach this area.

At this point, the number of elixirs increased, which made Jiang Fan feel meat pain.

In order to catch up with monk Sanjiao and others, he must give up these elixirs. In any case, he must first arrive at the high area.

Two days later, Dan daopian suddenly shakes. That's the reaction that comes when you meet Tiancai and Dibao.

He uses Dan daopian to explore, but finds that the breath suddenly runs away, and the speed is very fast.

Jiang Fan clenched his teeth and turned to the side instead of going up the mountain.

Many people don't understand what's going on, and the outside world can't understand what's going on inside.

It took Jiang Fan a long time to catch up with the target.

It wasn't Linggen or the best material, but it made Jiang Fan ecstatic.

Boom -


Where that thing passes, there will be black clouds in the air. A purple flame like lightning will float in the air, accompanied by thunder.

It was a strange fire, and the grade was quite high.

"Zilei Xianyan! I didn't expect that I could not find a ray of Lei Lingli in the world in the last life, and the strange fire came across one here. "

Jiang Fan was a little excited and felt that his dream had come true.

But the strange fire felt Jiang Fan close, suddenly turned into thunder and ran away in the distance.

Of course, Jiang fan can't let him run away like this. He uses the method of Dan Dao to suppress the fire. He even points at his feet, and the whole person catches up quickly.

The speed of that strange fire is very fast. Even if Jiang Fan goes all out, it can only be flat. It will soon become a seesaw battle. Jiang fan is confident that as long as he gets close to it, he will suppress the strange fire and turn it into his own use.

The president looked at the direction of Baizhan peak with a puzzled face.

Jiang Fan was in the middle of the circle, and did not stop at all.

The first echelon has already pulled him apart. If it goes on like this, he is likely to miss the peak.

Jiang Fan has made up his mind, even if he doesn't want the last inheritance, he must catch this strange fire.

The realm can be cultivated slowly, but the purple thunder Xianyan is something that can be met but not sought.

He is a pharmacist, and he uses fire method as a means, which means ability and strength to him.

This chase lasted for half a month, and he didn't know where he was now.

The strange fire still didn't stop. Jiang Fan even suspected that this thing would run with him all the time.

In front of a dark cloud, the sky is getting dark, Jiang Fan locked the breath of different fire, suddenly found that the different fire into the black cloud, no longer running.

Hidden in them, as if disappeared in general, Jiang fan is very clear, it is there.

Jiang Fan gasped and said with a smile: "do you play hide and seek with me? It's a pity that you can never understand human intelligence. "

The powerful momentum of the incomplete formula of heaven and earth directly erupted into a golden awn, and directly fell into the black cloud.

In an instant, the black cloud was shining with light and gold. The chapter of Dan Dao opened and directly brought the strange fire into it, suppressing the breath.

Jiang Fan's eyes brightened, and the two fragments united, and their strength was even stronger than before. He almost immediately subdued the strange fire.

If it were not for this strange fire to hide in the dark clouds, he would not have such a good chance to seize him.

Jiang fan doesn't have time to recognize the Lord now. He suppresses the strange fire in the chapter of Dan Dao. He turns around and rushes towards the high area. He has wasted half a month. He doesn't know whether he can catch up with the final battle.

Now, it has been nearly a month since the appearance of Baizhan peak, and the first few climbers have approached the border of the high area. However, Jiang Fan has no news so far.

In the Central District, a message came out and Jiang Fan lost it.

For half a month, no one saw him. On that day, people only saw him suddenly turn around and run away. They didn't know what was going on.Three days later, Shijie took the lead to break through the barrier and enter the high area.

Then there was the breakthrough of the three commandments, and there was almost no big obstacle.

Jincheng and two shadow guards came one after another, their faces were full of smiles.

Looking at the front two people from the rear, Jincheng said with a smile: "sure enough, the last three of us are fighting."

Sanjie monk looked at Jincheng with a smile and said with a smile, "do you have to take two shadow guards with you? I'm afraid they have surpassed you? "

"They are my shadow guards. They have lived with me since childhood. Of course, they are my fighting power. Don't you agree? We can fight a war. "

With that, Jincheng released his momentum, which has condensed the ninth divine idea, and the breath is not weak.

The shadow guards stand behind him and release their momentum one after another, which is shocking. It's also the Ninth level of alchemy. It's a bit hard to imagine. The speed of the two shadow guards is amazing.

Shijie turned his head and frowned at the two shadow guards, a little surprised. All the way to Jincheng, the shadow guards are almost inseparable from Jincheng, and almost all the inheritance is left to Jincheng. How can they improve their realm?

Jincheng sneered: "is it amazing? Do you know their identities? They are the blood of ancient times. They are gifted. At the age of 10, they can reach the realm of alchemy by themselves. At the age of 20, they can reach the peak of the realm of alchemy. You can't understand the means of Wanbaoshan. "

Shijie sneered: "no matter how strong they are, they are still not your own abilities. If you don't have them, I can send you away from Baizhan peak within a hundred moves. "

Jincheng looked at Shijie with a indifferent face: "it's a pity that they are my dead men. The ultimate inheritance must belong to Jincheng. You can only be divided into two positions in the second row. I'm sorry."

Shijie gave a cold voice and didn't say much. He turned and walked up. His face was not pretty.

San Jie didn't pay any attention to Jincheng. Before, he met ordinary mysterious monks, and each of them was not weak. The number of them was more than that of him in Jincheng. Unfortunately, he still doesn't know which force they came from or even belong to.

If you look towards the top of the mountain, you can reach the top of the mountain about ten thousand meters away.

But every step of the way, the pressure from Baizhan peak will increase a little, and directly suppress them. It's not easy.

The border between the central district and the high district was blocked by many monks. Some people tried it for several days, but they still couldn't break it.

The friars who gather the seventh way of thinking can pass almost all of them. Few of the friars who cultivate the sixth way of thinking can break through the barrier, which is obviously a barrier, and almost resists 90% of the friars.

All the people who can break through are elites, and each of them has strong strength.

In the next ten days, there were already a lot of people standing here. After reaching Baizhan peak, it was impossible to win the opponent again, so everything was peaceful.

On the 27th day after Sanjie and others entered the high area, Jiang Fan arrived at the border.

By this time, those who can enter the high area have almost entered. The rest can only stand here and look at the top to see where the friars in front can go.

"Here comes Jiang Fan."

"Get out of the way, and be careful to offend him and get slapped to death."

I don't know who yelled so much, and then everyone got out of the way to let Jiang Fan pass smoothly.

Jiang Fan did not stop, the first time to break through the border toward the top of the mountain.

He felt the strong pressure of Baizhan peak. He looked up to the top of the mountain, and from a distance he could see that he SHANGZHENG, the Third Commandment, was walking hard and continued to go up, only a kilometer away from the peak.

There are more than 200 monks in the whole high area. They are all young people who have reached the seventh level of alchemy.

It can be seen from this that baizhanfeng is such an opportunity for young people and its benefits are unimaginable.

After leaving the secret place, these people can definitely be reused by various sects and have a bright future in the future.

Outside Baizhan peak, some people sigh.

"Jiang Fan wasted too much time. After that, he couldn't catch up with the people in front of him. He wasted his last chance."

"I thought someone could catch up with the latecomer, but I didn't grasp the chance."

Huang Shilei and others also have some regrets.

"There's no chance."

The president frowned: "it's still a month to pass on. Why don't we have a chance?"

Duan Tianyang explained: "if you haven't been here, I'll tell you straight away. After arriving at Baizhan peak, the pressure is increasing at every step. To reach the last ninety-nine inheritance places, you need not only strong strength, but also enough perseverance."

"It's a pity that time is also the most important thing. Even if Shijie and others want to reach the front position, although there are only kilometers left, it will take them at least 20 days to arrive, and the last 10 days will be their last fight."

"If you look at Jiang Fan's position, even if his ability is equal to that of the three commandments, he can only reach the end of the ninety-nine inheritance positions in one month. If he wants to compete with the friars in front of him, he has almost no chance."

Second elder martial sister Mo Li nodded."Old four is right, this boy has really missed the opportunity, almost no hope."

But the next moment, in front of the crowd suddenly someone exclaimed exit.

"No way! Is that Jiang Fan? Why is it so fast? "

In an instant, it attracted everyone's attention. On Baizhan peak, Jiang Fan's figure went up quickly. The speed was only a little slower than that in the central area.

"What's the origin of Jiang Fan? Did he really break through? Is this to catch up with the friars ahead? "

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