"I have made a promise to Jiang Fan. He has great restraint on the holy nest. Even if he can't inherit it, I can't let the holy nest be destroyed in his hands. Otherwise, our family can't bear the responsibility for the return of qingluan in the future."

Hearing this, Qing'er said, "I understand. Don't worry. Even if I want to deal with him, I have to have that strength. I'm not his opponent!"

On the other side, Jiang Fan sits in the central area. The breath of the two phoenix souls leaves the bird's nest and hovers over Jiang Fan. He is pulled by the breath of the purple jade eagle and releases his spiritual power. Jiang Fan feels the change of the breath, and soon the Phoenix souls begin to fall into his wings.

Then he heard ziyuying's words: "little Lord, I will suppress them in my body first. When you leave the holy land of qingluan, I may be closed for some time. Please be careful when you pour."

Without waiting for Jiang Fan to open his mouth, xiaobutian said directly: "you'd better stop talking nonsense. You don't have to worry about Xiaofan's affairs. It's not so easy to find a place with rules like qingluan holy land

The wings behind did not disappear, but ziyuying gave up control. Jiang Fan looked at the bird's nest in front of him and felt the surging release of spiritual power.

We can't tell what the branches of the bird's nest are through the baozi chapter.

Jiang Fan asked, "how big is qingluan? Can this nest hold it? "

Ziyuying said: "of course, qingluan has a phoenix body and is very big. When our family was protecting the Dharma here, the holy nest could barely hold its body. This nest should be reserved for the two phoenix souls to keep their divinity. After all, the qingluan can't let the two breath dissipate without knowing how many years to leave."

Hearing this, Jiang Fan's eyes brightened: "how to say that this thing should also be a treasure, then I'm not polite."

With that, he directly got up and walked towards the bird's nest. There was no reason for him to stay here and put it in his bag. Of course, only when he took it away could he give full play to his value.

In the future, if he has a chance to bring it back to Shenmu, he may get a lot of benefits. Of course, such an opportunity can't be missed.

Without much thought, Jiang Fan directly tried to pick up the bird's nest, but the bird's nest was firmly fixed on the holy nest, as if it was grown in the holy nest, which made Jiang Fan feel very strange.

Jiang Fan put his hand on the bird's nest, and his divine consciousness was fully involved in it. He carefully felt the flow of divinity in it. Suddenly, his mind jumped, and he had a sense of enlightenment. He had to sit down and carefully felt the special feeling that suddenly appeared.

As Jiang Fan's spiritual power is injected into the bird's nest, Jiang Fan feels that his direction of cultivation becomes clearer, which he did not expect at all.

He put away his spiritual power and let go of the bird's nest. Then he found that the feeling of Enlightenment had disappeared, but the moment of clarity had benefited him a lot.

He woke up from his cultivation and looked at the bird's nest in front of him.

"It made me feel enlightened. What is it? It's a bit of a heresy. "

Hearing this, the little girl said, "is this the Wanfa tree of that year?"

Jiang Fan frowned and said, "Wanfa tree? What is that? "

"Xiaobutian said:" it was an ancient tree that suddenly appeared in the world. It came down from the sky and took root in the original place of natural danger. When many big people went there together, they learned the name of the ancient tree, Wanfa tree. It was a super big man, and his breath made those big people become enlightened on the spot. The ancient tree seems to be proficient in the world's laws. It's very strange. It can give advice to almost anyone. You should know that those big people in those years were all masters of leaving the world! "

Hearing this, Jiang Fan was surprised: "so strong? Where is he now? "

"The ancient tree has disappeared for a long time. It only stayed in the world for three months. A lot of big people watched him leave without saying where he came from or where he went in the past. Therefore, only some ancient Protoss friars knew his existence. Although I haven't seen the ancient tree, the characteristics of the bird's nest are very similar to that of the Wanfa tree, Maybe it's the branch of that old tree. "

Jiang Fan stares at the bird's nest and perceives it carefully. Then he finds that the branches in the bird's nest are slightly different from those used to build the holy nest.

He doesn't know what this Wanfa tree is, but judging from the current situation, it's definitely a good thing. If we find it and plant it in Tiange and the combination of Tiange Shenmu, the effect will be amazing for Tiange.

But the more so, the more Jiang Fan was born with the idea of taking it away.

He began to try to feel the breath of the bird's nest. This time, with his spiritual power, Jiang Fan did not enter the state of enlightenment again. What he had to do was to cut off the connection between the bird's nest and the holy nest.

No hesitation, just try.

With the release of the surging spirit power, Jiang fan can feel the breath released from the spirit power.

Most of the materials in the bird's nest are the materials of the holy nest. Jiang Fan has made it clear for a long time how to restrain the holy nest. The sky fire has a huge pressure on the holy nest, but Jiang Fan must be careful. He doesn't want to destroy the bird's nest.With Jiang Fan's control, there are still some ways.

He used his powerful control to suppress the fire, which was only a little small, and then cut off the golden branches one by one, cutting off the connection between the two.

It took Jiang Fan about half an hour to cut off the bird's nest completely. Under the pressure of breath, Jiang Fan directly lifted the bird's nest.

But the next change caught Jiang Fan off guard.

The bird's nest, which was separated from the holy nest, was scattered all over the ground in an instant and could not be supported at all.

However, Jiang Fan's reaction was not slow, and almost immediately put away all the three branches with leaves. As for the branches of the holy nest, Jiang Fan did not stop them.

After landing on the ground, driven by the power of the holy nest, the scattered branches began to rebuild. In a twinkling of an eye, they had changed into the shape of the bird's nest before they were scattered. The shapes were exactly the same as before, but the breath was not as good as before, because there were no three branches.

Jiang Fan withdrew his spiritual power and grabbed the bird's nest again. But this time, the feeling of enlightenment did not appear again. The breath released by the bird's nest was no different from that of the holy nest and lost its divinity.

Jiang Fan put his eyes into the treasure bag and looked at the three branches. Suddenly, his whole body was shocked. At this time, the leaves full of vitality were withering rapidly.

He quickly took out the three branches, and saw that the three branches absorbed the spiritual power around them, and the leaves began to recover slowly and become vibrant again.

Seeing these changes, Jiang Fan was relieved.

He reached out to hold it. As soon as he touched it, the strange feeling of enlightenment reappeared. However, the effect this time was obviously not as good as that before. It seemed that he could not use this branch to enter the state of enlightenment for a long time in a short time.

This branch can't survive in the treasure bag. It's more like life. Without thinking about it, Jiang fan sends him directly into the cave.

He put his mind into the cave, looked at the branch and said that there was not much change this time, which made him feel at ease, as long as he could take them away.

He sent a message to Guo Lin.

"Don't worry about the branches until I find time to deal with them myself."

Jiang Fan didn't want him to contact Xiangen before he made clear his interests. After all, they knew little about it.

After returning to his senses, Jiang Fan looked at the rear, and saw that Qin Wuliang and others had dispersed at this time. They felt everything here. The holy nest has great spiritual power. What benefits they can get here depends on their luck.

But there's one thing he has to remind people of.

"Be careful, the ancient Protoss Hongfeng has entered here before you, hiding in the void through the secret method. He is ruthless and decisive. You should keep your concentration."

Hear Jiang Fan's remind, people nod, they come up late, so did not see Hongfeng attack Jiang Fan.

Qin Wuliang was full of expectation: "let him come out to fight with me. Let's see how much better I am than him when I step into the same extreme situation!"

Jiang Fan did not have a good way: "you save it, you are not his opponent!"

He doesn't pay attention to the public and continues to feel the surrounding atmosphere. Shenmu opens. He hopes to see the prohibitions that can be triggered around him and activate the inheritance left by qingluan. He doesn't know how strong qingluan was, but even the ancient Protoss will come to protect it. From this, it can be seen that its strength will never be weaker than that of the ancient Protoss experts. I'm afraid it can reach or even surpass it Wang Xi's realm.

At this time, outside the barrier of the holy nest, a group of figures came from a distance, a dozen people.

They are dressed the same way, with blue wings on the back. They come from the bluebird family.

Their strength is not weak. The strongest one has reached the ninth Shentai. The weakest one looks very young, but it has also reached the peak of life changing. It shows the horror of the royal blood.

Don't know how they pass the big array, at this time one after another fall in that green son side.

Then, their breath united, and the barrier opened a crack to let them into the holy nest.

Qin Wuliang and others were stunned by the arrival of these people, but they were not nervous. The reason is very simple. Their realm is completely superior to these monks. They don't believe that if these bluebirds dare to take the initiative to deal with them, they will die miserably.

As the bluebird clan enters the holy nest, Jiang Fan faintly feels that the spiritual power in the holy nest has become a little active, and some prohibitions that didn't exist just now slowly appear, which he didn't expect.

"Is it inspired by the power of blood? It seems that my fire eyes need to be further improved. I can't see through the void here. Qingluan's means are powerful enough to hide so deeply! "

Jiang Fan's Shenmu is only a small achievement. He can only see some secret places hidden in the void. If he wants to see a deeper secret place, Shenmu must be constantly improved. But this Shenmu is different from Gongfa, and it is not easy to improve.

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