Jiang Fan certainly won't miss any chance. This qingluan has left a lot more than the five magic elephants of the five elephant peak.

It is full of spiritual power. When the array in the holy nest is not activated, it is basically hidden in the void. Even Jiang fan can hardly feel the existence of the array. However, the appearance of these prohibitions has proved that there must be a powerful array in the holy nest, and it is a huge combination array, and the rank is not weak.

The monks accepted the inheritance one after another, and no one wanted to waste time. Jiang Fan asked Xiao AI and Lin Zhan to feel the breath of Da Zhen carefully, but there was no strange place again. The inheritance in the holy nest has been fully revealed. Even if it is opened next time, treasures like Phoenix soul and qingluan Shengyu will not appear again.

Jiang Fan smiles on his face. In his opinion, this is a great harvest. He uses inheritance breakthrough here to reach the seventh Shentai. After the breakthrough, his combat power has also reached a stronger level, but it is far from the next breakthrough.

He found a nearby inheritance. After breaking the ban, Jiang Fan began to accept the inheritance. At this time, he needed a lot of spiritual power to refine his body. Every breakthrough gave him a huge room to improve, which was also the peculiarity of his way.

The secret entrance.

In the past few days, five more masters have arrived here, and the head of the bluebird clan is among them.

Other people's eyes fall on her. They are very clear that the head of the bluebird clan has the means to put the divine consciousness into the secret place. Now they want to know the situation in the secret place.

They all rushed here after getting the news from the younger generation. They were also very curious about Jiang Fan. After all, Jiang Fan's fighting power was so strong that they had to come to see the situation in person, or win over or get rid of him.

But what they want to know most is why there are so many talented disciples in this Terran. They have to find out.

Apart from the bluebirds, all of these people participated in the first World War of attacking Tiangong. That's why they experienced that era. That's why they are so afraid of the rise of the Terrans.

After the collapse of the heavenly palace, thousands of ethnic groups wiped out the Jiuhuang civilization several times. They were afraid that Jiuhuang would rise again. If they were to get into trouble at that time, it would be hard for them to predict the future.

In their view, the world has now reached a very strong era. There are so many people in the world, and there are so many experts. The talent of the disciples is also getting higher and higher. Although they lost a lot of experts in attacking the heavenly palace in those years, the comprehensive strength of the recovered 7788 is completely higher than that of Jiuhuang.

In this vast world, the human race is just a small group. Although the human race has strong growth power, it is almost impossible to rise. After all, all ethnic groups will not allow this kind of thing to happen.

The Terran power hell is a thorn in the flesh. If it is proved that these Terran geniuses come from hell or Jiuhuang, they will not leave any face and will kill them all. Otherwise, in a few years' time, these Terran geniuses will rise and they will be a group of terrible Terran experts.

That tiger head human body expert already knew that Jiang Fan could not be soft, so he had already made his stand, no matter how others, he would kill Jiang Fan and others.

The head of the Qingniao clan takes back the divine knowledge from the secret place. She has to continue to feel the situation in the holy nest. Jiang Fan's method is quite satisfactory for her. Those who have a chance to get the treasure are also common for Jiang Fan to snatch it. However, if qingluan Shengyu doesn't get it, she will put the responsibility on Hongfeng. If Hongfeng doesn't make trouble, qinger will definitely get qingluan Shengyu. It won't be this There are two results.

Jiang fan uses the power of the divine race, which makes her have no idea.

The ability of the divine family is not a secret in the royal family. Jiang Fan's use of the divine family's means to make the inheritance manifest can also be regarded as the completion of the monks of the Qingniao family. After all, the inheritance here has the best effect on her talents, can be infected with the qingluan flavor, and has great benefits for their future promotion.

"Chief Bluebird, what's going on inside? Can't you get that Terran kid out? If we get rid of him, we can leave as soon as possible. Don't you want more experts to gather here? "

The head of the blue bird clan said, "how can I stop you from coming all the way here? But Jiang fan is a little strange. I think you should have a look. "

With that, a light curtain appeared, which showed the fragments of Jiang Fan.

Jiang fan used the means of breaking the battle of the gods, and the three characteristics of the gods were revealed incisively and vividly, which made other experts frown one after another.

The tiger head human body expert said angrily: "what's the matter? Is Jiang Fan the blood of the gods? Isn't it the bastard of that guy? Did the tiger kill him? "

Another humanitarian: "no wonder that Yuxiao girl of Shenling clan chose Jiang Fan as her son-in-law. It seems that Shenling mountain is just looking for a place to let Jiang Fan come back."

"No, the means Jiang fan used in the battle are not the shadow of the gods. Our disciples have fought with him. If they could feel the blood of the gods, they would never work so hard. And if they were from Shenling mountain, the Xuetong clan would not let Jiang Fan go. At that time, Shenling mountain only appeared a few times, but it didn't have any strength. If it wasn't for the protection of experts around him at that time, he would have lost his life. "At this time, someone suddenly thought of something: "I don't agree with you. If he's just an individual kid, why are there experts around to protect him? Why are you so arrogant and daring to wanzu! The boy is obviously very strong. "

The head of Qingniao clan said: "if Jiang fan is the blood of Shenling mountain, if we kill him here, I'm afraid there will be a big problem. We have to think about it carefully. Do we want to solve him here?"

"Even if you don't solve him, those Terran gifted teenagers around him also have to solve it. You absolutely don't want to see a few more people at the level of Qiu Tian in Shenling mountain?"

People are silent. Jiang fan uses his means to make them question his identity.

As for the head of Qingniao clan, she is also trying to figure out how to protect Jiang Fan from leaving safely. Although Jiang Fan didn't give the treasure to her clan, she will never break her promise as an expert at this level.

These guys can't stop her at all. Because of this, she shows Jiang Fan's chaotic identity first. Let these guys fear first, at least they won't do it so decisively, which can also give her the biggest chance.

In the next few days, three experts from different royal families came one after another.

The atmosphere between them is also very delicate. The competition between the royal families is huge, especially the territorial competition.

Some ethnic groups are born with restraint, just like mice and cats. They are born enemies and cannot be friends.

The new man, a tall man in human form, was wearing tiger skin all over his body, which made the eyes of the expert with tiger head and human body glowing red and his intention to kill broke out.

The others were not surprised at all, but the new man took a provocative look at each other and didn't say much.

In the void in the distance, Bai Haotian frowned: "he's the eighth master who has left the dust world. Jiang Fan's ability to get into trouble is really great. If we have a few more guys, I'm afraid we can't stop him."

Luo Xiaodao: "did not let you stop, I stop them, you take those children to leave, I think I should be able to hold on for a while."

Bai Haotian said: "those are the geniuses of the next nine days. Jiang Fan must have a plan to bring them to the world. Maybe it's to make them feel the pressure here. The next nine days when they closed the channel, they didn't expect that we should help their disciples now. It's really ironic!"

Luo said with a smile: "that's also the decision of the older generation. It has nothing to do with these young people, but if these little guys have an accident here, the world will be very busy. If those big people come to the world the next nine days, they and the world will lose a lot."

Bai Haotian said: "I don't want to talk more about the next nine days, but these children are the future of the human race. The world is changing. You should have felt that this change will break out in the near future. You should have heard about the ancient Protoss youth, right? We have been here for a long time. I think you should know how strong the ancient Protoss is. After all, you Luo Xiao was no less active in this world than Jiang Fan. If the ancient Protoss recovers and returns, what will the Jiuhuang people face? Can we really resist the nine famine that has not yet been fully recovered? "

Luo said with a smile: "of course, the nine famine alone can't be stopped, but I can't guess what the next nine days will do. However, according to the current situation of the nine famine, there should be a great chance for the next nine days to come forward. It depends on the degree of recovery after the nine famine."

Bai Haotian nodded and then said, "the Lord of the palace doesn't know what's going on now. When the Lord of the palace leaves the pass, he must ask him to help the dark cloud Tianfu city return to Jiuhuang as soon as possible, speed up the recovery of the heavenly palace and rebuild the heavenly palace."


At the channel of Jiutian under Jiuhuang, two divine thoughts perceived Jiuhuang through the channel. But just as the divine consciousness came, an old man's figure appeared directly, his eyes were bright, not human, and the time around him seemed to be still in this moment.

It is the spirit of jiuhuangjie, Shenji old man.

"Go back! The agreement says that the next nine days experts are not allowed to enter the nine wasteland, and don't disobey the rules. "

His voice was calm, the two thoughts stopped observing, and then a voice rang out.

"Shenji old man, long time no see, you look like you've almost recovered. When can I find the girl Wang Xi? Let's discuss how to completely open the next nine days!"

Shenji old man said: "it's not the time. The time has come. Wang Xi will go to the next nine days to discuss with those guys. You can't decide anything."

"We didn't want to decide anything. We just wondered why our disciples' breath disappeared in Jiuhuang. We wanted to know what happened!"

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