Jiang Fan directly asked what he wanted to ask.

After hearing this, Bai Shan nodded and responded directly to Jiang Fan.

"Two of them arrived one after another. Now they are practicing in the back mountain. From the breath, they should come from the same place as the other children. They are very strong, but one of them suffered a lot of injuries. You can go to see him later."

Jiang Fan looked at the man behind Qin Wuliang: "count these two people, is there any shortage?"

"According to the time calculation at that time, there should be two more people, but I don't rule out that they didn't catch up, maybe they stayed in Jiuhuang for training."

Jiang Fan said: "I probably know the situation. Let's go to Houshan first to see the two, and then talk about how to go next."

I didn't stay in Duoduo, bid farewell to Baishan and others, leave the hall and go straight to Houshan.

Jiang fan is very familiar with the back mountain. In those years, he and some of his brothers practiced in the back mountain. They also found renhuangzong's medicine garden, and they gained a lot.

As long as you release the divine consciousness, you can feel the breath of those two people. Like other Terran talents from the next nine days, they always want to show their super state and have absolute confidence in themselves. Because of this, these Terran talents are easy to find.

When people get close to each other, they obviously feel that they are not far away from each other. After feeling the human breath, they approach in the same direction. After all, they haven't figured out who is looking for them. They are on their way alone. They have experienced too many things here that they haven't experienced before.

After seeing the figure of Jiang Fan and his party, they were obviously stunned.

"It's you

Zhang Tianqi said with a smile: "it turned out that you two arrived late enough, but it's good to see you here!"

One of the men looked at the crowd and said in surprise, "how did you get together? Are you working together? Did you catch Jiang Fan

Qin Wuliang raised his eyebrows and said, "you two don't even know who my boss is. When you're in the world, you still want to catch my boss. You've been in renhuangzong for a while. Don't you know that if you offend my boss, you can't even get out of the back mountain?"

The man said, "the order we got is to take Jiang Fan back for nine days. If it's not for this, why do we have to chase him to the world?"

However, at this time, they saw Jiang Fan's strange face from the crowd, and then they were stunned. Obviously, they didn't know Jiang Fan, but now it seems that this guy at the head should be their target.

After Jiang Fan's death, the monks of the next nine days were oppressed, and each of them had some special temperament, which was completely different from when they were fighting in the next nine days.

"Are you Jiang Fan?"

Jiang Fan nodded: "that's right! Follow up, I have something to say to you

The man didn't know what Jiang Fan was going to do.

"I'll talk about you later."

He seemed to think of something and looked at another man in the crowd.

The voice was eager: "Wang Xiang! Zhang Hui was besieged by an alien ethnic group and was captured. I slowed him down a step, and when I helped him, he was seriously injured and escaped. Now his life and death are uncertain. You and he are close friends. Do you want to find a way? I've talked about it with the big man of this sect. He's in a bit of a dilemma. Obviously, he doesn't want to be hostile. It's been more than a month since the incident happened. I'm afraid that if it goes on, the guy will die in this world. "

Hearing this, the man named Wang Xiang was surprised and asked, "where did it happen? Where do you know now? And what kind of ethnic group they are! "

Jiang Fan's brow is slightly wrinkled, and the foreigners who can subdue the monks of shenfajing have at least reached the level of the royal family. There is only one reason why Baishan does not want to appear. The other party is a big power in the royal family. Where can renhuangzong fight with others?

The man told the people all about what happened that day.

Sure enough, I met injustice here. I helped. I was targeted by the royal family. The royal family had experts to reinforce me. Finally, I was besieged and defeated.

The monks on the scene frowned one after another. They all knew Zhang Hui. They were arrested at this time. Of course, they all wanted to rescue him as soon as possible. Finally, everyone's eyes fell on Jiang Fan.

Jiang Fan said: "the other side has experts to reinforce, so the clan should be not far from where you happened. It should be a royal family. As long as it's not a royal family, it's easier to deal with it. You wait here first. I'll go to the patriarch and ask what kind of clan did it. Then we set out all night. We need to see people alive and dead."

He turned and left. The two were surprised to see Jiang Fan's back. They felt that the person in charge of the group seemed to be Jiang Fan.

But Jiang fan is only the seventh Shentai, even Qin Wuliang has reached the ninth Shentai, and other people are the same genius of shenfa. How can they listen to Jiang Fan?

Seeing Jiang Fan fly away, one of them asked: "why haven't you seen him for such a long time? Have you all listened to Jiang Fan? We're here to catch Jiang Fan. "

Zhang Tianqi said with a smile: "the strong are respected. If you don't listen to him, do you want to listen to you? What's more, you don't want to see where it is. It's a vast world. We have no way to go back to Jiuhuang. If we can't go back to Jiuhuang, we can't get in touch with our elders in the next nine days. We are trapped in this big world. Jiang Fan knows the way to go back to Jiuhuang, and it's no harm to follow him. What's more, we are willing to do it! "Others nodded, apparently agreeing with Zhang Tianqi.

The more they know about the world, the stronger their identification with Jiang Fan, and the more surprised they are at what Jiang Fan has done.

Jiang Fan showed great fighting power in front of them, calm in the face of danger, and powerful means. That kind of temperament attracted them, not to mention Jiang Fan's personality.

This trip to the holy land of qingluan was also passed down in the holy nest. The quality is quite good. It's not a bad thing to follow Jiang Fan's experience, and Jiang Fan's means are enough to protect their safety. This kind of arrest will never happen.

The two did not understand why these people changed so much, as if they were brainwashed by Jiang Fan.

"Aren't you crazy?"

Wang Xiang shook his head: "it's just that you didn't think about one thing clearly. The great power of renhuangzong didn't want to offend those foreigners and help you save them. But Jiang Fan didn't hesitate to make a decision. You can do it with such courage?"

The man frowned: "we so many people join hands to save people, what's terrible?"

Qin Wuliang was very calm and said: "you think things are too simple, and you underestimate the strength of foreigners. Renhuangzong has at least two masters of enlightenment. Don't you think we are better than the two masters of enlightenment? I'll wait with ease. Since my boss wants to fight, he will bring people out. I just hope that Zhang Hui can stick to us. "

"Jiang fan is very strong?" The two asked almost at the same time.

They're curious about this.

But they all laughed and didn't answer directly, but this filled the two people's hearts with expectation. They also wanted to know what's strange about Jiang Fan, who is interested in the next nine days.

In the hall of emperor Renzong, Jiang Fan, who had just left, returned again.

Baishan was not surprised.

Without waiting for Jiang Fan to open his mouth, he had already said, "are you for the captured Terran genius?"

Jiang Fan nodded: "I've got a general understanding of the whole process. Can the patriarch add anything? I want to know the position and specific strength of that group! "

"Their clan is located three days southwest of renhuangzong. They often send people out to hunt and rob, which is very difficult to deal with. There are three masters of enlightenment in the clan. They don't accept the protection of the God ape clan. The clan is about 200, and they are powerful. Even if you want to go there, you'd better consider it carefully and cooperate with the array of other clans. Your strength can't be underestimated! "

Jiang fan then asked, "what ethnic group is it?"

"It's the black devil pig! Royal blood

Jiang Fan took out the map, determined the approximate location, and then planned to leave.

Ling Yun said directly: "Jiang Fan, you wait first, I'll go with you."

But Jiang Fan shook his head: "it's inconvenient for renhuangzong to fight with the royal family. Of course, I know that. Don't worry, I have my own means!"

Baishan said: "in fact, before you came back, I had sent someone to send the message. I was willing to exchange a lot of resources for the Terran genius, but those guys didn't pay attention to the emperor. Besides, we were hostile. They didn't reply any message at all, and they seriously injured the alien who sent the message!"

Jiang Fan said: "don't worry, Lord. I've already made plans. It's just a VIP. I don't believe that the black devil pig will be more difficult to deal with than the royal family. Wait for my news."

Finish saying Jiang Fan no longer many words, turn round to leave directly.

Back in the back mountain, Jiang Fan looked at Qin Wuliang and others and said, "I've made it clear that you've been practicing here for a few days. I'll go back!"

Hearing this, Qin Wuliang said: "boss, you can't leave me. I want to see the world with you. Maybe I can help you. It's boring to stay here to practice."

Zhang Tianqi said: "I want to go with you. You can rest assured that with our strength, we will never become a drag!"

Wang Xiang's expression was serious: "I must go. If brother Jiang doesn't plan to take me, I will go to ask the patriarch. I will go there as soon as possible!"

Jiang Fan looked at them with a smile: "I thought I was on the road all the time. I'm afraid you're tired. It seems that your energy is still very good. If you want to go together, just keep up. It's about three days' journey."

Jiang fan leaves in the air, and Qin Wuliang and others follow him.

Everyone took off, but no one wanted to stay here to practice. They obviously wanted to know everything more quickly.

Taking advantage of the night, the group left renhuangzong quietly and flew directly to the place of the black demon pig clan.

Looking at the group who had gone away, Bai Shan sighed: "these guys are probably a group of young people who have changed the world pattern. If Jiang fan can keep these talents around, what will be the future!"

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