Jiang Fan looked at the misty canyon. The clan leader wanted them to enter it for a certain purpose. He didn't know exactly why.

He said, "I'll go down and have a look first. You wait here!"

For Jiang Fan, he has been to many similar dangerous places. His ability is enough to protect himself, not to mention the protection of bone evil.

Little bit didn't stop him. Jiang Fan's method was the most clear. However, Jiang Fan would go down to find out what was under the canyon.

The patriarch didn't stop him. He allowed Jiang Fan to jump down from the cliff and fall into the sky. In a twinkling of an eye, he disappeared into the mist.

Qin Wuliang and other people's hearts and minds jumped. If they were, they would never dare to enter the unknown place so rashly. After all, small life is more important than inheritance.

Xiaobutian looked at the patriarch with a cold look.

"If you let me know that you are playing tricks with me, your whole group will bear my anger in the future. Although I am not as good as you, you should be very clear about what my blood represents."

The patriarch can't admit to playing tricks. Of course, he's also very afraid of xiaobudian. But before he makes it clear, he can't take xiaobudian to his ancestral land rashly, or he can't afford to be accused when the big figures of the spirit clan return.

But it's hard for him to directly explain that in case the little one is a descendant of a big man, he doesn't dare to offend him either, so he must first try.

"How dare I offend your majesty? There is indeed a heritage here, and you can find it after your subordinates explore it. "

Xiaobutian doesn't have much to say. Jiang Fan will soon send back the news. If he has any questions, he will take Qin Wuliang and others to leave and won't continue to contact these guys.

On the other side, Jiang Fan kept falling, and the breath below was not as strong as that above, but after all, it was not far from the ancestral land of the gods. According to the truth, there would not be such an ordinary canyon.

God's eyes opened, so that the fog could not hinder his sight. Not only that, but the change of spiritual power below also made him a little unexpected.

The release of spiritual power. Through the continuous feedback of spiritual power fluctuations, it is found that the spiritual power below is gathered, as if absorbed by some special power. This feeling is like the spirit gathering array, which gathers the spiritual power of the whole heaven in the array or something.

According to the patriarch, it may be possible to have an inheritance here, but Jiang fan can be sure that it is not the ancestral place of the gods, because it is impossible to have such a strong life here, not the kind of living environment.

Instead of rushing back, he continued to go down and look at the situation first.

After all, in such an environment, if you have inheritance, the quality should be very good, of course, you can't easily miss it.

All the way down to the bottom of the valley, Jiang Fan felt a strong spiritual power converging on the ground. From his divine eyes, he could see that the array was working and absorbing the spiritual power around him. The array pattern spread to the cliff, which was very obvious.

Jiang Fan falls on the array and suppresses his own spiritual power instead of interfering with the operation of the array.

While standing in this array, Jiang Fan felt that his blood power seemed to be gradually recovering. That feeling was very strange, but he didn't care, because it had almost no effect on him.

When he came to the cliff, he was surprised to find that the breath here was not weak, and the released spiritual power could strengthen the body. It was the power of this array that he used, but his body almost reached the ultimate level that can be achieved now, and he could not strengthen his body too well through the power here.

Jiang Fan knew that the effect of the great array must be more than that. It can accommodate many monks and strengthen the body at the same time. It's really a good thing.

However, he couldn't figure it out. It seemed that the patriarch wanted to test Xiaobu, but there was nothing special here. At least he didn't feel anything wrong when he came down for such a long time.

He looked around and found that there was nothing special about it. With doubts, Jiang Fan flew up again to see what was going on.

Back to the cliff, little bit looked at Jiang Fan and said, "what's next?"

"An array can absorb the spirit power in the canyon, and it has the effect of strengthening the body. There's nothing strange about the others. I'm going to take the three of them down to have a try."

"Be careful, I always feel something's wrong," she said

Jiang Fan also has this feeling, but there are benefits below. With Qin Wuliang's three talents, he will surely get benefits in that array. If time permits, he doesn't mind calling all the others together.

As for the clan leader's plan, he hasn't made it clear yet.

He looked at Qin Wuliang and said, "it's good for you to come down to the bottom with me."

Qin Wuliang did not hesitate. They followed Jiang Fan into the canyon again and jumped down from the cliff. They trusted Jiang Fan absolutely.

Xiaobutian stayed by the cliff and obviously didn't plan to follow him. As long as he didn't follow the other party's instructions, he would not fall into the pit. He didn't know the other party's meaning. He didn't want to take such a risk. It was not only for his own safety, but also for Jiang Fan's sake. Wan11 tore his face carelessly, and he couldn't predict what the other party could do. After all, that's not good But he is a master who leaves the dust world. His strength is not a joke.The patriarch looked at the back of xiaopindian and frowned slightly.

A moment later, he said: "I said that the following is just inheritance, and it also has a good effect on adults. Every time the adults came here, they would go into the deep valley to strengthen their body. Although the effect on the monks in their realm is very small, the effect is still there after all!"

"Don't play games with me," she said! If you don't respect me, my family will wake up one after another in the future, and you will just wait for my revenge. "

Hearing this, the patriarch came to you and said, "my Lord, I have never been disrespectful to you. You have been doubting me, OK?"

"I asked you to take me to ancestral land, but you brought me here. When did I say that I would inherit it? Don't tell me you're kind. Do you really think I'm an idiot? "

The clan leader didn't expect that xiaobudian should be so afraid of him.

But the more so, the more skeptical he was about the identity of xiaobudian.

But having said that, the patriarch also expressed his thoughts first.

"If you have faith in yourself, why care about my temptation? If you have no problem with your identity, I will plead guilty to you when the adults come back in the future. But if you have any problem with your identity, I will never let you step into your ancestral land

Small not pick eyebrow to look at each other: "try?"? You, a master of the world, set up a situation to test me, a monk of the divine realm. If I'm not careful, I'm afraid I'll lose my life. Can the power of blood be wrong? Or is it that you, the head of the guardian clan, have forgotten the dignity of our clan after sleeping for so many years

The patriarch said: "as long as you can prove that there is no problem with your blood, I promise not to say more. As you said, our family has been guarding here for so many years, and will continue to guard it in the future. Of course, I have to find out whether your identity can enter it or not. "

As soon as she was about to say something, she heard Jiang Fan's voice.

"I forgot to tell you that there is special power in the array below, which can make people show the power of blood. If there is anything strange in the valley, it should be here. Not surprisingly, he should want to see your blood purity, your breath and the power of your blood. Although it's right, you should know that your situation may not be so pure. If you don't have confidence, you'd better not come down. As for the ancestral land, even if he doesn't take us, we can find it. I can come in this secret place, let alone your ancestral land. ”

after hearing Jiang Fan's reminder, xiaobudian understood what was going on.

But without saying a word, he jumped off the cliff and disappeared.

The clan leader didn't expect that xiaobudian would jump without waiting for him to say more.

He hastened to catch up, want to see the change after the little bit.

Jiang Fan felt the little bit of breath close, but also some did not expect, then heard the little bit of voice sounded.

"If the power of blood is absolutely perfect, it's stronger than my own blood. Because when he was refining the body, he spent a lot of energy in order to ensure one-time success, and he used his most divine drop of blood to refine my body. So my power of blood alone will not have any problems. Besides, I have a reason to come down. "

Jiang Fan asks curiously: "what reason?"

"The guy above has already made a showdown with me. If I insist on not accepting his temptation, we will have no problem. What about those guys?"

Jiang Fan was stunned, and immediately thought of who he was talking about. He forgot those guys for a moment. It would be really troublesome for those scattered Terran geniuses to be targeted by this Guardian group. Although their realm is not bad and their combat power is not weak, they don't even have a chance to run when they meet the experts in the divine realm or even the enlightenment realm. This is a secret place, It's impossible to leave by their means.

Jiang Fan thought that there might be native monks here, but he didn't expect that they would be so powerful. He had to reconsider whether it was a good choice to bring them here.

However, as long as he keeps his identity, everything can be solved. As for the future, he doesn't care.

Xiaobutian comes to him quickly. Jiang Fan's black light is flashing. He puts on another black suit and gives his coat to xiaobutian. It turns into a pure spiritual power and attaches to xiaobutian.

This is the congenital pattern of xiaoyueer. The only thing that xiaobutian lacks is this. Jiang Fan certainly knows where his defect is, and resolutely chooses to help him make up for it first. Even if the power of blood appears, with this congenital pattern, the breath will become more powerful, because xiaobutian is his pet. He borrows it temporarily, and the breath gap is not very big.

No longer hesitating, standing in the array, feeling the power of blood, completely out of control.

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