If Jiang Fan acts alone, he will not have so many scruples.

He should have been asked to explore, but he is a good hand. But this time, he is not acting alone. He needs to find a way to solve the current situation. It's better for him to find out the reason himself.

Jiang Fan kept dodging, and his speed was much faster.

As you walk, you can inject spiritual power into the ground and feel it carefully.

Then I vaguely felt a breath of array all over the cave.

"As long as I knew the situation here, I should have let Xiao AI stay with them, which can also save a lot of trouble."

Since there is array, Jiang Fan also relaxed a lot, at least for him, breaking the array is still some assurance.

The more forward, the more obvious the breath of array operation, Jiang Fan probably understood the situation here.

"It seems that this array should be to prevent outsiders from entering. The monks from the divine family are all masters of leaving the world. Of course, they don't care about such spiritual attack. Stop the array first."

Jiang Fan no longer hesitates and continues to move forward. The more comprehensive the array you feel, the easier it will be to be fully perceived. Jiang Fan shares a divine idea, carefully perceives the direction of the array, and perceives everything here with the fastest speed.

Jiang Fan's speed is not slow. He comes to the front directly. His spiritual power is converging. Jiang Fan's breath is constantly releasing. The spiritual power around him has become very dense. Fortunately, Jiang Fan's sea of Qi is full, and he is not afraid of wasting his spiritual power.

In other places, Jiang Fan may let the bone evil come out to resist these spiritual powers, and then he will break the battle, which can make things easier.

But now he is very worried about the clan leader in the village outside the cave. If this guy has been observing and perceiving the situation in the cave, releasing the bone evil may cause great trouble. No matter how the breath of the bone evil changes, her identity is a demon from the bone world. If this identity is exposed, the big man will never let her go.

Just in case, Jiang Fan won't let bone evil come out unless he has to.

It's not going well at the moment, but it's not too late to cope.

Jiang Fan didn't say any more. He found the law of the attack of the spirit power, and the operation route of this array has already appeared in his mind. This array spreads a lot, but it's not very complicated. Only the friars enter here can they open it by themselves. The closer they get, the greater the attack range and the greater the power.

Through the passage of the Taoist array, one by one, I screened out the spiritual power, and the corners of my mouth rose slowly.

The spirit power of breaking the array is injected into it. It forcibly controls the eye of the array and makes the whole array stop instantly.

The attack of the spirit power that came to the face dissipated in a flash and turned into pure spirit power to supplement the surroundings.

This also makes the spiritual power in the cave more powerful.

Jiang Fan forward, did not stop, he also knew that small will soon bring people to catch up.

He came to the position where the array was running before, without any hesitation, and wanted to see the situation at the end of the array.

Can arrive here, he is a Leng first, whole person stood there directly.

A tall figure appeared in front, occupying almost the whole cave, nearly 20 meters high.

But the figure has no breath to release, which is obviously not life. Under the light of fire, Jiang Fan found that it was a God, the God of the God family, very tall, powerful and lifelike.

I saw the statue's expression was serious, as if it refused to be close to people thousands of miles away.

It is obvious that his obstruction is also a deterrent to outsiders and prevents them from moving forward.

At this time, the three of them came up from behind and saw Jiang Fan standing there. They were also very curious.

When xiaobutian came to Jiang Fan and saw the tall statue, he was also surprised.

"That's Chief

It was obvious that xiaobudian recognized the image's full face and looked respectful.

Zhang Tianqi looked around: "it seems that there is nothing strange. Do we want to move on?"

Jiang Fan nodded his head.

"When we're all here, why don't we continue? Don't waste your time, just follow me

After that, he walked in the front again. He couldn't stop because of a statue. If this thing dares to stop him, he doesn't even mind breaking him.

However, all four of them could feel some divinity released from the statue, which also showed that the original God of the statue had not fallen. Jiang Fan knew that they were just falling into a deep sleep, just like the little body, but when they would wake up was unknown.

After passing through the statue, the pressure felt by the people suddenly decreased. Jiang Fan didn't waste any more time, and continued to move forward at a very fast speed.

Xiaobutian's body radiates silver light. As he goes deep into the cave, the light becomes more and more obvious, and the power of blood is fully activated, which makes him very excited. He even feels that his power of blood has recovered in a short time.


All over the world.


In the hall, a disciple came in from the door.

"Report to the patriarch, the young patriarch of shenape clan, please see me!"Renhuangzong was very exclusive to foreigners at ordinary times, and basically no foreigners would come to the door on their own initiative, but shenape was an exception.

This is the realm of God ape. Since the founding of nengzong, renhuangzong has also received a lot of protection from God ape. Otherwise, it will be difficult to reach the present scale.

It's no secret that the God ape clan came from Jiuhuang, so emperor Renzong was very polite and respected to the God ape clan.

What's more, the head of the God ape clan has a good relationship with Jiang Fan. They have joined hands many times. With this, Baishan has no reason to refuse.

"Ask him to go up the mountain!"

The disciple nodded and soon let him enter renhuangzong and come straight to the main hall.

"Meet Lord Bai!" Eric is very polite.

Baishan said, "don't be polite. What's the matter with you? I'm looking for Jiang Fan, right? "

He came straight to the point, and Eric did not beat around the bush.

"Yes, I'm here for brother Jiang. He must have been here after he came back. I felt his breath on the way here and appeared here. I don't know where he is now? I have something to do with him

Baishan said: "I left a few days ago, but I haven't come back. It seems that I have gone out for training. You should be very clear about his situation. It's impossible to stay in one place for too long. You don't have to worry if it's not enough for his safety. With his strength, it's no problem to protect yourself. "

"Do you know where he left?" he asked

Baishan shook his head: "now it's not clear, or wait for the news to come back to confirm!"

Sun yaokong scratched his head, obviously depressed.

"Since he's not here, forget it. I'll leave first. I won't disturb you much!"

Baishan said: "although I don't know where he is going, he has so many Terran talents around him that he shouldn't be swaggering outside. If I guess correctly, he is likely to take people to the place of chaos. If you have an emergency, you can go there and look for him. Maybe you can find him there."

Hearing this, sun yaokong showed his joy.

"Thank you for your advice. Goodbye

With that, he turned and left, obviously eager to find Jiang Fan as soon as possible.


One of the disciples of the spirit clan came back here, and was in front of the two patriarchs.

"What's your feeling after touching Jiang Fan?"

The disciple frowned and said, "it's very strong. Elder brother Jinsheng is not an opponent at all. He thought he could get him back, but this time he really overstated himself. But I didn't expect that he didn't agree with so many experts who left the dust world. It made me admire him a little more. "

"You just understand the gap between you and him. It's hard for him to go. It's not difficult for you to surpass him in the future. Just seize the opportunity."

The disciple nodded his head and said: "another point is that the Terran friars around him. After careful observation, the power of blood is not weaker than us, and the appearance of the ancient Protoss has revealed their identities. The awakening of the ancient Protoss is definitely a big event, which is more influential than Jiang Fan. And brother Jinsheng may be hit this time. "

The patriarch nodded: "but you don't need to worry about this matter. You just need to improve your accomplishments as soon as possible. For other things, we'll find a way."

The disciple left and said nothing more.

The two patriarchs said something in a low voice. Obviously they had other plans.


Jiang Fan and others continued to move forward in the cave, but they were stopped by another tall statue, whose divinity was more amazing and active, as if they were sober.

Jiang Fan was a little surprised, because they had seen the statue before. Wasn't it the patriarch of the village outside?

It's just that the statue looks younger, but it makes Jiang Fan very strange.

"Does that giant family really have something to do with your family? The statue of the elder is still behind the head of the God clan. If you count it according to the status, it ranks higher. Don't you have any impression? "

Little Bu Dian said: "I have no impression, but the power of blood is obviously different. This can't be wrong, and the breath they release can't deceive people. Are they two kinds of blood?"

Hearing this guess, Jiang Fan couldn't answer, which was really strange.

Once again through the statue, the vitality here becomes more amazing.

At this time, Lin Xilan walked to the side, looking at the wall by the weak light of the fire.

"There are words on it!"

Jiang Fan and others stop and come to the wall. There is a special writing on it, which even Jiang fan can't understand.

The little girl's eyes twinkled and looked at every word.

"I don't recognize many of them, but it should be an ancient writing of our family. I can understand the general meaning, as if it is about the birth of our family!"

Without waiting for him to think more, a divine idea swept the crowd and made them stand on their heads. Unexpectedly, there were other lives in the cave, and from the strength of the divine idea, it was absolutely not weak.Jiang Fan brows locked, looking forward to the darkness, still very quiet.

Just then a voice rang out: "don't stop there. Go ahead 300 meters. I'll wait for you here."

This voice sounds very young, not too strong tone, very calm.

If you can't feel each other's breath at a distance of 300 meters, there is only one explanation. The other party is just a divine idea, so you don't need to be so afraid.

It was a relief for the four.

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