Jiang Fan said: "I don't know much about it. I've only been exposed to some clues about the higher plane."

Shenmu nodded and then said, "you are right. The ancestral world that created the Lingxiao ancient realm is something you can't reach now."

"Has Lord Shenmu ever been to the ancestral world?"

Shenmu shook his head: "I was born in Jiuhuang, which was transformed by the first ray of wood spirit when Jiuhuang was born, so I can't leave Jiuhuang, and I haven't seen the master of ancestral world, but I have lived in the Lingxiao ancient environment for thousands of years, but I know something about it."

"Please make it clear!"

Shenmu seems to be remembering something. It's obvious that she lived there a long time ago, and it's not the memory of his rebirth, so it's not so deep and clear. But as long as you give her some time, you should think of a lot about that period.

Jiang Fan didn't rush to Lingxiao ancient place. Since Shenmu knows the situation there, he will stay here and wait for Shenmu to tell him everything about Lingxiao ancient place.

Soon after, Shenmu opened his mouth.

"The rules there are very strange. They are superior to the nine wastelands, but some of them are no longer within the nine wastelands. Because they were created by the ancestors, the rules there are closer to the ancestors. Speaking of this, I also want to talk about the origin of the Ninth Heaven. The Terran plane was originally divided into three planes: the upper Ninth Heaven, the ninth wilderness and the ancestral world. The ancestral world is in charge of the three realms, while Shangjiu heaven is a place of contention. There are countless rich families, and the rules are perfect. The ancestral world is not very big. Except for the influence of several big figures, most of them often change. The power of shangjiutian always keeps fighting for the goal of settling in the ancestral world. Because of this, countless talents of shangjiutian come out in large numbers. In fact, Jiuhuang is the last world opened up among the Three Kingdoms of the human race. Because the law is not too strong, it only sows civilization, but also is called the ordinary world by those two kingdoms. It must break through the restrictions to enter the upper nine heavens. "

"Some of the ancient heritages in Jiuhuang come from shangjiutian, and so do some powerful blood. In fact, the next Jiutian doesn't belong to the three realms. He is just a position created by Jiuhuang masters to imitate the relationship between shangjiutian and the ancestral world. But he doesn't belong to the three realms, and he doesn't have the blessing of the strong against heaven. Therefore, although their environment is good, their laws are difficult to improve The right path for a monk should be to reach the peak of cultivation, break the air and leave, and enter the Ninth Heaven. Unfortunately, many people have gone astray. What's more, it's not easy to enter the Ninth Heaven, and there's no experience left, and there's no information to refer to. Therefore, in the face of the unknown, even monks who are away from the peak of the dust world sometimes dare not take that step! "

"However, there is a breakthrough point in everything, which is the channel left by the ancestral world. The Lingxiao ancient realm is left by the ancestral world experts. It is possible to go to the two realms through the Lingxiao ancient realm, but no one knows the way to open it. Because the secret realm is forbidden by people, friars over 300 years old can't enter it at all, so those experts can't enter it to explore the mystery So every time they open it, they will send the talented monks in the clan to explore everything, hoping to find a way to open the channel, so that they don't have to risk breaking through the air. And this is not the whole secret of Lingxiao ancient place. "

"Some of the Jiuhuang monks have strong blood, and their aptitude is also very adverse. For example, Wang Xi of the Baizhan clan, whose blood comes from Shangjiu heaven, has many similar blood. There are also some talented people who choose to stay in the Lingxiao ancient environment after being sent to it by big people. Many of them fall into it and don't last until the next time, because there are strange things there Breath will be released when the secret place is closed. And this kind of breath is what you said this time. That's why so many people disappear. "

Hearing this, Jiang Fan quickly asked: "special breath? Do you know the origin of that breath? "

"Of course, I know something about it. The spirit power is not released by the rules of Lingxiao ancient environment, but a powerful life. It is the existence of the peak of lichenjing, a life that has been living there and can't leave. Although I haven't met him, I have had contact with him. I don't know what his purpose is, but I'm sure that the person who disappears will not die for a moment, But it's not easy to find them. You still need to explore by yourself. If it's not enough, you can take this branch and show it to him in case of unsolvable trouble or strong guy. Maybe he can let you go. "

With that, a branch floats in front of Jiang Fan. Jiang fan doesn't feel strange. It's just the branch of the God tree supporting heaven, which exudes a strong breath of nature.

Jiang fan then asked: "if I or the people around me are trapped by that breath, can there be a way to crack it?"

Shenmu said with a smile: "I can, you can't know, you go to feel it, but don't be careless, be careful. If you can find the secret there, it may be a good thing."

Jiang Fan nodded: "thank you for your advice. It's not too late. I left first."

Shenmu said nothing more and sent Jiang Fan out of the room. Jiang Fan said goodbye to the ivy and flew to Qin Wuliang and set out immediately.

Shenmu has obviously affirmed Jiang Fan's current state and told him some secrets about the human race. At least he didn't know many things before. The origin of all walks of life and the degree of convergence of experts are just unexpected. In the eyes of those two circles, Jiuhuang is just a barren place. Even the passage has not been opened. It's a state of stocking.As for the next nine days, it's a bit of fun. It's not a secret for Jiang fan why they open the channel with Jiuhuang again. It's also a direct verification of Shenmu's words, but I don't know whether they should talk to the three people around them.

Today's Tiange array has covered many areas. Tao Zhen does not hesitate to spend a lot of money. That is to make it more convenient for Tiange people to go out. Wherever there is a secret place or needs support, they can arrive as soon as possible.

Just because of this, Jiang Fan didn't need much effort to reinforce at this time.

Without saying much, Jiang Fan took the people to use the array to open the array closest to the Lingxiao ancient place and directly entered it.


Before the ancient world, there were many experts, some of whom were very mysterious.

These big figures are far away from Wang Xi, obviously do not want to contact, the reason is very simple, Wang Xi's strength is stronger than them, and their impression is not very good.

However, they all came for the Lingxiao ancient environment, and they all sent their disciples into it. Unfortunately, the current situation is almost the same. The teenagers who entered the ancient environment have no news, and they don't know where they have gone.

"It's strange. Where did you go? Why is there no news at all? Is all the news coming out true? They all disappeared for no reason? "

"There's something strange happening here. Unfortunately, we can't get into it, or even use our divine consciousness to get involved in it. Let alone us, even Wang Xi can't do it. Otherwise, he doesn't need to call a few kids from the next nine days to help. You know, she doesn't like the next nine days at all. It's also a helpless move to do so at this time."

"Are we just waiting here? Shall we get some help as well? I think there should still be people in Jiuhuang for the next nine days. "

"Wang Xi can summon them by virtue of his reputation. How can we summon them? Do you want a lot of money? "

One of them frowned and said, "my personal disciple is the most qualified one in our school. He can't have an accident. No matter what the cost, I will find him out. If it costs a lot of money, count me in. "

These experts are all here with the same intention. They are still here, and the situation is almost the same.

This time, the elite talents of urban schools of all ethnic groups entered the secret world. Unexpectedly, there was no news at all. If there were any problems in it, it would be a huge loss to all forces.

Then they hit it off and invited talented people above the divine realm to enter the Lingxiao ancient realm to help them find people. If they can get the secret, the reward can be more than doubled!

After the news came out, it was a pity that no one came. The reason is very simple. Almost all the talented people in the next nine days were introduced into the world by Jiang Fan. The rest of Jiuhuang was just those who didn't arrive in Nanyu state in time that day.

In addition to this group of nine day teenagers, under the age of 300, not many people have reached the divine realm, because not long ago, Jiuhuang was still at a very low level. At that time, the divine realm was absolutely regarded as the master of the powerful side. Even a few of them were sent into the secret realm at this time, and now there is also not much news.

The woman beside Wang Xi said: "Lao Zu, the situation of those people is similar to ours. Unfortunately, it doesn't cost much resources now, and there are no talented people willing to help. I don't know if the people we invited can deal with the situation inside."

"I don't know. Now everything is not clear. Without absolute strength, it's hard to maintain in it. Everything depends on the will of heaven. Fortunately, the secret will last for three years, and there will be enough time to wait. Maybe there will be variables after that. At least we don't need to worry too much. "

"I hope I can find out what happened as soon as possible. Now it's the most terrible thing to know nothing."

And at this time, Wang Xian suddenly Leng next, and then look toward the East, four breath quickly close to this side, Yukong.

Soon, four figures appeared in his line of sight, and Wang Xi was very surprised to see the handsome young man at the head.

"The boy is back!"

The women of Baizhan nationality around them looked in that direction, and they also looked happy when they saw Jiang Fan.

"It's my little uncle! He came back at this time. Did he feel something happened to xian'er? His strength is very strong now, plus the special means, if he can enter the secret, there should be more opportunities. "

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