Qin Wuliang let his body huge, obviously in order to get rid of the shackles of the spirit.

In a twinkling of an eye, Jiang Fan had come to Qin Wuliang and covered the air with his spiritual power. At the same time, he told xiaobutian to feel it and see if he could find any mystery.

When the spiritual power touches Jiang fanjue, it is a very special feeling. The spiritual power seems to have life. Although it is not too strong, it can tear space and is full of toughness.

With the touch of Jiang Fan's spirit power, the special spirit power suddenly began to contract, and quickly retreated from Qin Wuliang.

Qin Wuliang obviously also felt this change, and the whole person became a lot more relaxed.

Jiang Fan wants to continue to explore the strangeness of the spirit power, but the spirit power disappears very quickly, as if he is very afraid of Jiang Fan's spirit power, and disappears.

Qin Wuliang quickly shrinks his body. After feeling it carefully, he finds that the spiritual power disappears completely. Then he looks at Jiang Fan.

"Boss, it's strange that Lingli disappeared directly after feeling your breath. I don't know what that power is! "

Jiang Fan asked, "how does the spirit power appear?"

Qin Wuliang shook his head: "there's no sign that I'll meet you. There's not much difference when I'm on my way. Suddenly I'm entangled by the spirit power, as if I'm going to pull me away. It's not good, but the breath of the divine realm has a good resistance to the spirit power. And I find that the influence of the spirit power on me weakens after the body is enlarged. Anyway, it's not good It's always strange

Lin Xilan came over, frowning slightly: "we'd better find my brother Qi as soon as possible, I'm afraid he has problems."

Jiang fan uses Fu Lingyu to feel Zhang Tianqi's position at this time, and finds that he has been moving towards them. Judging from the moving speed, there should be no problem, but he must meet as soon as possible, just in case.

Without hesitation, he ran directly in the direction of Zhang Tianqi. The speed was not slow. Within an hour, he should be able to meet.

When he first came to Lingxiao, Jiang Fan had to admit that there was something strange about him, which was far more than Jiuhuang.

Jiang fan doesn't know what that special spiritual power is. According to Shenmu, he will take people to some place, but Jiang fan doesn't want to try it himself unless he has to.

Zhang Tianqi and Jiang Fan successfully joined up. They were calm all the way, and did not encounter the strange spirit power.

Among the three, Qin Wuliang was the only one who suffered personally, which made him a little depressed.

"Is it good to be a bully?"

Jiang Fan said with a smile: "I'd like to feel it for myself, but I don't have that chance. Now that we've met successfully, let's go deep into this secret place. I'll tell you first, you can leave at any time. This secret place is not very safe, especially this time there have been a lot of problems, and I don't know what's ahead."

Qin Wuliang said: "boss, what do you say those useless people do? No matter where you go, I'll follow you. "

Zhang Tianqi said with a smile: "Qin Wuliang is not afraid. What can we be afraid of? Don't say it's just this secret place. We've all been to the ancestral land of the gods. We've also seen reincarnation experts. What's so terrible about us? "

"Now that you are all ready, I have nothing to say. I'll tell you about the situation here."

Jiang Fan told everyone what he heard from Shenmu about this place. After hearing this, everyone was very surprised. They didn't expect that there was such a big secret in Lingxiao ancient place. It's no wonder that the next nine days of great people all asked their disciples to come here to explore the situation.

"I didn't expect that there was such a secret in Jiuhuang. No wonder the channel will be opened again in the next nine days!"

Qin Wuliang said: "the more you know, the more uncomfortable it is. But it would be great to see the world in the higher world from here. "

Jiang Fan didn't have a good way: "then you think too much. If you want to break through, at least you have to reach the top of the world. Even if there is a shortcut here, it can't be opened by the divine Dharma Realm. If you can save people and then find the secret here, it may be good for our future road. Just seize the opportunity."

Four people forward, Jiang Fan tried to summon small point, but was limited by the rules here, small point can't appear.

Shenmu told him that there are experts in the world of leaving the dust, and there are almost certainly monks in the world of enlightenment. Xiaodian can't show up, so he has to be careful.

Fortunately, it's a Terran secret place. He doesn't need to be too nervous. If it's a foreign secret place, he has to be more cautious against foreign friars. But now it's much easier.

The next day, Jiang Fan four people saw some Terran friars. They were very careful in their actions, and their qualifications were not bad. Among them, there were some young people in the next nine days, but they didn't show up because they didn't need their help.

However, no one has disappeared from his sight yet, and they have attracted a lot of people's attention when they are on their way quickly.

"Those four people have a strong breath, and are they new in? How dare they be so bold and so eager to go on their way? Aren't they afraid that something bad will happen? ""It's them!" Someone exclaimed.

"Do you know them?" said the friar

"Of course, they are the three Qin Wuliang who have been working together all the year round? I didn't expect that the three of them had already stepped into the divine realm. They really deserved to be gifted experts, and their strength was too strong. However, the three of them have always acted together. How come there is one more person now, and the flavor of that human race is not weak, but some of them are not from the next nine days. When did they pay attention to outsiders? "

The monk was obviously from the next nine days. Seeing that Qin Wuliang and others had a fourth person with them, he felt a little incredible.

The friar next to him said, "if that man is Qin Wuliang, I'll know who the stranger is. He's Jiang Fan, Jiuhuang's genius. It's said that his fighting power is still above Qin Wuliang, and his power is against the God Fajing friar. The next Jiutian sent many talented people to Jiuhuang to catch him, but some time ago those talented people disappeared together with Jiang Fan, Qin Wuliang Quantity and others also disappeared at that time. I didn't expect that they would appear here. I don't know whether their appearance at this time is a good thing or a bad thing. "

"Is there any difference between good and bad? There are so many things going on in this secret place. If we can have more experts like this, we may be able to help us save our people. Otherwise, we can only rely on us when we can save people. "

Although Jiang Fan heard what they said, they didn't say much. They continued to go on their way quickly. Their goal was the friars of the Baizhan clan.

And Jiang Fan takes out a few pieces of Fu Ling jade, which represents Gu ling'er and others, as well as Xiao yue'er.

Later, I found that only xiaoyueer's breath was still in this secret place. Even Yuxiao, who recently followed xiaoyueer into this secret place, disappeared at this time.

He has suppressed his breath after entering the secret place, and Fu Lingyu can't feel his position.

However, Xiao yue'er's position at this time has obviously gone deep into the secret place. With his understanding of her, he really doesn't worry about what's wrong with Xiao yue'er. Xiao yue'er's talent is extremely high, and her means are also very strange. Even the pure blood little one is surprised at her.

At this time, Xiao yue'er should also be looking for Yu Xiao. As for Gu ling'er, where they are at this time, Jiang fan doesn't know, or even whether they have entered here, but after finding the secret here, everything will be clear.

In the afternoon of that day, two special spiritual powers appeared behind him at the same time. This time, Zhang Tianqi and Lin Xiran were caught in the attack instantly. They were held back by that force, and they were surrounded in an instant.

However, they had been prepared for a long time, and directly burst out their own realm breath. The realm breath of the monks in the divine and Dharma Realm had a good resistance to the spiritual power. This time, instead of rushing to contact, Jiang Fan asked, "don't worry. Tell me immediately when you can't hold on. What do you feel now? See what's so strange about this spirit power! "

Zhang Tianqi frowned slightly at this time. It was obvious that the spiritual power also brought him a lot of consumption. But he had the second level of divine Dharma Realm, and his resistance was stronger than Lin Xiran. He felt the spiritual power carefully, and then said: "the spiritual power seems to have life. It's not from prohibition or array, it's more like a monk."

Jiang Fan's perception of the situation before is almost the same. He had spiritual contact before, and also felt the difference.

Lin Xiran opened his mouth and said, "the spirit power seems to come from below, not out of thin air!"

This is to let Jiang Fan some did not expect, one side of Qin Wuliang as if in careful memories of what.

Then Lian said: "boss, she's right. At that time, the power seemed to be coming from the underground!"

At this time, Lin Xiran's breath has some fluctuations. Jiang fan knows that her resistance is much weaker than Zhang Tianqi's, and even far less than Qin Wuliang's.

Jiang Fan felt the difference of the spiritual power for the second time, hoping to find out the secret of the spiritual power, which might be the most direct way to find the lost monk.

However, as before, when he helped Qin Wuliang, his spiritual power just touched the breath, the special breath would disappear immediately, and the speed was very fast, which only gave him a little chance to perceive.

After Lin Xiran breaks free, he looks at Jiang Fan in surprise.

"The spirit power seems to be afraid of your spirit power. It may be repulsive. It disappears immediately after contact."

Qin Wuliang said with a smile: "the boss is really unusual! It's dangerous to others. When it comes to you, it's restrained by you. I'm afraid no one will believe it. "

But Jiang Fan didn't think so, because the spirit power didn't decrease because of his spirit, but retreated. He was obviously deliberately avoiding him. If the spirit power was controlled by other life, it would be more difficult to deal with.

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