Hearing this, Qin Wuliang didn't agree.

"Even if what you say is reasonable, what he catches are all talented people. Isn't this fake?"

"So everything may have to go to the core area, or even the Lingxiao peak."

Four people are talking, suddenly a spirit power burst, directly toward Qin Wuliang cover in the past, it is the special spirit power.

This special spirit power hasn't appeared for a while. Because of this, Qin Wuliang was caught off guard. Fortunately, he reacted quickly and released his spirit and Dharma Realm for the first time to fight against the pull of spirit power.

Jiang fan made a decisive move for the first time and directly covered his own spiritual power. However, this time, the strength of his spiritual power reaction was much weaker than when he just entered the secret place.

It didn't retreat as quickly as before. Although it was still very repulsive this time, it just retreated slowly, obviously not reconciled.

Qin Wuliang also frowned tightly and felt the change of spirit power.

When he completely broke free, his eyes were full of fear.

Zhang Tianqi quickly asked, "what's the situation? What's that look like! "

Qin Wuliang said: "it seems that the spiritual power has become stronger and much stronger. If it wasn't for the boss's spiritual power intervention, it might be difficult for me to persist as long as before."

When people looked at Jiang Fan, they obviously wanted to know what he thought. Jiang Fan said directly: "the situation is the same as what Qin Wuliang said. This spiritual power is at least three times stronger than before, and the fear of my spiritual power is not as good as before. If you go on, you are likely to encounter big trouble."

Hearing this, Zhang Tianqi said: "then we should be more careful, but brother Jiang can resist the release of spiritual power, but he can be at ease for the time being. We should be more careful, there should be no problem."

Jiang Fan suddenly pinches out the formula and then drops the three powers on the three people. Even if Jiang fan can't save them at the first time, he still has some restraint to the special power with his aura of aura.

The four continued on their way to the core area.

But on the road, there was no trace of the friars in front of him. He didn't even have a footprint. If it wasn't for Jiang Fan who could see some Terran friars training nearby, he might have thought he was in a dreamland.

But since entering this secret place, Jiang Fan hasn't even seen a friar who surpasses the fifth level of Shentai. It's almost certain that most of the friars who surpass the fifth level of Shentai have been taken away by the strange spiritual power, but it's a pity that Jiang Fan still can't figure out what their purpose is.

According to Shenmu, there is a huge secret in this secret place, but it is not very clear what the secret is.

Not surprisingly, that night, the second spiritual power burst out, this time acting on Lin Xiran, but Jiang fan used the spiritual power to shake him back for the first time.

Jiang fan is also a little depressed at this time. If he can use his power to assimilate the spiritual power according to the past situation, then he can use the assimilated spiritual power to let Xiao AI and Lin Zhan find the problem through the underground spiritual power. As long as he can determine the location first, everything will be much easier.

It's a pity that the spirit power will disappear as soon as it comes into contact with him. He turns around and walks away. He doesn't mean to stay at all. He doesn't come into contact with Jiang Fan's spirit power.

So all the secrets here have to be explored bit by bit by himself, hoping that all the people will be OK.

If Chu Zhan and others have an accident here, he must try his best to make the big people here pay the price. If the result is more troublesome, he will do more.

Think of this, his eyes flashed a trace of cold, killing all show.



On the other side of Tiange, Tao Zhen has left and went to Wanbaoshan in person.

He has been in touch with Mr. Jin many times in the past. Although he has a high level, he regards Mr. Jin as a good friend. This time, Jiang Fan asked him to collect the duankong stone. Of course, he had to discuss it face to face before he could be more sincere. After all, the duankong stone is very valuable and should not be careless.

When he came to Wanbaoshan, the old shopkeeper had been waiting outside Wanbaoshan for a long time.

Seeing Tao Zhen, he hurriedly came this way.

"You can count it. No one has been drinking with me these days. When I heard that you were coming, I prepared some drinks and dishes. I'm waiting for you. "

With a smile on his face, Tao Zhen said directly, "I'm here to talk business. Xiao Fan has come back and arranged a task for me."

When the old shopkeeper heard this, he also showed a smile: "Jiang fan is really haunted. I didn't expect that he just left for a while and then returned. But it doesn't matter. I'll just talk to you. Just drink and talk. Come on in

While they were flying towards the Wanbaoshan, the old shopkeeper asked, "what do you think of my coming to Wanbaoshan this time? Just tell me. As long as I can do it, I will do my best."

Hearing this, Tao Zhen said simply, "Jiang Fan needs to use some materials, one of which is called broken stone. It should be used to arrange the array.""Broken stone? What kind of array is that guy going to set up? I need such materials! "

Tao Zhen shook his head: "I'm not sure about the specific situation. Is there any stock in Wanbaoshan? It's better to go back to work then. If there's none, I'll wait for the old shopkeeper to help me get some done as soon as possible. "

When the old shopkeeper heard this, he said directly: "brother Tao Zhen, it's not my boast. The Jiuhuang has nothing that I don't have in Wanbaoshan, but it's a small stock. This broken stone is a special material used to arrange the transmission array. It can even refine a lot of things, such as Dongtian Lingbao and the strange treasure bag, so some big forces will buy some spare parts I'm not sure

"I see. I've asked Tiange for the number of Marlboro mountains, and the price should refer to the market price. Then I'd like to ask the shopkeeper to continue to collect some for us. I'll take as many as we have."

Hearing this, the old shopkeeper was also a little surprised. Obviously, he couldn't figure out what they wanted so many duankong stones for. It's not very useful for ordinary forces, because there are so few Taoist masters who can use them.

However, Mr. Jin would not hesitate at all about what Tiange wanted. He agreed to Tao Zhen directly and then took Tao Zhen to drink. It was very harmonious.

On the other side of the world, xiajiutiancai, who got the news of Jiang Fan's departure, also started their own experience journey. Most of them went together. Everyone was full of expectations for the future. Some people soon contacted with foreigners and fought with each other.

Then he changed his identity for the first time and continued to practice. The hiding method that Jiang Fan passed on to them was very strange. At least for them, he had a little more self-protection ability, which made them more secure to continue to practice in the world of excluding the human race.

It's not peaceful at this time in Jiuhuang. In the next nine days, some teenagers will enter Jiuhuang from time to time. Some of them are not weak. Some of them have reached the peak of Shentai realm, and their average qualification is still several levels higher than Jiuhuang monks. After they enter Jiuhuang, they will leave in a certain direction firmly. Obviously, they all come to Jiuhuang with tasks, but it's a pity that they don't come to Jiuhuang No one knows what to do at this time.

Wang Xi has spent all her energy on Lingxiao. After all, the loss this time is too great. Not only the Baizhan clan, but almost all the ancient forces have the same problem. At this time, they can only wait for the news at the entrance. I hope Jiang fan can really send the news at the first time. I hope Jiang fan can really solve everything, if not even Jiang Fan If there is a way, they can only give up. Everything depends on fate.

In Lingxiao ancient environment, a figure appeared in front of Jiang Fan and others. It was moving towards them very fast.

This is a young man at the top of Shentai. He looks a little embarrassed. He has several injuries on his body and his breath is messy. It's obvious that he has just experienced a battle.

Seeing Jiang Fan and others, he quickly began to remind them.

"Go! Some experts are coming. "

He was able to remind Jiang fan that he was more kind to this person, released his divine consciousness, and covered him in the direction behind him. Then he felt a strong breath, which was a little stronger than the two people they met before. But it was still under Jiang Fan's control, and he didn't worry.

He was a master of his own race. Obviously, he was the same as the one they met. His clothes were almost the same. Obviously, he came to expel the gifted friars.

Seeing that Jiang Fan and others were still standing in the same place, the young man quickly said, "don't stand there foolishly. That guy is not something we can deal with. He is very strong. The sixth level of the divine realm. I'll lead him away. You should be able to escape."

Unfortunately, as soon as his voice fell, he saw the young man in front of him rushing towards them. His realm was not as good as him, but the breath obviously did not lock him in, but locked him in other directions.

The boy passed him and went straight to the master. When he came to his back, the breath suddenly increased, which scared him. I didn't expect it.

"So strong!"

This is his only thought after he felt Jiang Fan's breath.

The monk who lived in Shentai was stunned to see Jiang Fan rushing towards him. Obviously, he didn't think of it, but he didn't reflect much. Instead, he looked at Jiang Fan coldly.

"Arrogant boy, do you want to fight with me in this realm? It's too much for you

Jiang Fan's realm is too confusing. The monks who don't know him and haven't dealt with him can't imagine that there is such a powerful force hidden in his body. It's incredible.

Two people instant contact, Jiang Fan forward, the fist directly hard hit on each other's body, the spirit burst, the whole person's breath completely released, the fist straight to each other, two people collide.

Bang -

when the explosion sounded, Jiang Fan almost stayed in place, and the surrounding ground collapsed instantly. The surging spirit force collided, and the ground could not bear it at all.

But in the young man's surprised eyes, the sixth most important original monk in the divine realm, when Jiang Fan's second attack arrived, he flew straight back, not retreating, but being forced to fly by Jiang Fan.

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