Although Jiang Fan said so, several people from the other side didn't stop and continued to walk towards them.

Jiang Fan opened his mouth and said, "is there no need to talk about it?"

The leading man said directly: "if you're not going to be arrested, you'll have time to talk. After all, it's going to take a few days for adults to come here to see the situation. In these days, we can also make you comfortable with food and clothing. But if you resist, there's no need to talk about it. You can't perform your proud skills here. You should have found out for a long time, so don't fight back Good resistance, we don't have to be too embarrassed. "

Jiang Fan said with a smile: "there are many people who want to deal with me. You are not the first one, and you are definitely not the last one. But don't think you can do whatever you want with your physical strength. At least in our eyes, it's far from enough."

At this time, Qin Wuliang, who had been waiting for a long time in the back, had already been unable to bear it.

"Boss, if you don't want to talk to him, you should convince him first."

With that, he rushed out directly towards the other side. No matter how many people there were, he had stronger confidence in his body.

Qin Wuliang is tall and strong. He is bigger and more powerful than the big men in this village. But he is too young. Although he has a strong breath, they are not afraid of him.

Several people almost at the same time action, directly toward Qin Wuliang, foot action, the speed is not slow.

At this time, Jiang Fan said: "I didn't expect that although these people haven't practiced spiritual power, their combat power is not weak at all. I'm afraid their combat power will not be much worse than the monks who just entered the Shentai realm."

As Jiang Fan's voice falls, Qin Wuliang has already rushed into the crowd, and his whole body is in full bloom. It's like a tiger entering a sheep's flock.

Zhang Tianqi looked at the monks fighting there, and his expression was very serious.

"Brother Jiang, is Qin Wuliang their opponent?"

Jiang Fan said with a smile: "of course! Even though Qin Wuliang can only exert 50% of his fighting power, the ordinary monks in the divine realm are not necessarily his opponents. Although their strength is good, there is an insurmountable gap between them. Without the support of the spiritual realm, it is difficult for them to really become masters. What's more, master Hongshan's training can't compare with those of these monks? There aren't so many spirit beasts and real blood here to help them refine their bodies, so although they are not weak in strength and strength, they are far behind Qin Wuliang in essence. "

Sure enough, as Jiang Fan expected, Qin Wuliang had the upper hand in the fight with those men. The three men didn't expect that they were still oppressed by the tall young man in such a close battle, which was totally different from what they thought before.

And Jiang fan is also at this time quiet mouth: "now can sit down to talk?"

But the other party did not respond to Jiang Fan, and several big men rushed out of the village to join the war.

These people cooperate very well. It is obvious that they should live together all the year round, and they will also work together. Otherwise, there will be no such effect.

Seeing them like this, Jiang Fan said directly: "Qin Wuliang, don't hurt them. Just deter them. We're not here to fight with them. Fighting with them won't help you much."

Qin Wuliang naturally likes to fight and fight. He doesn't care about the opponent's strength. As long as he is a good opponent, he will fight to the end. These big men are very good at fighting, and their physical defense is not weak, and their strength is not weak. It's really fun for him to fight with them.

It's a pity that his ability is limited in the end. It's not good for him to continue fighting. He can only have fun.

Since Jiang Fan had already spoken, he didn't have much to say. As for the way to deter these monks, it was very direct.

The corners of his mouth rise, the secret method is used, and the body is no longer suppressed.

The next moment, the powerful breath from his body burst out, the whole person quickly become bigger, in a twinkling of an eye has turned into a giant, power surge.

Those big men stared at Qin Wuliang in disbelief. They didn't expect that the young monk would suddenly change like this. It's really terrible.

"Giant! What the hell is this guy? "

Those big men retreated one after another, but they really felt the pressure. It's not an illusion. The man who fought with them just now turned into a giant. It's really scary.

Qin Wuliang looked at them with a smile: "my boss said that he just wanted to sit down and talk with you. He didn't want to fight with you at all. You'd better cooperate and we won't embarrass you. If we have to fight, the village doesn't know how many feet I can step on."

With that, he stamped his foot on the ground, and the whole foot almost sank into the ground. The huge sole was frightening.

At this time, these big men feel the pressure, the powerful force and the physical body. They are hard to resist. If they are enraged by the giant, the consequences are really unimaginable.

They went back to the village and watched them warily.

"Who are you? Is there a giant out there? "Jiang Fan said: "you don't have to worry about this. Are you going to talk about it here?"

In the village, a strong old man came out. His eyes were full of wisdom. It was obvious that he was the elder here. When he saw him, other big men gave way one after another.


The old man nodded to them, then looked at Jiang Fan and others. When his eyes fell on Qin Wuliang, he was obviously very surprised.

"It's really a family of giants. It seems that the legend is not unreasonable. You've come all the way here. If you're destined to come here, come to the village. We can have a good talk. I'll have people prepare the food and wine."

When the old man opened his mouth, people in the village gave way one after another and went to do their own things, but they all had fear in their eyes. It was obvious that Qin Wuliang made them feel more pressure.

Qin Wuliang uses the secret method again, recovers about two meters and returns to Jiang Fan.

The old man looked at Jiang Fan. He already knew that Jiang Fan was the leader of the team.

"Please forgive my people for their offenses."

Jiang Fan said: "we understand your position, but we really have no malice. If we were not trapped in this canyon, we might never have come here. We might have to disturb the patriarch for a few days."

The old man said with a smile: "no trouble, you are young and promising. I admire you. I have a place for you to rest. Come with me."

The old man's body is full of a special smell. The strength of his body is much stronger than those before him. If he fights, he is definitely a difficult role. Jiang fan can be sure that he can deal with it, so he won't have any fear.

After Jiang Fan came near, the old man was obviously surprised, and he felt something from Jiang Fan's body.

He said with a smile: "I didn't expect that this little friend's body has reached such a level. No wonder he has stronger breath than that one. His body is flawless, with precious light, and the strength is still above the giant. It seems that we underestimated you before. Then we can sit down and exchange our experience of cultivating the body. It's fate that we can meet here."

Jiang Fan nodded, but did not refuse. The old man obviously has his uniqueness in his body. He may stay here for a few days after that. It's not a bad thing to communicate with the old man.

Those big men obviously didn't have the hostility just now and gave way one after another.

Those big men who fought with Qin Wuliang nodded to them in good faith. The village was not so exclusive as they thought. However, Jiang Fan could hear something from their previous words. For example, they said they would hand them over to an adult, but the adult was definitely not the old patriarch in front of him. He should be someone else.

It's no secret that the original monks in Lingxiao ancient land have their own power. Now it seems that the scale is not small, and the number of monks here is absolutely large. The hidden power should be all over the Lingxiao ancient land.

The village head's residence is very spacious, and there is a similar house next to his residence. It is usually uninhabited and has many rooms. Obviously, it is usually used for entertaining outsiders. Judging from the cleanliness of this place, people should clean it up every day. The people they serve should come here soon. In such a secret valley village, the people who come here should be the big ones Adults in Hankou.

The village head was still looking at Jiang Fan and sighed: "I didn't expect that the outside world is really full of talents now. I have such a strong young hero as you!"

Jiang Fan said: "the village head doesn't practice spiritual power. It's amazing that he can reach the divine Dharma Realm only by his physical body. If he cooperates with some other Dharma practitioners, I believe it's definitely more than that now. It's never a problem to step into the realm of enlightenment."

Speaking of this, Jiang Fan continued: "with your accomplishments, it shouldn't be any problem to leave the canyon. There are plenty of spiritual power outside the canyon. In addition to other forces here, there should be a lot of excellent skills. Why don't you go to practice?"

The village head said with a smile: "you have a very good vision, but our family has clan rules and can only cultivate the things handed down by our ancestors. Moreover, our Dharma is absolutely no weaker than other skills. It's just that my qualifications limit me to reach a higher ability. But that's nothing. In this valley, what if the monks of wudaojing come here? It's hard to say who wins and who loses with me. "

Hearing this, Qin Wuliang was a little excited.

"Boss, according to the village head, can I fight with the master of wudaojing here?"

Jiang Fan simply shook his head: "don't think about it. Our realm breath will be suppressed by the realm of enlightenment. Although your body is not weak, it will be more like a target and can't give full play to your strength after you recover. Although ordinary monks of the realm of enlightenment may not be so easy to take you down, the suppression should not be a big problem! In addition, the village head can beat you head-on without knowing the truth. If you don't believe it, you can have a try. It depends on whether the village head gives you this chance or not. "

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