Hearing this, Han Feng and others nodded and left. They were very respectful to Wang Xi, and they really treated her as a master.

After the four left, Wang Xi came to the entrance and wanted to inject divine consciousness into the ancient environment. Unfortunately, no matter how she tried, it didn't work very well. The breath at the entrance was so strong that he had little choice.

She has also tried to analyze the spiritual power contained in the crack, hoping to perceive the array through it. Unfortunately, it is not easy. She doesn't know much about Tao, but he is sure of the powerful spiritual power.

As for Jiang Fan, she is not worried. She is absolutely confident in her combat power cultivation.

This is also the domineering spirit in the blood of the Baizhan people. No matter what situation they encounter, they will not choose to retreat. Even if they are not opponents, they will only fight harder and stronger until they defeat their opponents.

But Jiang Fan really realized how strong they were. Wang Xian fought with him several times in those years. Every time, he was more brave than the wild in the blood of the Jiang people.

So there are not many monks who can defeat Wang Xi.

There is no doubt about that.

Wang Xi began to plan the secrets of the ancient Lingxiao, while Jiang Fan took his friends all the way forward.

In the past few days, Jiang Fan and others have seen a lot of Terran friars. Their style of doing things and their style of doing things are completely different from those of a few days ago. They have obviously discovered the change of this secret place. This is enough to make people become unscrupulous.

And the frequency and frequency of the appearance of the original monks are much less than before.

However, the foreign friars dare not deal with the native friars. There are real masters among them. They know this very well and have seen it more than once.

Some teams have seen the master of the realm of enlightenment in the secret world walk in the sky very early, emitting a strong atmosphere to suppress them, and they dare not come casually.

As for Jiang Fan's team, there are a lot more people than the general team. Many friars will avoid them when they see them. Few people choose to have direct contact with them because of the existence of one person, Qin Wuliang.

After he came back from the world, he completely regained his nature. At this time, he didn't want to suppress his own breath. His spiritual power was released, and the realm breath was shown to the nearby monks. Who dares to provoke him when he is not sure about him?

But just because of this, it also made them less trouble, at least they didn't have to deal with the friars of the same generation.

It's not the first time that Chu Zhan and others have known Qin Wuliang. Can they remember that when they first met that day, Qin Wuliang came alone and fought with Jiang Fan. At that time, he was so strong that he didn't change at all for so many years.

But their team also attracted the attention of many people. Jiang Fan went with them, and they didn't mean to stop all the way. Obviously, the goal was very clear.

With the strength of these people in the team, even if they act separately, they will certainly get good experience. At least they have no problem fighting with the general team. They have no idea of separation. Obviously, they have a goal, and they may get benefits from following them.

When people think of this, some people follow them from afar without releasing any breath. Obviously, they want to see what they are going to do.

Qin Wuliang sends a message to Jiang Fan.

"Boss, there are people following us all the time. They are not enemies, but they have no good intentions. It seems that they are using us as the guiding light."

The corner of Jiang Fan's mouth rose, and he didn't feel nervous at all.

"If you are willing to follow, let them follow. It doesn't matter. I think we will find the inheritance place. But if the news of the four elders is right, even if they follow us to find it, they don't have much ability to enter there. It's not them that we have to guard against, it's the original monks. "

Qin Wuliang nodded and said nothing more.

Along the way, people chatted and exchanged with each other. Lin Xiran and Zhang Tianqi were able to get along well with them.

But Jiang Fan, who was walking in front of him, suddenly felt some palpitations again. Since he rescued these people, he never appeared again. It's obviously not a good thing to reappear at this time.

Among these people, in addition to him, Qin Wuliang and Xiao Yueer are undoubtedly the strongest.

Jiang Fan sent a message to Qin Wuliang: "come here for a while!"

Qin Wuliang from the back of the team, straight to Jiang Fan, did not attract the attention of the public.

"Boss, what can I do for you?"

Jiang Fan nodded: "there are indeed some things. Don't make it public. I feel that there is something wrong. You can remember these space marks. If there are any problems later, you can take them to the four heritage sites. You also heard the description of the four people on the specific day. There will be no problems. If you encounter a barrier that can't be broken, let Xiao yue'er help you Busy, she is not much worse than my ability

Hearing this, Qin Wuliang frowned slightly, and obviously recognized Jiang Fan's meaning."Boss, are you leaving?"

Jiang Fan said: "if you don't leave, I'll be nearby. I'll follow you and cover you. As long as you are careful, there won't be any mistakes."

Qin Wuliang then asked: "boss, we can't say that. If you are in trouble, we will help you. Even if I can help you delay for a while, we still have the ability. "

Jiang Fan shook his head: "just listen to my arrangement!"

"I'll help you! Take them to experience. Just give it to Xiao yue'er. She's better than me. "

Jiang Fan simply responded to Qin Wuliang: "no, xiaoyueer's situation is different from yours. She won't allow me to have an accident. At that time, it is likely to involve more troubles. You can take them with you. Don't you believe my strength?"

Qin Wuliang saw only firmness in Jiang Fan's eyes. He knew Jiang Fan's character very well. As long as it was something he insisted on, no matter what he said, it was useless.

"Well, boss, be careful. We're waiting for you at heritage site."

Jiang Fan really doesn't know what happened, and the most urgent thing is not to study it. The release of spiritual power around him makes Jiang Fan unable to perceive any difference. He doesn't know where it comes from. He must distance himself from the team. If the team is in trouble, he can deal with it at the first time.

If they are in trouble, they will not be involved.

Jiang fan is very clear that what Chu Zhan and others lack at this time is the powerful inheritance. Relying on cultivation alone, they can hardly catch up with the talents of the next nine days, so they must make more efforts. Only in this way can they better improve their strength.

Jiang Fan has to help them deal with these four high-quality terrifying opportunities. These are all the people he wants to guard. As for the trouble, he is enough to fight alone.

Except Qin Wuliang, no one knows what Jiang fan is thinking.

The team has been chatting, plus Jiang Fan two people back to the crowd, so no one found Qin Wuliang expression change.

Jiang Fan suddenly said: "I feel that there seems to be a panacea in that direction. The quality is very good. I'll go to collect it. Don't waste your time. Qin Wuliang will lead the team to the destination as soon as possible. If you arrive there first, xiaoyueer, you can help them open the secret place."

The crowd stopped and frowned.

Xiao yue'er said directly: "brother, we are just collecting some elixirs. We are waiting for you here. Brother, go and return quickly

The people nodded, obviously in favor of this method.

But Jiang Fan said: "it's a large area. It needs to be collected little by little. I have Guo Lin's help and it will take two or three days to finish it. This time I'm going to make a fortune, and then I'll refine some high-quality pills for you. You don't have to waste time here. The four heritages are far apart. You go ahead and I'll catch up as soon as possible."

Qin Wuliang said: "the boss has said that. What are you waiting for? Hurry up, or let others take the lead. We don't even have the chance to regret it. Mo Youxing's strength is very good. With my understanding of them, they should have almost started to look for it now. We have to speed up."

They can only listen to Jiang Fan.

Jiang fan is flying in a direction, and so on people go away, he again catch up, let ling'er they have been kept in his sight, only in this way he can the first time reinforcement.

That night, the feeling of palpitation reappeared, this time longer than before.

Until late at night, Jiang Fan suddenly felt an invisible pressure sweeping towards him.

Then I heard a small voice: "go! Leave the dust

In Jiang Fan's hand, a magic talisman appeared. It was the talisman. Without saying a word, he crushed it with his magic power.

But the talisman flashed through the fire and ignited directly. He stayed in place.

He can be sure that the space here is blocked.

Jiang Fan didn't say much. The breath of the dark loess covered his body. He fell into the land and planned to leave directly by escaping. This was the way he got to protect his life recently. In this short time, he worked hard on it. Now he can use it with his heart, but the speed of consuming his spiritual power is still very fast.

And just then, a voice came out of his mind.

"Boy, it's good to escape, but you can run away. I don't know if those kids can run away."

Hearing this, Jiang Fan was stunned on the spot and had to stop. He couldn't be more clear about who those kids were.

He responded to each other with his divine sense: "the master of leaving the world has lost his identity with such a threat?"

The other side is very relaxed, disapproval: "can let you kid honest show up, lose face, afraid of what?"? You come out of the ground first. I think we can sit down and have a good talk

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