Jiang Fan said: "I'm a pharmacist, and I have a strong sense of the changes in the breath of the body. Please remove the aura of body protection, and I'll help you stabilize the influence of Dao injury first."

The old man was also surprised.

Other old people around him said: "little friend, you may not understand his situation. Dispersing the aura of body protection will have a huge impact. Not only him, but also us will have a great impact. The power of Dao injury is too strong."

Jiang Fan said: "don't worry, if I don't have this ability, how dare I come here to show my shame?"

Seeing that Jiang Fan was so confident, the old man gritted his teeth and made up his mind to dissipate his spiritual power directly. The breath was removed in an instant. The next moment, the breath of the body suddenly dropped. The speed was really amazing. The eyes of other people were full of worry. This was the highest one in their generation, and of course the highest one in their cultivation. Although they didn't reach the peak of leaving the dust, they were not far behind. It's a pity The physical body is hard to support.

The old man said, "if I don't get treatment, I will die in a hundred years. At that time, I will die."

Jiang Fan said with a smile: "you can't die!"

As he said this, the surging breath of nature erupted from his body. When he used the medicine method, a pill instantly vaporized and turned into pure spiritual power, which directly enveloped the old man.

Because he had treated Qin Wuliang before, Jiang Fan quickly determined the location of the Taoist wound, which was exactly the same as Qin Wuliang's at that time. However, the area of the Taoist wound was already very large, which was more than several times that of Qin Wuliang. If it wasn't for the advanced cultivation of the elder, he would be afraid of death ten times.

When the Qi of yin and Yang is used, the breath of nature increases sharply. Combined with the blessing of the spring of all living beings, the breath of nature reaches a new height in an instant, which is several times more powerful than when Qin Wuliang was healed.

The old man didn't have the aura to protect his body. The breath of nature almost instantly covered his whole body, poured into the meridians, and the effect showed instantly.

The breath of nature passes through the meridians, and finally converges in the Qi sea, and then moves towards the position of Dao injury.

At this moment, the old man felt as if he was reborn, and his surging spiritual power was constantly released. He could clearly feel that his body was rejuvenated, and the breath of nature gave him the best supplement.

Several people around them showed their surprised faces. Although they knew from Shen Yan that Jiang Fan had the breath of nature, they didn't expect that Jiang Fan's breath of nature was so powerful. He was not a divine tree, and his realm was just Shentai realm. The effect was amazing.

Jiang Fan finally suppressed the breath of nature around the Taoist wound in the old man's body, and made up for the damage of the Taoist wound to the body with the breath of nature. Although it could not cure the wound, it could offset the damage of the Taoist wound to the body and achieve a clever balance.

This group of natural breath can last for a long time. Jiang fan uses a secret method to suppress this group of natural breath in the opponent's body. Then he slowly gains strength.

With Jiang Fan withdrawing his breath of nature, the old man's physical recovery slowly stopped. But with the breath of nature nearby, his physical decline completely stopped, and his spiritual power became stronger. At this time, his breath state became better than 30%.

From his looks, people can see that there is an obvious gap between him and before. The change Jiang Fan brought to him is really amazing.

The old man breathed deeply. He didn't know how many years he hadn't felt this feeling.

"It's a powerful breath of nature. It's a powerful means. You should release more than the breath of nature in your special spiritual power. I was lucky to feel the breath of nature once in those years, but the influence of the breath of nature is obviously different from yours. I really admire you."

Jiang Fan said: "it's better for you to call me Xiaofan. Qin Wuliang and I are brothers and sisters. From his point of view, you are all my elders."

Shen Yan said: "this is different. We have different opinions. You are my VIP of Jiemai sect. Of course, we can't regard ourselves as our predecessors. In addition, as long as you can help us heal our wounds and solve our pulse problems, let alone just call you a little friend, I can make friends with you."

Jiang Fan didn't find it before. At this time, Shen Yan is also a rough man. His style is very similar to Qin Wuliang.

Jiang Fan didn't know what to say for a moment. At last, he simply said: "it's not too late. We'd better try to cure the injury first. Senior level is very high, Dao injury has reached a very stubborn state, want to complete treatment, really have to take no small risk, but this risk I should be able to deal with, but the huge pain, I will be very difficult to help you solve, senior must have psychological preparation, as long as the senior is ready, I can start at any time. "

Hear this words, Shen Yan pour also simply, direct way: "still say those useless do what?"? You can start directly. What is a little pain? I'm afraid you don't know how much pain we're going through every day. If you don't talk about my elders, I have to go through a bit of damage every other time. Even if it's just a little change, it's almost like death. As long as you don't kill me, you can do the rest. "

Jiang fan doesn't doubt the self-confidence of these masters in their own cultivation, and their endurance and endurance are super strong when they practice this skill, which Jiang fan doesn't need to worry about at all.Several pills appeared, and Shen Yan took them one after another. The other elders released their spiritual power and sat around quietly, exerting the method taught by Jiang Fan, allowing Jiang Fan to mobilize their spiritual power.

There is one point that they are not wrong. The more people they protect the Dharma, the easier it will be to use it. Of course, Jiang Fan will not waste the opportunity in front of him, which is equally important for him. It is also a great advantage for him to feel the spiritual power of such masters. Their spiritual power contains a strong law of heaven However, he has the innate Tao fruit, but a careful perception of the formed Qi of the way of heaven will do him no harm.

Because he had the experience of healing Qin Wuliang, Jiang Fan was familiar with it and didn't feel too much pressure.

Shen Yan's strength is much higher than Qin Wuliang's at the beginning. His huge spiritual power constantly resists Jiang Fan's divine consciousness. That kind of breath is totally subconscious, which Shen Yan himself can't really control.

Fortunately, Jiang fan can mobilize the spiritual power of other experts to suppress, and everything goes well.

Jiang Fan, just like when he faced Qin Wuliang at the beginning, directly asked: "master, I have to remind you that I will help you to connect the damaged meridians, and directly cross the Dao injury and connect to the main vein in a special way. Although it won't have much impact on your original skill, it will have about 10% impact on your later cultivation with this skill, but it can be considered complete Is it acceptable for you to relieve the sequelae of this method? It's still time to go back. "

Hearing this, Shen Yan did not hesitate.

"You can let go and heal. The original intention of this skill is to let us practice as fast as possible and rise as fast as possible. That's why I have reached my present level. Now the bonus is almost enough. What are you afraid of if you slow down your cultivation in the future? Longer life span is the king's way. What's more, with our strength, do we still need to rise up? "

Jiang Fan understood what he meant and then asked, "do you want to recover your appearance?"

Hearing this, Shen Yan was obviously stunned.

"Is that all right?"

Jiang Fan replied with a smile: "of course, but before healing, please give me your decision."

"Of course, I want to recover. I want tender. The more tender, the better!"

Jiang fan is speechless. This guy is more worried than Qin Wuliang.

Jiang Fan said: "it's not unlimited. It can only recover to the appearance before your body began to decline."

Without waiting for the other party to answer, Jiang Fan has already begun to mobilize his spiritual power, and then with the breath of nature, there are special pills, and his medicine method acts on his body.

The crowd looked at him one after another, only to see that his shriveled body was rejuvenated and began to grow stronger. His muscles and skin were changing, and the speed of change was amazing.

They were surprised to see the change of Shen Yan's face.

Blood color gradually recovered, skin became tight, wrinkles were reducing, hair turned black, beard and eyebrows were becoming thick, sword eyebrows star, just half an hour, turned into a 30-year-old man, very handsome.

People's eyes are full of envy, which they did not dare to imagine before.

At this time, Jiang Fan finds out a pill in Yan and gives it to Shen Yan.

"This is a gift of friendship in YAN Dan, although the elder is a man, but who does not want youth forever?"

Shen Yan is the only one in the room who doesn't know his change at this time. Although he knows that his body seems to be full of vitality and strength, he doesn't know the change of appearance at all.

An old man who was closest to him said, "seeing you now reminds me of the time when you were against me. It's nice to be young!"

Shen Yan wanted to see his changes at this time. Unfortunately, after taking Zhuyan Dan, Jiang Fan didn't stop for a moment. He immediately began to go on the next step, covering the wound with the breath of nature, and then began to mobilize the spiritual power of other experts to pour into his body.

They were also surprised to feel the change of their spiritual power, and one of them began to remind Jiang Fan.

"Little guy, you should pay attention. I'm afraid that the mobilization of spiritual power will exceed the load of your physical body. At that time, you are likely to encounter big trouble. If your physical body collapses, your realm will decline, and it will also hurt the root."

But Jiang Fan said directly: "you can rest assured that this spiritual power does not have a great influence on me, as long as you don't deliberately deal with me."

Everything is under Jiang Fan's control. His aura of spiritual power is constantly suppressed, and then released. He begins to force blessing around daoshang.

The enhanced version of Jiemai pill reappeared, directly turned into medicine, injected into each other's body, and began the real treatment.

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