In front of Qin Wuliang, the quenching flame is still not extinguished, the last one is not enough, but Jiang Fan obviously does not intend to give it up.

the flame before him is gradually getting smaller, but the spirit is still continuously exporting. The material keeps spinning in the flames, releasing its special mental power. Unfortunately, it can be quenched with scanty essence, and only a little remains at last.

Several high-level people in wanyaogu's eyes twinkled, some unexpectedly.

"This ability to control fire, the control of huaxingcao's properties has almost reached the extreme, right? Who is Qin Wuliang's master in Dan Road? And his own talent, isn't it too high? "

But the elder shook his head: "it's not him. The control power is not what Qin Wuliang, a rough doll, can have. Is there a ghost of a master of Dan Taoism hidden in him? Control his body to do this? "

Another elder frowned and said, "elder? Isn't that cheating? Do you want to take him for a check? No wonder he is so confident in the first level. "

The elder said: "no, let him continue to compare. I'll see what skills he can bring out. But you should also pay attention to the drug boy behind him, that is, the boy from Jiuhuang. He doesn't seem so simple as he looks."

Jiang Fan took the last point in the bottle and gave it to three people.

"concentrate our minds and prepare for the start. We have more than twenty copies of the grass extract, that is to say, 10 more than others. This is a coincidence, but if you want to shut up people, the amount of Dan medicine will be two times more than that of them."

Hearing this, Qin Wuliang even said: "boss, although the materials are not enough, it's not easy to choose the kinds of pills, right? Why compare with them? We can only surpass them. Can the old men of wanyaogu still speak for them? "

Jiang Fan responded: "those people have found that you have a problem. You can't get the position of the descendant, so the next performance is not for them, but for your goddess. Whether you can attract her or not depends on this time."

Qin Wuliang was stunned, then surprised: "boss, are you kidding? We cooperated so seamlessly that they found out? "

Zhang Tianqi couldn't help saying: "perfect? You're the biggest flaw in being a pharmacist. "

Qin Wuliang

This makes Qin Wuliang speechless. Where is the pharmacist of Jiemai sect? Although he has some talent, he is nothing compared with the orthodox pharmacists present.

Jiang Fan said with a smile: "OK, don't you want to conquer your goddess? Good performance, as long as you show enough enigmatic, everything is possible, as for wanyaogu high-level will be torn down, it depends on your luck

Without further hesitation, Qin Wuliang's three men all became upright.

Other teams have already begun to refine pills. Some of them are shocked by Jiang Fan's ability to refine materials, but they don't dare to disturb their pharmacists for fear of disturbing them.

And Qin Wuliang's spirit power was mobilized again, and the Dan furnace in front of him was taken back in an instant. The next moment, nine Dan furnaces with a diameter of 30 cm appeared in front of him.

It looks totally different from the Dan stove with a diameter of more than one and a half meters used by other pharmacists.

Then the nine Dan furnaces are a complete set, which Jiang Fan collected some time ago. The quality is quite good. He usually uses this Dan furnace to refine medicine, and rarely uses the Qian Kun furnace.

Moreover, he also used nine alchemy furnaces in those days, which came from the way of alchemy developed after the collapse of Jiuhuang. It was slightly different from the period of Tiangong. Of course, it was the same with the alchemy furnaces in the next nine days.

However, it is precisely because of these Dan furnaces which do not depict the array that Jiang Fan was able to practice medicine in a short period of time. With such strong control, he also put more energy on the perception of the medicine.

At that time, he had reached a very high level, otherwise he would not be called the king of medicine. Now he got the chapter of Dan Dao, and his vision and realm were improved a lot, so his Dan Dao was also improved. He wanted to refine the most Dan medicine in the shortest time, and these nine Dan furnaces were much more convenient than those big Dan furnaces.

Of course, there is also a premise, that is to have absolute confidence in your own Dan Dao. Only in this way can you control nine Dan furnaces at the same time without relying on the array. I'm afraid that few people will try this in the next nine days.

The big men above were stunned to see the nine little red stoves, and obviously didn't understand what they were going to do.

At the next moment, the flame controlled by Qin Wuliang was divided into nine parts, directly into nine different Dan furnaces, which were ignited instantly.

The next moment, the nine Dan stoves floated directly in front of Qin Wuliang. Taking a special flame as the center, they kept spinning. At the next moment, dozens of materials constantly appeared from the four people's treasure bag. At this moment, the effect was amazing. All kinds of materials flew into the flame and changed at the same time.

Dozens of materials began to be quenched at the same time, and the flame was hot, which made pharmacists nearby feel it.

Someone looked at the situation here and was stunned. He could obviously feel that the flame he controlled became unstable.Some drug children even screamed, which was like a fuse and began to spread rapidly.

People are constantly disturbed. Looking in this direction, people are shocked when they see the huge flame.

In front of Qin Wuliang, all kinds of materials are surrounded by flames. It's hard to imagine that a person can quench so many materials at the same time. The nine Dan furnaces circling around have been ignited, and the flame intensity of each Dan furnace is different.

The materials are constantly changing, and then we can see that the nine channels of huaxingcao purification fly into the Dan furnace, followed by a series of quenched materials constantly fly into it.

Because the quantity is too much, it looks dazzling, making it difficult for the pharmacists around to tell what kind of pills he is going to make.

But it's not that no one can tell. The top management of Wanyao valley are all real elites. Although there are a lot of nine elixirs and a lot of materials, with their mind and concentration, they can still tell what the materials in each elixir are.

One of the elders said: "the materials in each Dan furnace are different. It should be refining nine different Dan medicines, but I can only distinguish four of them."

Another humanitarian: "don't jump to conclusions, you see his materials are still in continuous refining, which means that the materials have not been fully injected. Every additional material added to the pill is likely to have earth shaking changes in the results. Among other things, it's amazing that Qin Wuliang can know so many prescriptions."

At this time, many pharmacists below have noticed the situation here. Qin Wuliang's momentum is amazing, and it's almost impossible not to be affected.

Even the older pharmacists couldn't help looking more.

Zhang Rou's eyes twinkle in the area of Zhang Jia pharmacist. Seeing what happened here, she can't believe it.

In her opinion, Qin Wuliang's expression at this time is focused, the quenching method of manipulation, the super fire control ability, and the alchemy means are not what she can imagine. I'm afraid no one can do it. She can't figure out why Qin Wuliang has such means. It's amazing.

Dan furnace continues to hover, and constantly put the remaining materials in the flame into it. When the materials are enough, the lid of Dan furnace will be directly covered, and then it will throw itself into the flame and quietly suspend in it.

When the nine Dan furnaces were all closed, the flame in front of Qin Wuliang was still not weakened.

In front of Jiang Fan and others, a large amount of material appeared again, which was instantly injected into them, kept circling and continued to be quenched.

Qin Wuliang was a little hard to support, but his face didn't change. He sent a message to Jiang Fan: "boss, I can't hold on like this. My spiritual power of Qihai is consumed very quickly."

Jiang Fan said: "don't talk nonsense, take pills, your goddess can stare at you."

Hearing this, Qin Wuliang was stunned at first, and then looked for the sight.

Sure enough, just as Jiang Fan said, Zhang rouzheng looked at him with a shocked face. Without saying a word, he took the pill directly, and recovered his spiritual power as quickly as possible, leaving Jiang Fan to mobilize.

Seeing that they were still refining materials, someone in the high-level said, "what are they doing? Why don't you stop? Don't you need to observe the changes of pills? "

the elders said, "he should still want to refine other kinds of Dan medicine. If I am not mistaken, they intend to refine all the essence into Dan medicine. This kind of class is too much. How many kinds of Dan medicine do you know that takes the form of grass as the main medicine?"

One elder said, "I know nine of them!"

The Third Elder said: "I know eleven kinds of pills. As far as I know, nine kinds of pills are recorded in the classics. That's why we asked them to prepare ten copies. But although we know the recipe, it's another difficulty to refine it successfully. The other two kinds I know belong to the secret medicine. One of them is handed down by the valley master. Is it difficult for these young people to compare with me How many prescriptions do you know? "

The elder said, "do you think he behaves like a young man? This fire control ability and the ability to quench materials, who dares to say that you can beat him? "

As soon as the words came out, everyone was silent. Even if the elder didn't say it, they were aware of it.

The second elder said: "in this case, let the valley master come to see for himself. I think the valley master will be more interested. Whether he is a young man or not, his Dan Dao has reached a very high level. Even if the refining of these pills fails, it is enough to prove his ability."

The elder nodded: "I've already sent a message to the valley master. I believe he will come out of the pass soon. I'm very curious about what he can do."

As soon as their words were heard, nine more Dan stoves appeared, floating in the flames and lighting them one after another.

The quality of these Dan stoves is obviously not as good as that of the previous nine, but at this time, it's really unexpected.

Someone exclaimed, "impossible!"

"Is he joking? Control 18 furnaces at the same time? He must be cheating

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