As a pharmacist, Jiang Fan didn't know how many people he had diagnosed and how many channels he had seen.

But Guo ruoruo's is the most peculiar one. Otherwise, the running line gives him a very special feeling, and he doesn't know how to explain it.

Just then, Xiao AI's voice rang out from Jiang Fan's mind.

"Young master, are you studying the array? Do you want to reshape the meridians into arrays? "

Xiao AI's words awaken the dreamer. Jiang Fangang has a very familiar feeling, but he can't tell what's going on. The context is so complicated that people are dazzled, but careful analysis has a very strange composition.

In this regard, Guo ruoro's peculiar constitution is inevitable.

As Xiao AI said, her meridians look more like an array, a very complex and strange array.

Jiang Fan asked, "what do you think of this array?"

"It's wonderful, but some places are messy and some are superfluous. You really dare to try this method. No one has ever tried this method. My old master saw some super Taoist Masters in ancient books. He cooperated with an imperial pharmacist to reshape his own meridians and portrayed an array in his own body. "

Jiang Fan was very curious when he heard this.

"What happened?"

Xiao AI sighed: "it's hard to die. His body can't bear the pressure of the strong array. He will burst and die directly. Young master, your body is very strong. You can try it. With the help of Lin Zhan and me, you should have a good grasp."

Jiang Fan said: "I've never thought of redefining my own meridians. It's someone else's meridians. It's natural."

Hearing this, Xiao AI was a little surprised.

"What! Born like this? Isn't this the same as the congenital array diagram? The probability is too small. Is he the reincarnation of the array spirit? "

Jiang fan doesn't know exactly what happened. Of course, he has heard about reincarnation, but like Guo Lin, Guo ruoro's blood is absolutely from the same origin, which can't be faked.

However, Jiang fan is also very curious at this time. It's too surprising that someone can have such a change in nature.

Jiang fan then asked Xiao AI.

"Where do you think the eyes of this array are?"

Xiao AI thought for a while, then used his mental power to determine a position on the meridians, and then said, "if the array is complete, it should be in this area. I don't know if there are other array blessings in the eyes of the array."

Seeing what she pointed out, Jiang Fan was also surprised.

"Are you sure it's here?"

AI nodded: "of course, many of these arrays are blessing here. If it's right, this eye should be a place to gather spiritual power. When you look at several arrays, they are all used to absorb Zhou Tian's spiritual power. It's strange. "

What Xiao AI points out is the place where Jiang Fan sensed the huge spiritual power in Guo ruoro's body before.

According to Xiao AI, there is the array eye, which makes Jiang Fan a little confused.

He then pointed to the location of the meridian qi sea, and then asked Xiao AI.

"Isn't this the eye of the array?"

Xiao AI looks at it and then responds to Jiang Fan.

"It can be here, but there is something missing! It's far less complicated than the array in that area. "

Jiang Fan thought about it carefully, as if she thought of something. Xiao AI is not human, and she doesn't know much about the situation in the human body. Although she can see Jiang Fan's meridians, she is not interested in it, and she hasn't really paid attention to it.

Jiang Fan asked again.

"There are flaws in this array. You don't have to answer me right away. You can see clearly first. I have enough time for you. I'll try to simulate this array and maybe see the differences."

Then, Xiao AI began to observe carefully.

And Jiang Fan began to try, he has the Dao chapter, it is not difficult to understand, just not as proficient as Xiao AI.

However, Jiang Fan also has to admit that this array is quite complicated and takes a long time to run.

In the next hour, Jiang Fan tried several times, but found that every time he ran, Lingli would quickly approach the position of the array eye pointed out by Xiao AI, but it was a pity that it was interrupted and could not continue to run.

No matter from the positive operation or the negative operation, it will have the same effect.

"It seems that we have to find out the situation in that group of spirit power."

Just when Jiang Fan hesitated, Xiao AI spoke.

"Young master! After careful inspection, we find that there are many problems, and the defects are not small. Look here. "

With that, Jiang Fan felt what Xiao AI was pointing to, which was the position of Guo ruoro's legs.

After careful observation, Jiang Fan suddenly found the problem.

"The meridians of both legs are out of the array!"

"That's right," said AI! However, although it's out of touch, it's not that there is no connection at all. The spiritual power of the array can still be added to it, but it's obviously out of control and can't be driven. The remaining problem is the situation of the eye area of the array. There should be an array in it, otherwise it's hard to bear the spiritual power to supplement all the time. "Jiang Fan said: "I probably know the situation. I will try to complete the meridians in the future, and then you will have a good study."

"No problem!"

Then Jiang Fan wakes up from cultivation and looks at ruoro again. She is pruning the potted plants. She is very quiet and enjoys it.

See Jiang Fan wake up, she put down the things in hand, directly asked: "my situation?"

Jiang Fan said: "I should have found out where the problem is, but I have to check it again. This time I won't make you coma. I want to put the divine consciousness into your special spiritual power. If the spiritual power is exclusive and doesn't let me in, or there are other situations, you should stop it in time. Is that ok?"

Guo ruoro nodded: "of course, no problem, but if I can't do it, you can't blame me."

Jiang Fan said with a smile, "you can rest assured. Of course, I'll have a sense of propriety."

With that, Jiang Fan picked her up from the wheelchair again, and then let her lie flat. Jiang Fan started again.

Because he had already had an experience, Jiang Fan's progress was more smooth this time, and he soon came to the neighborhood of that regiment of Lingli.

Although the breath of that group of spirit power is the same as Guo ruoro, it is also obviously different. Jiang fan is very sensitive to the perception of spirit power, so he can clearly distinguish it.

This time, Jiang Fan has a goal, so even if he takes some risks, Jiang Fan needs to feel it carefully.

He sent a message to Guo ruoro.

"Are you ready?"

Guo ruoro responded, "yes!"

The next moment, Jiang Fan's divine consciousness directly tries to enter through the group of spiritual power, and wants to see clearly the situation inside.

But after this attempt, Jiang Fan found that there was a force in the barrier, rejecting his ideas and preventing them from entering.

Jiang Fan perceives the change of spiritual power and finds that this group of spiritual power is very stable. Even if it contains huge spiritual power, there is no sign of collapse.

"Girl! You try to open up this spiritual power, so that my divine consciousness can enter it. "

Then Jiang Fan found that he could obviously feel the change of the spirit power, but the repulsion was still very obvious, as if there was no change.

"Xiaobutian then reminded:" you can take this as an array, use the assimilation power of our family's spirit map to change the weak breath released, and then try to enter. Maybe this exclusion will not work for you. "

Jiang Fan felt that what xiaobutian said was very reasonable, so he didn't say any more. He directly mobilized his own spiritual power, and then began to assimilate Guo ruoro's breath with the breath of the spirit map, ready to try again.

It's obviously unrealistic to rely on Guo ruoro to help him. Guo ruoro's level is too low to control such powerful spiritual power. In fact, she has done a good job.

Sure enough, taking the meridians in Guo ruoro's body as an array and using the methods of the gods are really effective.

Jiang Fan tried again. At the next moment, the rejection he felt was greatly weakened.

Slowly began to break through the psychic barrier, the situation inside also instantly appeared in front of Jiang Fan.

He is very attentive, seriously feeling every detail of the meridians, and then continues to depict everything in the meridians in his mind.

However, the more he looked at it, the more frightened he was. The meridians wrapped in this group of spiritual power were too many to imagine. They were extremely complex and mysterious. It was hard to imagine that he was born with such peculiar meridians.

It's not over yet. Jiang fan can clearly feel that this group of spiritual power is still absorbing Zhou Tian's spiritual power. It's like a huge embryo, as if it's pregnant with something. However he looks for it, he can't find anything beyond the array.

It took only a few hours for Jiang Fan to depict the meridians and collaterals of her whole body. But this time, it took Jiang Fan a whole day. When Jiang Fan's divine sense pulled away, it was the next night.

Guo ruoro doesn't disturb Jiang Fan all the time. She feels that Jiang Fan's divine sense has left. She just wants to say something, but she finds that Jiang Fan has already sat down, eyes closed, and should be analyzing something.

She simply closed her eyes and went to sleep, waiting for the dawn to come.

Xiao AI was a little silent at this time, and Jiang Fan was the same. They looked at the dense array of eyes, and they didn't know how to describe it.

Jiang Fan said: "it seems that I have to let Lin Zhan come back to study together. You look at it first."

"Is this really the meridian of human beings? Even if people want to set up a similar array, even if they are the top array masters, it will take decades or even hundreds of years. Whether they can set up a successful array is not certain. "

Of course, Jiang Fan knew how difficult it was, and he didn't hesitate. He began to release his spiritual power, and directly poured it into the ground from his feet, feeling the great array of green bamboo forest.

He had let Lin Zhan into the formation just in case, so that he could leave quickly when he needed to, and not be affected by the big formation.

Qingzhulin seems to be sincere. He doesn't plan to leave for the time being, so it's most direct to find Lin Zhan's help.

Feeling Jiang Fan's call, Lin Zhan was also worried."Young master, are you going to leave? I'm still trying to fit in. It's going to take another day

Jiang Fan said: "don't worry. I'm not going to leave. Come back and let you study some meridians. You should be interested."

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