"It's not too late now. We're only old, but the age of these royal families is different from ours. I don't think Jiang Fan's coming here was smooth sailing. We still have time to improve slowly. A group of foreigners just can't stop us. When the inheritance of Shen Meng is over, we'll all recover. We'll break through by force. I'll see who can stop us. ”

in a few days.

Outside the valley, a king with a snake head came, and a purple toad with a human head arrived here.

Where the two had passed, the monks avoided one after another and did not dare to approach.

They exude a strange layer of spiritual power, but also with a fishy smell, and leave a black footprint under their feet. Obviously, they are full of poison.

However, seeing other people's reaction, the two have obviously already seen it.

The foreigners who had been here for a long time directly said, "you are too slow to come. We have been waiting for several days. The valley has been poisoned by those people. They are extremely poisonous. We still have no weakening momentum these days. We can't get in at all. Now we don't know what's going on inside. The poisonous skills of you two are famous in our generation, and they are now in the middle of the world Well, it's also in the secret place, so we'll send news to you for the first time. Do you want to try the situation inside? "

Hearing this, the two sneered.

"I never think of us when there are good things, but now I think of us when I come across this hard bone?"

"What's the advantage of us being able to resist the poison inside, or catching them out? Otherwise, don't want us to be your pioneers. Don't think we don't know the tricks of you guys. "

The royal family said directly: "you are in a special situation. You know very well. How dare we provoke you? It's really helpless this time. Won't you just sit back and ignore me? "

"If we don't want to manage it, we won't come today. We just want some commitment."

The royal family is also simple: "we just want to kill those people. If you have any needs, we can discuss everything."

The guy like a toad said this with an imperceptible smile.

"I've heard that there are three extremely beautiful Terran women in this group. I'm looking for some people with a higher level to spoil them, just the three of them. How about you deal with the others? "

It was no surprise that the royal family put on such an expression.

"You are really like a rumor, but of course this is no problem. As long as you have the ability to subdue the three women, they will be at your disposal."

"It's a deal!"

With that, he jumped into the valley.

The geniuses of the royal family with snakeheads, with cold eyes, followed them directly and walked into the valley, obviously full of confidence.

When they entered the valley, they immediately saw the black fog, which didn't spread and sent out a chill. They didn't get close, so they could feel the pressure.

They didn't expect that. After all, they are all experts in using poisons. They are even born with strong poisons. They practice poison skills and have a high degree of suppression against poisons. Even if they are not proficient in it, they also have a strong resistance. However, they have never seen the poisons that just make them feel pressure.

They looked at each other and obviously saw a little worry in each other's eyes.

The old snake headed royal family took the lead.

"You try first?"

Hearing this, the toad was a little depressed, but his blood was restrained by his opponent's hatred. He didn't even have the chance to resist.

I can't help it. I can only walk towards Shen Meng's poisonous skill. The closer I get, the more I can feel the pressure brought by the black poisonous fog, which makes him a little difficult.

He approached slowly, a little uneasy in his heart, but there was someone staring behind him, so he had to try to touch.

Put his paw into the poison, and black eyes begin to appear at the next moment. His paw seems to be corroded at this moment.

Just as he wanted to draw back, he suddenly felt that someone pushed him behind him. His whole body rushed forward. The next moment, his whole body directly rolled in and began to smoke.

He reacted quickly and ran back this way, rushing out of the poisonous fog.

His whole body is festering, which is a bit out of shape. Fortunately, he has strong resistance to highly toxic drugs, so he hasn't lost his life for a while.

But his whole body is black, and it seems that he is also highly toxic, and has reached a very serious stage, so it is not easy to treat him.

The snakehead man looked at his situation, then found a pill to take, and then used his own skills to help him heal quickly. Soon his condition began to improve, which was a good thing for him. At least it proved that his ability could cope with the poisonous fog with the toad's ability.

This also made him feel at ease, but the toad was full of resentment. At this time, he was suffering from great pain, which was really hard for him."You want me to try and not tell me in advance? It's too bad of you to push it directly, isn't it? "

At this time, the snake man said directly: "if you are prepared, you can't find out how strong the poisonous fog is. Now it seems that it is really strong. The woman seems to have a very strong poisonous skill. I don't know where this human gets such poison. Can it be so strong just by virtue of cultivation? It's hard to imagine, but you and I, together with the poison pill, should be able to deal with it. You recover first, and we'll do it later. We can't let those people outside see the joke! "

The toad nodded: "that's necessary. Let those bastards know who is more powerful. It's said that those women are very beautiful. I must catch them back."

The snakehead said directly, "I'm not going to take them back. You can do whatever you want to do with the Terrans. I just want to show the skills of this poisonous woman. You like Terran beauties and I like poisonous skills. Are our needs not in conflict?"

Hearing this, the toad had to give up his choice even if he wanted to.

He said with a smile: "you are the eldest brother. Of course, what you say is what you say. Anyway, I will support you."

When the snake man saw that he said so, he also showed a smile and looked forward to it. He even began to imagine where he would shut down after he got the poison skill, and then make his poison skill stronger. At that time, there would be fewer people who could really stop him.

For many royal geniuses, cultivation represents everything. They want to get rid of their own blood and become super experts. After all, that can make the status of the ethnic group stronger. If they can continue to sublimate in their best direction, maybe their blood power will also rise. When they have the power that can be compared with the royal blood, that's right They can also become a new royal family, but the probability is too small, and the probability is almost the same as that of tongtiancao growing into a fairy medicine.

After the toad finished trimming, it released its powerful spiritual power again.

He and the snake head man have been together for a long time, but they cooperate very well. They usually work together, and the monks in the same realm don't have any idea to be enemies with them. We can see how difficult they are.

Among the other ethnic groups, there are not a few ethnic groups that are naturally poisonous. There are probably no less than a thousand ethnic groups of the snake people, and there are at least dozens of royal families.

However, according to the strength of toxins, there are many kinds of toxins. Not everyone has such strong toxins, but this one is obviously the one who is good at using toxins.

The two people's spiritual power united, and then the different toxins began to blend together. Then they took the special pill, and went directly to the direction of the poison fog.

There are only people looking at the situation in the direction of Gulou. They are also very curious about their abilities. They have been waiting here for a long time. If neither of them can get into the poisonous fog, they can't think of any other way to solve the situation here.

Someone said, "do you think the two of them are OK? That toad seemed to be in a mess just now. "

"Even if they can't, they should be much better than us, so we don't have to worry too much. If they die in it, we'll stick to it. I don't believe that those human beings will never come out of it.

Hearing this, the friar nodded: "I hope so!"

But soon, there was a surprise reminder.

"They have entered the poisonous fog. It seems that the problem is not big. Their skills and means should be able to cope with the poisonous fog. Now it seems that they don't have to wait too long to drive those humans out!"

At this time, someone asked, "is this really OK? Now it seems that the two guys are not weak in poison, but their combat power is not their strong point. Maybe they will suffer losses in it. Even if we drive those humans out, do we really want to give these people to the two of them? They don't make much effort. Although they can hardly see them, they all secretly accumulate a lot of treasures. In their realm, they are absolutely the top talents in the Terran, and their elders will never give them less treasures. It's too wasteful to give up like this, isn't it? "

"Don't be so honest. It's not sure what the situation will be. Maybe they've become cannon fodder. Those humans are not easy to deal with, and their cultivation level is not low. Otherwise, many of us will not spend so much effort to let them successfully enter the valley."

About ten minutes later, the snake head man left the poisonous fog with the toad and walked towards the valley.

"How did you come back?" Someone asked.

The toad was a little angry: "are you lying to us? There is nothing but poison fog in the valley. Where is the beauty of human race? "

"How can it be? We have died so many people, we can be sure that they are in the valley, not only that, but our people have already set eyes on all directions, and the monk monks have never shown up. They can't escape at all. They must be in the valley.

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