It's not just Chu Zhan and Qin Wuliang who are taking risks and trying to improve themselves and the people around them.

The same is true of Jiuhuang now. With the influx of young people into Jiuhuang in the next nine days, the pressure of all young people in Jiuhuang will be doubled. However, because of this, the speed of their cultivation will be greatly accelerated. The blood ability and talent of the young people born after Jiuhuang's recovery are much better than before.

In a word, the overall strength and potential of Jiuhuang are constantly improving, and the speed is not slow. This is certainly very good news for Jiuhuang. It's only a matter of time for foreigners to invade again. The rich families in Jiuhuang are very clear that they must always be prepared to cope with the invasion of foreigners. The pressure brought by the world is too great for them and the pressure brought by the human race It's too late.

A few days later, Jiang Fan closed the door. He made several kinds of pills. These pills are necessary to help the two girls treat. Only in this way can their safety be truly guaranteed. There will be no trouble in the middle of the journey, but it can't be solved temporarily.

On that day, he had already said that he would help Wang sining to treat her first. Jiang Fan should be more confident about her situation, so Jiang Fan would have such a choice, and there would be one less solution.

In his opinion, both Wang sining and Guo ruoro have amazing qualities. Unfortunately, they all have some shortcomings because of some reasons. However, if you think about it carefully at this time, whether it's the next nine days or the ninth famine, I'm afraid there are many monks who can't practice. Will many of them have such a situation.

There are a lot of people who can't practice. Maybe there are many monks with such strong talents hidden in them. Unfortunately, they didn't get better treatment. In the end, they can only disappear in the long river of history and even have no influence on the world. That's really a bit sad.

If we can find out these people and then give them treatment to help them solve their own problems, we may get many real talents. Since Jiang Fan has such means, why not do it?

With this idea, Jiang Fan has some plans. When he returns to Jiuhuang, he also asks Tiange people to pay close attention to it. Maybe he will have a good harvest.

After leaving the customs, he didn't make much adjustments, so he went back to the central area and found Naning Tianyue.

When she saw Jiang Fan going through the customs, she was in a good mood. She had been waiting here for some time. She did not know how many places she had gone with her granddaughter over the years and how many famous doctors she had found. Unfortunately, she still did not let her granddaughter recover, and even the means of continuous life were gone. When Jiang Fan said that she could be cured, she was certainly the most excited.

Jiang Fan has been closed for a long time, so she is already very anxious, but she doesn't dare to disturb Jiang Fan to make medicine. She can only wait for Jiang Fan to show up on her own initiative.

"Is pharmacist Jiang here for me?"

Her eyes with a bit of expectation, for fear that Jiang fan is halfway out of the customs, after something to do.

Jiang Fan nodded very simply.

"Yes! I've refined the pill, and everything is going well. The elder will follow me, and then I may need the elder's Dharma protection, because I have to suppress Wang sining with her realm when I treat her. Although her realm falls, far less than me, the power of the protector is still very strong for a moment. The elder's Dharma protection is safer. It's nothing for me. If I hurt her, it's not good. "

Hearing this, the old woman said: "of course, it's no problem. It shouldn't be too late. Let's get things done as soon as possible, and then I'll treat Guo ruoro's problem slowly in time."

Two people get up, just go out to see Jiang Wanhong from the direction of his residence toward this side.

He looked directly at Jiang Fan: "I have nothing to do anyway. Why don't I just follow the crowd and help you protect the Dharma

Jiang Fan nodded: "of course, no problem, as long as you don't make trouble, don't disturb! The rest is up to you. "

The three then went straight to the direction where Guo ruoro was. Guo ruoro and Wang sining got along well these days, almost all the time, as if they were two sisters.

Seeing Jiang Fan and others coming towards this side, Guo ruoro said directly: "brother Jiang Fan, you are back. We both miss you."

Jiang Fan did not have a good airway: "I think you want me to help you heal?"

Guo ruoro felt guilty when he heard Jiang Fan say so.

"Can it be cured now?"

Jiang Fan naturally didn't intend to disappoint them, so he nodded directly: "the pill has been refined. Next, I'll help Wang sining heal. Your injury is special, so I'll be in the back. But these days you need to take this pill, two every day, one in the morning and one in the evening. It's very effective for you to heal later. Don't waste it."

With that, he took out a beautiful bottle of pills and handed it over.

After Guo Ruo took over, he was full of joy.

"That's a deal. I'll wait for you to heal me. Then I'll give sister Wang to you."

Jiang Fan looked at Wang sining and asked, "what kind of Dharma do I want you to practice in this period of time?"Wang sining nodded: "although some places are still a little strange, I can't figure it out, but most of them have no problems and can complete the operation. It's a pity that it doesn't seem to have any good change to my injury, on the contrary, it speeds up the consumption of spiritual power in my body, which is not very comfortable."

Jiang Fan didn't feel surprised to hear her words, because it was the same as what he thought. Although the method was not too strong, it was very difficult to be proficient in a certain period of time. Even if the other side's talent was good, it was still not so simple.

Jiang Fan also found out a few pills for her, and the effect of taking them is not what ordinary pharmacists can achieve.

Obviously, the old woman had already chosen her position, and then the group left the area with Wang sining.

After the four left, Guo Ran's figure appeared. Seeing Guo ruoro's expectant eyes, he also showed a smile.

"What? Girl, are you envious? "

"Lao Zu, I'm not envious, but I'm confident. Brother Jiang Fan looks at me with confidence. I'm sure he can cure me."

Guo Shao nodded: "he's really strange and powerful, but I don't know if he's already married. It seems that the little girl in our family has a spring heart!"

Guo ruo's face turned red.

"Old "My father..."


On the other hand, Jiang Fan followed Jiang Wanhong all the way to another place where he practiced. There were prohibitions around. Many people practiced here on weekdays, so they could not be disturbed.

Now, it's very suitable for Jiang Fan to help the two girls with treatment, and there's no need to be disturbed by others, as long as you are at ease to treat here.

Jiang fan is in a good mood at this time. In the later stage of alchemy, he calms down. Since the last spiritual breakthrough, he has become more proficient in alchemy, which also allows him to take more time to rest. This is the reason why he is so spiritual at this time.

Jiang Wanhong asked Jiang Fan, "is this OK? I've closed the forbidden system, and no one can enter outside. In addition, there are array blessings here. The spiritual power is more stable and stronger than outside. It's just that it lacks the vitality of Yuezhu. Should it be ok? "

Jiang Fan said: "no problem. It's a good feeling here. I like it very much. I have my natural breath blessing. I don't need the breath blessing of moon bamboo. The two elders will just protect the Dharma. If you need help, I will tell you immediately."

As a result, Jiang Wanhong and his wife went to one side to sit and concentrate. With their state of mind, there was no problem at all.

Jiang Fan asked Wang sining to sit down, and Wang sining sat face to face with him.

He just spoke.

"Your illness is very similar to a genius I met in those years. They both inherit two kinds of powerful blood and influence each other. They are not only unable to cultivate, but also need to consume huge vitality to maintain the influence of that force. That's why you have this situation. After treatment, your cultivation will be abandoned, which can also be said to be erased by me The skill given to you will become your main life skill in the future, but you can rest assured that this skill may not change much for others, but for a monk of your constitution, it is comparable to the divine level. With my treatment for you, the situation in your body can be more suitable for the use of this skill, and then you will understand how to integrate the two kinds of blood Mutual achievement, not confrontation. "

After that, Wang sining turns around and is absorbed by Jiang Fan's spiritual power.

A pill appeared in Jiang Fan's hand, which was manipulated by the method of medicine. It was almost broken in an instant, turned into pure medicine, and integrated into Wang sining's breath.

Wang sining's eyes were absent-minded, and he seemed to be stunned, but then he slowly closed them.

Jiang Fan finds out a pill again, which is surrounded by a very strange power. The pill is also black and white, which is the key to this treatment. Yin Yang Qi melting pill is an ancient pill of the first grade in heaven. No one can refine it in Jiuhuang. Jiang Fan also got it in a historic site in that year, but there is a more complete prescription in the chapter of Dan Dao, which is not perfect There are several similar danfang, which are very practical.

The next moment, Wang sining turns around again and faces Jiang Fan. He suddenly moves his hand and points it at the center of her eyebrows. The next moment, divine consciousness has entered her sea of consciousness.

And the Yin Yang Qi melting pill also entered Wang sining's mouth at this time, instantly emitting two kinds of special breath, running in her meridians from different directions.

Jiang Fan slowly controls the direction of the two medicinal Qi with his own divine consciousness, which can really give play to the effect of the pill and greatly shorten the treatment time.

He had seen Wang sining's venation before. There are several points that need to be opened up and sealed. Only by changing the venation well can he help her make a real change. After that, he will get twice the result with half the effort.

Here he kept remembering all the details, and then he separated his mind and went straight to Wang sining's sea of Qi.

Jiang Wanhong and Jiang fan can clearly feel that Jiang Fan's body has a strong spiritual power, which directly breaks out and hits Wang sining's sea of Qi!

The next moment, Wang sining, who was already very weak, became even weaker.

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