Jiang Fan sat in the void, his heart was shocked. "The power of nature? Isn't that the record of the chapter of Dan Dao? "

There is no doubt that the formula of heaven and earth is his greatest reliance.

In the operation of the chapter of Dan Dao, the method of Dan Dao continuously exudes a powerful force to suppress the vitality.

Jiang fan knows that this is also his own chance. If he grasps it well, he will be promoted again.

All kinds of breath poured into Jiang Fan's body, constantly bursting with powerful power, but the vigorous breath at this time had a strong assimilation power. Jiang Fan felt that his meridians were drying up in a moment, as if the meridians had become the roots of plants and gradually withered.

Of course, Jiang fan doesn't see it like this. He bursts into a sea of Qi almost instantaneously. He uses the method of Dan Dao to suppress and refine the breath of nature. He constantly transforms it into strength and absorbs it into the body, strengthening the muscles and bones.

At this moment, the speed of inheritance and refining almost reached a balance, and those withered meridians gradually recovered.

Inside the room, the girl's eyes showed a look of surprise: "it's really possible to refine. This boy's Dan Dao method is very strange."

The old man in sackcloth had a happy look on his face: "is this the person we are waiting for?"

Speaking of this, his face gradually turned into a bitter smile: "if it was him, wouldn't it be a big mess that day?"

The girl's expression is dignified: "we have escaped the catastrophe, and this chaos can't reach the level of that year, but this boy is still very weak now. It's not too late for us to leave this secret place until he can really find my remnant body and refine the Holy tree Sutra."

"Lord Shenmu, when you destroyed your trunk and pretended to be dead, you helped Changge palace build this small world and avoid the catastrophe. Now you have just recovered a little. I'm afraid the world outside has changed greatly. What if we can't adapt to it?"

The girl said with a light smile, "how many years has it been? Even if the civilization is rebuilt, I'm afraid there are not many real masters left. Maybe the Jiuhuang hall is still there, and there are those ancient clans who are hidden in the world. However, with the strength of you and me, and the fighting power of people in this small world, I believe that it is not a big problem to restore the scale of Changge palace. "

Speaking of this, she looked at Jiang Fan in the inheritance: "there is also this boy. At that time, shensuanzi and Shenji old man could not guess his identity. He seems to be no longer in the rules. He should be the guy who can change everything. Maybe he will break through the world and reach another level."

The old man in linen nodded: "I hope he is the one who jumps out of the rules. We have been waiting too long."

Jiang Fan couldn't hear their conversation. At this time, he devoted himself to refining the flesh.

Part of this natural breath converged on the wonderful seed. The thunder disaster of that day was that it kept him alive and finally saved his life.

Now, after such a long time, the seed has hardly changed. However, after encountering the breath of nature, the seed quickly absorbs this power and keeps spinning in Jiang Fan's chest to help him resist a lot of pressure.

The breath of Shenmu continues. Jiang fan absorbs all the spiritual power and nourishes the spirit. He will not waste any money.

As the breath ascends, the realm also rises steadily. When the physical body reaches its peak, he chooses to continue to nourish the spirit.

At this time, Shenmu's voice rang out from his mind: "don't simply refine into spiritual power, that's a waste of the breath of nature, to suppress the breath in the body, if you can form a balance, you can always exist in your body, which is of great benefit to you in the future."

Jiang Fan tried to mobilize the Dharma of Dan Dao. In an instant, those words appeared in the flesh. He found that those words absorbed the power by themselves. Instead of thinking about it again, Jiang Fan kept feeling the power. After Jiang Fan found that the feeling remained in the body, he kept nourishing the flesh, so that he could obviously feel that his life was prolonging, which had many benefits.

From the beginning of inheritance to now, only a little time at the beginning caught him unprepared. Now he has fully adapted to it. According to this speed, it is only a matter of time before he can fully accept it.

Jiang Fan showed a smile on his face, and he couldn't help feeling it.

The girl looked at Jiang Fan with a smile and said to the old man: "yes, this boy must be the man, otherwise he can't easily refine the breath of nature. I didn't expect that this boy should be a person of later generations, not the blood of Changge palace."

The old man said with a smile, "congratulations to Lord Shenmu first. After his inheritance, do you want to tell him those things?"

The girl shook her head again and again: "still can't say! In his present state, he just increases his worries. Let's wait until his state is a little higher. I hope that the power of cause and effect will be given to him and me. I hope he can grow up as soon as possible and not die in the middle of the road. "

Jiang Fan suppresses his realm and doesn't improve it. The lethal realm is special. After the promotion, there will be some problems.

According to ordinary people, after a breakthrough, he will generally get seriously ill, but he knows that what he has to experience is absolutely not simple. If he chooses to make a breakthrough, he will not have any problems.

On the other hand, ling'er can't find out Jiang Fan's whereabouts after he leaves the pass.Guo Yunshan only knows that Jiang Fan went to see the two adults that day, but he doesn't know anything else.

Gu ling'er knows that Jiang fan can't leave quietly. He doesn't appear yet. He must have met something.

She doesn't plan to walk around in case Jiang fan can't find her.

When she was about to return to her home, she was surrounded directly by several young people.

"Are you the woman beside Jiang Fan?"

Gu ling'er looked at those figures and frowned slightly: "what's the matter with you?"

"We are sent by the princess. Come with us. If Jiang Fan wants to hide, we can only lead him out."

The realm of these people is above Gu ling'er, and Guo Yunshan is just not far away, coming directly to this side.

After a look at these people, his brow gently picked: "even if you are from the palace, you are not allowed to arrest people in the palace, let alone the people who arrest me in the palace."

A relatively elderly man said coldly, "don't talk nonsense with them. Take them away together. After a while, Guo Mo will be in trouble. Take them back to the Palace first."

Guo Yunshan obviously didn't expect that they would do it. He quickly sent out the news and asked his father to help. Unfortunately, he was robbed of Fu Lingyu by the other party.

Gu ling'er knew that it was impossible to fight hard and didn't resist. He followed them to leave.

She's not Jiang Fan, but she doesn't have the fighting power like Jiang Fan. Facing these monks, she has no chance of winning. She also has the broken border pill. But the man's realm should be in the lethal realm. The broken border pill can only last five minutes. She doesn't want to take risks.

She believes Jiang Fan will go and bring her back.

Not long after they were taken away, Guo Mo got the news, but when he went to catch up, Gu ling'er and Gu ling'er had been sent to the upper district. Although he was in charge of Zhenyao palace, he could not enter the upper district without a token.

He wanted to go to the two adults to ask for help, but found that the door was closed, no matter how he called, no one paid attention.

At this time, all their perceptual power is invested in Jiang Fan, who has time to pay attention to the outside world.

Jiang fan is still improving the power of the breath of nature in the body, which makes his flesh and blood change with him, with a special power, which is very similar to those divine bodies.


Upper Shenmu district.

It's close to the top of the sacred tree. It's full of clouds and vitality. There is a huge palace here. It's very magnificent and beautiful. It's also the only building made of rock in the whole Nanye kingdom.

Among the wooden buildings around the palace lived the royal families, and the courtyard on the edge was the residence of the king's youngest daughter and princess.

In the middle of the courtyard, Guo Yunshan was knocked down, his face black and blue.

Gu ling'er stood aside, a little impatient, glaring at the friars around him: "what do you want?"

Those friars sneered: "teach him a lesson just because he likes to meddle in his own business. If you two didn't enter the precious medicine palace, they would have solved it long ago. Why do you have to take so much trouble?"

Another man looked at Gu ling'er with regret in his eyes: "what a beautiful girl! She's with a guy who has no eyes. This is Nanye country. Some people can't offend him. Don't he know?"

Guo Yunshan raised his head difficultly: "if you dare to touch her hair, I guarantee that none of you can run."

In response, he kept kicking his foot and kicking him in the face.

"What a lot of nonsense! Can't you see where this is? This is the upper district. In the Middle District, you can do whatever you want. When you get here, what are you

Gu ling'er's momentum was raised, and she was close to running away. But these people around her were all above her, and she had no chance of winning at all.

Guo Yunshan raised his head again to remind Gu linger: "don't dirty your hands. They don't dare to touch you."

Gu ling'er certainly knows what he means. The son-in-law and Bai Jiannan's poison have not been solved. They still need to take her to threaten Jiang Fan. As long as she doesn't resist, she won't suffer for a while to prevent Jiang Fan from going away.

At this time, a figure slowly into the yard.

Gu ling'er knew Bai Jianfeng, the son-in-law.

He picks eyebrow, evil smile ground stares at Gu Ling son: "we meet again, I said Guo Jia can't protect you."

Gu ling'er frowned and didn't speak.

A figure came out of the building in front of him. He was well-dressed, but his figure was very bloated. He was not handsome and didn't dare to compliment him.

She said to Bai Jianfeng, "dear, I've caught you. How can you thank me?"

several monks at the same time kneel down: "meet your highness."

Only guling'er stood there, looking at each other, and didn't mean to see each other.

Even in the face of the princess of Lihuo Dynasty, she would not bow to anyone.

The princess's eyes left Bai Jianfeng and fell on Gu linger. Her brows were slightly wrinkled and her eyes were full of disgust.

"This appearance is really annoying. Come on, cut me a few knives in her face, then lock up and wait for her little lover to come and see if there is any man who wants her."

Bai Jianfeng was stunned and said: "no, my cousin and I haven't solved the poison yet. We can't do that."

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