Guo morben wanted to send them some wine and meat to see them off, but he didn't expect to meet Jiang Fan.

Along the way, Guo Mo told Jiang Fan what happened a few days ago.

Jiang Fan's face was cold and he listened in silence.

Near the barrier of the upper District, Guo Mo reminded Jiang Fan: "I forgot to tell you that there is no Keepsake here. We can't get there now. Let's go to the adults to get the keepsake."

Jiang Fan shook his head: "no! I have a way

He has just received the inheritance of Shenmu and has the breath of nature, which is almost the same as that of Shenmu. There is no place he can't go. You should know that the barrier of the upper area is not the array, but the gift of Shenmu.

Guo Mo takes Jiang Fan to the bottom of the barrier. Jiang Fan says, "dare you make a big noise with me?"

Guo Mo said: "if you dare, I dare. My son is also in it."

Jiang Fan grabs his shoulder, and the breath of nature covers them, which makes Guo Mo one of them. He has lived on this sacred tree since he was a child, and he knows this kind of breath very well. He didn't expect it to appear on Jiang Fan.

The barrier in Jiang Fan's eyes is if nothing, with Guo Mo instant through.

Guo Mo said: "how can your breath be the same as Shenmu?"

"It's not the time to say that. Now I'm leading the way. Where are they locked up?"

"It should be in the cell. Follow me!"

Several patrolling guards just saw them. Guo Mo was surprised and was thinking about how to deal with them. But Jiang Fan had already met them, and there was a black mist in his hands. The pill had been crushed into the medicine method.

This is poison skill. Jiang Fan didn't plan to stop it.

The guards didn't react. They had been covered by the black fog. The black fog quickly returned to Jiang Fan's hands. The guards' faces were livid and fell to the ground one after another. There was no breath.

Guo Mo is frightened, but he immediately rushes to Jiang Fan and takes him straight to the direction of the cell.

Without the strong blocking, no matter how many people come, Jiang fan is just like a weed in front of him. This is the strength of his medicine method. If he didn't have so many resources to prepare pills now, his combat power could be improved by 30%.

The cell is not far away. Guo Mo doesn't know how many guards Jiang Fan has brought down. Because Jiang fan is absolutely powerful, these guards are poisoned without even sending a signal.

The black poison skill in his hand has disappeared, and several monks are sitting in the open space in front of the cell.

These people are under the little princess. As servants, they naturally want to do something for the death of their master.

Bai Jianfeng was also among them, but his face was gloomy and his brow was locked. He was not sad because the princess died, but because he knew that if Gu linger was executed, Jiang Fan would never detoxify him. Would he want to be a useless person all his life? He's one of the best. He can't take it.

He was stunned by the two figures coming fast in the distance. Isn't that Jiang Fan?

Among them, the first man was the friar who pursued guling'er that day. He burst up almost instantly and looked at them.

"Guo Mo, do you want to break the prison? Who let you into the upper section? "

Without waiting for Guo Mo to respond, Jiang Fan has rushed up. His breath bursts out and his anger starts from his heart.

"Is that the spirit you are waiting for? Are you tired of living? "

He faces up, Jiang Fan's realm is similar to him, he is not afraid.

But when two people contact, fists together, and then hear the sound of bone fracture.

He felt the pain in his heart, and his right arm was completely unconscious. Several other people joined hands to stop him, but Bai Jianfeng stood there with a complicated face.

He heard Jiang Fan denounce: "local chicken and tile dog! How dare we stop me? "

The next moment, the explosion sounded, and Jiang Fan was all in flames. Those figures were all injured.

The young man in the lethal realm was very surprised. He didn't expect that Jiang Fan was so much better than him in the same realm. It was not a realm at all.

Jiang Fan clapped his head, and the black gas rushed out of the fire, and immediately wrapped his whole body. Then the monk fell to the ground and fainted.

In front of Jiang Fan, there was only Bai Jianfeng. He raised his head and looked at him coldly: "what else do you want to say?"

Bai Jianfeng wry smile: "I didn't expect things to be like this."

Jiang Fan suddenly burst out, and his expression became a little ferocious: "didn't you expect that? Die for me

At this time, a figure suddenly darted out from the side, kicked the white Jianfeng and fell on the tree trunk. The white Jianfeng spat out a mouthful of blood and fell to the ground.

Jiang Fan glared at the figure. It was Guo mo. He said angrily, "you protect his life?"

Guo Mo frowned and said, "it's important to save people. Bai Jianfeng can't kill them."

Jiang Fan did not say, directly into the prison, constantly looking for the figure.

The next moment, Jiang Fan felt several breath locked here, strong terror, he knew that it was the strong one in the upper district.

Guo Mo obviously felt it. He reminded Jiang Fan: "we have to do it as soon as possible, otherwise it will be very troublesome."Jiang Fan cold voice way: "come of just in time, work properly son if damage cent cents, I want to overturn the whole King's palace."

Guo Mo's heart beat drum, Jiang Fan has been completely angry, he does not know what Jiang Fan will do next.

"Jiang Fan?" A voice came from inside. Jiang Fan's heart trembled. It was Gu ling'er.

"I'll pick you up!" Jiang Fan opened his mouth and raised his speed.

Guo Mo follows Jiang Fan. He doesn't know that after this time, the Nanye kingdom can't tolerate him, but it's worth saving his son.

When he saw ling'er with messy hair and smiling face in the cell, Jiang Fan's heart was finally released.

"I knew you would come!" Gu ling'er's eyes were firm.

Jiang Fan said with a smile: "it's all my fault. I have to accept the inheritance, but it doesn't matter. I'll take you out."

Guo Yunshan looked at his father in surprise: "Dad, how did you get in?"

"You don't have to worry about breaking in with him. Dad can help you out."

Jiang Fan took out a long knife and chopped it toward the chain of the prison door.

Clang -

sparks splashed everywhere, a gap appeared on the good quality long knife, and the iron chain was surprisingly strong.

Guo Mo frowned and said, "this iron chain is made of Star iron. This cell also has a large array of blessings. It's not easy to break. You have to find the key."

Jiang Fan transfers Dan daopian to feel the breath of Da Zhen. He doesn't have the spare time to find the key. The breath of those strong men is getting closer and closer. He must save ling'er before they come.

He took out a pill and threw it to Guo Mo: "now go and crush the pill, then hold your breath and sprinkle it on the door. As soon as possible. "

Guo Mo took the pill, nodded and turned to leave.

Gu ling'er said slowly, "I believe you. Don't worry."

Jiang Fan nodded and felt that the array in the cell was not very profound. It was very different from the array in Baizhan peak.

At this time, in the deeper part of the cell, a figure came slowly, dressed in royal clothes, looking coldly at Jiang Fan, with disdain on his face.

"Are you Jiang Fan? The realm is good, but want to break this cell? It's too much for me. As soon as noon arrives, the big formation inside will open. At that time, you will watch them die in front of you. Why rush in? "

Jiang Fan tilted his head and looked at the man. He seemed to be in his twenties, but Jiang Fan knew that he was not so young. He had killed three times, and his realm was not weak.

Guo Yunshan saw this man, even said: "Jiang Fan, this is the third prince, the strength is very strong, you are not the opponent, hurry up."

Jiang Fan stood in the same place and didn't respond. He still kept the same state as before and looked at the visitor coldly: "it's none of your business? If you don't want to die, get out of here. "

Guo Yunshan looked at Jiang Fan with wide eyes. He did not expect that Jiang Fan would respond like this.

The third prince is also a Leng, raised eyebrows, eyes with a little killing: "you want to die?"

Jiang Fan sneered: "this is also called array? I think you people have lost not only the inheritance of Dan Dao, but also the inheritance of array Dao. I'll show you! "

Later, a black awn appeared in front of Jiang Fan and finally turned into a giant egg.

It's the most precious thing to break through the battle. It's also because of it that Jiang Fan opened the border of the long song world.

Just watch Jiang Fan sacrifice the huge egg and smash it directly at the cell.

The array twinkled, but it only lasted for a moment, then it broke up and broke a big hole in the cell.

Then the giant egg flew to the other side. In a twinkling of an eye, they broke Guo Yunshan's array. They went out of the cell one after another and came to Jiang Fan.

The third prince's eyes were cold. He didn't expect Jiang Fan to break the array.

"How about breaking the array? Can you walk away? If you don't talk about the experts outside, I can put you back alone. "

With that, his breath burst out, which is a layer of green light attached around him, breath lock three people, he wants to solve them with combat power.

"Thousand vine technique!"

The next moment, the green breath around him suddenly broke out, turned into vines, and rushed towards the crowd.

Those vines seem to have life in general, directly in the beginning of winding Jiang Fan's wrist, constantly winding up. Gu ling'er retreated.

The third prince grinned: "so careless? Put on airs

Jiang Fan's expression is still indifferent: "is that the power? It's too weak. "

Jiang Fan's breath erupted, and then the flame rose. Jiang Fan seemed to be incarnated as a fireman. The vines withered instantly, and then turned to ashes.

At the foot of Jiang Fan's foot, the words are displayed. At the next moment, he seems to be incarnated in a firelight. In a twinkling of an eye, he is in front of the third prince, and then there is a violent explosion.

Bang -

the third prince flew out upside down, his chest was blown open, and his chest was black. He couldn't believe that Jiang Fan was so strong. He tried to resist just now, but found that he didn't have any effect. What's the matter with his strange speed just now? That should not be what Jiang fan can achieve.He did not understand that the fire had appeared above him.

Jiang Fan's figure appeared in it. The next moment, the hot flame swept down towards him.

Roaring -

the ground was shaking. Jiang Fan stepped on him. The third prince's body was arched like a prawn. His whole body was covered with fire and burned.

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