"What do we do now? Is it necessary to come forward to deter the force that wants to move Jiang Fan! Or we can just find out the boy and give it to Jiang Fan. It's a sign of our sincerity! "

"It's not necessarily a good thing for us to come forward directly. The boy may not take it seriously. After all, there should be many rich and powerful families out there who will choose to come forward. They can't let it go. They still need Jiang Fan very much."

"Having said that, as the boy, those rich men outside don't have many chances to find him. The boy doesn't succeed once, and then he will surely find a way to ambush. Although some experts of jiemaizong have been following Jiang Fan, they may not be able to follow Jiang Fan all the time, so Jiang Fan will fall into the trap sooner or later. Although he has some means to protect himself, he can do so How many more attacks can he take? It's hard to say! Unless they have a way to find each other's background, but this is too difficult. That boy stirred up for nine days, and those rich families had nothing to do with him. "

At this time, the old man at the head said, "OK! It's not necessarily a bad thing to let Jiang Fan be in danger again. Maybe it's better for us to do so. Only when outsiders can't solve the problem, can our help be more valuable. At that time, we invited him to join Tianding mountain again. I think he has no reason to refuse? "

When the others heard this, they all nodded and affirmed his idea.

"It's really a good idea, but if Jiang fan is killed, it's also a huge loss for us!"

The old man said: "don't underestimate Jiang Fan, and don't underestimate jiemaizong. Jiemaizong's gang is not so easy to deal with. Huo Chen's method is not weak. I sent someone to test him in those years. It's not a problem to keep Jiang Fan's life. We don't have to do anything now. We can wait for the chance."


The next nine days are full of excitement, especially in jiemaizong.

In the past, jiemaizong was very quiet. After all, it was a single pass, so there were no other disciples in the sect, only some servants in charge of the daily life here.

After several experts of Jiemai sect returned here, they built one house after another by using the skill, waiting for the people from each sect to come.

Sure enough, someone arrived on the third day. Two of them were very busy. A master and a young man were standing outside jiemaizong to see each other.

The door of jiemaizong was opened and two people entered. Seeing that they were ready, the master was also in front of his eyes.

He looked at everything around him and said with a smile: "I didn't expect that jiemaizong would become like this. It seems that your relationship with Jiang fan is really good. It allows him to make so much trouble!"

Shen Yan's Master Lu Tianyi said directly: "our relationship with Jiang fan is certainly very good, let alone us. Even if Jiang Fan said to go to your Changye palace to point out these little monsters, you will not have any refusal, you will agree directly."

The master said with a smile: "that's right. Now if any sect can get the loyalty of Jiang Fan, it's a huge harvest. I just didn't expect that it would be cheaper to cut off the pulse sect for you. What do you want to do with Jiang Fan? It's a waste. "

Lu Tianyi said: "you don't have to worry about this. I think you've seen enough. Young people can stay. Please leave now, and we won't send you away. You like to go back to zongmen first, or live in a nearby town, or be a savage outside. We don't care about you. We just need to receive news from this little monster at any time. If you need any materials to guide him I'll let Xiao Fan inform you as soon as possible. You need to prepare as soon as possible and then send it. "

Hearing this, the master frowned slightly, looked at the nearby house and said directly: "Lu Tianyi! You've prepared so many rooms. Why don't you just leave one for me and I'll stay here. If there's any problem, I can solve it at the first time. There's no need to waste time. "

Lu Tianyi said directly: "forget it. There's no place for you here. Our Jiemai sect is too small to accommodate you. Leave quickly!"

Although the master was reluctant, the rule was set by Jiang Fan. He had no friendship with jiemaizong. He had to leave jiemaizong and find a place nearby to rest. He couldn't be too far away from here. At least before Jiang Fan showed up, he had to stay here and wait for the little monster to solve the problem.

As soon as he left jiemaizong, he saw two figures coming face to face. Their configuration was exactly the same. An expert with a genius, he couldn't help looking more.

Then they were released into jiemaizong, but this was just the beginning. Some people arrived one after another. From their clothes, we can see which forces they came from, and naturally they were strong and weak.

The practice of jiemaizong is also very simple. No matter where they come from, what their identity is, even if they come from rich families, they are treated equally. Children stay and adults are sent out of jiemaizong.

This time, all the masters know that a good place in the neighborhood must be occupied as soon as possible. At this speed, I'm afraid that many masters will gather outside the pulse sect soon. There are even some opponents among them, but they have to stand together at this time.

No one knows when Jiang Fan will return to jiemaizong. After Jiang fan is attacked, no news will come out. They know that Jiang Fan should have started to help the genius of hongyuemen.As long as she can complete the breakthrough, I believe she will come back here soon. He just needs to wait here quietly.


In hongyuemen, Jiang Fan closed the door to refine several pills, two of which are still fused with Su Xiao's blood. These two pills exude a strong aura of spiritual power. It can be seen that Su Xiao's blood is also extremely powerful. Jiang Fan also takes out the remaining nine turn blood refining pill and plans to refine Su Xiao's body and meridians. I believe that even if it can't be directly broken through, it will be inevitable Will lay a more solid foundation.

Su Xiao obviously can't wait for a long time, especially the two special pills. She can even feel the power of her blood. It seems that there is some connection between her blood and the pills. That feeling is very wonderful.

"Jiang Fan, give me the medicine as soon as possible. I will certainly cooperate with you."

Jiang Fan said: "these pills are highly processed, but under my control, it took me two days to finish refining. I will first stimulate your physical potential and your blood potential. The process should not be very comfortable. You need to prepare in advance. But compared with the girl I helped qingzhulin reshape her meridians a while ago, you need to bear no difficulty at all. "

Su Xiao nodded: "no problem, I'm ready, everything depends on you!"

Jiang Fan didn't waste any more time. He gave the two special pills to each other directly, and then used the medicine method to stimulate the potential of the body. This pill can fully stimulate the potential of the body. Jiang Fan also had other pills in the chapter of elixir, which made her breath of the body change greatly in a short time.

It's not over yet. Jiang fan uses the method of medicine again to directly dissolve the jiuzhuan blood refining pill and penetrate into each other's meridians. The blood potential is also stimulated.

Later, Jiang fan used some pills to help her strengthen her body and constantly stimulate her blood strength.

At the beginning, Su Xiao didn't feel anything, and he didn't feel much difficulty in bearing it. But at this time, he could clearly feel the pressure and pain. The whole body seemed to have countless ants crawling around, and the blood became extremely hot, as if to melt her.

Her realm is not high, these situations are bound to experience, and because of this, Jiang Fan did not forget to remind him.

With the release of spiritual power, Jiang fan uses his special five elements spiritual power to help her continue to refine her body. With the intervention of Jiang Fan's spiritual power, the pressure on her body is greatly reduced, and those unbearable feelings are much better.

Su Xiao has been staying in this bottleneck for a long time. Because of this, she can feel her spiritual change and progress very clearly this time, which makes her whole person a little excited.

The experience after she woke up made her paranoid. She thought she would see a brilliant scene when she woke up, but this world poured a basin of cold water on her. Qingyuemen has become history. She was even taken away, left the original holy land, and finally entered here. Although the owner of the gate has the same blood with her, it's a pity that she can't find any way to repose her soul In this strange environment, she has been waiting for several years, so her temper is getting worse and worse.

But now it's different. She can feel her change. He also believes that he will solve everything in front of him. With the improvement of his ability, he will be closer to breakthrough.

If you look at Jiang Fan again, you can only see his extremely attentive eyes at this time. His originally handsome face is full of male charm, calm and calm, and her eyes also show a confident look. She can't find any shortcomings in Jiang Fan.

Just when she wanted to say something, Jiang Fan's voice rang out to remind her.

"Don't be distracted. Your blood spiritual power doesn't run as smoothly as it did just now. Don't waste these powers. You can't take them again in a hundred years. You must try your best to stimulate your potential. It's only good for you."

Su Xiao didn't think about it any more. Then she devoted herself to the cultivation. With the help of Jiang Fan, she felt a strange breath. It was a long lost breath. It was a sign of epiphany. She knew that after epiphany, it was what Jiang Fan said she needed to wait for.

Here comes the chance to break through.

Although Jiang fan can't directly feel the emergence of the spirit power, he can feel that Su Xiao's Qi sea is running much faster than before, which is completely beyond the limit she can exert at this time. Jiang fan knows that the girl has begun to realize and has grasped the opportunity to break through. She will step into the lethal situation in a short time, and at that time, the Valley may suffer.

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