Jiang Fan didn't entertain him.

"It's not just him. Your sons are still alive, but they are no longer in power."

Jiang Fan's words make ye Nan's eyes light up.

Ye Qing obviously didn't understand.

"No way! Those old monsters didn't touch them? "

Jiang Fan said: "maybe your descendants know how to endure, but in the next nine days, Ye Qing has fallen."

Ye Qing asked Jiang Fan, "did you tell them my news?"

Jiang Fan shook his head.

"Of course not. It's not good for you and me. These old monsters are very strong. They have too high status in the next nine days. Those rich families dare not talk about Tianding mountain. I didn't help them to get rid of their grievances. Won't you blame me?"

Ye Qing pats Jiang Fan on the shoulder and smiles.

"No! You did a good job! I didn't expect that they were all alive. It's great! You came back to tell me the news? "

Jiang Fan said with a smile: "it's OK to tell the elder any time! I see something in the next nine days. This time I specially came back to inquire about something from my predecessors, and then I will go back. When I come back, I will take ye nan to Jiuhuang. Do you want me to bring him directly to Tiange, elder

Ye Qing said: "bring it. The environment here is very good. I can teach him personally for a period of time. Can he figure it out after breaking through and stop pursuing the ultimate way?"

"I should have figured it out. This time, I helped a lot of nine day monks to break through. They were all in the bottleneck for a long time. This time, I helped them solve the biggest problem. If they continue to waste their time on this road, I can't help them too many times. How difficult it is for me to walk this road by myself, I don't want to say more! "

Ye Qing is in a good mood. Obviously, the news Jiang Fan brings back is very important to him.

He calmed down and asked Jiang Fan, "what do you see in the next nine days? Is it worth your coming back? "

"The holy tripod of Tianding mountain, when I chatted with Ye Nan, I talked about it. The holy tripod was first obtained by your predecessors, so I want to come back to know something about it with you. I've been in Tianding mountain for some time, and those guys are staring too closely. I can only use the array to feel the breath of the holy tripod. It's very wonderful. It contains some of the breath of heaven, which seems that Jiuhuang doesn't have. Unfortunately, they interrupted me later, and then I didn't have a better chance to feel it. "

Hearing Jiang Fan's words, Ye Qing's face changed obviously.

"You are too bold to think of that thing. If it wasn't for the Shengding, they might not have killed me at the beginning. But ye Nan is right. The Shengding is indeed what I got, and it can even be said that it is my thing. But his power is too strong for me to recognize the Lord and control. Finally, I can only let a few friends come to urge me Let's study together. Those six were all my good friends in those years, but you can see the result. So when you make friends in the future, you should be sure to shine your eyes. Once you make a mistake, you will be hated forever. There is no chance to come back again... "

Speaking of this, Jiang fan is also quite emotional. Before his rebirth, he was designed by several disciples, and then killed by friends and enemies. But those guys have not appeared yet, and they will never be soft hearted.

He returned to his senses and then asked, "is that cauldron so powerful? You need so many experts to manipulate it? What's the origin of that? Is it really something out of heaven, like the rumor? "

Ye Qing seems to be recalling the events of that year.

"I watched him come through the air! The powerful spirit power shatters the void. Tiangong sends experts to come here for the first time. Unfortunately, I take it away first! The holy tripod is definitely not made by the power of Jiuhuang. The power of heaven on it is very different from Jiuhuang. When I got it, there was a soul mark on it. Unfortunately, it disappeared soon. The original owner should have fallen. The soul mark is very strong. It must surpass me. At least it's a reincarnation master, even stronger. I can be sure that he came from a stronger one That's why I joined hands with those people to create the next nine days, which is also integrated with the breath of the holy tripod. I hope that with the breath of the holy tripod, we can make the power of the heaven of the next nine days surpass the nine wastelands, and we can also take this opportunity to improve and impact a higher realm. Unfortunately, it's not as simple as we think. "

"The creation of xiajiutian is based on Jiuhuang. Most of the power of heaven comes from Jiuhuang, which can be said to be based on Jiuhuang. Although the spirit of heaven in Shengding is strong, there is only one Shengding. The power of heaven can't make up for the deficiency of heaven. It can't even balance the power of heaven between xiajiutian and Jiuhuang. Because of this, it's hard for xiajiutian to reach the goal of perfection It's a new height, so when they wanted to close the channel and cut off the connection between Jiutian and Jiuhuang, I strongly opposed it. A hundred years may be OK, but after a long time, there will be problems. The power of Tiandao will definitely decline in the next nine days. On the day of compensating for Jiuhuang, xiajiutian is likely to collapse. As expected, it still comes. "

Speaking of this, Ye Qing put the topic back to Shengding.

"The holy tripod gives me the feeling that it's not a spiritual treasure, but a special treasure with other uses. Unfortunately, the six of us have studied it for a long time, but we can't see through it. We can only mobilize some of the forces together. It's a very strong defense. Because the power of heaven is very strong, it's very difficult to break the natural calamity of Jiuhuang. But after each transfer, it takes a long time to recover Recovery. ""I see that Shengding is connected with Dingshan that day. Is there any way to take him away?"

Ye Qing shook his head: "you can't do this now. Although your fighting power is not weak, the holy tripod is still far above you. And the core of the next nine days is Tianding mountain. As long as the next nine days are still there, no one can take down the holy tripod."

Hearing this, Jiang Fan was helpless.

"What a pity!"

Ye Qing's hand turned at this time, and a red gem appeared in his hand. He had a big palm and a strange luster. At first sight, it was not ordinary.

"Don't be disappointed. Even if you get it, it's just to make trouble for yourself. Where are the six bastards so easy to deal with? Let them keep an eye on you. You can't stay in Tiange all the time? Universe of 1000000000 universes, you can't escape their eyelid. You take this thing, this is the central jewel of the holy tripod, the core of which is, I also had a hand in that year, and used this to enter the holy tripod quietly, there is a small space, where you can clearly perceive the breath of this holy Trinit, and it should be useful to you if you can get other good in the holy tripod. Remember to let me know when you get there! "

Looking at the red gem, Jiang Fan showed his joy.

He didn't expect Ye Qing to have such a thing here. He remembered the peculiar smell of the holy tripod clearly, which really attracted him.

He is very sensitive to the power of the way of heaven. He wants to feel the breath of the holy tripod, which may be good for him in the future, and he also has a strong interest in the foreign things on this day.

Jiang Fan took the gem and said, "I'm not welcome!"

Ye Qing said, as like as two peas, you can't get into the holy stone. If you don't guess, you will be able to protect it. It will not be easy to get close to it. There is a gem on the front of the holy tripod. If you put the spirit into the gem, you will be inhaled.

Jiang Fan nodded: "with this thing, the rest will come to think of a way. Thank you, master. Is there anything else you want to bring to the descendants of the Ye family? "

After thinking about it, he shook his head: "no! I don't want to get in touch with them before I recover. You can bring ye nan to me next time. In addition, you and I don't have to be so polite. I'm your protector. I should and must help you, but I have to remind you that you must be careful. Don't look down on those guys. They turn their faces. They really don't recognize each other! "

Jiang Fan talks to Ye Qing again, so he doesn't disturb him anymore.

After bringing back the news of Ye's family, Ye Qing's whole body became excited. Jiang Fan certainly saw this in his eyes, and believed that it could also inspire him to continue to improve his cultivation.

Leave Ye Qing's seclusion, Jiang fan is in a good mood, can't wait to run back to Jiang's home.

Most of the monks of the same generation joined the Tiange and went out to experience with other disciples. Even Jiang Zhenglong is said to have made great efforts again. Now he has reached the lethal state. To Jiang Fan's surprise, his father Jiang Tianhai has reached the peak of changing the life state. It's just around the corner to break through the divine and Dharma state. He is definitely the successor.

After Jiang Tianhai saw Jiang Fan, there was no appreciation in his eyes, only gratification. For him, since Jiang Fan was young, he only hoped that Jiang Fan could live happily. As long as he could return safely, he would be satisfied.

With the help of all kinds of pills left by him, her mother's Shouyuan and physical strength are improved. With the help of Jiang Fan, she can break through and enter the lethal state at any time.

Jiang Fan hesitated again and again, but he didn't rush to let his mother break through. Originally, he helped her to improve her cultivation by relying on pills. Her mother didn't have the desire to practice at all, so it's not a bad thing to let her stay in a low state for a long time. On the contrary, it can let her consolidate her cultivation more, which can also make her break through more smoothly.

Both parents were there. Jiang Fan had a very happy dinner, and it was difficult to put down all the burden. He ate the food cooked by his mother and enjoyed the family affection for a moment, which had greatly satisfied him.

After chatting with his mother all night, Jiang Fan quietly left the room and went to Tiange.

Tao Zhen has been waiting for Jiang Fan to finish everything. When he sees Jiang Fan coming back, he directly tells Jiang Fan about the provocation of the experts a few days ago, and his face is inevitably worried.

"Xiaofan, our Tiange is on the right track now, but there is a lack of experts who can hold up the scene. Although Lord Shenmu is rooted here, it's inconvenient to move, and the external deterrence is not very strong. I'm afraid that the disciples will be targeted by outsiders when they are out later!"

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