You can enjoy the scenery along the waterway. You don't have to drive by yourself, but you're also at leisure.

Half an hour away from the East River, the girl came to Jiang Fan and sat down.

"Did you come for Jiang Fan?"

Jiang Fan saw her with a smile and asked, "are you here for him?"

The girl quickly shook her head: "I'm not. I'm very self-conscious. Only a powerful genius like you can compare with him. I'm here just to see the world. I also want to see how strong the legendary Jiuhuang genius is."

Jiang Fan said with a smile: "there is nothing to see. You are not a mortal. Maybe you will be more powerful than him in a hundred years."

The girl covered her mouth and said with a smile, "someone did say that when the news about him first spread, but it is said that he has now successfully broken through and reached the divine realm. I'm afraid no one dares to say that. The young man is very familiar, and I don't know his name..."

Jiang Fan looked at the ships ahead with a relaxed look.

"It's interesting that so many people come to see me, but they don't even know what I look like."

When the girl heard this, she was surprised: "you You are Jiang Fan

As soon as the words came out, the teenagers on the same boat looked at this side at the same time. How could they think that a bold guy who suddenly flew from the shore to their boat was the legendary Jiuhuang genius!

Jiang Fan said, "are you surprised? Should I look fierce? "

"No! It's just that I didn't expect Mr. Jiang to be so young. The little girl really has eyes and doesn't know gold inlaid jade, which makes Mr. Jiang laugh. "

Jiang fan then said, "I'm not very familiar with this place. I only know the location of the East River, so it's more convenient to go with you by boat. But I'm not going to sit for nothing. I'll give you a pill. I won't let you down."

When the girl heard this, she shook her head decisively.

"Mr. Jiang is serious. We were going to donghejing, but it's just on our way. It's our honor to get to know Mr. Jiang."

Two people are chatting, Jiang Fan suddenly eyebrows slightly pick.

Then came the cry of a young man.

"Get out of the way, there's a big boat coming up behind. Don't be hit!"

The girl got up and quickly directed the others on the boat to activate the array, so that the boat quickly dodged to one side.

Jiang Fan looked back and saw a big ship coming from behind them. Its speed was much faster than that of the small boat, and its volume was ten times bigger. He had to look up from this direction to see the big ship.

If the boat is hit, it will sink in an instant. If the boat is damaged on the river, the young people of the boat will be in trouble. Whether they can save their lives is a problem.

Girls, it is obvious that this is not the first time that they have encountered this kind of situation. The overall operation is calm. Before the big ship hit, they changed their route to ensure safety.

The big boat passed quickly, and the splashing waves came directly towards the small boat. The young people on the boat had to exert their spiritual power to resist, so as not to be embarrassed.

At this time, I heard a series of laughter from the top of the boat. It was a group of young people of the same age as the people on the boat. They obviously intended to do it on purpose, with a bit of sarcasm in their eyes.

The girl clenched her teeth and glared at the people without saying a word.

However, the boat obviously also had a bad temper and said angrily, "you bitches are intentional!"

"Are you in a hurry? Blame yourself for your ignorance. What's the status of our young master? You little sects dare to refuse our young master's proposal. This time, it's just a lesson for you. The good play is still behind. You'd better think about whether you can go to donghejing first. "

As soon as the young man's voice was over, several teenagers suddenly found that a big ship was coming from behind. Although it was not as big as the one they had just passed, it was several times bigger than their ship. Similarly, they did not slow down at all and did not remind them, so they sailed to them.


A few teenagers once again manipulated the boat and quickly dodged. They didn't care what to say to the man.

Although Jiang Fan didn't know what happened in the bow, he also heard something from their conversation. The big ships came from a force called heishuizong. It was really unpleasant that they collided with the small boats one after another.

The next moment, he disappeared where he was.

Bang Bang -

there was a sudden explosion on the surface of the water, and huge figures sprang out of the water, which was unexpected to all the monks present.

The huge water spray and the big demon figure completely cut off the direction of the boat's evasion. All the people on the boat were surprised, and could not help but panic.

The girl suddenly thought of Jiang Fan in the bow, hoping that he could help. At this time, she had no choice.

But when she looked at the bow, she found that Jiang Fan had disappeared.

Just as she was surprised, a cry came from behind.

"Look, elder martial sister, there seems to be something wrong with the boat behind."

The girl looked back and found that the ship had suddenly changed direction.But then she saw that there seemed to be a figure under the bow of the ship. It was because of his existence that the ship was forced to turn.

As soon as the big demon in the river appeared, he was forced back to the river by fire method.

"It's him!"

Not far away, the girl almost instantly recognized Jiang Fan's identity. She never dreamed of how much power it would take to turn the direction of the ship by one person.

Someone on the ship was furious: "what's the matter? How did you turn your head? "

Then I heard the voice of a young man, some panic.

"I don't know what's going on. The array on the ship is out of control and can't be mobilized. It seems that we are forced to change our course by something."

Just then, they found that their sailing speed was gradually speeding up, and the explosion from the river also attracted their attention.

Someone exclaimed, "what else is pushing behind us?"

A young man ran to the stern of the boat and leaned out his head to look under the stern. He saw a young man burst out a strong breath, pushing the whole boat forward from behind, and the speed of the ship was also accelerating.

Just as he was shocked, a cry came from the front: "stop the boat quickly, it's going to crash!"

The young man looked back and called out, "somebody! Someone is pushing our boat

But as soon as his voice fell, there was a curse and a violent crash in front of him. Their big ship directly hit the big ship of heishuizong sailing ahead!

The young people on the boat were all dumbfounded at this time. They were shocked to see what happened in front of them. It was only half a minute before and after. The big ship that had hit them was forced to reverse its course by that figure. What's more, it was abandoned and hit their own big ship.

And the initiator is the young man who just sat in the bow of their boat, Jiang Fan.

When the two big ships collided, the quality of the big ship in front was obviously better, and it was also sailing at that time. The damage was not serious, but half of the bow of the ship in the back was completely broken, without array protection, so it was totally vulnerable.

The water kept pouring into the cabin, and the young people on the boat quickly climbed onto the big boat in front, which obviously could not last long.

The boat broke out calling, they saw Jiang fan flying to their side again, although the big demon in the river was still trying to attack, but it didn't work at all.

What Jiang Fan had dealt with before, he would take it easy the second time, and finally landed in the bow.

Looking at the girl not far away, she said with a light smile: "the reward of the pill promised to you is gone, and this will be your reward."

The girl is a little excited. It's developing so fast that Jiang fan doesn't even ask what happened before, but decides to help. She admires her courage.

And have to say not to say, Jiang Fan work calmly, eyes flashing confident look, completely regardless of the other party's background, it is too handsome.

"Thank you for your help, young lady, I remember it!"

at this time, the boat passed by the two big boats, and a young man on the boat said sarcastically, "look who can't reach the East River this time, but Heishui sect is not polite to his own people, ha ha ha..."

At this time, the young man who had just seen Jiang Fan at the stern of the back boat saw Jiang Fan at the bow of the boat and quickly reminded others.

"It's him! That's him! Just now is the man who changed our direction and pushed us in the stern! Damn, it's their helper. What kind of monster is it

Some people on the boat were shocked. Looking at Jiang Fan below, they were all shocked. Who could have thought that the young man who had just shot was such a young man. Now they finally understand what happened to the explosion coming from the river just now. It turned out that someone was flying on the river, but could someone really do it?

You should know that the array on the ship just now is all out of control, otherwise even the monk of wudaojing can hardly let the two ships collide.

A young man who has reached the peak of Shentai is glaring at Jiang Fan.

"Who are you? You're not one of them. Why get involved? Do you know the consequence of offending me

Jiang Fan buckled his ears and then responded to each other.

"It's interesting. If you don't know, you think you are the leader of Heishui sect! There are shovels on the uneven road. Today, I just can't see them. It's nothing to do with them. I'll take a boat and you'll provoke me. Of course, I'll teach you some lessons. Is one boat enough? Isn't this ship going to take it? "

Jiang Fan's words are not powerful, but they make the young people on the ship feel cold behind him. They can't see what Jiang Fanxiu is doing, but Jiang Fangang's means are enough to prove his ability. He's not just talking about it. As long as he wants to, what's the difficulty of breaking the ship under their feet?

But it's always their black water sect that threatens others. At this time, they are threatened by a young man who doesn't change his name. How can they live with their face?

After all, the situation here has attracted the attention of many ships nearby. I don't know how many pairs of eyes are looking at them.The young man glared at Jiang Fan: "hiding your head and showing your tail is not the work of a hero. You have to take care of everything we do in Heishui sect. Do you dare to say your identity? If you don't dare, stay where you are. Don't make trouble here!"

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