The girl appeared a group of spiritual power in her hand, turned around and hit her back, only to find that there was no one behind her. Jiang Fan's voice came from behind her again.

"Too slow!"

The girl hit back again, but still empty, completely unable to lock Jiang Fan's position.

Obviously, she didn't want to give up and activate her psychic power. At the same time, she attacked the surrounding area, and the explosion continued to ring.

But Jiang Fan's voice was still in her ear: "just these two things?"

The girl's back is cold, cold sweat appears from her forehead, inexplicably produces a trace of fear.

After the explosion stopped, a voice rang out in her mind.

"Wake up

The girl was stunned for a moment, and woke up suddenly the next moment. There was a mess around her. It was obvious that she had just been bombed wildly.

And she just heard the voice from another man, he frowned at her, look dignified.

The girl looked around for a week, but she didn't see Jiang Fan. She wiped the sweat on her forehead and asked in a deep voice, "what's the matter?"

The man came over and said, "what's the matter? Just now you fell into hallucination and attacked the surroundings crazily. Didn't you notice it at all? "

"Where's Jiang Fan?"

"He's gone. That guy is really a little scary. He only used a soul impact on you, and you fell into illusion and attacked at random. You didn't feel it at all!"

The girl can't forget the feeling just now. He can't imagine how Jiang Fan got it, because she didn't feel that Jiang fan used any means.

But Jiang Fan just a sentence she remember very clearly, now feel up to say is also right, if he has malicious, she is afraid to die.

She calmed down and asked the man, "why didn't you stop him?"

The man said: "it's almost a moment for you to fall into illusion. First of all, you don't have to have any problems yourself. Even if I go to block you, I will fall into illusion in the end. It's too troublesome. If there is no realm suppression, we can't be his opponents. We'd better wait until we reach the final inheritance place, and then fight with him in the same realm."

How can this man not understand the gap between them and Jiang Fan? He and Miss Wu Da have known each other since childhood. Although they are not friends, they know each other's cultivation and fighting power very well. They are equal in strength. He knows very well that Jiang Fan will never be easier to deal with than Miss Wu Da. Maybe Jiang Fan will be more powerful.

Miss Wu asked her to calm down as soon as possible, and then asked the other side.

"Do you know what Jiang Fan said about the genius of Qingyang palace? Why haven't I heard of it? "

"I don't know! But now we should also be in the East River. Let's go to the final inheritance. It's said that there are many talented people hiding in the snow this time. Even if we are not Jiang Fan's opponents, it's a good choice to find some strange opponents to compete with. "

Miss Wu is obviously a little persistent.

"I still want to fight Jiang Fan if I can. I don't believe the gap between him and me is so big!"


On the other hand, Jiang Fan has already opened the distance between them. He just punished them. After all, they didn't offend each other too much. If the girl didn't mean to do it, Jiang Fan wouldn't even do it.

Jiang Fangang just got a miraculous medicine, and he was in a good mood. When he used his divine eyes, he could clearly see some prohibitions around him, which were inherited by the experts. The array contained the spirit gathering array, and some arrays with reserved spirit power. It was really a good idea.

Creating such a place for trial requires a lot of resources, which even a rich family may not be able to afford.

In the next two days, Jiang Fan saw a lot of young people training around him, full of vigor and vitality. Some of them had a fight for the inheritance of spiritual power.

Everyone is busy with their own affairs, but not many people notice Jiang Fan, and the monks who have experienced here are generally not very high, which is also within Jiang Fan's expectation. Those gifted friars who come for Jiang Fan should arrive at the position of final inheritance and wait for Jiang Fan to appear. After all, Jiang Fan has given them a response and told them that they will definitely come Come on.

Deciduous gorge is very busy every time the East River is opened. This is the source of the river, but the water is not large. There are luxuriant trees growing on the cliffs on both sides. However, the trees here are very strange. They will fall leaves in a few days, and then they will grow luxuriant leaves again, and then they will dry up and continue to circulate.

This is also the origin of deciduous gorge.

There are often strong winds here, and then blow those dead leaves out of here, so they will not accumulate here.

This time, there are more monks gathered in the luoye gorge than before. Many of them are fresh faced, but their accomplishments are extremely strong, but no one is surprised because they have been informed that the genius of snow will appear one after another. They will be very interested in Jiang Fan and come here for Jiang Fan's sake.

It's not easy to enter the deciduous gorge. The strong wind in the deciduous gorge brings spiritual power fluctuations. If the combat power can't reach the Ninth level of Shentai, the friars will be blown out of the gorge with the deciduous leaves, which is also the lowest threshold to get the final inheritance.It's good for those talented people. They have enough cultivation to reach the divine realm. They don't need to worry about the wind here. They can't shake them at all.

But for those monks whose accomplishments and combat power barely reach the ninth divine platform, every time the wind blows, they have to spend a lot of spiritual power to keep themselves from being blown out. Although they are not here to find Jiang Fan, they are also here to see the excitement, because they know that they are only running with them this time. For those monks with mysterious identity, their accomplishments are absolutely in him On top of us, even if the realm cultivation will be suppressed to the same realm in the final test, even if the master is suppressed, how can he be defeated so easily?

However, after waiting so long, it is inevitable that some people will be impatient.

"That Jiang Fan hasn't appeared for such a long time, isn't he afraid to come at all? Or didn't pay attention to us at all? He really takes himself seriously, doesn't he

"We don't know when we're going to end up waiting like this. Otherwise, we can start the final inheritance directly. If they insist on waiting, let them wait. Why don't we take away the inheritance? Why wait for that guy here! "

These two young people's accomplishments are not high. At least in the deciduous gorge, their accomplishments can only be counted as the bottom. They are still a long way from the final inheritance position. At this time, they really want to have a try. If these people really ignore them, they will get a big bargain.

They didn't wait any longer. When the wind stopped, they got up and walked towards the front of Yexie gorge, heading for the final inheritance direction.

But before they got close, they suddenly felt that some divine thoughts fell on them. They were at least 100 meters away from the final inheritance place. They didn't expect that those people were so sensitive, and they were really scared.

However, they did not retreat, and they continued to walk forward. Anyway, there were restrictions here. If they were fatally attacked, they would be sent out of the East River, so he had nothing to worry about.

When they were 30 meters away from the final heritage site, they suddenly felt a spiritual barrier appeared in front of them, and then they heard a man's voice.

"Go back! Stay away from the final inheritance, and be reckless and provocative, and bear the consequences! "

They looked to both sides, only to find that some monks with high accomplishments were looking at them with their eyes open at this time, with some displeasure in their eyes. It can be seen that if they continue to move forward, they are likely to offend these people completely.

"How's it going? Shall we move on? "

Another man obviously felt guilty: "it's only 30 meters, but I don't know their fighting power. If they suddenly make a move, I don't know if we can hold on."

At this time, a figure came from the sky and flew directly over the heads of the people. His breath was not weak. He dressed in black and went straight to the final inheritance.

The sudden change didn't occur to the monks on the scene, so they got up one after another and directly used their skills to suppress the figure.

But the speed of the figure suddenly changed, and the next moment has rushed into it.

Wrapped by the spirit power of the final inheritance, the figure stood firm and turned to smile at the talented people outside.

"You came all the way here to see me, but I didn't expect that I came here. You are welcome in such a way. It's really flattering for Jiang."

It's not someone else, it's Jiang Fan.

Of course, some of the monks present can recognize Jiang Fan's identity, and some of them even met him. For example, one of the two closest to the final inheritance, a gifted friar from Qingyang palace, who has defeated a few less discerning friars in a few days here, has shown great fighting power. Because of this, his status is very high here, Few people will take the initiative to refute some of his things.

Deciduous gorge in this lively, because Jiang Fan's appearance, let already waiting impatient friars Teng thick fighting spirit.

But Jiang Fan's next words made them feel very depressed and offended.

"I still have a lot of things to do, so I'll get here as soon as I enter the secret place. I want the spiritual power inheritance here. All of you can fight together. If I lose, I'll go back to Jiuhuang immediately, and I won't go into the next nine days. But if you can't beat me, you can leave ten elixirs. If you don't bet, don't come in. I will send you out of the East River with my own hands. "

What a provocation! There are so many Tianjiao people gathered here, especially those in front. The cultivation of the man in Qingyang palace is better than that of Wang Xing, but he is still ignored by Jiang Fan!

They couldn't tell whether Jiang Fan was arrogant and arrogant or firm and confident.

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