Mr. Wu suggested, and others nodded.

They have worked together for many years, and of course they know exactly what to do.

Several people have studied the cauldron for so many years, and they know almost every detail of the cauldron, especially the breath.

They are connected with each other, release the spirit power together, and then use their unique ability to control and suppress the holy tripod.

We can imagine how powerful the six monks at the top of the world are.

Although the holy tripod constantly repels their power, it still can't completely block it. The spirit power of six people's fusion slowly spreads over it.


At this moment, Jiang Fan has completely stood firm. At this moment, he feels that he is surrounded by strange spiritual power, and there are stars all over the sky, deep and boundless.

The sea of stars seems to surround him, which is very spectacular.

This is obviously a special space, but it doesn't give him much sense, because his divine sense can't spread far away.

Jiang Fan was surprised for a moment. Then he directly opened his eyes to see the space clearly.

But there was no change in the scene in front of us. It was all true.

Jiang Fan calmed down, then turned around, and the first thing he saw was still the sea of stars, but there was something lying there not far away. Jiang Fan sensed that it had no breath.

He stepped forward and found that the space did have the ground, but he couldn't see it at all. It was like stepping in the air.

Jiang Fan walked cautiously towards that side, which was the only thing he could approach in the space.

He walked in slowly and fixed his eyes.

I was surprised to find that a human was lying there, lifeless, but his body was not rotten and full of treasure. It was obvious that he had a very high level of cultivation and was absolutely not weak.

His clothes are a little strange. They are different from those of Jiuhuang and the next nine days. I don't know how long they have fallen. He looks like he is in his thirties, but he should be a guy of unknown age.

Jiang Fan injects a little of his spiritual power into his opponent's body, and finds that his opponent's Qi sea is dry, and there is no spiritual power in his body, which has obviously fallen for a long time.

Soon Jiang Fan found the man's fatal wound, which was in the back of the monk's head. There was a big scar. Although it had healed, it must have been fatally injured before it healed.

An object similar to a treasure bag was released from him by Jiang Fan. It still exudes a lot of spiritual power. The exquisite array is still running, but the soul mark on it has already dissipated. Jiang fan can directly put his divine consciousness into it.

All kinds of materials came to his mind, of high quality.

Some of the unique Lingbao attracted Jiang Fan's attention.

He took out one directly and then asked them, "have you ever seen such refined Lingbao?"

"It's a strange shape, but it's a clever combination of array and weapon refining. It's a bit interesting. I don't know the effect. I'll find a chance to know its power."

Ziyuying said: "it's not only unique in shape, but also different in material collocation from what we usually use. It looks disorderly, but it can subtly achieve a balance, so that this Lingbao can play a very stable effect. It seems that like the news you got before, this thing comes from other worlds, and there should be a stronger cultivation environment. Unfortunately, we don't know Be sure where it comes from

Jiang Fan has not been entangled in this Lingbao, but continues to search, and soon, a book with a hot smell appears in Jiang Fan's hands.

The heat above is very high. The whole book seems to be made of flame. If there is no accident, it should be a strong fire control method, or a powerful skill in fire method.

Jiang Fan himself is an expert in playing with fire. When he sees such things, he is certainly full of expectation. Without saying a word, he just opens it up to find out.

But when he opened it, Jiang Fan was puzzled by the words on it. It was a kind of writing that he had never seen before. This excellent skill was placed in front of him, but he could not understand it. Jiang Fan's mood can be imagined.

Although they have been born for so many years, they have never seen any similar words. After a careful perception, they have no clue.

Ziyuying is helpless.

"This book exudes strange spiritual power. It's very strong. It's obviously an excellent skill. But it's not easy to practice when it's in front of you. What's that?"

Jiang Fan had a careful analysis for a while, but these words were totally different from what he saw, so he had to give up in the end.

He closed the book, looked at the hot book in his hand, and made use of the divine perception, the response he could get was still incomprehensible.

The treasure is in hand, but it can't be used. Jiang Fan really understands the feelings of those great figures. They have spent a long time on the holy tripod over the years, but they don't even know the space, and they can't control the holy tripod at will. It's absolutely depressing.

"It must be the product of another civilization, and the civilization there may not be weaker or even stronger than that of our time. Unfortunately, we can't be sure where they are, and we don't know when they will be able to be identified," she saidJiang Fan said: "don't worry. This guy has been alive for so many years, and he is a human being, as well as the guardian of the holy tripod. He shouldn't have left nothing behind."

He continued to search for the things in the bag, and finally found an ancient jade and took it out directly.

After perceiving the spiritual power outside, the ancient jade exudes a soft power, and does not have a strong sense of rejection.

Gu Yu floats in front of Jiang Fan, very quiet, but makes Jiang Fan's eyes shine.

"The material seems to be the same as that of Shengding. It should be from the same origin."

Without hesitation, he directly mobilized his spiritual power and exerted his precious words on the ancient jade. Soon a message came into Jiang Fan's mind from the formula of heaven and earth.

"Star River jade!"

They were surprised to hear the name. From their eyes, we can see that they should not understand it.

However, Jiang Fan was shocked by the fact that it was meteorite jade floating in the sea of stars. It was extremely difficult to collect and the quantity was very rare. To collect this kind of ancient jade in the sea of stars, we need to have the power to break the world, that is, to transcend the world.

At this time, Jiang Fan felt a crystal stone in his arms exuding a strange power, as if to break free from his arms.

That is the key to open the holy tripod, which is the crystal that Ye Qing gave him.

Without hesitation, Jiang Fan took out the crystal stone directly. Then he saw that the crystal stone and the ancient jade attracted each other and had the meaning of fusion.

Xiaobudian reminds Jiang Fan: "real blood! Try to recognize the Lord. These two things are ownerless, but they are obviously a pair

Jiang Fan cut his palm decisively, sacrificed a drop of real blood, and fell between the two treasures. At the next moment, a surge of power broke out, and the surrounding scene began to change rapidly, as if completely immersed in endless darkness.

But Jiang Fan could feel a strange force building up a special connection with him, just like the feeling after the divine soldier recognized the Lord, very strange.

Xiaobutian and ziyuying are standing in the same set without interruption or intervention. They don't feel any threat from Jiang Fan.

About half an hour later, the ancient jade and crystal turned into two lights to illuminate the dark world. Then they turned into two lights and disappeared into Jiang Fan's hands.

Just when they wanted to see what happened, the surrounding space was slowly lit up. It was not like the endless starry sky before, but exuded some very strange breath and turned into a valley.

The ground is full of herbs and herbs, and there is a bamboo forest.

They are now located next to a small house. Just now, the elder's body was lying in the courtyard. All this seems to be real. The previous starry sky should be just an image created by some force.

"Dongtian Lingbao?"

This is Jiang Fan's first impression.

Xiaobutian and ziyuying jump on Jiang Fan's shoulder and remind him.

"Hold out your hand and see where the ancient jade and spirit stone are."

Jiang Fan opened the palm of his hand, but it was empty, as if there was no change. However, he could clearly feel that there was some special power in his hands. Then he used the spirit power to stimulate, and two special waves of spirit power radiated different lights and emerged in the palm.

Xiaobu Dian said with a smile: "yes, it should be the completion of recognizing the Lord. Now you can sense the purpose here. Although this treasure comes from unknown civilization, and its refining technique is slightly different from ours, it is not a big difference. With the level of this thing, it should be able to help you understand his ability, so as not to make you feel nothing."

Jiang Fan knew what he was talking about. Without hesitation, he directly closed his eyes and carefully felt the changes of spiritual power around him. At the same time, he felt the breath outside the space.

Soon, the space gave him feedback, but he didn't know anything. Suddenly, he felt a strong force gathering in the space, which shocked him. He quickly opened his eyes and went back to reality.

He frowned and looked in the direction of the convergence of spirit power. Xiaobutian and ziyuying obviously didn't feel anything.

"What's the matter?" Little one asked.

Without waiting for Jiang Fan to answer, a figure has appeared in the direction of Jiang Fan's eyes.

Seeing this figure, they were shocked, obviously a little unexpected.

Ziyuying and xiaobutian instinctively recover themselves, and directly block Jiang Fan's body, waiting for him.

Because that person is exactly the same as the strong one around them, people can't feel how strong his realm is, so they are so afraid.

Seeing Jiang Fan and others like this, the man was obviously looking at them.

But then he said something that Jiang Fan and others had never heard of. It was a very special language that people had never touched. If they guessed correctly, the language should be the same as the words in books.

However, Jiang Fan didn't think of the next way.

There was no momentum on that figure. He came directly to Jiang Fan, not more than xiaobutian, and then he bowed his head to Jiang Fan and knelt down.

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