Wang Yan's words make Tiange quiet, which is too confident. After all, for most Tiange disciples, it is not clear who this woman with similar breath to Wang Xi is.

But this woman seems to be more overbearing than Wang Xi.

Shen Yan and other people's eyes are beating. Of course, they can feel how strong Chen Ran and other people are. But the woman Jiang Fan released doesn't take them seriously at all. It's really scary.

At this time, Chen Ran and his wife were also unable to ride a tiger. Their retreat was blocked and their punishment orders were suppressed. They were afraid that they had only one way to face the enemy head-on.

They are very clear about what kind of character Wang Yan is, but it is obviously arrogant for the other party to defeat them in ten moves.

The two of them complement each other in their skills. They are even better than ordinary monks in the same realm. No matter how strong Wang Yan is, the realm is no different from them. Why don't you pay attention to them?

At this time, six monks who left the dust area suddenly appeared on the periphery of Wanyun mountain. They were behind Chen Ran and their two people. They did not enter the crown of Shenmu. They were obviously afraid of Shenmu.

Judging from their dress, they should come from two families. It is obvious that they are Chen Ran's people. They should have felt what might have happened here, so they came to support.

Seeing the situation here, I was stunned.

One of them said: "Laozu, do you want us to help you?"

Chen Ran's eyes were completely on Wang Yan at this time. Hearing the voice of the people, Chen Ran said directly: "don't come here."

At this time, Huo Chen, with the friars of jiemaizong and ziyuying, rushed directly to the six men. Huo Chen's cultivation was completely superior to the six men, and the number of them was more than the other side. Obviously, he didn't intend to let them leave easily.

This is the first time to help Tiange, and they are eager to show themselves.

Feeling the breath of Huo Chen and others, the six people also changed their faces. Obviously, they had no idea that so many powerful monks appeared in this pavilion, which was totally different from the information they had received before.

"How can there be so many experts?"

Chen Rangang wanted to remind her, but Wang Yan moved at this time. The sword in her hand exudes a special breath, and the surrounding space is torn. We can see the strength of the sword.

Jiang Fan felt a palpitation in the distance, and the voice of heaven and earth furnace sounded in his mind.


This is obviously to say that the sword in Wang Yan's hand is an immortal level Lingbao. No wonder its power is so strong.

It's hard to imagine that Wang Yan holding Xianbao would be limited by the power of Xinghe Ding.

The experts around Chen Ran felt that the reward in his hand was shaking, which was obviously the reaction of the rank being suppressed.

But without waiting for them to say anything, Wang Yan has already started, strong breath burst, a way of spiritual power burst, constantly pouring around.

With the long sword waving, the wind and clouds are surging. Where the sword light passes, the space is constantly broken, and the scope is so wide that Chen Ran and his wife are completely covered in it.

There was no sound, only the sound of the sword.

Chen Ran and his wife joined hands to strengthen their sense of appreciation and resist the attack.

The light of the sword passed by, and there was no explosion of collision. The defense prohibition released by the reward order was cut in an instant, as if it had no effect.

Chen Ran's clothes on their chests were cut and dyed red instantly, causing bursts of exclamations in the pavilion.

"Hurt? The two masters who left the top of the world were injured

"How strong! That man is too strong. Who can catch that sword? "

Chen Ran and his wife are a little bit confused at this time. They are very clear about their ability to reward good orders, but they can't imagine that he can't stop Wang Yan's attack. They don't know how many years they haven't been hurt. What they feel at this time is not only the danger, but also the fear that they can't have the courage to fight back.

Without waiting for them to recover, Wang Yan's second sword light has come.

Their instinct made them use the barrier to resist the sword light. But this time, the sword light was no longer as sharp as before when it touched the barrier. This time, there was a huge power in it, and it exploded instantly.

Bang -

the huge explosion and strong light broke out with Chen Ran as the center.

Wan Yun mountain is shaking violently, and Xiao AI's array is also rippling, resisting the aftereffects of the attack.

The branches of Shenmu fell from the sky and went straight to the center of the explosion.

Wang Yan see this, greatly dissatisfied: "Shenmu! Don't get involved. I haven't played enough! "

Shenmu's voice rang out, some helpless: "if I don't intervene, you will kill them. Foreigners will come back in the future. They are good at dealing with foreigners!"

When the dust and smoke dispersed, people could see that the branches were entangled with two awkward figures, who were seriously injured, and their breath weakened a lot.

When everyone in Tiange was shocked, Wang Yan's voice rang out.

"The judge can fight against me for things that don't work well, but you two can't catch even three moves. It seems that this pulse is really decaying."At this time, Chen Tianxing, who suppressed the magistrate's order, opened his mouth.

"Master, please accept the reward order for me!"

Wang Yan looked at him.

"Judge's blood! I didn't expect that the judge's blood had been passed down. Unfortunately, the qualification is not very good. But I have some friendship with that guy. I'll help you. "

With that, Wang Yan flies directly to Chen Ran. She forcibly takes away the reward order, which exudes precious light, and sends it to Chen Tianxing, who suppresses it with the power of blood.

Chen Ran and his wife didn't lose consciousness at this time, but they were still a little confused. From the moment he put up the punishment order, they didn't expect that the situation would go down sharply. It didn't take long for them to answer Jiang Fangang's words and make a Complete Idiot's confirmation.

They never dreamed that Jiang Fan would bring back the top expert of the Baizhan clan who had disappeared for many years, and her strength is even more powerful. If they hang them together, they will never forget this battle.

On the other hand, Huo Chen and others had the absolute upper hand, and the situation of almost crushing appeared. With the emergence of Jiang Fan, the danger of Tiange disappeared.

At this time, Jiuhuang doesn't know how many rich and powerful families are secretly observing the situation here. After all, it's about the elites, Shenmu, Wang Xi and Jiang Fan, the rising genius. People want to see where things will go in the end.

Originally, after the two families took action, some helpers of Tiange chose to be silent, which shows how powerless they are.

But today, after the first World War, I'm afraid no one in the whole Jiuhuang area will think about Tiange any more, unless they feel that they have the strength to surpass the two branches of the judge's disciples.

The last three of Chen Ran's people fled, and they were captured. Huo Chen and others sealed their Qi sea and took them back to Tiange and gave them to Jiang Fan.

"It's a pity to run away three!"

Jiang Fan said: "nothing! I don't want their lives yet

With that, he looked back in the direction of the mountain.

"Master Tao, you take master Huo, and they use these three people to exchange all our Tiange disciples back. As for the loss of Tiange during this period, I'll ask their ancestors for it."

Tao Zhenfei came back here, a little excited, so long time of repression at this time completely released, Tiange relief, this for him, hanging heart also fell down.

"Good! I'll do it now. "

Then he looked at Huo Chen and saluted with his fist. Then the party took the three men to the direction of the teleportation array. Of course, Shen Yan and others also went with them. To solve everything completely this time, they also had to prove to all the forces in Jiuhuang how powerful Tiange was.

At this time, Jiang Fan just looked at the two masters who were controlled by Shenmu.

After being seriously injured by Wang Yan, Shenmu's breath can completely suppress them, seal their meridians and make them unable to break free.

"Remember what I said before? I'll let you know how stupid your behavior is. Lord Shenmu doesn't want your life, but you two have to pay for the loss of Tiange. What else do you want to say? "

Chen Ran looks at Jiang Fan with cold eyes, but there is no possibility of turning the tables. Their treasures have been suppressed and they can only give in.

"I lost to master Wang Yan and Lord Shenmu, it has nothing to do with you!"

"Shenmu said:" I take root in Wanyun mountain. Xiaofan is my disciple. How can it have nothing to do with him

Wang Yan also then said: "I was trapped by the six guys in the next nine days for so many years, and now I'm rescued by this kid. Does it have nothing to do with him that I appear here? I put my words here. After tiantiange, it will be the second land of Baizhan clan. Anyone who dares to deal with it again will be the enemy of Wang Yan! "

Both of them are obviously admitting Jiang Fan's status. No one will doubt their words.

Chen Ran and his wife had no choice, because they didn't even have room to maneuver.

The master around Chen Ran was smiling again. He looked very kind, but Jiang Fan knew that this guy was more hypocritical than Chen Ran.

"Jiang Fan! Let me introduce myself first. My name is Wang Yi, the old ancestor of the Wang family. We admit that this time we underestimated Tiange and underestimated you. Compensation is not a problem. In addition, because of Lord Shenmu, none of the Tiange disciples we arrested are worried about their lives. Everything is easy to discuss. But we also have a request. "

Jiang Fan looked at him with a smile, but he didn't agree or refuse. He wanted to see what he wanted to do.

Wang Yi saw Jiang Fan's face unchanged, and then said: "it's no problem how much compensation you can make. As long as Jiang Fan dare to say it, we'll dare to give it. However, whether you can let him return the reward order and punishment order to us, it's our spirit soldier. You've recognized the Lord for many years, and it's useless for you to keep it."

These two tokens are obviously very important to them. They don't want to be taken away by Jiang Fan's people.

Jiang Fan looks at Chen Tianxing.

"What do you think?"

Chen Tianxing shook his head decisively: "these two tokens are beyond their control. They are a spiritual treasure, named Yinyang Ling. It's an immortal treasure refined by the ancestors. It's only for them to keep it. It also represents the dignity of the ancestors. Unfortunately, the meaning of this thing has been completely destroyed by them and must be taken back."

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