The ten thousand poison sect disciple hesitated and reminded him, "my Lord, if you take this pill, you must release the villain."

Jiang Fan said: "less nonsense! Take it out first. If I'm in a good mood, I'll let you live. If I don't take it out, I'll send you on the road immediately. "

The ten thousand poison sect disciple quickly took out a pill in the dark space of the cuff and carefully sent it to Jiang Fan. "My Lord, keep it away!"

Jiang Fan's brow is slightly wrinkled. It's a magic pill made by himself.

"Now I ask, you answer, one more word of nonsense, and I'll kill you right away."

The ten thousand poison sect disciples were terrified: "please ask, my Lord."

"How did your elder martial brother get this elixir?"

"Two kids who were not killed actually attacked my elder martial brother. Unfortunately, they didn't have enough strength. They were captured by my elder martial brother. This elixir was found from them."

Jiang Fan looked indifferent and then asked, "why did those two people attack your elder martial brother for no reason?"

"I don't know about this villain. As you know, I have many enemies of Wandu sect..."

Jiang Fan interrupts him with a cold tone, because he already knows who the two are.

"Where are these two now? Has he been killed? "

The ten thousand poison sect disciple shook his head: "no! They should be pushed to the road of wanduzong, or in a small stronghold, and finally sent back to zongmen. Their realm is pretty good. They are strong in flesh. They need such people to submit or refine. "

He didn't finish his words. He squinted at Jiang Fan's face and finally closed his mouth.

Jiang Fan said: "do you know which stronghold they may be in?"

The man thought about it, and finally nodded: "it's not far from here, about three hours away."

Jiang Fan grabbed his clothes and then rose up in the air, which made the monk exclaim.

"Flying in the sky! It's really a master. Please spare your life. Don't fall to death. "

Jiang Fan said in a cold voice: "less nonsense, where is the stronghold? Take me

Fang Chi and Han Peng are from jinzhuzhou. Shenli Dan is the prescription in the chapter of Dan Dao, and he didn't let out too much of it. Although he didn't know what happened, they must be the two people who wan duzong caught.

For Jiang Fan, it won't be long before he arrives at the stronghold of wanduzong. Jiang Fan takes out a pill and puts it directly into the disciple's mouth.

"This is a mixed poison pill. I used 99 special poisons to refine it. You are a disciple of the ten thousand poisons sect. You should understand the power of this thing. Take me to the stronghold and find them. After I finish what I have to do, I will not only help you detoxify, but also benefit you. Do you understand?"

The guy had already been scared out of his wits, so he nodded: "if you want to do something, just tell the villain, and you will do it."

Jiang Fan asked, "what's your name?"

"Please call me Sun Quan!"

The boy is not weak. He calms down, smiles a little on his face, and walks towards the stronghold with Jiang Fan.

This sect stronghold is the place where the disciples of the sect are usually provided with rest. If there is array protection, it can be sent back to the sect for the first time.

This stronghold is not small. It's built on the open space in the forest. There are disciples patrolling inside. It's also good for guarding.

Jiang Fan sensed that there was no strong one here, and he didn't need to worry any more. He followed Sun Quan into the stronghold.

In his realm, he is also regarded as the core disciple in the Wandu sect, and his status is naturally not low.

After he came in, he didn't say a word. He grabbed a patrol guard directly.

"Are the two monks that my elder martial brother sent here the other day still there?"

The guard shook his head: "Lord Hui, those two left four days ago with the elixir. Now they should be back to the sect."

Jiang Fan listened to these words and waited for Sun Quan to come back.

Sun Quan went to Jiang Fan and frowned: "my Lord, those two people have been taken away. What should we do now?"


Jiang Fan turned and walked out, followed by Sun Quan. Now if he wants to save his life, he must follow Jiang Fan. Unless the poison master himself, this mixed poison pill will make up antidotes randomly, and it is likely to add poison to it and die suddenly.

Jiang Fan took him to Yukong and flew to wanduzong. He was very familiar with the location of wanduzong, so he didn't need to give any instructions.

Sun Quan knew that his life was related to Jiang Fan. He reminded Jiang Fan: "your honor, our wanduzong array is very strong. You'd better be careful."

Jiang Fan found out a pill of xuanjie Yipin and handed it to him: "this is Jiuxiang pill. After taking it, you can enter the state of enlightenment in a short time. When you reach the bottleneck, you can take it and try to realize it."

Sun Quan was overjoyed: "thank you, my Lord!"

Jiang Fan said: "as long as you cooperate, you can't benefit without you in the future, but you should understand my temper."

Sun Quan nodded again and again: "please rest assured that adults will not be disappointed by villains."

Jiang Fan didn't dare to relax all the way, but he didn't see the team escorting them until he was outside the wanduzong.The first monk's realm is not bad, reaching the seventh level of refining gods.

At this time, Fang Chi and his wife are very embarrassed. Their accomplishments are sealed and trapped in the cage. Fang Chi lies in the cage in a coma. Han Peng's eyes are cold and he sits in the cage motionless.

Jiang Fan fell in the nearby forest and didn't rush past. Not far ahead is the gate of the ten thousand poison sect. There is a big array there. It's not weak. In his present state, it's hard to take advantage of it.

Sun Quan asked Jiang Fan, "my Lord, what should I do now?"

"Do you still have core disciples' clothes on you? Give me a set! "

Sun Quan wry smile: "adult, there is a treasure in the bag, has been taken away by you."

Jiang Fan quickly found out a suit of wanduzong's clothes and then said, "these two are my friends. Do you know what to do?"

"Is your excellency going to come in with me?"

Jiang Fan said calmly: "do you have to help me save people by yourself?"

Sun Quan was a little embarrassed. He couldn't bring them out. After all, they were not the disciples he took back.

Jiang Fan didn't want to go to wanduzong so early, but he had to go in to save people.

He took a pill to hide his breath as much as possible. After all, there was an acquaintance here. At that time, Gu Tian used a small moving charm to escape in the secret place of Longze lake. With his talent, his realm must not be too low, at least not weaker than the friars who captured Fang Chi and Fang Chi.

Jiang Fan said, "you should know where they are locked up, right?"

Sun Quan nodded: "of course I know! They are usually locked up in the water prison for a period of time, forcing them to obey, otherwise the end is very miserable

"It's not too late. Take me in."

Sun Quan said, "my Lord, before entering Wandu sect, you should at least know what you need to pay attention to inside?"

Jiang fan is calm. "Come on, I know better than you what you need to pay attention to there."

Sun Quan looked at him in surprise. He didn't ask much. He turned to lead the way and walked towards the gate of wanduzong.

Following Sun Quan, Jiang Fan carefully perceives the atmosphere around him. He knows that there are many secret sentries outside the Wandu sect, and every once in a while, these secret sentries will change places. He will rescue people later, so he must calculate the route in advance.

There are a lot of experts in wanduzong, but they are restrained by Jiang Fan.

At that time, Shen Meng, the king of poison, was still oppressed by Jiang Fan's Dan Dao method, not to mention the monk Wan Du Zong who had not been Shen Meng.

Jiang fan is confident that as long as he is a little more careful, he can still do it.

Sun Quan is a little nervous. He knows the price of betraying the clan, but Jiang Fan holds his life in his hand. He has to try to find a chance of life.

He didn't know the identity of the master behind him. If he knew that the young man was Jiang Fan, he would never dare to take him back to wanduzong, because Jiang Fan was so popular that he didn't have rules to do things, so he couldn't make a mess.

Of course, Jiang Fan will not report to his family.

Wanduzong is one of the most powerful families in jinzhuzhou. Its comprehensive strength is not as good as that of Lihuo college, but there are not many rules. As a heresy, it is very difficult to deal with.

No one wants to deal with him, even the clan in golden beast island.

There are agreements between the high-level, so the golden beast island is still stable at present.

Jiang fan is quite familiar with this sect. He has been here many times since he rose to the peak.

Sun Quan is very clever. He doesn't plan to say hello to the guards at all. He pretends to chat with Jiang Fan and takes Jiang Fan into the gate.

He winked at Jiang Fan and then said, "now go to the water prison to save people? Or wait and see? "

Jiang Fan recalled Fang Chi's state and frowned: "go now, wait there to see what's going on now."

Sun Quan did not object, and took Jiang Fan all the way to the water prison.

The water prison of wanduzong is the place where prisoners are held, and those who are locked here are generally very valuable. They are either monks who have the chance to be called masters or pharmacists.

If a pharmacist doesn't give in here, he will be locked up to death. If a monk doesn't give in here for a while, he will die. Most of them will be turned into war puppets, become walking corpses, and follow orders.

It can be said that entering the water prison of wanduzong is a road of no return, and almost no one can escape.

There are many arrays here. It seems that nothing happens at ordinary times, but when it really breaks out, even the friars at the top of the lethal realm are hard to break out. So, before the critical moment, Jiang Fan really doesn't want to expose his identity here.

With Sun Quan leading the way, all the way is unimpeded. He is a core disciple, and his status in the sect is not low. Except for a few forbidden areas, no one can stop him, just like Jiang Fan in Lihuo college.

Of course, this water prison is not a forbidden area. There will always be core disciples here to fight for servants. There will always be people caught here.

The water prison is in the middle of a mountain. The entrance is a cave. There is water flowing out of the cave, and the smell of blood comes out from time to time.

Several disciples of the guard here saw the situation, but they showed a smile."Another one! These guys are also really, would rather die than surrender, life is so worthless? "

Several people saw Sun Quan and stood up straight: "see elder martial brother Sun Quan."

Jiang Fan didn't expect that Sun Quan had some status here.

Sun Quan waved his hand: "OK! Haven't you got any good materials for war servants these days? I heard there are two good ones

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