After he took the antidote, Jiang Fan clapped his hand on his chest.

Sun Quan felt a burst of sweetness in his mouth and vomited blood.

Jiang Fan said: "go back and say Fangchi, they injured you and ran away, so you won't have any more trouble."

Sun Quan is not a fool, of course, understand his meaning, Baoquan way: "thank you."

Jiang Fan gave him a bottle of pills as a reward and a benefit. Sun Quan will be useful if he comes here again in the future.

Sun Quan took the pill and said thanks again and again. When he looked up again, Jiang Fan had already left with the two people and left in the sky. The speed was amazing.

He opened the medicine bottle and was surprised to find that it was the elixir of the earth steps, which was too expensive for him.

He looked at the direction of Jiang Fan's departure, rubbed his chest and said with a bitter smile: "hit a stick, give me a sweet date?"


At the other end, Jiang Fan and the two quickly left the wanduzong area.

Fang Chi was protected by Jiang Fan, stretched out his arm, and said: "boss Jiang, please take this thing off for me. After a while, that bastard has bad intentions, and we can't blow up our arms."

Han Peng did not have a good way: "you talk less first, brother Jiang knows."

Although Fangchi looks heartless, Jiang fan can feel that this guy is shaking. It's obvious how much pressure he is suffering along the way.

Jiang Fan directly broke the silver ring array with a strange fire, and then let them take it off.

"Why are you in such a mess?"

Fang Chi said angrily: "it's not the strange skill of the devil's cage. After we are trapped, where can we resist the poison skill of the ten thousand poison sect? If it wasn't for them, we wouldn't be his opponents? "

Han Peng wry smile: "what's the use of saying this at this time? If we had not despised the enemy, we would not have come to such an end, and we would not have had to save Jiang Fan. "

Jiang Fan said: "next time you face wanduzong, if you find more than two people stop, you should be careful. As long as the first time to hide, it's hard to be trapped in it. "

Fang Chi nodded: "you can rest assured that there is no next time. It's too humiliating."

"Shame? It's good to save your life, but how can you be here, Jiang Fan? If it weren't for you, I can't imagine what we'd be like in the end. "

Jiang Fan took out a pill: "if not for this pill, I didn't know you were arrested. It's good to have time."

Jiang Fan falls down quickly and takes them into the forest.

He gave them pills to restore their state first, and then he tried to send them to the teleportation array and back to Li Huo academy to avoid the wind.

As soon as they began to practice, there was a sudden explosion of poisonous fog around them. In an instant, their faces turned purple. This was a highly poisonous image, and the surrounding woods were also covered.

Jiang Fan's spirit stone keeps flying out of his hand and falls around them. The array appears to shield the poison gas.

Two pills were thrown to two people, and then the whole person flew into the air.

He had already felt the breath in the air. Once it killed him, the breath was not weak.

The man took the lead: "Jiang Fan! It's you

Jiang Fan calmly looked at him, not surprised: "Gu Tian, I didn't expect that you have reached the lethal level quietly. Few people in this generation are faster than you."

This is Gu Tian, the genius of wanduzong, who fled in the secret place of Longze lake that day.

In today's young generation, only a few people have reached the lethal level.

Jiang fan made a breakthrough in public. Sanjie monk was also known by outsiders, but few people knew about Gu Tian.

Gu Tian was stunned to see that Jiang Fan had no influence in the poison skill: "I didn't expect that I haven't seen you for many years. You are so strong. I was surprised when the news of Baizhan peak came to my ears, but I can't believe it was you. But now it seems that you are really extraordinary in the secret place of Longze lake."

"How did you keep up?"

Gu Tian sneered: "I went to campaign servant. I heard that Zhou Fan said that when I saw elder Mulan's disciples, I knew something was wrong. When I got to the gate, I saw that Sun Quan was injured, and then I caught up with him. It's a pity that my poison fog doesn't work for you. "

Jiang Fan tilted his head and looked at him: "do you want to deal with me just because of your poisonous skill? It's a long way off

It's not that Jiang fan is arrogant, but he really has such ability.

"Arrogance Gu Tian is a little angry. He has suffered a big loss only once since his cultivation. He is facing Jiang Fan in the Molong grottoes.

"Black devil gas!" At the next moment, the bright moon is covered by black air, and the black air shrinks continuously and disappears into Gu Tian's body.

He has been waiting for this day for a long time. He can't forget that war.

Jiang fan can feel that his breath is gradually rising, which is a kind of high-level poisonous skill. In those days, Jiang Fan also suffered a lot, but now he is different from that at that time.

You can see that Jiang Fan suddenly uses the medicine method, and the medicine King domain instantly covers Gu Tian's position. The next moment, I saw that Jiang Fan suddenly rushed into the domain of medicine king. In a flash, the bright moon was in the sky, and the black air instantly dispersed.A figure, like a meteorite, smashed down toward the ground, broke a tree and fell into the ground.

That's Gu Tian.

Completely crushed, today's Gu Tian once killed, but his fighting power is not the same as Jiang Fan's.

Jiang Fan didn't plan to kill him this time. He floated in the air and looked down at the sky. His eyes were cold: "too weak!"

Gu Tian stares at Jiang Fan with a bright moon, as if he were a God.

Their breath is close, but their fighting power is very different, which makes him unable to accept.

It was the same at the Molong grottoes, but this time the gap was even bigger.

Jiang Fan did not continue to attack, Gu Tian's life is still useful, can't die.

The two of them were assisted by the pills of Jiang Fan. Their state recovered very quickly, and their complexion gradually recovered.

Looking at the poisonous fog around, Fangchi's heart trembled. He could hardly breathe at the moment when he was poisoned. That kind of feeling was uncomfortable. If it wasn't for Jiang Fan's first help, he and Han Peng would have died in the poisonous fog.

Jiang Fan returns to the ground, the red flame erupts in his hands, the poisonous fog evaporates instantly and disappears cleanly, and then he takes Fang Chi and them to leave quickly.

If Gu Tian asked the master to come, he would be in trouble. Now he doesn't want to face the master directly.

This time, Jiang Fan did not stop, ready to send them directly to the transmission array, and then he went on the road again.

Fang Chi had nothing to say all the way. Han Peng said seriously, "brother Jiang, I don't want to thank you for your kindness. You can see how we can repay you in the future."

Jiang Fan's mouth Rose: "then hurry to practice. If you have nothing to do, you can't help me now."

Fang Chi said, "wait, boss Jiang. I'll surpass you sooner or later."

"Hope!" Jiang Fan smiles.

Han Peng asked Jiang Fan, "where are you going next?"

"South rain state! The overall strength there is very strong, and Shen Meng was sent there by me. The next time I come back, it may be two years later. "

Han Peng's eyes twinkled: "otherwise, you don't want to send us back to the college. We also want to go out for a while. Since we can't stay in jinzhuzhou for the time being, we'd better go to Nanyu as well. We don't have enemies there. "

Fang Chi said: "yes, stay in the college and study hard. I really don't know when I can catch up with you."

Jiang Fan also thinks that their ideas are reliable. In today's situation, they really don't have many opportunities to improve faster when they stay in Lihuo college.

Young people need to be aggressive, not afraid of failure, brave to face the unknown, of course, can not be without the spirit of struggle.

"As long as you think about it, it's not a big problem for me to take you there, but you have to think about it clearly. When you get there, I can't take care of you."

Fangchi has no good way: "do you really think we are babies? We're soldiers, okay? "

Jiang Fan smiles but does not speak, changes the flight direction, flies toward the zongmen direction which borrows the road.

Gu Tian gradually struggles out of the ground, and Jiang Fan has already taken people away.

He suppressed his injury and said with a bitter smile: "does he disdain to kill me? One day you will regret it


A month later, Jiang Fan took them to cangyunzhou.

The Baizhan peak here made Jiang Fan famous. He became famous in the first World War, and even succeeded in ransacking. The whole world knew that Li Huo college had a super genius.

Back here again, Jiang Fan has some feelings.

He had planned to find a place to close down and refine some pills, but now he had two more people around him, Fang Chi. Jiang Fan had to go as soon as possible, and he was afraid that they would be delayed.

Fang Chi and his wife are in a good mood. If we rely on their walking experience, I'm afraid it will take several years to reach cangyun Island, and they can feel the difference here just after they arrive here.

This is the Baidi gate of cangyunzhou. It used to be one of the most powerful schools. It was inherited in ancient times. However, after the catastrophe, all the experts were lost. After so many years of development, the comprehensive strength of it is not much different from that of Lihuo college.

Leaving the teleportation array, they came out by way. The average level of the disciples of this sect is definitely higher than that of Lihuo college. The core disciples of Lihuo college can only be regarded as elite here at most.

Many years ago, Jiao Zhengrong was full of self-confidence in his eyes. He practiced hard in this sect.

Jiang Fan was soon recognized. Of course, Jiang Fan rose in cangyunzhou, and the Dean was very friendly with this sect. Jiang Fan undoubtedly became a celebrity in this sect.

Some young men and women, all with him as an idol, in a short time, attracted many young people to come, want to see how strange Jiang fan is.

Compared with the beginning, Jiang Fan has taken off his childishness, but now he is still pretty and handsome. With the natural breath, it makes people feel very strange.

A girl's eyes stay on Jiang Fan all the time.

"Jiang fan is so handsome. Who can be his woman is really enviable."

The man beside interrupted: "you don't have a chance. My idol's taste is very high. At least Han Qianxue is a woman of that level."Another man hit him on the back of the head: "you are too brave, can you say anything? Be careful to get into trouble and give Jiang fan trouble. "

The man looked indifferent: "when was my idol afraid of trouble? It's all his own trouble. "

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