If Qian Sen is thoughtful, he can't understand some things. After all, this law is incomplete.

Soon they found that the valley was getting more and more gloomy. It was obvious that NALIS often came here. He was familiar with the road and walked in the front. The speed was not slow.

But when he was about to reach the place of the Guan people, Jiang Fan suddenly said, "from now on, slow down, and the breath will be the lowest."

That strong person some don't understand, but now the person is under the eaves, have to bow, he must cooperate just go.

Jiang Fan was walking beside the Hercules. He had been watching around warily.

Soon a cave leading to the underground appeared in front of the crowd.

Nalishi opened his mouth and said in a low voice: "the strong, those outsiders are all locked up here. Poison powder is sprinkled here all the year round. It's very dangerous to enter. At most, we just go a little deeper, and we won't get into it completely. "

Jiang Fan said: "I have a good idea. Take us in."

NaX is a little reluctant. He doesn't want to have an accident here.

Unfortunately, Jiang Fan just didn't give him those opportunities and pushed him into them.

Jiang Fan has prepared several kinds of antidotes, and he and Qian Sen have prepared some of them. Jiang fan is very confident that his way of elixir is absolutely incomparable in the world of extermination.

They keep their feet down and try to keep their breath down.

At first, it was a little easy, but when we got to the second cross cave, it became a little difficult.

"We only go here at ordinary times, and we don't go deep inside any more. These two roads have been sprinkled with medicinal powder, which is not safe."

"Just choose any one. If you choose the wrong one, you can come back."

With that, he squatted down, ordered some powder on the ground, put it next to his nose and smelled it. In the surprised eyes of dijielishi, Jiang Fan took out several herbs in his arms, crushed them, mixed them together and gave them some.

"Just put it under your nose."

Qian Sen did as he did. He felt for it, then chose a cave and went straight inside.

Entering the cave, he was surprised to find that the medicinal powder had no effect. What was the origin of the young man? This detoxification skill is really powerful.

After walking for about five minutes, Jiang Fan suddenly grabbed the man and covered his mouth.

The sudden change made the man tremble. He thought Jiang Fan was going to kill him, but then he heard a sound from the cave in the distance.

Qiansen swallowed his saliva, because he heard a grim smile, which was very gloomy.

"Ha ha ha Ha ha ha... "

Jiang fan made a sudden effort to cut the man's neck and knocked him unconscious. We don't need him to lead the way when we are here.

He took Qian Sen to get close to the front slowly. The light of the fire was flickering, but he could see clearly the situation inside. Jiang Fan frowned slightly after seeing it.

There are dozens of friars in it, who are obviously imprisoned with shackles. Many of them are skinny and in poor condition. At least in Jiang Fan's opinion, some friars are very weak.

Just in front of them, a man was looking at them. He was not tall, but in the light of the fire, his shadow was pulled very long, like a huge snake, and even the letter of the snake's head could be seen.

Qian Sen beside Jiang fan is also stunned to see this situation. His eyes beat and he obviously recognized the identity of this person.

Jiang fan doesn't need to think about who this person is. If he guesses correctly, this person is strong and has a strong momentum. He is much stronger than the ground level strongman he saw before. He should be the heaven level strongman.

And there is only one strong man of this level in the Ares palace, that is the guy who created the Ares palace.

Seeing this man, Jiang Fan immediately felt the beating of divine consciousness.

Although this person's air sea has dried up, it is almost certain that this person also comes from the outside, just like the stream on the scene, from the outside.

After laughing wildly, the guy looked at the oldest elder in the crowd: "what's up? Can you think about it all these years? Do you want to contribute your life to me? I can leave you some Shouyuan, and then arrange for you to spend your life outside so that you can die peacefully. "

Jiang fan can feel that this person's realm is only innate.

But the thin old man in front of him was a great power. Jiang Fan could feel the powerful spiritual power in his body. Although he couldn't work, he could feel it clearly. The old man has definitely reached the goal of changing his life.

He looked at each other with disdain in his eyes. If he was outside, he could kill dozens of such monks with one slap. Now he's a prisoner.

Seeing that the old man ignored him, the man went to another man and said, "master, your old man has suffered a lot here. Do you want to leave? As long as you are willing to give me your Shouyuan, I promise to let you enjoy your old age and drink spicy food. "

"I'm not your master. Don't call me master."

"I've been a teacher for one day and a father for all my life. You've taught me for two years. How can you say it's not?"Hearing this, the old man said in a cold voice: "I had known that. As soon as I entered the realm of death, I should have slapped you to death. How could I let you be a bully here?"

The man sneered: "in those days, I was kind enough to let you live in the temple of war god. As long as each of you gave me a little Shou yuan, you could get a good treatment. Unfortunately, you didn't know how to be grateful. You had to use strong means to deal with you. Today, you asked for it. Do you really think that if you resist, I can't get your Shouyuan? "

Speaking of this, he clapped his hands suddenly, and then a big snake with the thickness of a bucket climbed out of the cave. It had cold eyes, spitting letters, and looked down at the crowd with its head high.

The man said coldly, "after my snake king swallows you, he will naturally give me your Shouyuan. Although I can only get a small part, it is enough for me to live a long time."

One by one, he pointed to these friars and sneered, "none of you can escape. This is my world of Zhufeng. You are all going to die and contribute your Shouyuan to me. None of you can escape."

The old man who changed his life looked at him coldly: "put it in the outside world, you can kill you with one look."

Zhu Feng stepped forward and kicked the old man to the ground: "it's a pity that this is not the outside world. This is the realm of death. You old guys who are high above the outside world can only crawl under my feet here, but they are just my livestock."

Qian Sen was shocked. I'm afraid he would never think that the most powerful man in the temple of war god was an outsider. He wanted to catch so many outsiders in order to consolidate his own Shouyuan. This has completely overturned all the news he got from the temple of war god.

Jiang Fan looked at the bound friars, and soon his eyes fell on a figure in the corner. It was a middle-aged man. Although he was thin, his eyes were firm.

"Is this Hongshan? I didn't expect to meet my old friend! " Jiang fan is very happy.

Chanson moved under his feet and met a stone.

The snake next to Zhu Feng suddenly looked towards this side, followed by a roar and rushed towards this side.

Zhu Feng's face changed: "who's there?"

Almost everyone looked to this side. The snake sent out a strong breath, opened its mouth and rushed directly to them.

Qian Sen said: "you go first, I'll come to the back of the hall!"

Jiang Fan pulled him to his back and said, "go up the back for me."

After that, Jiang Fan has already met him, so he won't be afraid of the giant snake. From the appearance of the giant snake, he should have the blood of the ancient Teng snake. Unfortunately, in this spirit destroying world, he can't be a divine beast at all, and his divinity can't be developed.

It's just a kind of special beast, but from its breath, it should have a blood contract with Zhu Feng, otherwise it can't share Shouyuan.

Jiang Fan's strength was amazing. Suddenly, he broke out and hit his opponent with a fist. The giant snake ate the pain and then quickly stepped back.

Zhu Feng saw that Jiang Fan was also stunned, and then said angrily, "who are you?"


Jiang Fan rushes directly to him, and he also wants to try to see how far this level can reach.

Zhu Feng sneered: "arrogant guy, although you don't know how to get here, but just in time, your Shouyuan, I want it."

"Take off the snake!"

He yelled angrily, and then the body was strangely elongated, but the speed did not decrease at all. He rushed to meet Jiang Fan.

The old man who changed his life reminded Jiang Fan: "young man, go back quickly. This snake skill is very evil. You are not an opponent."

The old man obviously didn't want Jiang Fan to join the alliance. He knew how strong Zhu Feng was now.

The next moment two people collide, Jiang Fan's fist mercilessly waved to Zhu Feng, but each other's eyes showed irony, unexpectedly did not avoid, choose to hard meet Jiang Fan.

Seeing this, Jiang Fan didn't waste his good intentions, so he strengthened his strength.

Bang -

a huge sound came out, and their faces changed at the same time. Jiang Fan could clearly feel that each other's slender body was swinging wildly, and the power was constantly unloading, which was very magical.

But Zhu Feng's face turned white. He could feel that he was hurt. No one has been able to hurt him for many years, but today he feels that his body is collapsing rapidly. If it wasn't for his body to release its strength, this punch might have gone through directly and cost him half his life.

But Jiang Fan suddenly closed his fist and waved it fiercely again.

It's hard for him to imagine whether he would fall here.

Bang -

there was another burst of noise, and this time, Zhu Feng flew out upside down, and the snake suddenly raised itself to catch him, and then Zhu Feng stood firm.

His eyes are gloomy, where there is just arrogance, just two fights, he felt a huge threat from Jiang Fan.

Then he said something in a low voice. The snake rolled him up and quickly left from the other side.

He has no qualifications in the outside world. After he was sent to this secret place with his master, he happened to get the inheritance of the holy mountain and soared to the sky with the help of the rules of the spiritual world. Because of this, he cares about his position and enjoys the pleasure of ruling the whole small world. These super experts in the outside world will be defeated by him and imprisoned here.

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