Jiang Fan had to pour a basin of cold water.

"There's a way, but it's hard to achieve it. But I'll think of a way. There must be a way to get to the front of the mountain. I can't be trapped in the spirit world."

Others are waiting here. Xiao ran goes to guard. Jiang Fan guesses that Zhu Feng is bound to go here.

With his heart of villain, he will never allow his inheritance to fall into the hands of others.

Sure enough, Xiao ran came in a hurry.

He went directly to Jiang Fan and said, "there are more than 20 strong men coming down here, and their breath is very strong."

Jiang fan is not panic, calm way: "come early, come late almost, this war god palace can change a host."

People saw the intention of killing in his eyes, which had never been thought of before. Although they also want to kill the psychopathic guy Zhu Feng, the other side is very strong. They have no ability to kill him, not to mention there are so many powerful men around him to help.

The old man reminded Jiang Fan: "you must be careful, young man. The skill of leaping snake is very strange. They can't break it together. Although your body is good, it's still worse after all. If you are a monk in my realm, maybe you still have some hope. "

Jiang fan doesn't think so. He's not exactly a physical training monk. His efforts to refine his body just make up for the shortcomings of his previous life. His real identity is the king of medicine.

Dan Dao is the most direct way to solve the problem.

The friars here don't have vigorous Qi to protect themselves, and their resistance is much weaker than that of the outside friars. Although they can't use the medicine method to help them, they are confident that they can solve these problems perfectly with the special form of medicine powder.

The monks have got together. Now that they have come to this stage, they have to work hard.

They don't want to go back to the wet valley, the dark cave, where people don't live at all.

These people have obviously suffered a lot before, and they are a little nervous at this time.

Jiang Fan looked at them with a calm tone.

"You don't have to do it. I'll do it myself."

There was absolute self-confidence in his eyes, but no one could understand where his self-confidence came from.

Without waiting for people to respond, Jiang Fan has gone down the mountain alone.

His speed is not slow, and he has disappeared in front of the crowd.

The old man asked Xiao ran, "what is the origin of this boy, and where is his self-confidence? Does he know how weird those Hercules are? "

Xiao ran said, "Jiang fan is a wonderful guy. He's only twenty years old now, but you can see his realm. He's so talented that you can rest assured. Since he's confident, there won't be any problem."

Xiao Ran has been in touch with Jiang Fan for such a long time, so he naturally knows Jiang Fan's temper.

After several times of cooperation, Jiang Fan's fighting power has been fully reflected in front of him. At least in the spirit world, Jiang fan is absolutely extraordinary.

On the other side, Jiang Fan has already stood in the forest, looking at Zhu Feng and others slowly coming up.

His eyes were cold and fixed on the line below.

Although he is not jealous of evil, Zhu Feng's character does make him feel uncomfortable. His master has to be imprisoned, and he treats people as livestock. Jiang Fan's way of life is the way of nature. He can't help but feel disgusted with this kind of person.

If he wants to leave smoothly, he will have a fight with Zhu Feng, otherwise there will be some troubles along the way.

Zhu Feng was cautious. Seeing Jiang Fan alone, he did not dare to step forward.

"Ambush people around? You don't think that a few mobs are my opponents of so many dijielishi, do you? This is Zhu Feng's world. None of you can leave. "

Jiang Fan tilted his head and watched him perform by himself. He said with a smile, "I'm alone. What do you mean by that?"

Zhu Feng sneered: "you take so many people to leave, when I am an idiot?"

"I don't need so many people to help you!"

Speaking of this, Jiang Fan looked at the sky and said calmly, "a little wind is enough."

Zhu Feng frowned, obviously did not understand Jiang Fan's meaning.

But he felt the breeze coming from above. Although it was not big, he could feel it clearly.

Then, he saw Jiang Fan take out the medicine bottle from his arms, then frowned slightly, and immediately thought of something.

"Something's wrong! Do it. Get him for me. "

With a roar of anger, more than 20 strongmen rushed to Jiang Fan at the same time.

Their breath is gathered together, and the skill of leaping snake is displayed almost at the same time. Jiang fan can feel how strong the power of these people's cooperation can be resolved, and he really can't break it. However, Jiang Fan has never been a diamond in the corner, and he did not intend to spend so much effort.

Seeing those people approaching, Jiang Fan opened the lid of the medicine bottle and sprinkled it in front of him. He was not nervous.

Zhu Feng felt that something was wrong, but when he thought about what was going on, he wanted to remind them that it was too late.

"Back up! There's something wrong with the powder! "He watched the 20 strong men fall down one after another, and no one came back.

His face was gloomy. He covered his nose and glared at Jiang Fan: "are you a pharmacist?"

Jiang Fan tilted his head and looked at him with a little sarcasm: "it seems that you have been the best in the world for a long time, and you have forgotten all the things outside. Their fighting power may not be weak, but they have no resistance in the face of the pharmacist's things. Can you rely on this body?"

Jiang Fan said, slowly walked toward him, through those comatose crowd, Jiang Fan did not care.

The ground behind Zhu Feng suddenly bulged, followed by a big snake.

A person and a snake stand together, looking at Jiang Fan, also didn't mean to retreat.

He found out the mask to cover his nose and mouth. He knew that even if he left at this time, Jiang Fan could catch up with him. Now Jiang fan is the only one who knows that if he is defeated, those people will fall into his hands sooner or later.

There was a sense of killing in his eyes: "you irritated me! I didn't expect you to be a pharmacist and have such fighting power. But does it really work? In the face of absolute strength, everything is futile. "

When he finished, the body began to change again. He was using the snake form to keep him in the strongest state.

"In the cave, I'm just careless. Do you really think I'm afraid of you?"

Jiang Fan had already come to him not far away: "if you are not afraid, you don't have to run away."

The next moment, two people moved at the same time, in a twinkling of an eye has collided together.

There's no way to use the spirit power here. The battle is very direct and it's just a hard fight.

Jiang Fan didn't try this time, but he did his best. He knew how much power he could burst out.

Zhu Feng's ability to unload his power has reached the level of perfection, and the transplanting of his power is also very exquisite. He constantly attacks Jiang Fan with his strength.

Jiang Fan completely let go, just by the flesh, Jiang Fan absolutely confident, completely suppress the opponent.

Shasha -

there is a sound coming from the side. Jiang fan knows that Zhu Feng's snake is hiding around at this time, and it will give him a fatal blow at any time.

In the twinkling of an eye, the two have gone through a hundred moves and are still fighting hard, but Jiang Fan has been suppressing the other side. Zhu Feng is embarrassed to resist, so he can only use his strength to respond to Jiang Fan.

Unfortunately, such an attack could not break Jiang Fan's defense.

Halfway up the mountain, the monks frowned, obviously worried about Jiang Fan.

Hongshan's father said, "you can't let a young man do his best, can you? All the body training friars come with me. Let's help and fight with them. "

The old man's eyes twinkled: "if you want to go, go together. It's no use staying here."

The party quickly chased Jiang Fan in the direction of leaving, but when they reached the woods, what they saw at first was the battle between Jiang Fan and Zhu Feng.

Not far away from them, more than 20 strong men fell on the ground. Although the breath was as usual, they had no response and fainted.

They stare big eyes, did not expect that Jiang Fan action so fast, really put down these steps.

Jiang Fan's strength is even more amazing.

Xiao Ran's eyes flashed, and suddenly said, "Jiang Fan, be careful on the right."

Even if he didn't need to say, Jiang Fan had already felt the huge figure on the right. The big snake opened its mouth and bit him directly.

Jiang Fan dodges, but Zhu Feng appears in that position.

"The snake twines."

With a roar of anger, the snake's tail suddenly entangled him with Jiang Fan. But the snake's muscles kept twisting and sent Zhu Feng out. Finally, the snake was completely entangled with Jiang Fan.

The power of this giant snake is amazing. Jiang fan can't open it after a try, but it's obviously impossible to strangle himself with this giant snake.

In the distance, the old man frowned: "not good!"

Zhu Feng suddenly pulled out a long sword from the rear. It was silver and extremely sharp.

He looked at Jiang Fan grimly: "you bastard really think you're going to eat me? Today I'll show you what it means to be unable to return to heaven. "

He walked towards the giant snake. The body of the giant snake kept twisting, and then revealed a little gap. It was Jiang Fan's stomach.

This is obviously one of his methods, and it's amazing.

He only needs to use the giant snake to bind his opponent, and then kill him with a sharp blade.

Qiu Hai was so angry that he left the old man and rushed to Zhu Feng.

"Dare to touch my father, I want your life!"

He is very fast, the last punch in the main peak body, Zhu Feng but as if nothing, coldly looked at him: "really why can dogs and cats challenge me?"

At that moment, Qiu Hai was like a prawn, flashing cold light, and his sword fell down directly and chopped at Qiu Hai's head.

A figure quickly appeared next to Qiu Hai and pulled him back a few steps. It was Xiao ran."Go back!"

Jiang Fan's voice vaguely came out of the giant snake's entanglement. Although it was not clear, Xiao ran understood that they were not Zhu Feng's opponents. Staying here was no different from sending him to death.

The friars gritted their teeth, but they didn't expect to solve the problem. Zhu Feng is still so difficult. Now they want to help Jiang Fan, but they don't know how to do it.

Hongshan's father Ning Zhong said: "no matter what, if you die, you go to restrain Zhu Feng. I'll find a way to save Jiang Fan."

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