See Jiang Fan frown, the little girl suddenly laugh, laugh very bright.

"Master, Xiao yue'er is lying to you! The power of the eggshell is also mine! Cluck, cluck... "

Teasing Jiang Fan, the little girl looks very happy.

Her hands were behind him and she looked at him with a smile. She was very cute.

The black skirt is embroidered with gold thread. Isn't it the same as other patterns on the egg before?

See Jiang Fan some stay, Qiu Yue twisted skirt, and then turn a circle.

"What's wrong with me? Master

Jiang Fan patted her head: "there's nothing wrong. Are you scaring me? Believe it or not, I'll lock you back in the sea of Qi? "

The little girl covered her mouth with her little hand and opened her eyes wide: "I'm so afraid!"

Later, his eyes showed a bit of cunning: "it's a pity you can't do it."

Jiang Fan really can't help her now, but do you want her to be soft? Obviously not. She doesn't care who you are.

He suddenly hands, directly hold the little girl's face, pain of her straight grin.

"Do you like it?" Jiang Fan said with a smile.

Little girl, tears in her eyes, nodded.

After Jiang fansong opened her hand, the little girl looked at Jiang Fan angrily with dissatisfaction in her eyes.

Jiang fan is in a good mood, because the girl has the ability to break the battle, so he doesn't have to worry too much and can't leave.

Jiang Fan touched her head: "I'll call you Xiao yue'er in the future. I'll call you Qiu Yue for fear of causing me trouble."

The little guy nodded, "OK, master."

"You don't have to call me master, just my brother."

The little guy just showed a smile: "brother!"

Jiang Fan ignored her and let her play by herself. He turned and walked towards the old man.

"When it's done, I'll probably figure out how to leave this world. I believe it's not a big problem. I can leave together at that time."

The old man's eyes brightened and looked at Jiang Fan in surprise: "is this really true?"

"Of course! However, we have to wait until we get back to Dongyuan city. "

The old man was a little excited. At this time, his feeling was completely different from that when he was saved by Jiang Fan.

"My husband Miao Wuyang will definitely repay Mr. Jiang."

Jiang Fan chuckled: "let's wait until we leave. Now there are still some things to deal with."

With that, he went straight to the faint soldiers.

He took out another medicine bottle, poured out the powder, sprinkled it directly on them, and then sat beside them, waiting for them to wake up.

The friars are very scared. They have suffered a lot in the hands of these people.

They gathered together and looked at Jiang Fan from a distance.

When these 20 strong men woke up, they all felt like they had a long sleep, but then they woke up suddenly and recalled the current situation.

See not far away Jiang Fan, these people are one Leng, vigilantly looking at him, well-trained, breath moment together.

Jiang Fan didn't get up. He just shook the medicine bottle in his hand, which made these strongmen step back and guard Jiang Fan. They still haven't figured out what's going on and why Jiang Fan put them down. It's very strange.

Jiang Fan said: "you don't have to be nervous. My name is Jiang Fan. Zhu Feng has been beheaded. From now on, you will be in charge of Zhanshen palace. You can choose another leader."

Those Li Shi Leng next, eyes swept next, then see lie on the ground of Zhu Feng, immediately commotion.

In their eyes, Zhu Feng is a powerful man in the sky. He has great fighting power and the protection of the snake. He is invincible. How can he die?

But the fact is in front of them, they can't think it over.

"Outsiders, you have killed the Lord of the war god palace. Are you not afraid of our revenge?"

Jiang Fan shrugged and didn't care.

"Outsiders? Zhu Feng, like us, is an outsider. His master is imprisoned in the cave. Don't you know that? "

Several people are silent. They have heard something, but they can't be confirmed.

Jiang Fan said calmly, "besides, I'm an outsider in your mouth. If I really have malice, will you live till now?"

They were stunned, but they immediately realized that Jiang Fan was not joking. They really had a direct relationship with Jiang fan when they lived until now. Just by their state just now, if Jiang Fan wanted their lives, it would be as easy as searching for things.

You look at me and I look at you. The last one came out.

"Thank you for not killing us. What else do you want from us?"

Jiang Fan nodded: "there is only one requirement, and we will not arrest outsiders from now on. You can set up laws and regulations to treat foreigners equally. If outsiders are in trouble, you can directly punish them. "

Hearing this, the monks in the rear were excited.They have gone through that period of time. Of course, they don't want anyone to come here again and get the same treatment. Although the rules of the world suppress the sea of Qi and can't exert their power, people are pretty good. The contradiction between the strongmen and the friars is completely because of Zhu Feng's instigation.

It's Jide for Jiang Fan to do this now. He can't stay here all the time. After he leaves, the situation of Cangfeng mountain still exists. I don't know how many people will be involved here. Maybe his old friends and friends are all possible, so it's most important to fundamentally change here.

Nalish nodded: "I understand. Since the strong want peace, so does the temple of war. "

Jiang Fan was also happy and said directly, "OK, there will be nothing wrong with you after that. Go back to Zhanshen palace. I hope Zhu Feng will never appear again."

More than 20 people nodded and walked down the mountain.

After Zhu Feng's body, a strong man stopped and turned back to Jiang Fan and said, "I have another thing to ask."

Jiang Fan looked at him suspiciously and said calmly, "you say!"

"No matter what his status is, Zhu Feng is also the head of our God of war palace. We want to take him back to the scenery funeral, which can also stabilize the people's hearts. But you can rest assured that we will do what we promise you as soon as possible, and we won't trouble outsiders any more."

Jiang Fan said with a smile, "just take it away. It's really cheap for him."

"Thank you very much."

Several people clasped their fists, then left quickly with Zhu Feng's body.

Xiao ran came up to Jiang Fan and said, "you guys are really good at being human. I don't know if these guys can keep their word."

Jiang Fan said with a smile: "that's their business. I've done everything I can. Have a good rest. We'll leave here when qiansen has accepted the inheritance. "

"Are you sure you've found a way out?"

Jiang Fan looked at Xiao yue'er: "with her, there must be no problem."

With that, Jiang Fan sat on the ground and studied the skill of the snake carefully. While he was in the holy mountain, he could practice this strange skill as soon as possible.

He doesn't need all the skills of leaping snake. He just needs the skill to release his power. As long as he can master this skill, his future combat power will be greatly improved.

The monks gathered together in the distance stared at Jiang Fan and sighed incomparably. "This is a strange boy."

Miao Wuyang walked up to the crowd and said seriously, "Jiang Fangang just told me that he could take us out of this realm. The exit is in the direction of Dongyuan city."

Someone exclaimed: "is this really true?"

"I don't know, but this boy shouldn't talk wild, and the little girl is very magical, not oppressed by the rules of the world. It seems that this boy has a great chance."

Someone sighed: "if you can really take us out, I may not be able to get the favor in my life."

"This boy is just like what Xiao ran said. He will have many enemies in the future. Anyway, I will support him. As long as I am not allowed to die here, even if I die in the outside world. "

"Old Miao! Are you serious? I'm a loner. I don't have any obstacles. If you really want to protect Jiang Fan's path, you can count me as one. "

Another person stood up: "count me in! Decades ago, I was waiting to die. I didn't think there would be a chance to go out. If I could leave here, I would like to protect Jiang Fan together. "

Several friars who had no family control made their choice one after another.

The reason is very simple. From Jiang Fan entering the cave and saving them, to now solving Zhu Feng and taking them out, he didn't ask for anything, even a little bit.

One man fights with several masters, and they are not allowed to participate in it.

Isn't it really dangerous? If it wasn't for the strange little girl, the consequences would be unpredictable. They would see all this in their eyes.

It's just a young man, but he shows calmness and calmness beyond his age. With this alone, give him a guard. When he grows up in the future, they will get benefits, and they will not follow him in vain.

What's more, Miao Wuyang is a master of Shentai. He can hold up a large gate and follow him. It's good for these monks.

Jiang Fan didn't know that his decision had brought him so many followers, which was the treatment he couldn't get.

When he became the king of medicine, his followers were all attracted to him, but he didn't know how many villains there were.


That night, qiansen was sent out of the cave by a strange force.

Later, the mountains merged.

The mountain shakes again, and Jiang Fan wakes up and goes to the other side of the mountain to look for Qian Sen.

Qian Sen sat there, his body exuding a strange breath, which is very similar to that of the holy mountain. This is the breath that has never appeared in Zhu Feng.

Jiang fan understands that this is the real inheritance of Shen Tiange. The inheritance Zhu Feng got is probably left by Teng snake, which can also explain why he signed a contract with the giant snake.Before long, Qian Sen woke up from his cultivation and saw Jiang Fan with a smile on his face.

"Thank you! If it wasn't for you, I would never get this inheritance. That's the essence of the art of Teng snake. "

Jiang Fan said with a smile: "you deserve it. The inheritance left by master Shen Tiange should be left to you. However, if you don't mind, I can delve into this snake skill in the future, which may enlighten me. "

"No problem, I'm your follower, and my things are yours," chuckled chanson

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