Jiang fan is not in a hurry. Even after the disaster, he still has a smile on his face.

"There may be too many people who have offended me, and there are many people who want to kill me. It doesn't matter. My life is very hard. People who want to kill me will not come to a good end."

Seeing that he was so calm, Tang Xiong said with a smile: "this will certainly happen on the road of fighting, but you can rest assured that since Lin Xiao is going to come out, he will find out the man sooner or later."

Jiang Fan did not deny the ability of baihuazong, nodded: "it depends on the patriarch."

After that, Tang Xiong went to find Lin Xiao and left first.

Shen Meng cooks for Jiang Fan in person, and Ling Yue returns later.

I was surprised to see Shen Meng. Shen Meng is very famous in Baihua academy and Baihua sect. The master pharmacists of Baihua academy all say that she has the qualification to become a heaven level pharmacist.

It seems that the relationship with Jiang fan is extraordinary.

"Do you know each other?" Ling Yue was surprised.

"I asked Shen Meng to come here. Try her craft. You have to learn it well." Jiang Fan joked.

Hearing this, Ling Yue eyebrows slightly pick, this cooking is really not her strength.

"Let's not talk about the food. How are you now? Those three arrows are really terrible. I'm afraid one arrow will kill me. "

"You can eat and drink, you can't die." Jiang Fan said with a smile.

Shen Meng has not spoken, sitting next to Jiang Fan, don't know what to write.

Ling Yue frowned and said, "you are heartless. You are like this. Don't you have any idea? In my opinion, you are likely to be targeted. It's very troublesome for you to be targeted by that super master. Are you going to stay in the clan and wait for this thing to end? "

Jiang Fan said: "soldiers come to block, water comes to cover, at least for the next period of time that guy will not appear, otherwise he will have more trouble than me."

Ling Yue said with a bitter smile: "master has already told me that when I found you in the big pit, you were dying and almost died. That kind of master is really terrible. You must be careful."

"Don't stay here for a few days. Your poison will be almost cured in a few days. I'll take the pills that I refined on the third, ninth and sixteenth day, and I'll have a big harvest if I shut up for three days. "

Ling Yue nodded: "I see. Can you have no one to look after you? "

Shen Meng said to one side, "just have me."

Ling Yue didn't say much. After a few words with them, she left alone.

After he left, Jiang Fan became calm. He didn't need to cover up in the face of Shen Meng. He was seriously injured.

The meridians in the body are in a mess. The three arrows are merciless. It's obvious that they must be killed. It's not easy for Jiang Fan to survive.

Shen Meng has been busy, never bothering Jiang Fan.

Jiang Fan's mind is constantly recalling all kinds of things after his rebirth. He wants to know who did it, and he has to die.

He did offend a lot of people along the way, but few of them really took him as their enemy. Although Jincheng regarded him as a thorn in the eye, he was not able to do it because of his personality. What's more, there were experts behind him, so Jincheng would not do it.

There are several people in the capital, but for him now, they are just small people, and they can't afford to hire such experts.

It's useless for baihuazong to find out the master. The life chasing bow has proved the identity of this man. It's a heaven level spirit treasure from a force, hunting heaven.

Lietian is a very secret killer force. I don't know how many famous figures fell into the hands of this force.

It's a pity that this force is too mysterious. No one knows where their base camp is. They have a lot of rules. Their prices are surprisingly high and they seldom fail.

This time they killed Jiang Fan and sent out a killer who took his life nine times. It shows how cautious they are.

Even if this person is caught by baihuazong, he will commit suicide without hesitation, and the blood debt will be attributed to "hunting heaven", which has nothing to do with other people.

Jiang Fan once had contact with this force and saw the longbow and the life seeking bow. The long bow does not need to recognize the Lord, as long as the realm is enough, it can be driven.

Unfortunately, Jiang fan doesn't know where the headquarters of this hunting heaven is. If one day hunting heaven appears among the world, it will surely become the target of all forces. There is no doubt about the power of this hunting heaven.

Ling Yue had a saying before that was right. He was targeted by this killer force, but it was very troublesome. If he failed, they would continue to kill him next time until they killed the target.

Jiang fan doesn't know how much he has, but it's not easy to invite someone who can move the killer force. At least his financial resources are amazing.

Jiang fan doesn't need to worry now. At least during the period of Baihua sect, he won't have any problems. Who dares to enter Baihua sect to commit a crime? A hundred lives is not enough to die.

In the evening, Jiang Fan asks Shen Meng to leave. He plans to practice for one night. He uses his method of Dan Dao with Dan medicine. He believes that within two days, the injury of the meridians will recover, and other injuries are not a problem.

Shen Meng is always clever. She left alone and returned to Baihua Academy.One night without words, the next morning, a beautiful woman came into his house, silent.

When Jiang Fan wakes up from his cultivation, he sees a woman looking at him with a smile on her face. Her whole body is in a cold sweat. This is Lin Xiao, the most powerful one in baihuazong, with a terrible high realm.

Most of all, she is eccentric and can't be offended.

Jiang Fan quickly gets up.

"Meet the Lord."

Lin Xiao was a little surprised: "do you know me?"

Jiang Fan said with a smile, "if you can enter my residence quietly in baihuazong, it must be the high-level of the clan. You are the only one who comes and goes without a trace."

"You don't know who you've offended, so you asked lietian to send an expert to kill you."

Jiang Fan said with a smile: "I will not go out in baihuazong. I don't think the killer forces dare to send someone to kill me."

Lin Xiao looked at Jiang Fan with great interest: "you are really unusual. You even know that huntian is a killer force. It seems that you can't be underestimated."

Jiang Fan knew that he had said too much and laughed awkwardly.

"My master told me." He decided to leave everything unexplained on Yao Wang.

Lin Xiao didn't ask much, then said: "the person who shot you has escaped from Nanyu state, and no one has been caught. I'm really sorry for you. Do you want any compensation? I will satisfy you as much as I can

Jiang Fan said: "just give me some medicine!"

He is not greedy. Baihuazong is very good. Their protection is much better than some elixirs.

Lin Xiaodao said: "this can't work. It seems that my hundred flowers sect is too stingy. Let's exchange for some other compensation. You can rest assured that this is my personal compensation to you."

Jiang Fan suddenly thought of something and said with a smile, "I really need a rare thing. I can use pills to compensate."

"Your pills don't work for me. Just say what you want."

Jiang fan is not polite, of course.

"The earth of all things!"

This is what Jiang Fan needs most now. Although he has some on him, it's not enough for him to grow up in it. He still needs a few handfuls of earth.

Lin Xiao was not surprised. This earth is very important to pharmacists. With Jiang Fan's attainments in Dan Dao, of course, he also needs this kind of thing.

"I do have some of them, but they are not on me. I'll give them to you later. I heard that the carefree master invited you to carefree villa? "

Jiang Fan nodded: "the elder said that he would come here to see me later."

Lin Xiao didn't have a good way: "that old guy doesn't put any influence in his eyes. He has super strength. Don't offend him, or else when there is trouble, baihuazong can't bear his anger."

"Don't worry, Lord. I won't make trouble."

Lin Xiao then talked with him about some other things. Jiang Fan felt that the other party was trying. He knew everything he could say, and he would skillfully avoid everything he could not. He was a man of two generations, and he was very smooth.

After the patriarch left, Jiang Fan looked inside and checked the situation of his internal meridians. He was already quite good.

Take out the fairy gold and play with it in your hand, then put it away.

In the afternoon, a figure from the outside of Baihua sect flew into the sect. It was disrespectful to the sect, but no one stopped it. Even the experts of Baihua sect didn't show up. The visitor was the carefree master.

It seems that Jiang Fan's breath has been locked, and he comes here quickly.

Entering Jiang Fan's residence, the carefree master frowned slightly.

Jiang Fan also wakes up from cultivation at this time, sees the comer, and quickly gets up to meet him.

The carefree master looked at Jiang Fan and frowned: "what's the matter? How did you get this injury? You won easily that day

Jiang Fan didn't hide and told the carefree master what happened after he left.

After hearing this, the venerable was also stunned, and then he was furious: "did the sky Hunter shoot you in my territory? What a jerk

Jiang Fan didn't expect the carefree master to say that. Judging from his tone, he may have dealt with this force.

"That man is holding a life seeking bow, three arrows in all. If I didn't have the ability to protect myself, I would have finished it long ago."

Master Xiaoyao grabs Jiang Fan's arm and checks Jiang Fan's meridians. "The repaired 7788, lietian is so bold now. Don't worry, I will do something later."

Jiang Fan's eyes moved when he heard this, and then he said directly: "elder, I don't care about the person who shot me. If the elder does it, how about helping me next?"

"What do you want?"

Jiang Fan said calmly: "I want to know who found the killer!"

Hearing Jiang Fan's words, the carefree master nodded. "It's not difficult. Leave it to me. You pack up and come with me. Go to my place and have a look. "

It's a good thing that we said before. Jiang Fan certainly won't refuse. And now, where can the carefree venerable be safer?Jiang fan made a brief arrangement, and then followed the carefree master to leave his residence.

He can see that Mo Li and Zhu Rong are not far away from the foot of the mountain, looking this way. The carefree master enters the sect, and they know it at the first time. When they come here to see Jiang Fan, they can rest assured that Jiang fan is OK.

As for the carefree master, he is free to come and go anywhere in the south rain state. No one will stop him, and of course they will not.

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