Jiang fan doesn't have to think about it at all.

He said, "what can I do for you? Go straight back to the beast mountain

The demon master was a little surprised, and even said: "are you kidding? Go back now, isn't that the same as looking for death? "

Jiang Fan said calmly: "if we don't go now, there will be no chance after that. When they get rid of all the demon masters, it's too late to go back. They have found that we are tracking, so they will be caught off guard. There's no time to waste. Lead the way as soon as possible."

They also have no reason to refute Jiang Fan. They can only set out and take Jiang Fan to the beast mountain.

Jiang Fan has never been to the beast mountain. Even before he was born again, he just watched from afar.

He is very strange to the mountains full of demons, but this time he is a fox, and he is led by demons experts, so he doesn't need to worry.

Before arriving at the beast mountain, several demon clan experts felt something was wrong.

Jiang Fan found that the villages on both sides of the road were invisible.

These are the villages of the demons. They are different from the human race. Each ethnic group has its own place of residence. Because of this, there are many demons villages around the beast mountain. But now these demons are not in the villages. Something must have happened.

That demon clan superior way: "should be demon emperor order."

Jiang Fan frowned at him: "is that the token that can command the demon clan?"

"Not only that, the order of the demon emperor is also the jade seal of the demon family. Only when the order of the demon emperor comes out, the demon family will all go to the beast mountain for pilgrimage. It seems that there is really a big problem. The royal family will not use him unless they have to."

"That is to say, the demon emperor changed his master?"

The demon master nodded: "it must be! It's a problem. We can't get in at all. "

Jiang Fan frowned: "can't you get in? What does that mean? "

"If wanhushan is lost, we must be wanted. Our presence is no different from death. Ten thousand beast mountain is the garrison of the demon clan. Although there is no city like that of the human race, the demon clan is dozens of times sharper than the human race. In addition to the big battle, even the flies can't fly in. "

Hearing what he said, Jiang Fan thought for a while: "I can always sneak in alone, can't I?"

Hearing this, Shi Chengtian was shocked: "no! Boss, you can't go alone. You're not familiar with life and land there. Your realm is far from that of those experts. "

The demon master suddenly thought of something: "it's said that Jiang Fan has a Taoist protector around him, at least he is also a master of Shentai realm. Is he nearby?"

Several demon clans are looking forward to it. If there is such a master, it will be very sure. As long as you save all the masters of beast mountain, what else do you need to be afraid of?

Unfortunately, this time Jiang Fan let them down: "no! Now it's not clear what's going on inside. I'll just take you in, and you can show me the way then. "

Now they couldn't figure it out: "I don't understand what you mean. Do you have a way to take us in?"

Jiang Fan nodded: "no problem! You guys stand together. "

They stand together and don't understand what Jiang Fan means. The next moment, a few people feel a strange power wrapped around them.

Jiang Fan reminded them: "don't resist!"

The next moment, the demons disappear in the same place. Several people find that the surrounding area suddenly turns into a medicine garden, but the smell is obviously different from before.

"What is this place?" said the lion

Jiang Fan's voice came from the void: "this is my medicine garden. Although the place is a little small, you should not be forced to stay in it. What else do I need to enter the beast mountain?"

"Yao clan's waist token, I have a fox clan's waist token here."

A man took out the waist tag, and then the waist tag suddenly disappeared in his hand, which made him stunned and very surprised. What's the matter?

The master next to him was thoughtful, then he opened his eyes: "this is the small world Lingbao! It's also called Dongtian Lingbao. It's a treasure of ancient times. It's similar to a treasure bag. But there's heaven and earth in it. It can put living things. I didn't expect that he had one. "

"No matter what, Jiang Fan should have no problem mixing in alone. I hope everything will be in time."

And Jiang Fan at this time with waist tag, toward the direction of beast mountain.

He is not slow and wants to arrive as soon as possible.

According to his understanding of wanhushan, the ancestor of the mad lion clan is very powerful. He is definitely not inferior to Lin Xiao and Miao Wuyang. Although wanduzong is not weak, there should be only one person who can restrict him.

It's obviously not easy to beat it.

Even if there are demons to help, it's hard to really defeat the ancestor of the crazy lion clan.

Jiang Fan, according to Shi Chengtian's description, keeps going in the direction of ten thousand beast mountain. He can see that many demon tribes are going in the same direction. People are in danger, and the situation is not very good.

Occasionally, you can see some masters of wanduzong pass by. For the outside world, Jiang fan is likely to solve these guys immediately. Unfortunately, the most important thing now is to help Shi Chengtian solve the immediate crisis. Maybe it's also a chance for him. Few of the Terrans can make friends with the demons.Along the direction of these demons, you will soon see the entrance of the beast mountain.

At this time, it was blocked by Wandu clan and some demon clans. Every demon clan who entered Wanshou mountain would check carefully. If there was any suspicious demon clan, it would be arrested immediately. Obviously, Wandu clan would not let it go.

It's Jiang Fan's turn to give the waist tag to the other party for inspection. There's nothing suspicious. Follow the person in front of him to pass through the entrance and enter the beast mountain.

Soon, Jiang Fan heard the news that the war in the beast mountain was not over, and the royal family and some demon experts had been arrested and put into prison.

The tiger clan and wanduzong united, and Xiangbi instantly controlled some affiliated demon clans, and even got the order from the demon king. The first thing was to call all the demon clans together. The tiger clan wanted to replace the crazy lion clan and rule the beast mountain.

As he walked, Jiang Fan looked around. Jiang Fan was almost sure that the beast mountain was in chaos. Many demon clans who are loyal to the royal family have been arrested, and some of them choose to be wise and neutral. Who is in the top position has little influence on them.

Jiang Fan inquires about the location of the cell from Shi Chengtian and others. At this time, the experts of the demon clan are all imprisoned there. They are poisoned and can't break free. Now he must go there first and try to save everyone.

It has to be said that the effect of Heisha powder is surprisingly good. Even if the stronger monks are recruited, their realm will be seriously affected, and with the aggravation of the toxicity, the effect of the image is more obvious.

According to the calculation from the beginning of the accident of wanhushan, the combat power of those experts may only be 30%, otherwise it will not cause today's consequences.

Now, he has a little more expectation in his heart. He finds that there are many disciples coming to wanduzong. If wanhushan is really upset this time, wanduzong will surely suffer a heavy loss. I'm afraid it will be in a state of great vitality for a long time. This is what Jiang Fan really wants to see.

Shi Chengtian and others can only place all their hopes on Jiang Fan at this time. If they appear now, they will be besieged.

Wanhushan's cell is very strange. The demon clan can only play 30% of its power in it, but it has no effect on other groups. However, the poisoned demon clan experts are imprisoned here, and their combat power is limited to a lower level. This is Jiang Fan's first goal.

How to fight at the top of the mountain is not what Jiang Fan needs to consider now. He is in his present state, and it is almost impossible to turn things around by himself.

Shi Chengtian and others are very familiar with the route. Jiang Fan just said a few characteristic buildings, and they said a very clear route. Jiang Fan just needs to go quickly.

There are still many ethnic groups here, and the fox is one of them. When Jiang Fan came to the prison, he found that the gate was guarded by the monks of Wandu sect.

These monks are pretty strong, almost all of them are in the realm of alchemy. It seems that wanduzong wants to be careful here.

Jiang Fan followed several demon clans in front of him and walked towards the cell. After approaching, he knew that all these demon clans wanted to go in and see their families. This time, too many demon clans were detained, and these demon clans were specially found by Wandu sect.

At the gate of the cell, the disciple of the ten thousand poison sect said impatiently, "after you go in, you should persuade your clan leader and your relatives. As long as you are loyal to the tiger clan, you will let them go immediately, and you will be rewarded heavily. Otherwise, the only thing waiting for them is death, or even life is not like death. I think they should know the means of wanduzong. "

These demon clans are actually what they seek to persuade to surrender.

Jiang Fan mixed in and prepared to enter together.

Suddenly, he was stopped by the disciples of wanduzong: "are you a fox? There are no masters of your clan in it. Why do you come here? "

Jiang Fan said: "I'm not a fox, I'm a wolf, but my ears are a little short!"

What else did the other party want to say, but a group of demons came back, and he didn't say much more. Let Jiang Fan go. Don't you believe that a demons can turn the sky when they enter the prison?

Jiang Fan's eyes twinkle and follows the demon clan in front of him into the cell.

Shi Chengtian and others know that Jiang Fan has successfully sneaked in. They are worried and want to leave as soon as possible, but Jiang fan is far from the time to let them be calm.

In this cell, they can only exert 30% of their fighting power. I don't know that there are no masters of Wandu sect here. It's better not to let them take risks, so they can't cause him any trouble.

In the cell, Jiang fan can hear the beating of the whip and the roar of the beast.

In some cells, many strong demon clans are locked up here with shackles and are deeply poisoned.

Many of them are demon warriors. They guard the beast mountain and have their dignity.

Those who are locked up here are undoubtedly supporters of the mad lion clan, otherwise they would not be locked up here.

It's time for the tiger tribe to employ people. Almost all the demons here have reached the realm of alchemy. Jiang Fan also saw several demons in the realm of killing people, but these are obviously not what Jiang Fan wants to find.

Jiang Fan's voice rang out in the Dongtian Lingbao: "where should those Royal experts be imprisoned? Now here are all demon warriors, but there are no real masters. ""Go north, the deepest cell, where the array is the most powerful and the suppression of the demon clan is the strongest. They are probably locked up there."

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