However, as long as Wanyao mountain is settled this time, wanduzong will be greatly weakened.

Jiang Fan's elixir is ready. It can break out later and solve the problem.

Looking at the trapped old lion from a distance, Jiang Fan felt that the realm was too strong. That day in the valley of blood rock, he could see clearly in the fog.

Black fog entangles the two killers. Miao Wuyang suddenly moves his hand. The action is very simple. He just suddenly raises his hand and cuts his fingertips across their throats to solve the problem easily.

In his opinion, Miao Wuyang looks more like a killer than those two killers.

Wanduzong also has a master of Shentai realm. However, he didn't come here and didn't make up his mind. Otherwise, these days, the ancestor of the mad lion clan might be taken.

Jiang Fan took the Yin Qi pill, which was very inconspicuous in the dense canopy.

Ow -

the lion roared again. Jiang Fan could feel the trees shaking violently under his feet, which was very powerful.

However, this time, the direction of the mountain also heard the roar of the lion, two roars of the lion echo, let the top of the demon clan and ten thousand poison master at the same time a shock.

Several life changing masters looked at each other, then rushed down the mountain at the same time. They are very clear, can't let the demon clan master fight, if released this trapped crazy lion clan ancestor, then they will have no chance.

Everything is under control. Jiang Fan's mouth rises and his body is strange. He rushes to the ground quickly and then runs to the top of the mountain.

The pill in Jiang Fan's hand has been crushed by the fire and turned into medicine. He is so fast that he seems to be incarnated in a dark shadow. Then his figure suddenly appears in the air, and then there is a roar, which rings from the top of the mountain.


Purple awn completely broke out, the speed was so fast that it was shocking, and almost half of the peak was submerged in an instant.

In an instant, the disciples of wanduzong fell one by one on the top of the mountain, and they had no ability to resist.

The joint arrangement of the trap cage suddenly became loose. The ancestor of the mad lion clan saw all this and immediately understood what was going on.

Zixuansha is still spreading, and then with the sudden outbreak of the ancestor of the lion clan, he abruptly pats the magic cage.

Several disciples of wanduzong in the lethal realm burst out blood in an instant, and their powerful anti phage force was beyond their imagination.

At this time, several ten thousand poison monks went straight to Jiang Fan. They could see clearly that Jiang Fan was playing tricks on everything.

The ancestor of the crazy lion clan is out of trouble now, and there is no chance to catch him again. They must catch Jiang Fan, or they can't go back to work.

These people are all poison masters in the lethal realm. In an instant, several kinds of poison skills are fighting against Jiang Fan. Jiang fan doesn't care. He dodges skillfully in the air, and his poison skill can't touch his body at all.

After breaking through the blockade, the ancestor of the mad lion clan was like a tiger into a flock of sheep. These ten thousand poison sect disciples were like weeds in front of him. He looked at Jiang Fan: "Terran boy, thank you for your help. I helped you to kill these people."

Jiang Fan said with a smile, "they can't help me. I'll help them."

Seeing that Jiang Fan was so confident, the old lion family didn't hesitate. His eyes were cold, with fierce light and full of killing intention. He was really angry.

Jiang Fan did not feel the slightest pressure in the face of several opponents of wanduzong. Their poison skill was restrained by Jiang Fan. In terms of speed, Jiang Fan even threw them a few blocks away. There was no comparison at all.

The medicine King domain emerged and covered several people in an instant.

Jiang Fan's figure disappeared in it. Within ten seconds, ten thousand poison monks fell from the fog, one by one.

The zixuansha is still rampant on the top of the mountain. At least the disciples of the ten thousand poison sect are not in a good state. They will be in a coma immediately. This is the terrible thing about Jiang Fan's medicine method.

Even before his rebirth, Jiang Fan's fighting power was not very strong, but the lethality of group warfare was quite terrible.

I'm afraid the monks of wanduzong will never think that a long-time operation they planned was turned around by a young man less than 20 years old at the stage of almost complete victory, which completely wasted their efforts and even suffered heavy losses.

This is the case at this time.

After Jiang Fan seriously injured these people, he quietly went into the woods and rushed down the mountain.

He has done enough work in the beast mountain, and the rest can be done by their demon clan experts. If he stays, the demon clan will surely give him rich rewards, but in Jiang Fan's opinion, the human relationship of wanhushan is more important.

This time, he was ready to do something and left without informing Shi Chengtian and others. He had more to do.

Halfway up the mountain, he watched from a distance that the masters of wanduzong and fox clan could resist. Some of them even started to flee and stay here. They had only one way to die. The ancestor of the mad lion clan was too strong to resist.

Jiang Fan's mouth rises and quickly submerges into the woods, ready to leave the beast mountain.

While he was on his way, he did not forget to change some of his appearance. The quality of Lingbao is good. Unfortunately, he was told his identity by the ancestor. When you arrive at Shentai, you will be regarded as extraordinary. Your combat power and strength will be better than one level. Compared with changing your life, it has undergone tremendous changes.Jiang Fan left Wanyao mountain in the evening. He went back to Lihuo Dynasty alone.

According to his current speed, it won't take long to reach the Lihuo Dynasty, and Longze county is next to the golden beast island.

Xiao yue'er has been awakened by Jiang Fan now. Seeing that Jiang Fan has changed, the little girl still laughs for a long time.

On the other hand, Jiang Fan asked: "girl, I'm asking you now. If I find a secret place, can you take me in?"

Xiaoyueer nodded: "it's OK to expend some strength, but my brother has to give me some elixir to absorb the aura, otherwise I will be very hungry."

Jiang Fan said with a smile: "as long as you can let me into that secret place, you can take any elixir in my treasure bag."

Xiaoyueer said with a smile: "it's a deal. Brother, don't lie to me. "

Jiang Fan's goal is very clear, that is Wufeng mountain.

At the beginning, he found Xiangen in Longze county. He went all the way to Wufeng mountain and saw yulinglong, who was born not long ago. But at that time, Jiang Fan's realm was very weak, and he didn't have Xianjin to help him. So he had no way to take Xiangen. This time, he was fully prepared. No matter what, he had to take it down.

Jiang Fan finds out the treasure bag that Lin Xiao gave him that day. When his divine sense comes into it, his eyes are bright. There is a small pile of earth in it.

Lin Xiao is so generous that he gives him so much earth. Jiang fan is in a good mood. These earth can at least let Yu Linglong stay in it.

He took Xiao yue'er to enter the Lingbao in the cave first, and then put the earth pile of all things in the center. Yulinglong was planted here. The smell of Xiangen can nourish the elixir in the whole Lingbao, and the effect is amazing.

Back to the outside world, Xiao yue'er follows Jiang Fan and jumps.

Now he has entered the Lihuo Dynasty, not far ahead is Longze county. When he returns to his hometown, Jiang fan is in a good mood.

Jiang Fan was born here. After his rebirth, it is also the starting point. Although the Jiang family is no longer here, he has made many friends here and found the warmth of his home again.

Wufeng mountain faces each other from afar, but he is not in a hurry. He decides to take xiaoyue'er to Longze county to have a look.

When the Jiang family left, they didn't take anything with them. The Jiang government compensated them and sent another group of people here.

The situation of Qiao family is similar to that of that year. Generally speaking, the change of Longze County in recent years is not very big. The disciples sent by Jiang family are not much different from that of that year.

In Wanzhen building, moustache, who used to be in charge here, took xiaoyueer to taste the famous snack in Longze county. Because of his dress, no one recognized him.

After staying for half a day, I took the little guy to leave Longze county and go to Wufeng mountain.

In the past few years, the mountains around Wufeng mountain have not changed much. At least for Jiang Fan, none of them has grown a tree.

Although there are many herbs along the way, Jiang fan is not interested in identifying them one by one. At this time, his mind is full of the shadow of the fairy root jade. He has been waiting for this day for a long time.

There are still some adventurers here occasionally. Jiang Fan has no contact with them. A demon clan is with a little girl in this deep mountain forest. It's really weird.

The little girl looked at the Wufeng mountain from a distance, her eyes twinkling, with a bit of surprise.

"There is really a big ban on the peak in the center. Is that where my brother is going?"

Jiang Fan said with a smile: "yes, that's it! Is there a way to get into it? "

The little girl nodded: "no problem! I also feel the spiritual power inside is very strong. I like this kind of place. "

Xiaoyueer is very happy. For her, Lingli is the best tonic. Of course, she likes it.

All the way to the central mountain, when he came to the foot of the mountain, Jiang Fan found that there were many people gathered here, which made him frown.

Looking around, there are nearly a hundred people. There is no strong one in it. The strongest one is only in the realm of alchemy. It's not bad near Longze county.

Jiang Fan has no scruples and directly takes Xiao yue'er to walk towards them. Before he gets close, he hears several groups of people arguing about something.

"The treasure was discovered by our dongyuanmen disciples first. You have to be behind us if you want to find it."

"Fart! If you have a chance to get the treasures in the world, do you think you saw them first? Who can testify? I've been here a few years ago at egret villa

These are some small sects near Longze county. I don't know what I saw here. Maybe the playful yulinglong was found. But with these people's vision, even if yu Linglong was placed in front of them, he would never recognize them.

Jiang Fan didn't have time to talk to them. He went straight to the mountain peak and said to Xiao yue'er, "how long will it take to break through that barrier?"

Xiaoyueer is very confident: "you can break it at any time, but I will consume a lot of spiritual power. Don't forget what you promised me!"

Jiang Fan took out a few pills and handed them to her: "this is much more powerful than the elixir. Can you use it directly?"She picked it up quickly, her head even a few times, and her mouth was very sweet.

"Brother is the best."

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