Jiang Tianhai directly clasped his fist with some respect.

"See you

Jiang Fan didn't open his mouth all the time. He stared at the young man in front of him. He was shocked. He was sure that he was an old man who didn't know how many years he had been. He was much bigger than Xiao.

But that realm is the same as what he perceives, only the top of the innate realm. According to the truth, the life span of such a realm is far from so much.

Judging from the position of the building outside, this man's position is in the front of Jiang's house, and this strength is obviously not consistent with his position.

"Junior Jiang Fan, I'd like to meet you."

Jiang fan is very respectful. Some things are not judged by the state of mind.

The young guy got out of bed slowly, no sorrow or happiness. After looking at them, he slowly said, "sit down."

Two people find a place to sit down, Jiang Tianhai takes the lead in opening.

"Ancestor, I've brought you fan'er. This child has a good chance, and now the realm is not weak. This time our branch rises, it's thanks to this child."

"It's really good. I finally have a good posterity among Jiang Yao's descendants."

He looked at Jiang Fan, but found that the latter was looking at him with a strange look. He tilted his head and looked at Jiang Fan with a smile: "little guy, what's wrong? Because of my cultivation? "

Jiang Fan walked forward a few steps, frowned slightly, staring at Jiang Yao. "Poisoned?"

Jiang Tianhai was stunned and then scolded: "fan'er! Don't be rude

The young man was surprised to see Jiang Fan, some surprised: "how do you know I am poisoned?"

Jiang Fan didn't care about his father's scolding. He was just afraid that he would irritate the ancestor. He was still calm and didn't panic.

"Although Laozu Lingtai is as vast as the sea, there is a black line that cuts off the meridians of the whole body. As a result, Lingli can't work, the sea of Qi dries up, and the realm declines. The black line is messy. It seems that it will take at least 300 years to reach the present level. Within 30 years, my grandfather's life will be in danger! "

His words are very direct and there is no concealment. As the king of medicine, he is always outspoken in this situation.

Jiang Tianhai knew that his son was a pharmacist, but he didn't expect that he could say so much in an instant.

Jiang Yao was even more surprised and smiling.

"You really have some skills. We've never had a strong pharmacist in the Jiang family. You're the only one. Tell me what poison is in my heart

Without any consideration, Jiang Fan calmly said: "ancient strange poison, broken pulse dust!"

Hearing this, Jiang Tianhai looks at the expression of his father. He also wants to know whether his son really has such an eye.

Jiang Yao nodded: "that's right. It's the pulse breaking dust that can't be solved. You have a lot of vision. It seems that the pharmacist behind you is really a wonderful person. Even the Tianjie pharmacists of Qingyun temple and Nanyu Baihua academy can't see the poison, let alone detoxify it. I didn't expect that you, a little boy, should be so knowledgeable. It's a great honor for my Jiang family. "

Jiang Fan, who was praised by his ancestors, had no reaction and remained calm: "it's not unexplainable!"

This time it's Jiang Yao's turn to be surprised, and Jiang Tianhai on one side says: "fan'er, don't lie! Think clearly before you answer

Jiang Yao immediately regained his calm and showed his strong control. He said calmly, "you give me a clear idea of what you are saying, give me hope, and let me down again, the consequences will be very serious."

Jiang Fan said with a smile: "but I don't need to boast about it. The difficulty of detoxification is that the poisoned person needs to suffer severe pain when detoxified. The stronger the realm, the greater the suffering. Maybe Qingyun temple and Baihua academy have no way to solve it, but I do. "

Jiang Yao's smile disappeared completely, and he became solemn: "how sure are you?"

"Ten percent!" Jiang Fan still didn't show any weakness. He was very confident that if he couldn't solve the poison, his ancestors would have to wait until they died. For monks, twenty or thirty years was like a snap of the finger.

Seeing Jiang fan like this, Jiang Tianhai shut his mouth in the gang. After Jiang Fan's rise in Longze County, he has created too many miracles. Since he is so confident, as a father, he naturally chooses to believe it. What's more, the other party is the ancestor. If Jiang fan can really help him detoxify his life, it will be of great significance to them.

Jiang Yao is silent, his eyes are always looking up and down at Jiang Fan, his eyes are beating, obviously not calm.

He wanted to ask Jiang Fan again if he was sure, but he was afraid that Jiang Fan's answer would not be the one before. He had almost given up his life. He had been counting down the years and sent out the branch of Longze county. He just wanted his blood to live in peace and not disappear in the huge Jiang mansion.

But a young generation, even directly brought him hope, said is extremely relaxed, let him feel some untrue.

As long as you can detoxify and prolong your life, what is a little pain?

"Jiang Fan, right? I believe you can understand. What do you need me to prepare for you? Just open your mouth. I don't have it. I'll go to Jiang Chao and get it! "

Jiang Fan said: "I want to take three Maicao, one tianyuecao and one jiumaicao. I have the rest here. I'm going to refine the auxiliary pills, and then I'll help you get rid of this broken pulse dust with my Dan way. "Until now, Jiang fan is very calm, as if to say a trivial thing, but every word makes Jiang Yao shocked.

Jiang Tianhai, of course, knew what he should do at this time, so he said directly: "Lao Zu, you talk with fan'er first, and I'll help you prepare these materials."

Jiang Yao nodded: "you go directly to the south hospital medicine room to find, with this token to go."

With that, he threw a token directly at Jiang Tianhai, which represented his identity. Jiang Fan didn't know the state of his ancestors, but since he was the ancestor, he would help if he could.

What's more, the pills he wants to refine reach the second grade of the earth level, which is of great help to his realm. He doesn't need to prepare the materials himself. Why not?

After Jiang Tianhai left, Jiang Fan continued: "is the broken pulse dust contaminated in the ancient battlefield?"

Jiang Yao nodded: "you really know a lot. This broken pulse dust is what I got when I fell into a dangerous place in the ancient battlefield. It didn't have any impact at first, but the longer it was, the greater the impact would have been. Decades ago, it had fallen to the present level. If I hadn't been able to support life with my divine sense, you might not have seen me now. "

Jiang Fan said: "this broken pulse dust really has his peculiarity, but the master level pharmacist can solve it with a little brain movement!"

"That's not true. I've almost traveled all over the continent, but no one can understand it."

Jiang Fan said with a light smile: "it's impossible to detoxify with pills alone. The solution is very simple. You can directly discard the broken meridians, break the power of the broken meridians, and then use pills to connect the meridians. In this way, you can not only remove the broken meridians, but also make your state gradually return to the best state."

Jiang Yao stares big eyes: "can the realm also recover?"

Jiang Fan nodded: "but it will take some time to do it step by step. Otherwise, I haven't exerted my spiritual power for so many years. In the state of my ancestors, I'm likely to hurt my meridians. That's not worth the loss."

Lao Zu looked at Jiang Fan curiously and inquired, "I don't ask much about the outside world these years, but Jiang Chao has praised you in front of me. Can you tell me who is the expert behind you? "

Jiang Fan said: "master, his old man calls himself the king of medicine. He travels all over the world. I don't know where to come from. Don't embarrass the younger generation."

Jiang Yao said with a smile: "you are very interesting. You have a very solid breath. You seem to have a lot of ability in the way of Dan. You should be a great person in the future. Do you plan to take over Jiang Fu?"

Hearing this, Jiang Fan was surprised for the first time. He didn't expect Jiang Yao to ask.

At his level, he would never be joking. Since he opened his mouth, he must have this idea.

He refused decisively.

"I don't have such a plan yet. What's more, I'm used to freedom and don't want to stay in one place. What's more, I'm infected with too many causes and effects. Many people don't like me. I don't want to take Jiang Fu into the water. After all, my parents are here. "

Jiang Yao said with a smile, "do you know how good it is to master Jiang Fu? With the resources of the Jiang family, you can definitely make your future cultivation more smooth. "

Jiang Fan looked at Laozu with a smile, and his eyes were not excited: "what Jiang Fu can give me, I can win it myself. The outside world is very big, and I can improve in adversity. This is my way."

Jiang Yao nodded when he heard Jiang Fan's words, with a look of appreciation in his eyes.

"Sure enough, he's an interesting little guy. I didn't believe him when Jiang Chao told me. I didn't expect that you're not an ordinary person. If it's not for blood, I really think you've already been invaded by another old man. But knowing that you can keep your heart, I believe your future achievements will be amazing. "

They have been chatting, and Jiang Tianhai arrives at yaolu on the other side.

The medicine house in Jiang's mansion is very large. There are all pharmacists employed by the clan. They live here all the year round. Some of them have become disciples of different surnames. There is only one master pharmacist.

It's always very busy here. The common pills in Jiang's mansion all come from here. They have a high position in Jiang's mansion and have formed a pulse. Usually, the disciples of all branches also want to eat them.

Although the branch of Longze county has soared recently, Jiang Tianhai has to face the same.

Even if he's carrying his grandfather's token.

"Help Mr. Jiang Yao get the medicine!"

It was a young pharmacist who entertained Jiang Tianhai. He looked at Jiang Tianhai first, then frowned and asked, "what does Mr. Jiang Yao need?"

Jiang Tianhai didn't say much, so he told Jiang Fan all the elixirs he needed.

When the young pharmacist heard that he wanted so many kinds of high-level elixirs, he was stunned, then frowned and said, "none of them! You go outside and think about it. There should be Wanzhen building. "

Jiang Tianhai said: "you are just a little medicine boy. Will you know if there are these high-quality elixirs in this medicine house? Should you ask the adults first? Or are you putting me off? "

Jiang Tianhai is a little angry. He came here with his ancestor's token. He was so rude.

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