Jiang Fan's words undoubtedly give Ji wusheng hope.

"What else can be cured?"

Jiang Fan nodded: "of course, it's just magic skill. It's no problem to crack it."

Gu Feng asked: "how to crack this magic skill?"

Jiang Fan said: "a set of skills! I have this skill. With Shangqing Xuandan, it is enough to cure. This skill is not difficult to practice. With your Highness's qualification, you can recover within half a year, but you can't be disturbed by outsiders. You'd better shut up! "

Ji wusheng looks at Jiang Fan in doubt: "shut up? Why? "

Jiang Fan was very calm: "because of the defense of the capital, he can't completely resist a Shentai master. I think as long as you start cracking on your side, someone will come and give you a final blow. "

Gu Feng directly tells Ji wusheng of Jiang Fan's previous guess. Ji wusheng naturally knows Wu Tian's reputation.

"You mean he was the one I fought with?"

Jiang Fan shrugged: "I'm not sure if it's him or not. I just know that he knows this magic skill. As for whom he uses it, I don't know. As for that skill, I can pass it on to your highness now, and the master of qingxuandan Valley can refine it. If you believe me or not, it's up to your highness. "

With that, Jiang Fan directly carved a set of skills in a piece of spirit jade. This set of skills is not very strong, but it is specially used to restrain this kind of magic skills.

Ji wusheng frowned at Jiang Fan: "it's so simple?"

Jiang Fan nodded: "of course. However, the elder's closing the door to death involves a lot, but that's not what the younger generation needs to consider. If there is nothing else, I will leave first. "

At this time, Jiang fan is still a little weak. It costs him a lot of spiritual power to treat Jiang Yao. Now he also wants to go back and have a good rest.

Gu Feng sent Jiang Fan away from the palace, then turned back and let Jiang Fan leave first.

Jiang Fan has not gone far, he saw a figure standing on the corner looking at him, this is an acquaintance, the ninth prince.

He obviously got the news that Jiang Fan had entered the palace and had been waiting here for Jiang Fan to come out.

Jiang Fan smiled at him with a little smile and said, "it seems that you have many eyelints in the palace. I just went in for a while, and you'll see."

The ninth prince said with a smile: "brother Jiang is a famous man now. If you miss this time, I don't know when you will have the chance to meet brother Jiang next time."

With that, he made a gesture to invite Jiang Fan to his place.

Jiang Fan didn't refuse, and the ninth Prince helped him a lot, and he was quite straightforward.

When I come to your house, everything is the same as before. The realm of the ninth Prince is much better than before. Obviously, he will spend some time on pharmacists.

They chatted about some things first, and the ninth prince finally got to the point.

He looked at Jiang Fan with a dignified expression: "brother Jiang, you went into the palace with the master of Gufeng valley. You must have gone to see the injury of your father, right? Can you tell me the result? How long can father last? "

Jiang Fan picked eyebrows and looked at each other: "it seems that your Highness's injury is very clear to you, how anxious to succeed?"

The ninth Prince shook his head decisively: "it's far from the right time. At least I'm much worse than my brothers."

Jiang Fan said with a smile: "believe me, don't do anything. Everything is safe and you can keep yourself safe. As long as you keep your heart, you will fall on you sooner or later."

The ninth Prince seems to know nothing, but Jiang Fan's meaning is obvious. Let him do everything as usual, without fighting or robbing, and be content with the status quo. From this, we can guess some clues, and the injury of his father may be solved.

When he wanted to ask Jiang Fan again, he found that Jiang Fan didn't know when to leave quietly, as if he never appeared.

The next day, a news shocked the imperial capital. Ji wusheng closed the gate of death, and her life and death were unpredictable. She no longer asked about political affairs, and the eldest prince acted as the agent of political affairs.

One wave is not even, but the second news is unexpected to everyone.

Jiang Tianwang ordered that Jiang Fan be expelled from Jiang's house and not return to Jiang's house without permission.

It's a little too fast. The most shocking thing is the disciples of Jiang's house. Jiang fan made a lot of trouble when he came back, and it's normal to punish him, but they didn't expect that the punishment was so serious.

This is a mess in Jiang's house.

"Jiang Fan was expelled from Jiang Fu? Are you kidding? Is it because he's making such a fuss? "

"It seems that Jiang fan is still too confident. Now he's playing a big game. Isn't his enemy happier when he's expelled from Jiang's house?"

Jiang Tianhai was sitting in the reception hall with an ugly face. He didn't receive any notice. Now his ancestors can't get in touch with him. Jiang Fan's boy disappeared, and rumors all around.

Huang Zheng didn't expect it to be like this. Although he hoped that Jiang Tianwang could punish Jiang Fan, he didn't want to expel Jiang Fan from Jiang's house. Jiang Fan's fighting power and qualifications are obvious to all. As long as he has been killed nine times, he will become a terrible existence in the future. This is a precious treasure for Jiang Fu. How can we say to abandon it?Some people say that Jiang's government feels the pressure. Jiang Fan has caused too much trouble. Jiang's government just wants to protect itself and has to kick Jiang Fan out of Jiang's government.

But before the disciples of Jiang's house knew everything, the news that Jiang Fankeng was a master of killing gods in the platform finally arrived here. This time, not only Jiang's house, Lihuo Dynasty, but also many big forces around got the news. Jiang Fan undoubtedly became the object of discussion again.

Take a look at the Shenji list. Jiang fan is still not on the top. Many people want to ask the Tianji old man why Jiang fan is not on the list.

This is too terrible for the monks. Among the known masters in the mainland, the Shentai realm has almost reached its peak. Up there is no legend. No one knows the realm of the carefree venerable, but many people guess that his realm should have surpassed the Shentai realm and reached a higher realm.

It's hard to imagine Jiang Fan's feat. It's even harder to imagine what method he used to kill such a master.

When these friars learned that Jiang Fan had been killed for the fifth time, everyone was shocked.

As early as after Jiang Fan broke through Baizhan peak and survived the nine days of thunder, many seniors speculated that Jiang Fan had hit duokan, and now he has gone against the sky to survive, but he can't survive five lives.

Now Jiang fan is not only through the disaster, but also a few masters of killing and hunting, which makes everyone understand that don't deceive the poor.

But I also understand why Jiang's family expelled Jiang Fan and lost a lot in hunting for heaven. Jiang Fan's stay in Jiang's family will bring disaster to Jiang's family, and Jiang's family doesn't want to bear it.

At this time, Jiang Fan and Gu ling'er were traveling around the Lihuo Dynasty.

He reckoned that there was not much time left for the opening of the ancient medicine world, so he didn't have to go now.

As for Li Huo college, Jiang Fan still doesn't plan to go there. Although he wants to go back and have a look, it's an extraordinary time. He'd better not show up.

As far as the east of the mainland, there is endless ocean. There is no sea to see. In this vast ocean, there are other continents. However, in the sea between the two continents, there are several islands. One of them is vast, like a small world. There are a lot of human beings living here, and there is only one force here, which does not belong to any continent. It is called hunting heaven 。

No one knows that the home of the heaven hunting forces is overseas. At this time, the story that their experts were killed by Jiang Fan was passed back here. The heaven hunting high-level was shocked and angry.

"Dead? Even if Jiang Fan's means were against heaven, even if the Taoist priest had been with him, he could not kill the monk in Shentai. What's going on? Can that young man really go against heaven? "

"It's said that Jiang Fan was implicated in the robbery, which attracted all living beings to be robbed by thunder. Jiang Fan successfully passed through, but all those adults fell under the thunder."

The man at the head frowned and said, "all beings are robbed by thunder? How is it possible? Isn't that inevitable

"Although Jiang Fan died, he managed to survive. Now he has extraordinary fighting power. I'm afraid no one of his peers is his opponent. My Lord, what shall we do now? Do you want to continue sending killers? "

"Pai fart. At the beginning, we only got a little deposit, so we took this list. How many experts have fallen before and after? How many of our sky hunting experts are there? Every act and every move you give me, I must watch out for Jiang's every move, no master's grasp, and no one should do anything. Pass me the order.

"Yes, my Lord!"

The man left quickly, leaving several figures in the room.

One of them said, "my Lord, who is going to kill Jiang Fan? Can he really afford it? The loss on our side can no longer be made up for by remuneration. There are only three killers in the Shentai realm. "

"I know! But I've come to this situation. Don't I want to lose face? You all work hard for me to break through as soon as possible. We have no place to raise idle people in the sky! "

The man said, "why don't I go again? Jiang fan can't cross the robbery again this time. I think I can kill him."

The adult shook his head: "don't go to the Lihuo Dynasty. It's hard to deal with Jiang Chao and Xiao He. Wait for things to be quiet, and then try to find a way. I don't believe that Jiang Fan's copper skin and iron bone have no weakness. "


Gu ling'er took the elixir from Jiang Fan, and his face was full of smile: "you are really good at finding the elixir. This guy is so strict that you can find it."

Jiang Fan boasted that he knew the location of all the elixirs. In fact, he could only do it by relying on Dan daopian.

Originally, Jiang Fan planned to let Gu ling'er return to Wanyao Valley, but Gu Feng stayed in the capital city and went to seclusion with Ji wusheng. Granny sun has never heard from her. She doesn't know what trouble she is in.

That Zhu tianxie still stays in Wan Yaogu at this time and sends Gu linger back by himself. Jiang fan is really worried.

Anyway, it's also a trip. It's a good idea to take Gu ling'er with you.

All the way to collect the elixir, Jiang Fan and Gu ling'er keep going in the direction of opening the ancient medicine world.They are not the only ones. The Baihua Academy in Nanyu Prefecture is ready to join the disciples of the Baihua sect to the Lihuo Dynasty and prepare to enter the ancient medicine world for training at the first time.

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