Without hesitation, Jiang Fan walked directly to the thatched cottage, not to mention that it was just a strange fire. Even if he died, he would definitely break through. The inheritance of Chiyu is very important for pharmacists.

The thatched cottage was just a virtual image. He felt the barrier in front of him and walked directly without stopping.

When Jiang Fan passed through the thatched cottage, Gu ling'er found that another virtual image appeared beside the middle-aged man. It was the red feather who had just left, but his eyes were different from those of the flesh and blood.

"He's in?"

The middle-aged Xu Ying nodded. "Master, do you think this boy can bear the test of congenital fire?"

"I don't know, but his ability to control fire surprised me. It didn't look like a young man could work hard. The fire he controls comes from the red plume, but it's much worse than ours. "

Gu ling'er stares at them and asks, "do you design to let Jiang Fan into the hut?"

Red feather's virtual shadow said with a smile: "girl, of course, it's not design. This hut is really a test and can come out at any time. If he is lucky, he may be able to get a lot of benefits in it."

Guling'er had some doubts. It seemed that the red feather was different from the previous one, but she couldn't confirm exactly what was different.

She can only hope that Jiang fan can return safely, this secret place is not easy to see.

On the other side, Jiang Fan felt as if he was in purgatory and was extremely hot.

This is an underground cave. Where is a thatched cottage?

He kept falling down, and the lower he went, the hotter the temperature became. Jiang fan controlled the northern netherworld fire to protect himself. In this case, the effect of the northern netherworld fire was much better than the other two.

However, he felt the heat coming up from below, and was a little surprised, because he found that the innate fire was ownerless.

It didn't occur to him that his heart was racing.

"Is this a test for me? I think it's cheap for me! The quality of this strange fire is the only one I've ever seen in my life. It's even stronger than the wisp of nine heart inflammation I used to have. This red feather looks down on me. I don't know what fire it is. I'll know if I go down. "

He sped up, but the northern netherworld fire kept covering his body, keeping the temperature as low as possible.

The cave is not deep, but it can still emit such a hot smell, which is beyond Jiang Fan's imagination.

The remnant volume of the formula of heaven and earth of creation appears in Jiang Fan's hand. He injects spiritual power into it. The chapter of Dan Dao can suppress the natural materials and treasures, distinguish the abnormal fire in the world, and also assist the suppression.

That day in Baizhan peak, Jiang Fan also relied on shenjue to suppress and subdue zilei Xianyan.

The quality of the abnormal fire below is very high. Jiang fan doesn't dare to ask for it. He should prepare the remnant first, just in case.

Outside the hut, the red feather suddenly changed his face and frowned tightly.

The middle-aged man around him quickly asked, "master, what happened inside? That boy is very smart and won't mess around. "

"He fell down!" The red feather sinks a voice way.

Hearing this, the middle-aged people showed the same look.

"Shifu, in his realm, going down is a dead end. Doesn't he want to live?"

"His breath still exists now. I hope he can walk away in the face of difficulties. Or I can't save him! "

Hear two people's words, Gu Ling son more nervous, anxiously looking at that hut, in the heart secretly way: "Jiang Fan, you can't have an accident!"

Jiang Fan looked down, the flame turned into gold, and the breath of Dan daopian spread down. He used it to identify what kind of strange fire it was.

The hot breath came to his face, as if he felt the power of Dan daopian, and the golden flame was burning more vigorously, which made Jiang Fan extremely afraid.

Dan daopian shakes violently. This feeling is several times stronger than when he met zilei Xianyan that day. Jiang fan is shocked: "this What kind of fire is it? "

Soon after, the message came from Dan daopian, and the name of the strange fire was revealed.

Heng Gu Qi Yan, burn the sky fire.

Jiang fan is trembling and excited. He didn't expect to encounter this strange fire in his lifetime. It's said that it has already disappeared in the long river of history.

What is Heng Gu Qi Yan? It is not only a comparison with the ancient times, but also a congenital fire before the examination among the different fires after the birth of the world. According to the records in the chapter of Dan Dao, henggu Qiyan was formed by the congenial forces of the birth of the world at the same time. At the top of the five elements, there was no single round of fire.

But it's almost impossible to subdue this strange fire.

Even if Chiyu had someone to help him, it was hard for him to surrender to the flame of this realm.

According to the records in the chapter of Dan Tao, this fire is the Golden Dawn of the birth of the world at that time. It absorbs the power of the day and is the root of the extreme Yang, which can be called the hottest flame.

He has the chapter of Dan Dao, which greatly increases the chance of accepting this fire. Jiang fan doesn't know how powerful this fire is, but in any case, even if he dies, Jiang Fan will try to accept it. If he misses this chance, he will regret for life.How could he let go of such an opportunity?

His eyes twinkled, falling, and the northern netherworld fire was rapidly dissipating.

This is the suppression of quality. The quality of the northern netherworld fire is not too low. Unfortunately, it is much weaker in the face of the sky fire.

With the decrease of the northern netherworld fire, the hot breath rises instantly.

Jiang Fan's red plume appears, and the red flame covers his whole body. He tries his best to help the northern netherworld fire resist the scorching sky fire. Purple thunder Xianyan then appeared, Jiang Fan to resist with three different fire, the innermost north of the dark fire suppression temperature, so that Jiang fan can continue to persist.

Looking down again, the sky fire is like a little sun in the deepest part of the cave.

No longer hesitated, he injected his spiritual power into Dan daopian. Anyway, he had to try again.

Today's formula of heaven and earth is not just the beginning. Jiang Fan has got half a volume of lines and cover in Baizhan peak, which has greatly improved the power of formula of heaven and earth. Because of this, the pressure of Dan Dao chapter has also increased.

Jiang fan is based on fire control, and he has studied it for a long time. In those days, his skill of fire control was the best in the world. As long as the recipe of heaven and earth can control the fire, it's only a matter of time before he can use it for himself.

The recipe of heaven and earth turned into a golden awn and flew directly to the bottom. In an instant, it disappeared into the golden fire.

But Jiang Fan was so excited that he could feel the powerful momentum released by the formula of heaven and earth, suppressing the fire of heaven.

Jiang Fan instantly felt the pressure double, and the whole person quickly fell down. According to the guidance of Dan daopian, he found that he needed to fall into the sky fire, sacrifice the fire with his body, and then suppress and assimilate with Dan daopian for his own use.

It's like playing with his life. Even if the fire is suppressed by the formula of heaven and earth, the hot temperature still makes it hard for Jiang Fan to resist. Even if he has three layers of different fire on his body, he is still in pain. He hasn't entered the fire. Can he really hold it when he enters it?

However, there is no time for him to think about it at this time. Dan daopian has released the strongest power and drained most of his spiritual power in the sea of Qi. It must be done in one breath.

He shakes his head and throws away his thoughts. The whole person is highly concentrated. He is instantly drawn by the breath of the formula of heaven and earth, and the whole person is instantly immersed in the fire.

In an instant, the three layers of fire were suppressed almost dissipated, and the hot breath swept the whole body.

Jiang Fan felt tingling, as if to melt in general, that kind of feeling is very terrible, Jiang Fan felt as if he was going to wither in an instant.

Dan daopian runs by itself, frantically hardens Jiang Fan's body, and the breath of life breaks out at this time. Frantically nourishes Jiang Fan's body and keeps his heart intact.

In this way, although Jiang fan is suffering from unspeakable pain, his vitality has reached a delicate balance and has not been completely destroyed.

The seed floating in his chest, burst out a force, directly rushed to the Lingtai, like a sledgehammer, awakened Jiang Fan.

Let his nearly scattered divine consciousness gather together again, this kind of power is obviously reminding Jiang fan that he must concentrate on supporting at this time, otherwise he may die here.

After Jiang Fan wakes up, he condenses his breath and combines Qihai with Dan daopian again.

A pill appeared in my hand, but it turned to ashes in a moment, and could not appear in this temperature.

Jiang Fan had a bitter smile, but he didn't say much. Lingtai was maintained by Lingli, and it was cool.

"It's fire! Then I'll be Dan. I'll see if you can do anything about it. "

He made up his mind that his whole breath would become more low, and he would use fire control to communicate with heaven and earth, and attract a ray of nearby fire to refine his body.

It was almost like suicide. As soon as the flame touched the body, a hole appeared in the body. All the jade like bones were burned black. A deep pain stimulated Jiang Fan's nerves.

However, the breath of nature quickly repaired Jiang Fan's body and constantly resisted the burning of the sky fire.

Outside the thatched cottage, red feather's brow was locked and his face was a little heavy.

"Is the boy crazy? He fell to the bottom of the cave. Didn't he understand that he could climb on the cliff? Originally, I just wanted him to accept the baptism of the magic fire, so that his fire control skills can be sublimated again. How did it become like this? "

The middle-aged man was also surprised: "the bottom? I'm dead! "

"That boy is really powerful. His breath is very weak, but it may dissipate at any time. I hope he can retreat from the difficulties and get out as soon as possible."

Gu ling'er suddenly walked towards the hut. She didn't care so much. Now she just wanted to find Jiang Fan and bring him out.

Unfortunately, when he came to the hut, he was directly resisted by Lingli and couldn't get through.

Chiyu said: "girl, I didn't open the ban, you can't enter. And it's useless for you to go in. You can't bear it at all

Gu ling'er turned his head: "master, please help Jiang Fan!"

Chiyu said with a wry smile: "I originally intended to let him experience, but I didn't expect that he was more persistent than I thought. If he didn't come out, I couldn't help it. In my present state, I can't enter there. Wait, I hope the boy knows how to retreat. "

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