Ji Changfeng has been waiting for a few days.

When he learned that Jiang Fan had returned to Lihuo college, he immediately asked the core disciples of the college to bring him in and directly went to the top of Jiang Fan's mountain to find him. Unfortunately, Jiang Fan was closed, so he had to wait for him here.

"Look at your relaxed expression, should not participate in the infighting?" Jiang Fan said with a smile.

Ji Changfeng nodded: "brother Jiang specially reminded me that day. Of course, I won't participate. But now the situation in the capital is very chaotic. I don't know how to deal with it. Please give me some advice again."

Jiang Fan said: "just wait. What should your father be waiting for? When the time comes, he will certainly appear, and it is not far away from that time."

Ji Changfeng's eyes brighten, thanks Jiang Fan, and then leaves in a hurry.

Gu ling'er looks at his back and asks Jiang Fan in a low voice: "are you helping him?"

Jiang Fan said with a smile: "the nine princes have a good character. They helped me in those years, and they also have the appearance of emperors. The Lihuo Dynasty needs these people to ascend the throne."

"You have a lot of things to worry about. Calculate the time. Xianhu should be coming soon. Do you want to go to the capital to have a look?"

Jiang Fan nodded: "give me the mask. I'll go and meet my mother myself. You can ask grandma sun to pick you up. Remember everything I remind you. After you've stabilized your state, you can go out to visit my mother again. You can meet my mother more for me."

Hearing this, Gu ling'er blushed and nodded gently. She did not forget to remind Jiang Fan: "be careful, I'll wait for you to come back."

Jiang fan puts on the animal skin mask and turns into a handsome fox monk. He says goodbye to Gu ling'er and turns to leave.

Gu ling'er was standing on the top of the mountain. The breeze was blowing, just like a scroll of painting. His temperament was like a fairy, with a little worry on his face, less usual playfulness.

Obviously, Jiang Fan left alone, which made her worried. She had a feeling that Jiang Fan left this time, and she didn't know when to see her again.

Without looking back, Jiang Fan quickly left Li Huo college.

This mask can change the breath and appearance. The assassin in ambush outside didn't notice Jiang Fan. He went all the way to the capital. Before leaving, he wanted to go home to have a look.

When they arrived outside the capital, countless business travelers had gathered here. They were unable to enter the city. They stayed outside the city one after another, waiting for the gate to open.

However, Jiang Fan saw that there was a gate open, but the heavy soldiers were guarding here, not allowing ordinary people to go in and out.

Jiang Fan looked and found that some forces could pass smoothly. They were all big forces in the dynasty. Jiang Fan knew that they were all the targets of the princes, and his arrival at this time must have deep meaning.

Without hesitation, he went straight to the gate.

Several guards directly stopped Jiang Fan: "the city is under martial law, the demon clan is not allowed to enter, please leave!"

Jiang fan is not wordy, directly took out the order of Jiang Fu, handed it to the past: "I am the guest Qing of Jiang Fu, I want to go back to the house."

The guard handed the token to Jiang Fan in both hands: "it's the friar of Jiang Fu, let it go!"

The guards made way for Jiang Fan to pass. It's an extraordinary time. No one in Jiang's house dares to offend him.

Jiang Fan successfully entered the city, just ready to go to Jiang's house, but the rear suddenly came the sound of guards, attracted his attention.

"Wanduzong? You are not the clan of our Lihuo Dynasty. You are not allowed to enter the capital. Our Lihuo Dynasty does not welcome you. Please leave immediately. "

After hearing about wanduzong, Jiang Fan turned directly to the gate and found that it was a team in black. From the breath, it was from wanduzong. The pattern on his clothes was also the mark of wanduzong.

The first man's realm is not weak, and he has changed his life for the fifth time. All the monks he brought are life-threatening monks. These people join hands to break out, and their fighting power is absolutely not weak. In addition to the poison skill, the damage caused is huge.

In the past, how dare wanduzong approach the capital? Even if they are active in China, they only dare to wander around the surrounding areas. Ji wusheng has no tolerance for evil ways.

If they can come here, they must have something to rely on.

Sure enough, the first man took out a token, showed it to Chengwei, and whispered something.

The city guard was also stunned and disgusted, but the token in his hand was finally returned to the monk of the ten thousand poison sect, and said harshly, "you are not allowed to make trouble in the city, or you will be killed."

Although the city guards didn't want to let them go, they couldn't stand the orders. They had to step aside one after another and let the team of wanduzong enter the city, which immediately aroused a lot of public discussion.

Jiang Fan could see all this clearly. The token came from a big force in the city, Guangnan palace.

The king of Guangnan didn't know which prince he supported. Jiang Fan didn't like wanduzong. If it wasn't for the capital, he would even kill some of the monks.

As the group of ten thousand poison monks walked into the street corner, Jiang Fan walked towards the direction of Jiang's house. You can tell Jiang Tianwang about this later.

No matter who colludes with wanduzong in the capital, this time it's doomed. Ji wusheng's injury is likely to come from wanduzong. Jiang Fan left a reminder a year ago. Maybe there's a big secret to open.As you are familiar with the road, Jiang Fan goes directly to Jiang Fu.

The bustling capital is now a bit depressed, and there are few people on the streets.

Outside the gate, two guards see Jiang Fan holding the token of Jiang's family. After careful inspection, they confirm that it belongs to Jiang's house. Then they let people into Jiang's house.

It's not unusual for the demon clan to enter Jiang's house. After all, monks often come here. Jiang's house also makes friends with monks all over the world. There are not many monks with different surnames in the house. Although there are not many demon clans, they absolutely exist.

However, Jiang Fan strides to the branch courtyard of Longze county and walks into it. A disciple asks Jiang Fan what he wants to do. Jiang Fan directly responds that he wants to see his master.

The disciple led Jiang Fan to the reception hall. Jiang Fan was very cooperative and waited in the reception hall. Soon after Jiang Tianhai appeared, he saw Jiang Fan first clasping his fist to say hello, but he was stunned when he saw Jiang Fan's eyes. Then he turned back and asked the disciple to leave.

There were only two people left in the reception hall, Jiang Fan.

Jiang Fan looked at his father with a smile and did not speak.

Jiang Tianhai looked at Jiang Fan: "how did you come back secretly?"

Blood is thicker than water, some things are very wonderful, his appearance changes, breath changes, but his father can still recognize him for the first time, which is really difficult to explain.

"Dad, the ancient medicine world is over. I'm going to travel around. This time it may be longer. I'll come back to say goodbye to my mother."

Jiang Tianhai said with a smile, "your mother will be very happy to know that you are back."

"After dinner in the evening, I have to see Jiang Tianwang. Is my mother OK recently? Can I take the pills I left on time? " Jiang Fan asked.

"Don't worry about that. The servant girl asks her to take those pills on time every day, and the effect is very good. Now she has entered the congenital realm without cultivation. Your boy's pills are really magical. I'll send someone to prepare dinner, and you can go to see the king of heaven."

Then they talked about Jiang's family and Jiang Fan's recent situation. After an hour, Jiang Fan got up and left the reception hall.

It's not difficult to find Jiang Tianwang and Jiang Fan's present state. He feels Jiang Tianwang's breath, and the other party responds immediately.

Soon, King Jiang came down from the sky. Seeing Jiang Fan, he said with great interest: "the skill of changing appearance is really good. It seems that the ancient medicine world is over."

Jiang Fan nodded: "this is my first time to come back. Why didn't Jiang Yueyao and Jiang Shuai go to the ancient medicine world? Maybe I can help them

"They're all out training and never come back. You should have something to do with me? "

Jiang Fan comes straight to the point and tells Jiang Tianwang what he saw and heard when he went to the city. He must have contact with Ji wusheng. Jiang Fan believes that as long as he informs Jiang Tianwang, he informs Ji wusheng.

Jiang Tianwang was a little surprised: "is wanduzong here? Are you sure? Do you know which force is colluding with? "

"The token they are holding is from Guangnan palace, but I don't know if it is collusion between the two sides. But elder Ji wusheng can really endure it. If you bear it again, I'm afraid the capital will be in chaos. Isn't it more trouble then? "

King Jiang Tian said: "Your Highness, he got the news that someone colluded with the evil sect in the city. The friars who fought with him at that time could leave calmly. Obviously, someone took over. Your highness should be waiting for this person to appear."

Jiang Fan said with a smile: "that person won't come. Just catch the person who answers. Wanduzong is fighting with wanhushan now. That guy dares to leave the clan. I promise that wanduzong will be wiped out by the demon clan and can't survive at all. Jinzhuzhou is very chaotic by them. I think wanduzong also wants to take this opportunity to find a way to move into Lihuo Dynasty. "

"Your analysis is really reasonable. I'll see your highness in a moment. Would you like to join me?"

Jiang Fan shook his head decisively: "I don't want to take part in such troublesome things. I'll just be busy with my own business. Jiang Tianwang, I will leave later. Please take care of my parents. "

"Don't worry. Even if I don't care, uncle Jiang Yao will take care of it. After all, it belongs to his branch. After you leave, be careful. The people of lietian are still making up their minds. Don't underestimate their perseverance. The most pitiful thing is that up to now, I don't know who wants to fight, but you don't have to worry about dressing up. "

Jiang Fan said with a smile: "this is the treasure of the demon clan. Its quality is pretty good. Don't worry. There are many people who want to deal with me, and few of them are successful."

That night, Jiang Fan sat at the dinner table. His mother recognized him at a glance, faster than Jiang Tianhai.

All the disciples here are at the top of this branch. Jiang Yao is at the top. Let Jiang Fan take down the disguise and have a good meal.

Goodbye Jiang Fan, he is very happy, without Jiang Fan, he may have become an ordinary person now, slowly waiting to die.

Regaining his power is equal to regaining his life. The power of the world is respected. He was so powerful and gifted in those days that it was better for him to die than to be ordinary.

But now everything is different. He even feels that his realm can be improved, and his physical body is almost back to the peak state, so it's nice to see Jiang Fan again.

The elders of these branches watched Jiang Fan grow up, and watched Jiang Fan change from weak and small to the present state. They witnessed the miracle. They were all their own people, and naturally they would not reveal the news of Jiang Fan's return to Jiang's house.

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